The Great Enlightenment

Chapter 485 Bodhisattva's Mercy!

The little beggar rolled his eyes, didn't even open his eyes, and said weakly: "I came here from Changzhou, all the way I lived on other people's alms for the spirit valley, and I managed to find this ruined temple two days ago. I can’t even fill my stomach, how can I have the heart to see some Buddha statues?”

At this time, the bull-headed monster seemed to be blessed in his heart, the simple and honest expression on his face was gone, and his expression was extremely serious, he said: "Although I have not long cultivated into a demon body, I have also heard that the temples of gods and Buddhas in Jiangling County are very effective, not as good as me If you beg sincerely, if you can't say it, you can get a chance."

The little beggar sneered, narrowed his eyes and said, "Let me ask you, how long has it been since there was incense in this temple?"

The bull-headed monster froze for a moment, looked at the ruined temple again, and said, "It's been a few years, let alone."

"That's it," the little beggar sneezed violently, and closed his eyes again, "If this temple is really effective, no one will pay attention to it. You can't understand such a simple truth, what a fool!" thing."

The bull-headed monster sighed for a long time, stood up straight, walked slowly to the stone platform of the Buddha statue, looked up at the dilapidated Buddha statue, and said: "The rain is so heavy, you and I might as well give it a try, otherwise we won't be able to see it." After three days, this dilapidated temple will completely collapse, and at that time, if the celestial elephant and ghost enter the body, it will still be a terrible end."

His behavior and demeanor were extremely pious, as if he had suddenly changed himself, kneeling down respectfully towards the Buddha statue.

The little beggar was startled by his expression, couldn't help but sat up straight, staring fixedly at the cow-headed monster kneeling on the ground.

After the bull-headed monster meticulously prostrated three times and kowtowed nine times, looked up at the blurred Buddha statue, and said word by word: "The Buddha is merciful, and he hopes to give him a glimmer of life. The old cow will definitely worship day and night from now on, and he will never dare to slack off in the slightest." .”

After a few breaths, the Buddha statue did not change a bit, and a look of despair inevitably appeared on the face of the bull-headed monster.

The little beggar rolled his eyes, as if thinking of something, he said, "Let me ask you, do you know which Buddha this is?"

The bull-headed monster shook his head, his tall body slumped to the ground, and fell powerlessly under the stone platform.

The little beggar stood up, his eyes wandered back and forth in the small ruined temple, and finally stopped on a dilapidated wooden plaque.

He raised his leg and kicked the bull-headed monster hard, and said in his mouth: "Go and turn over that wooden plaque and see what is written on it."

Seeing the little beggar's behavior, the bull-headed monster also thought of the joints, his eyes lightened slightly, and he stood up with all his strength, took three steps at a time, and grabbed the wooden plaque.

The front of the wooden plaque had always been facing the ground, and it had already been covered with dense spider webs. The bull-headed monster stretched out its big hand and rubbed it vigorously, gradually revealing several ancient seals engraved on it.

The little beggar stared at the wooden plaque without blinking, his expression was a little dazed, and he murmured: "Matou Pilu Protector Mingwang Bodhisattva? What kind of Buddha is this? Why have I never heard of it?"

Suddenly, the bull-headed monster's expression changed drastically, and he pointed at the dilapidated Buddha statue on the stone platform, and said in a trembling voice: "Ming Wang Bodhisattva has appeared!"

The little beggar turned his head and saw an incredible scene.

The distorted head that was missing most of the Buddha statue actually exuded a blazing Buddha light. Between the intertwined golden threads, a one-eyed horse head with eyes tightly closed was condensed in a moment!

The golden thread circulated around and never stopped. Instead, it twisted and changed with the outline of the Buddha statue. After an unknown period of time, it finally manifested a terrifying stone statue that was extremely fierce.

The stone statue was red all over, with three faces and eight arms, and each horse face had a giant eye on its forehead. The three single eyes were no longer closed, but opened round, with exposed fangs, and hair and beard. It is red and yellow and stands upright, showing a fearless and angry look.

The three faces of Vairocana Bodhisattva on the horse head represent emptiness, spirit and nature, the eight arms represent the dual luck of wisdom and compassion, the three eyes are wide open, which represents the subjugation of the demons of the three lives, and the exposed fangs represent the deterrence of all evil obstacles that hinder the operation of animals.

There are six realms of reincarnation in the Netherworld Fengdu, and each reincarnation is guarded by a Dharma Protector King Ming, who is worshiped by all living beings in the world.

The horse head Vairocana Bodhisattva is the hell king who protects the animal way.

There are many sects of Buddhist origin religions, and there are many Bodhisattvas and true Buddhas. Most of these Bodhisattvas' ashrams are not in the holy mountain of Sumeru, but scattered in the Three Realms.

After the last immeasurable calamity, the nominal co-lord of heaven and earth was the Thirty-Three Heavenly Court, but the Thirty-Three Heavenly Court after the catastrophe did not have the ability to put pressure on the Buddhist Yuanjiao.

This has also led to many bodhisattvas competing for merit and luck, and the strife between them has become more and more serious. If the creatures in their respective dojos are a little careless, extremely tragic conflicts will erupt.

The nether world and the reincarnation of the six realms are all under the control of Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva. Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva once said, "The hell is not empty, and the true Buddha cannot be realized." This Bodhisattva can compete with the immeasurable Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva Supremely powerful, and the horse-headed Vairocana Bodhisattva who protects the animal way is exactly one of the hell kings under him.

Although they belong to the same source of Buddhism, the lineage of the Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva never went to Nanzhanbuzhou and Xiniuhezhou to preach. Now there is a Buddha statue of Matou Pilu Mingwang Bodhisattva in the Eastern Tang Dynasty. It's unbelievable.

Although Matou Pilu Mingwang Bodhisattva has the honorary title of "Bodhisattva", he has no real "Bodhisattva" cultivation base at all. He raised his title by half a rank and called it "Matou Pilu Mingwang Bodhisattva".

Under the reflection of the Buddha's light, the space under the stone platform was distorted, and more than ten plates of spirit fruit wine and delicacies appeared one after another.

The seductive fragrance of fairy fruit spirit wine permeated the whole temple in an instant. The bull-headed monster knelt down on the ground, salivating uncontrollably from his mouth, but he still bowed a few times to the dilapidated Buddha statue that had been restored to its original state. Just grabbed a plate of delicacies and started eating.

The little beggar came back to his senses, looked up at the incomparably weird Buddha statue, sniffed the scent of sweet wine in his mouth and nose, grabbed a jug of fine wine and poured it into his mouth.

He drank so fast that he was choked by the spirit wine. The little beggar coughed a few times until his nose and tears flowed down. In Jiangling County, even a thousand immortal stones can’t be bought! I really never thought that I would be saved by a god and Buddha who I usually think are useless!”

After drinking the pot of spiritual wine, the little beggar put the pot aside, stood up with all his strength, walked to the stone platform of the Buddha statue very respectfully, knelt down devoutly, bowed his head and said : "The Bodhisattva is merciful! The Buddha is merciful!"

Seeing this, the bull-headed monster who was eating and drinking at the side also stopped eating, and then knelt down together and bowed their heads in worship: "Bodhisattva is merciful!"

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