The Hero Who Troubles the Heroes

Vol 4 Chapter 1770: what is this for

Latest website: What Emmes said to be noticed at the time was what Charles knew very well.

The room fell silent, and Charles sighed, then nodded.

"I should have thought of this long ago." Emmes blamed himself deeply, "If I had thought about it more at the time, it would not have happened."

"I found quite a few books in an abandoned mage tower during one of my adventures, and there were several diaries in it."

"The middle part of the diary mentioned that the owner of the mage tower bought a lot of newly produced paper, and thought that it was much more convenient to write with these papers than parchment paper, so he decided to buy more next time."

"After a few years, the magician felt that the use of paper as currency was a bit novel at that time, and he thought it was quite convenient."

"But after a period of time, the currency in the market has depreciated greatly, and the money that could have bought a cow depreciated to only an egg in a year's time."

"Not long after, a priest friend of the magician came to the magic tower as a guest."

"The priest told the magician that the so-called paper money was actually a conspiracy of the demon queen Catherine and the great traitor Philip. They first made people feel that paper was worth some money, and then tried to replace the noble gold with this kind of thing. "

"It didn't take long for riots to boycott the banknotes and destroy paper mills around the magic tower."

"When I first saw it, I only thought that the people at the time were stupid. Now, looking back, there is one detail that would not have been what it is now if I had noticed it."

After Emmes finished speaking, he took two more cigars.

Charles nodded slowly, then took two puffs, and the room was filled with smoke.

Back then, the destruction of the papermaking workshop seemed simple, but the guiding ideology behind it was not simple.

It can be seen from the few existing intelligence that this is an actual combat operation of "label politics".

The emergence of paper is undoubtedly a progress, it has caused a dimensionality reduction blow to parchment, and provided a foundation for the development of cultural transmission and technology.

But that all changed when an organization took advantage of a social hotspot—hyperinflation caused by the excessive issuance of paper money—to label the paper with a "Demon Conspiracy."

Under the "label politics", whether it is "seeking truth from facts" or "distinguishing the main contradiction from the secondary contradiction" are thrown aside, and people will abandon rational thinking and blindly follow those who want to Emotional remarks for self-interest.

In this context, as long as you have a "label", you can only use the "diode mode" to think in black and white. Even when many people stand in extreme positions, those who are not extreme enough are enemies .

This way of thinking is very anti-intellectual, but the threshold is extremely low. You only need to know whether to support or oppose the "label" in front of you. Therefore, the vast majority of people who have not been educated do not know or care about the benefits of paper, and more I don't know and no matter who the nature and culprit of inflation are, they all blame the paper for the source of rising prices through the increasingly large banknotes.

As a result, ordinary people who have been deprived of education have no correct way of thinking. Second, they are suffering from inflation. Under the emotional provocation, they have joined the ranks of destroying paper workshops until they find that there is no paper to wipe their butts. The tide just started to subside.

Charles studied this matter for a long time, Emmes pondered for a long time after listening to his analysis, and then nodded.

"You're right," Emmes said. "But what about the priest...and the gods behind him?"

Charles took a cigar and then said, "There are several possibilities as far as I know now."

"There was once a planet that developed nuclear weapons, but after they threw biological weapons into the nuclear-contaminated area, the virus mutated, and all intelligent life died out under the virus."

"So they think intelligent life can't be too smart."

"Another possibility, I think, is because the more intelligent beings know, the less they rely on God."

"Damn!" Emmes suddenly crushed the cigar in his hand, "Could it be because of this that my wife and I died?!"

Charles nodded slightly.

"[Angry foul language]!"

Ames threw half of the cigar residue in his hand to the ground, then stood up and smashed it with one foot.

Although he had his own guesses about this situation, it was still difficult to accept after confirming it from others.

But after pacing the room, he sat down on the bed decadently.

There is no way, the enemy **** is too strong, and it is super-dimensional, and he is not an opponent.

"Can I trust you?" Emmes asked Charles suddenly and very seriously.

Charles solemnly replied: "Actually, I am a rebel."

The two stared at each other for a long time, and their eyes were both firm and sincere.

"Actually, I have a plan," said Hermes, taking off his shirt.

The corner of Charles' mouth twitched, this plan should be a serious plan.

Emmes took off his coat and took out a slap-sized piece of gold glittering from his underwear.

"I stole it decades ago." He said earnestly, "I think if I can penetrate the divine power above, I can teach those abominable gods a lesson, even if I can't kill them, I will give them a face. Blood."

He has already given up, and he has no hope in the face of the powerful anti-god. Now even the strength of a straw is precious, so he did not hesitate to turn to Charles for help.

Charles was taken aback for a moment, and immediately took out the golden plate parts obtained from the pirates. The missing part of the plate seemed to be the one in Hermes' hands.

The gold piece in Emmes's hands was originally in the hands of the local Demon King, but the Demon King didn't know what it was used for, so he gave it away.

He snatched the gold piece during a road robbery, and then found that the gold piece with divine power was indestructible, so he used it as a heart guard.

The two were surprised at first.

"What's it for?" Charles asked Emmes, thinking that he should have a clue after studying it for so long.

"I don't know." Emmes shook his head, "I have no idea, I just want to study with you."

Charles said: "Then let's spell it out first."

Emmes nodded, and then the two put the golden plate together.

At the moment when the golden plate was fully assembled, it glowed brilliantly, and the whole room was covered with golden light, stabbing both Charles and Emmes unable to open their eyes.

After the light lasted for half a minute, it dimmed, and the light in the room returned to normal.

But at this time the room was empty, Charles was gone, Emmes was gone, and the golden plate was naturally gone.

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