The heroine was created with cards

Chapter 381 Black God’s Conspiracy, Shocking Decision

When the eternal night fell, Su Yun understood the Black God's plan.

A few days after the Black God announced that Su Yun could no longer resurrect the superpowers of the Time Palace, he was attacked during a trip.

The endless night enveloped him, targeting him alone.

"Study the dark secret method to make the corpses of the Desire clan disappear after death."

"The death of the bodies of the Desire clan makes me feel guilty and despair."

"Then, you, the Black God, actually cut yourself off and fell below the god level. With the help of the eternal night of the god's blood river you created, you wanted to make me fall into darkness completely!"

Su Yun sat cross-legged in the eternal darkness, feeling terrified in his heart.

Black god!

How brave he is!

He actually cut himself into a state for the sake of the Dark God Jade.

Above the god level, the god of supernatural powers won't let him take action?

The Black God no longer trusts the young people in Nongyu Tower, but chooses to kill himself in the realm. Since the young man can't do anything to Su Yun, he will fall into this realm himself to kill the God of Time and take back the Dark God Jade!

Su Yun took a breath, this guy is so cruel!

What kind of courage is this? !

An ultimate strong man who is close to the god of supernatural powers is willing to abandon his realm and go to the black gold level to fight him.

The Black God made Su Yun fall into despair with the thought that "Liu Dai'er and others cannot be resurrected", and then activated the darkness of eternal night to confront him head-on at this moment, detonating despair and making him fall into darkness forever.

No wonder, no wonder the mortality rate of the Black God Indifferent Desire clan has increased, because this thing itself will not last long!

What he wants is to make Su Yun fall into despair and endless guilt.

The Black an existence on the same level as the God of Time.

If I have to say it, darkness may not be as good as time.

" could I despair?" Su Yun's heart was like a mirror.

No desire tribe?

Then he can also go to other perfect worlds to obtain [logical composition].

Liu Dai'er is dead, it's okay, he will resurrect him sooner or later, and every Time Temple superpower who died fighting for him will be resurrected by him.

So why is he desperate?

But Su Yun still fell into darkness.

Despair is what the Black God uses to kill and kill Su Yun.

Even without despair, it was possible for the Black God of the Black Gold level to mobilize the power of the eternal night created by him on the battlefield of the Divine Blood River.

Su Yun was trapped in a dark cage, unable to see his fingers, surrounded by only boundless darkness with no end.

But Su Yun immediately smiled.

"Black God, I got a card that can definitely restrain you."

He took out a card.

【Book of Illumination】!

Illuminating the darkness of various meanings, conceptual level!

Su Yun lit up the card, and in an instant, the card in his palm glowed with pure white light.

Stretch, stretch.

Spread, spread.

Suddenly, Su Yun saw the Black God in front of him. His eyes were like pure white crystals, bright and clear.

This is not a spiritual attack, so [Holy Dawn] is useless. Su Yun did not notice the attack, so [Book of Great Dao] had no time to use it, but [Book of Illumination] was completely restrained, breaking through the darkness and seeing the light.

"How is this possible?!" Black God was shocked and angry, and ferocious veins appeared on his forehead, "Time, space, you can still use the power of light?!"

Su Yun looked at the Black God and suddenly showed a sneer: "You are so impatient, your self-destruction realm is not stable, and you actually fell to the 9th level of black gold instead of the 10th level. If that's the case, don't even think about leaving today! "

If Heishen wants to hide it from the alliance, he must first hide it from Nong Yulou, so he must have come alone!

Black gold level 9?

Kill you!

After obtaining the two books of light and darkness, nearly 2 years have passed in the story. Su Yun has already consumed 240 [Super Enlightenment] cards, and the fusion rate of the six women has reached 60%, which means the combat power is 130%.

The combat power of his God of Time is 132%, while that of the Black God of Level 9 Black Gold is 135%. The advantage of the same level is equal to 137%.


