The Era of Zhoutian Star Lord

Chapter 51 Ranking (please support)


"Hang on! Don't mess up!"

‘Chi Fourteen’ led the half-dragon family members, holding up rune shields to form a shield wall, shouting loudly, and resisting the impact of the demon snake in front.

Liang Ji and Peng Yue's family team searched for and killed demonic snakes, and finally encountered a serious problem.

This is a black iron demon snake that is more than thirty feet tall. It is divided into levels according to the body shape of the demon clan in the Star Alliance. It is only a mid-first-order void demon clan. Its body is far smaller than the forty-foot-sized piebald they hunted before. Demonic snake.

However, the combat power and difficulty of this thirty-foot-long black iron demonic snake far exceed that of the forty-foot-long spotted demonic snake.

In particular, the Black Iron Demonic Snake itself is known for its defense. Under three rounds of arrows fired by one hundred thousand Ice Soul Snakemen, not only could it not be killed, but it could not even be seriously injured.

The black iron demonic snake rushed towards the two people's team under the rain of arrows.

The half-dragon team also fired two rounds of 'flying snake spears', but failed to seriously damage it. They could only support the shield wall with all their strength to resist the impact of the black iron snake.

Even though the Black Iron Demonic Snake is famous for its defense rather than its strength, its body of more than thirty feet is already very powerful even if it is only affected by its own weight, not to mention the violent impact of the attack.

With the unparalleled power of Liang Ji's half-dragon family hegemony, the shield and iron wall built up were knocked down by one or more than a dozen half-dragon family members at the moment they collided, and some were even directly crushed to death. dead.

During this second model assessment, Liang Ji's half-dragon family members began to suffer casualties for the first time!

At the critical moment, the warrior leader Chi XIV led his men to block the attack in time, preventing the 30-foot-long black iron snake from breaking through the defense area of ​​the half-dragon shield wall and threatening Peng Yue's Ice Soul Snake team behind them.

After the collision, the force of the initial impact was lost, and the injuries on its body exploded. The black iron demonic snake was surrounded by the iron wall of the half-dragon shield, and its power of collision and struggle began to decline rapidly.

This so-called, one vigorous effort, then decline, three times it will be exhausted.

Since the black iron demon snake failed to break through the defense of the iron wall of the half-dragon clan's shield in one go, and instead fell into the iron wall, the consequences were doomed.

Encircled by an iron wall of shields, shot by rune arrows, projected by flying snake spears, and even chopped by battle axes, Liang Ji's team quickly defeated this thirty-foot-long black The iron demon snake beheaded.

Afterwards, statistics on the battlefield showed that in this battle to hunt down the black iron demon snake, six of Liang Ji's half-dragon family members died and more than ten were injured. Fortunately, now that there are pills, these injuries can be recovered quickly, otherwise There will only be more deaths.

The materials from the black iron demonic snake were quickly collected by the dependents, and some scraps of demonic materials were obtained. Unfortunately, no demonic elixir was harvested.

Otherwise, the price of a first-order Black Iron Demonic Snake elixir on the market is far higher than that of an ordinary first-order spotted snake elixir. At the very least, one can earn an extra two thousand low-grade spiritual stones.

The team of the two took a short rest before continuing to search for and kill the demon clan.

And they seemed to have entered the core area of ​​this assessment. They encountered more and more void demon snakes, and they became stronger and stronger. Various special demon snakes kept appearing.

There are black iron demon snakes, earth vein demon snakes, crystal demon snakes, etc. that are good at defense, and red-trained demon snakes, giant python demon snakes, ice soul demon snakes, shadow demon snakes, and opportunity demon snakes that are good at various attacks.

As for the ordinary spotted demon snakes, they were more numerous and larger in size. Their team even encountered several spotted demon snakes that reached fifty feet in size. This was the limit of the first-order void demon clan. It's almost possible to advance to the second level.

Moreover, upon entering the core area of ​​the assessment, some demonic void snakes even began to appear entangled together, forming a nest as soon as they were discovered.

Even though Liang Ji and Peng Yue's family members are strong in combat, one is good at shooting and the other is good at defense. After entering the core demon hunting area, the fighting and fighting become difficult. Void demon snakes often break through the rain of arrows and kill them, impacting Go to the iron shield wall of the Half-Dragon Familia.

The human shield effect of the half-dragon family began to play an increasingly important role, and at the same time the casualties became more and more serious.

Correspondingly, they hunted more and more Void Demonic Snakes, and their record points were getting higher and higher.

In this second model assessment, different types and strengths of void demon snakes in the assessment stars have corresponding points. The ordinary piebald demon snake has the lowest points. Basically, the score is based on body shape. A ten-foot-sized demon snake has ten points. , twenty points for twenty feet... The spotted demon snake that is fifty feet tall has fifty points. The other special demon snakes have points that increase by five to ten points depending on how difficult they are to deal with.

The student family members participating in the assessment will accumulate corresponding points for hunting and killing demonic snakes in this assessment star.

On the official website of the Xiushe City Education Bureau, there is a special section about this second-model assessment, which actually updates the performance score rankings of the students' dependents who participated in the assessment.

Be open, transparent and fair.

Students such as Liang Ji and Peng Yue who participated in the assessment can also check their rankings at any time.

Currently in the record standings, Zhang Liangpu from No. 5 Middle School ranks first, Yunlai from No. 7 Middle School ranks second, and Peng Yue ranks third.

As for Liang Ji's ranking, because he was helping Peng Yue's family to gain record points, he gained very little, but now he is ranked outside the 50th place.

The second model assessment has been carried out so far. Basically, most of the student dependents have been eliminated and the assessment has ended. There are even less than a hundred student dependents on the stars who are still undergoing assessment.

Moreover, the remaining student families basically no longer fight alone. Most of them gather around the top ten Star Master students in the current standings to help them win records and rankings.

Peng Yue will make a deal with Liang Ji, and the two families will join forces to help her win the points ranking; the other top Star Master students will naturally recruit the family members of their classmates to help. Anyway, they also have no shortage of spiritual stones and resources.

Liang Ji and Peng Yue's family team had seen scenes of other Star Lord students gathering together to surround and kill the Void Demonic Snake several times before.

Zhang Liangpu and Yunlai, who are still ahead of Peng Yue in the standings, are from famous Star Lord families in Snake Xiu City. During the trial and assessment, they had gathered a group of Star Lord students around them, and now they can naturally Recruit more and stronger star master students and family members to help.

At this time, Peng Yue checked the points ranking and frowned slightly.

Although she is currently ranked third, the points gap between the top five in the standings is limited, and she may be surpassed by the fourth place below at any time.

Moreover, this time in the second model assessment, her goal is first place, not third place!

During the assessment of the stars, above the Ice Soul Snake people's team, Peng Yue's figure manifested by starlight couldn't help but look up into the distance. This time he was assessing the deepest part of the star monster clan.

"Classmate Liang Ji, we think we need to go deeper!"

It’s been a bit weak lately! It’s almost falling out of the top ten of the Xianxia new book list!

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