The Godfather of Surgery

Chapter 38 Old Man Zhang's Order

Iceberry ice cream! The second uncle brought it up in person with his stomach stretched out.

"Wow! Why do you guys still have this brand? It doesn't even exist in G city." Su Yixuan clapped her hands in surprise.

The second uncle said, "You have to ask him about it."

"Me?" What can Yang Ping say.

"Thank you!" Su Yixuan took the ice cream.

Yang Ping touched the back of his neck, stammered, and blushed: "I—."

Su Yixuan said thank you in a low voice and her face was blushing. This wood, who can only do surgery, actually knew that she liked Iceberry.

Manager Huang, the headhunter, Yang Ping thought of him for the first time, he must be behind the operation, this person is really a bit strange, it can be said that he is different, knowing that he can't go to that hand surgery hospital, he Still not giving up, what is the reason behind the saddle and the horse.

Yang Ping saw Su Yixuan sitting and eating ice cream, and immediately followed up with the second uncle: "Second uncle, what's going on?"

"Young man, didn't you ask someone to bring ice cream to me? You also told me that every time you come to dinner with this little girl, you will bring two of them. Oh, don't pretend, I won't say anything. Slow down. Use, I still have something to do." The second uncle waved his hand, the voice in front of him was very low, and the last sentence was deliberately raised a few degrees.

After finishing the meal, it was already past ten o'clock, but the number of customers in the store had not decreased, and the supper had just begun. After Yang Ping sent Su Yixuan back to the hospital dormitory. Blow the air on the flyover by yourself, and then go back to your house.

Reminds me of this week's teaching surgery - the terrible triad of the elbow and a fracture of the lower end of the humerus. Yang Ping entered the system space and turned around on the light screen to see if there was such a single training package.

In the intensive surgical training, I found these two items, with a minimum purchase of 500 cases, each requiring 4,000 points.

Calculating the points, I just got 6,000 points, and I still have 14,000 points on hand.

These two items cost 8,000 points, which is really too expensive.

Look at other fracture surgery training packages. According to the calculation of 500 cases, 2,000 points for humerus fractures, 2,000 points for ulna and radius fractures, 3,000 points for femur fractures, and 3,000 points for tibia and fibula fractures.

These training packages, such as those for humerus fractures, also include those for fractures of the lower end of the humerus, and those for fractures of the ulna and radius include those for the terrifying triad, so the purchase is very cost-effective, and there may not be so many for a single disease.

After thinking about it again and again, Yang Ping bought the fractured humerus and ulna and radius. In this way, there are 10,000 points left on hand, and in case of emergency, there is more room for manoeuvre.

Anyway, without consuming real time, Yang Ping completed the training in the system space with the surgical training package he just purchased.

After the shift in the morning, Yang Ping took Xiao Wu to the wards and went to the trauma ICU to see that the liver and spleen had ruptured yesterday. The patient had been intubated and woke up, but his face was still pale.

When the ICU doctor saw that Yang Ping was coming to the ward, he immediately followed him and reported:

"The hemoglobin of blood drawn in the morning was 70g/L. After a large amount of blood transfusion, the heart rate was slightly faster, 105 beats/min, and the blood pressure had entered the normal range of 98/64mmHg."

This data is already normal, and after a little blood transfusion, the hemoglobin can be corrected slowly.

"The blood bank said that blood is relatively tight now. Now that it is over 70, it is a little difficult to get blood." The ICU doctor explained.

Yang Ping said: "Without blood transfusion, the problem is not too big. In the later stage, nutrition is strengthened to prevent infection, and hemoglobin will slowly recover, and it will enter a virtuous circle."

The patient recognized Yang Ping and wanted to stand up. The ICU doctor suppressed him: "You can't get up yet."

"Doctor, thank you for saving my life." He stretched out his hand, and Yang Ping took his hand and said, "It should be."

In fact, the doctor is very simple, and the greatest sense of accomplishment is to save the patient's life.

"It shouldn't be a big problem." The ICU doctor also knows that Yang Ping is now the backbone of the orthopaedic department, one of the generals under Director Han. He was very polite to Yang Ping, obviously not treating him like an ordinary attending physician. It is much more polite to talk to an ordinary attending physician.

After going to the ICU to check the room, he received a call from Director Han, and Professor Zhang Zongshun asked Yang Ping to go to the outpatient clinic to find Yang Ping for something.

Professor Zhang Zongshun, the young doctor saw the detour. He has a quirky temper and is very demanding. If you see that your white coat is not buttoned properly, he will train you for half an hour.

Yang Ping shivered and checked the white coat. There was a button that was not buttoned, so he immediately made up for it. Check it again before you dare to go to the outpatient clinic.

Professor Zhang is a well-known professor of orthopedics in the country. The outpatient clinic is an inner and outer room, an outer living room, a place for the patient's family to rest, and a sofa, coffee table, and water dispenser.