The Black God roared his filial piety, and the sound waves shook the sky and the earth. He stood in the human world, and with a slight vibration, the boundless darkness enveloped time and space.


His empty eyes were burning with terrifying black flames, and he stepped towards Su Yun. With a bang, black mist surged wildly, and a black sword was held in his hand, cutting through the void and sweeping across the invincible.


Time rippled, and the sword suddenly became slow. With a bang, Gusu Ling propped up the [Perfect Cube] and blocked the sword.


Luo Xingyue slashed with the flaming divine sword, and then transformed into Ye Xiyan. Finally, it ended with the particle lightsaber of the Qianzhang mecha incarnated by Gusu Yao. The three women attacked together, with murderous intent!


The Black God resisted the combined attacks of the three women, his body swaying, the darkness was infinitely twisted, swallowing up everything. He swung his sword and fell forward, bang, bang, bang three times, destroying the combined attacks of the three women, and he still had the remaining strength to continue slashing.

137% is incredibly powerful. A three-woman attack can probably increase the power to about 135%, but 2% at this stage is too much.

But in the next moment, Black God's sword failed. He suddenly raised his head and saw Song Xian'er, the last of the three women, the [King of Swords], swinging her sword down with murderous intent in the sky.

He was swapped in time and space!

The Black God was shocked and furious, and was severely cut by this sword. Black blood spilled into the sky, and the color of the sky and the earth changed.

He was furious, and the black sword flew upwards, tearing apart time and space, and wanted to attack Song Xian'er, but Gusu Ling, who had transformed without damage, blocked it again with the [Perfect Cube].

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Black God was so shocked that his hands were numb. What kind of defense was this?

"Death!" He resisted the combined attacks of Su Yun and Luo Xingyue, and finally shattered the [Perfect Cube] with a bang of three swords.

"Kill!" Black God yelled. He realized the urgency of the situation and had to kill one first, otherwise he would be defeated.

But a book of great avenues unfolded to withstand his fatal blow!

At the same time, the combination of Su Yun, Gu Su Yao, and Song Xian'er attacked the Black God again.

"How can you fight me?" Su Yun sneered, so what if it's 137%. If he eats him a few more times, his injuries will affect his combat power and he will drop immediately.

The Black God finally realized something was wrong, and he spat out terrifying black mist all over his body, which actually resonated with the eternal night on the battlefield of the God's Blood River.

The next moment, Su Yun and the six women were trapped in a dark cage at the same time.

"I won."

The moment before darkness enveloped him, Su Yun saw the Black God covered in blood. He was only at the ninth level of Black Gold, and using the power of Yongye obviously brought a terrible burden to him!

Especially since he used it on Su Yun not long ago. He used it to disturb Su Yun and use it to escape.

Now, Su Yun took out two cards.

[The Book of Time], a CD recalling the [Book of Illumination].

[Book of Light], break the prison of darkness again!

This is Hei Shen's worst decision. If he chooses to create noise and attract the strong men from the Yu tribe in Nongyu Tower, then he might still have a chance to escape.

But if he chooses eternal night, he will be defeated by the [Book of Illumination]!

And it also caused a terrible backlash to itself.

Time and space exchange!

"No!" Black God yelled and was pinned to the ground by Song Xian'er. He couldn't believe that the God of Time beat him and he has not used the power of light for the second time. He judged it as a one-time consumption of power, so he Only then would such a choice be made.

But the God of Time actually broke his dark cage again!

"it's over!"

The Black God was injured, time and space were reversed, he was trapped in a cocoon, and after the last [Book of Great Dao] took effect, he was completely suppressed by Su Yun!

He couldn't believe that he, who was so high above that only the God of Superpowers could kill him, was going to die in the hands of the God of Time today!

Su Yun took off his space ring and saw a large number of Yu clan corpses.

He smiled and said: "You old guy, it turns out you didn't destroy their corpses, but accumulated them yourself. Why, do you want to completely control me after you catch me?"

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