The Great Enlightenment

Chapter 594 Qingdi

On the top of the stalagmite mountain, the fairy palace in Dongting.

The sun and the moon rotate, and the day and night in the world pass by, almost making the living beings not aware of the passage of time. Before they know it, more than three hundred years have passed.

"This Dongting spiritual ginseng was picked by Tieguai Li himself from the lower world a few days ago. Speaking of which, I planted many spiritual things under the Dongting a thousand years ago. Now that they have grown up, I let him pick them up. .”

He Xiangu walked in holding a jade box, sat on the edge of the wooden couch, and looked at the girl on the couch with a pair of gentle eyes, "Sister Lanyu, you still can't remember, don't worry, put the jade box first." Take this immortal ginseng."

With He Xiangu's support, the girl in the Cangyu dress sat up with great difficulty, opened her mouth lightly, and said in a very soft voice, "It's still just remembering the name, as for the rest, once you get a little Thinking about it will give you a splitting headache."

"No problem, no problem," He Xiangu looked at her pale and beautiful face with pity, "I waited for the Eight Immortals of Shangdong to live in the stalagmite mountain tower, and have always kept aloof from the world. You can rest here with peace of mind. When you remember where you come from, when you make a decision, even if you stay here for a long time, it’s okay.”

"Thank you Xiangu," the girl responded obediently, stretched out her slender and white hand, and took the jade box in He Xiangu's hand, "Since I woke up, Xiangu has been running around collecting medicine for me almost every day. Jade is really a bit..."

"I don't have any important things on weekdays. Speaking of it, it's just by the way." He Xiangu waved her hand, "Plant some spiritual plants with Lan Caihe, refine some treasures with Lu Dongbin, and collect your medicine as you go." Now, Sister Lanyu doesn't need to feel sorry."

After saying this, she stood up from the side of the wooden couch, and said with a smile: "Sister Lanyu, you take this fairy ginseng, and I will come to see you tomorrow."

The girl called "Lanyu" nodded slightly, and said softly, "I see."

Watching He Xiangu go out the door, Lanyu slowly lowered her head, looked at the fairy ginseng in her hand, her expression was full of sadness and bewilderment.

At the beginning, after he burned the source of the true spirit and hooked up the white jade butterfly that was on the verge of being broken, he used his remaining little power of the Yao realm to barely escape from the holy realm of the demon king, fell into the lower realm, and fell into the bottomless Dongting Lake among.

In the hundreds of years since then, he has no consciousness at all, his true spirit is silent, and his soul is full of terrifying cracks.

If it hadn't been for a coincidence that he absorbed some spiritual energy from the stalagmite mountain in the lower reaches of Dongting, the cracks on his soul would have been getting bigger and bigger, and he would have ended up dying in body and spirit.

Even if the cracks on the soul stopped spreading, Ke Lanyu still needed at least ten thousand years of cultivation to barely restore the soul to 80% of its state.

"Xuan Yin..."

Lanyu supported the wooden board with her hands, and lay down on the wooden couch with difficulty, closed her eyes slightly, and in the midst of her thoughts, a broken golden halo emerged from the depths of her shrine.

The state of Xuanyin Xianjun is even more unbearable than hers. He used up 70% of his true spirit source to use his supernatural power to kill Ziyao God!

His soul was destroyed inch by inch, and now there is only this broken golden light left!

What makes Lan Yu most incredible is that Ji Yuenian's spirit has been broken to such an extent, yet it still hasn't completely broken!

The chaotic Buddha body protects the Buddha's soul, and the two are connected with each other, keeping Ji Yuenian's Buddha's soul for life.

She grabbed the fairy ginseng, and a trace of jade-white flames lingered out, burning it into a ball of spiritual liquid in an instant.

Lan Yuyanhong's soft lips parted slightly, and swallowed the spirit liquid into her mouth, but she didn't drink it directly, but wrapped it with "chalcedony pure fire", and sent it into Ji Yuenian's golden soul among.

During this period of time, Lanyu has already noticed that the recovery speed of Ji Yuenian's golden soul is much faster than her own.

Therefore, he sent all the spiritual things brought by He Xiangu into the depths of Ji Yuenian's soul, and he didn't even absorb a single bit.

"Xuan Yin... hurry up and wake up..."

"I always have a bad feeling..."

Lanyu sighed lightly, her pretty face turned paler.

Ever since Lancang Immortal Jade's special heart fire "Chalcedony Pure Fire" was awakened, Lan Yu has always had an extremely ominous premonition.

This is also the reason why she still didn't tell He Xiangu even though she had recovered her memory.

He Xiangu and the rest of the Eight Immortals in Shangdong are too kind-hearted, and Lan Yu doesn't want them to know too much, so as not to bring unpredictable and terrible disasters to the quiet and peaceful stalagmite fairy mountain.

"In more than ten years, when there is one less crack on my soul, I will be able to revive the sleeping Lanyu fairy body. At that time, I must leave Dongting and find another hidden place to recuperate..."

Having made up her mind, Lanyu looked away tiredly, her long black eyelashes fluttering uncontrollably, and she slowly closed her eyes.

"Once the white jade butterfly collapses, Yaochi Ligong will definitely feel it, and I don't know how the Shangsheng Empress is doing now, whether she is anxiously looking for me..."

"A great patrolling god was killed by us, and the holy realm of the demon king will definitely send thunder and fury. I don't know if Xuanyin and I left aura and flaws..."

"After Chalcedony Jinghuo awakened, where did this feeling of getting closer and closer to the crisis come from..."

"Before this, I had never left the holy land of Yaochi, and Xuanyin was seriously injured both in spirit and soul. It should be because no one knows where we are..."

Tossing and turning, countless disturbing thoughts came one after another, making it impossible for Lanyu to rest at ease.

The time of more than three hundred years is not too long. It is enough to barely wake up Lanyu who is on the verge of death. Luo Zhenjing.

Looking south to Buzhou, Chang'an in the Tang Dynasty.

Inside the majestic palace, a girl in a green skirt sat on a throne, quietly staring at the Xuanyin Moon Spirit Beast several feet away.

A magnificent ice-blue halo lingered, and under the shining light, the crystal-clear ice-blue long hair gradually appeared, followed by the girl's slender and flawless jade body.

The azure blue light gathered and wove around the girl's body, and within a short while, it turned into a luxurious palace dress with a moon-white halo.

The flute dance goddess stood up from the throne, staring at the girl in palace costume with long blue hair, a strange green flame filled the depths of her pupils!

Heart-eating is really hot!

"The shackles that the Ten Thousand Immortals Pavilion placed on your spirit and soul have finally broken. Now let me see what kind of relationship exists between your obsession with mine..."

The green flames spread out from her eyes, engulfing the blue-haired girl in no time!

I don't know how long it took, the expression of the flute dance goddess became more and more cold, she ignored the blue-haired girl fainting on the temple bricks, but murmured: "Ji Yuenian, I thought you went to the holy land of Yaochi, never It occurred to me that the breath induction was actually pointing to Dongsheng Shenzhou..."

"With this girl in my hand, I can rely on her connection with the small realm of Naluoshizi to find your location..."

In the deserted and silent hall, only the cold voice of the girl in the green skirt was left.


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