Inside is the consultation room. The consultation room is very large. There is a consultation bed against the wall, and the curtain is drawn. Two desks are put together, two computers are back to back, the screen is connected and shared, and a young graduate student is his assistant.

Yang Ping knocked on the door, went in gently, said hello to the graduate student, and found a place to stand out of the way.

Mr. Zhang was seeing a doctor, and one of the legs of his reading glasses was broken, and it was still wrapped in tape.

The patient is lying on the clinic bed, wearing a blue overalls, wrinkled. While examining the patient's elbow, Mr. Zhang said, "Well, it's only 4,000 yuan, and the budget is a bit tight. I'll give you the total."

The patient immediately said: "Professor Zhang, I was working on the construction site, but the boss ran away, and I didn't get the salary for a year. The money was collected by the workers and went to several hospitals. They said that four thousand yuan even bought nails. If the money is not enough, the steel plate and nails cost more than 20,000 yuan.”

"Yeah, a set of steel plates and screws costs more than 20,000 yuan. It's hard to find cheap ones that are more than 10,000 yuan. Let me take a look. Don't worry." After Zhang Lao finished the physical examination, he sat back to his leather boss. Chair, look left and right on the reading light.

The lower end of the right humerus was fractured, intra-articular fracture, and the fracture was severely crushed. Zhang Lao watched it for a few minutes and said, "Comrade worker, don't worry, you have four thousand yuan to eat, and it is estimated that you can spend it on medical treatment. It can only be compressed to three thousand, and I will give you a plan."

The patient was lifted up by the co-workers, and the graduate student helped to fix the plaster cast back, wrapped it with bandages, and hung it over his chest.

"Professor, thank you, I went to several hospitals, people just glanced at the film and said, go to another hospital, four thousand yuan is impossible, and then ignore me, I just couldn't hang up with you No, I just wanted to ask a few questions at the door, I thought I would be blasted out, but I didn't expect that you not only didn't blast me, but also treated me for free, I'm sorry just now, I'm going to make up the registration fee now." The patient said, outflowing tears.

"Special circumstances, special treatment, no need to make up the registration fee, just think I will add a free number for you."

Seeing Yang Ping coming, Professor Zhang beckoned: "Come here and see!"

Yang Ping went over immediately, accompanied by a smiling face, Zhang Lao said: "This patient has only 3,000 yuan on his body, and he will be disabled after he dies. In this way, I will take him to the hospital, you will give him the main surgery, no steel plate, only Kirschner wire. The wire is done, you plan the operation well. I think you used a few Kirschner wires well in the last clavicle surgery. After hospitalization, you should complete the preoperative examination, check the three major routines, biochemistry, liver and kidney function, and infectious diseases. Electrocardiogram and chest X-ray, arrange surgery quickly and shorten hospital stay.”

Zhang Lao thought a little: "No matter how you plan, you are still a little nervous about the cost, Xiao Yang, I will say hello to the operating room later and take care of this patient's expenses." Zhang Lao added.

For fracture surgery, consumables such as steel plates are very expensive, often exceeding 10,000 yuan.

Kirschner wire is a kind of thin steel needle. The steel needle wire is cheap, as cheap as a few dollars and tens of dollars, and it is only one or two hundred dollars more expensive, which is about free of materials. However, the steel needle wire can only do simple fractures, such as the fracture of hands and feet, and it cannot be done for a little more complicated.

This kind of surgery is done with Kirschner wire, which was OK decades ago, it doesn't matter if it functions or not. In today's era, the functional requirements are high. How can this kind of fracture be fixed firmly with Kirschner's wire? If the fixation is not strong, early exercise cannot be performed. The lower end of the elbow joint is crushed and fractured, which is very delicate. If you don't exercise early, the joint will be stiff in three weeks. , this is giving Yang Ping a problem.

Not allowing Yang Ping to discuss, Zhang Lao helped his glasses and instructed the graduate student to issue a hospitalization notice: "For hospitalization, cut a queue and arrange the surgery earlier."

"On this matter, you can go and do your work." Zhang Lao said.

"No, Mr. Zhang?" Yang Ping wanted to explain a few words.

Zhang Lao waved his hand: "Use more brains, you don't have to do the two surgeries I picked last time, use this surgery instead of them for review surgeries."

Bad old man, very bad!

Yang Ping stood in the consultation room and refused to leave, wanting to wait for the old man to have free time before discussing it. Zhang Lao was very busy, and instructed the patient in detail how to be hospitalized, how to go, where to eat cheaply, how to keep the money bag tight, and be careful of thieves. Just look at the next one with confidence. Ignore Yang Ping at all.

A patient with chronic osteomyelitis of the tibia was wheelchair-driven by a young fashionable girl, and has been treated in many hospitals, and has been operated on six times.

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