The Evil God of Hogwarts

Chapter 351 Human Heart

Wurm considers himself not a good actor, but he has a mouth that can talk nonsense. He doesn't think there's much difference between the two.

Florence was just a spectator for the Knights. He had been working in this area for a long time. When Wurm came to Liverpool, he was already watching the scene here.

The store's owner was sent to jail after a purge three years ago. But Florence survived. Naturally, he inherited the nightclub and became a manager from a spectator.

And this lasted three years. It's an easy job - compared to watching the show, at least you don't have to deal with drunks, gamblers and troublemakers. You only need to settle the previous day's accounts, take out most of it and hand it over, and then calculate your profits. From time to time, just go to have internal meetings, deal with provocations from rival gangs, and deal with annoying police officers.

Even for Florence, the job was easier because he didn't have to do the math himself. The Knights Gang has a specially cooperated accounting company, and they will send people to help with liquidation every month.

All he has to do is hand over a clear account book to the short, fat man with bald hair and glasses. Even if the accounts are unclear, it doesn't matter. The accountant is here to help - sort out the accounts. Head.

Therefore, he is more of a messenger here, conveying some demands to the superiors and conveying some orders to the subordinates, just like the screws used for connection.

Long years of getting along with each other made Wurm know that Florence was not a person who was content with the status quo. He was once full of energy, strong body, and powerful fists. They once had a fight, but it was just drunk, and no one knew what happened afterwards.

A tough guy was assigned to be the manager of an unpopular nightclub, counting steel pens early in the morning. Most people might think this was a lucky thing, but for Florence, this was not a good thing.

"If this is true, Firth, think about it. He'd at least have to let you run a whole street instead of a crappy nightclub."

"I'm doing pretty well here."

"Ha, this is the stupidest joke I've ever heard today." Wurm shook his head and said, "This place is so bad that only the dock workers will come here, and the girls here are too old to be ridiculous."

"Then I'm curious, why are you still here?" Florence said a meaningless joke.

"Send someone to see it, man, send someone to see it. You'll see I didn't have to go to all that trouble to deceive you."

"This is not good. The methods used by the police are much dirtier than ours."

"Oh, what the hell. Do you suspect that we are from the police? If that's the case, why should I come to you? Wouldn't it be better to go to Vera? She is now the popular person next to the Black Knight, and my relationship with her is still not bad."

"Maybe you want to find a less risky person to start with."

"Come on? Help the police arrest you? What a joke, have you done anything shameful? I've already told you, this place is so bad that only dock workers will come here, look at the smoke on the ground, and then smell it, you know Do I smell something, Firth?"


"Nothing. This place is as clean as a nun's crotch. If I really want to dig up some information, why don't I go find Vera?"

Florence's face was obviously angry. He impatiently took out a cigarette and lit it: "Don't fucking mention Vera again. Even if you go to her place, you know the Black Knight is very good." Few outsiders.”

"Of course I know." Worm also took out his cigarette, "But as long as someone builds a bridge. Hey, man, I'm giving you this opportunity. If you don't want to do it, I'll leave right away. You You know, I will eventually find someone, right?”

"Are you referring to that bitch Vera?" Florence looked disdainful. "Then you must have forgotten one thing. The Black Knight is now on the police's wanted list. And you are a person who just came out of the police station. Guy."

"I know, I know. But we don't go to his hiding place and ask him to designate a place. You just take us there. We don't need to meet, and we can even use a walkie-talkie. Isn't he still worried about this?

"Police? For God's sake, when did he become so cautious? Not when he hung a policeman on the flagpole. The policemen trembled at the sound of his name."

"Shut up, Worm, you talk too much." Florence reminded dissatisfiedly, and then motioned to the two cleaning ladies, who wisely withdrew.

Worm looked proud and said with a smile: "I have met him before, you should know, when he was a little gangster riding a motorcycle."

"Yes, I know. You've been in Liverpool for a long time, Worm. That's why I haven't asked anyone to ask you out yet."

After the female workers left, several more people came in from the back door of the nightclub. These people are members of the Knights Gang at first glance. They all have tire tattoos on their arms.

Florence called one of them over and whispered in his ear for a while. The man nodded and quickly walked out with the others.

Worm understood that Florence believed them in the end. He had always been an ambitious person, especially when he was not as good as a woman, a man's dignity would often prevail psychologically.

Sometimes things are just that simple, it doesn't matter how much profit there is, it's just a matter of respect.

Worm asked Ellie to sit aside, while he continued to chat with Florence about something. It will take some time to prove their words are correct, but it won't be long. That underground casino does exist. The news came from the police. Harris and his team have been targeting big players for a long time.

The latter is not a shrewd person. As Worm said before, he is just a gambler with some luck and no brains. And luck, luck will always run out one day.

It was only a matter of time before the police caught the big players, but they didn't want to do that for the simple reason that they wanted to catch Lucy. It’s time to clean up the mess left three years ago, although this move will definitely cause an uproar from the top.

But the new police chief was born in the army, and he is also an authentic Northern Irishman. His fearlessness of power is reflected very well in him, not to mention that he also has many friends in the political circles of Northern Ireland.

The whole thing will encounter some obstacles, it should be said that it will encounter big obstacles. The new director may compromise briefly, but the result will not change, it is just a matter of time spent.

So when he heard about the plan again, Harris happily shared their findings, of course only with Ellie.

Worm doesn't know this, and he doesn't need to know. His task is just to find a way to persuade Florence. When he sees the Black Knight, Ellie will deal with it.

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