The counterattack system is only available in the Mahayana period

Chapter 14 The Jiang family has merit, but the merit is not worth it.

"So you are the ancestor of Jiang Li. It is unworthy for future generations to pay homage to ancestor Jiang Li." Chief Jiang was shocked by Jiang Li's appearance. He blushed when he recalled that he went to Yuan Wuxing's house to give a lecture on "the power of faith". He was embarrassed, but he responded quickly, threw away his shame, and bowed down.

Jiang Li smiled and said nothing.

"My ancestor often recalled the childhood he spent with you, saying that it was the happiest moment in his life. He also said that you were kind-hearted and would give money to help poor people when you saw them."

"My ancestor said that he was young and frivolous, did not know right from wrong, and made trouble for you. Now every time he thinks about it, he feels extremely ashamed. He wanted to say sorry in front of you, but his talent was limited, and he was afraid that he would not live to see you again. When you were here, you regarded the world as a public one and never entered your house. It was really difficult to meet you!"

"Troubled by inner demons, my ancestor accidentally fell into the devil's path and used opportunistic methods to extend his life!"

Clan Chief Jiang burst into tears and spoke sincerely. Looking at his posture, he wanted to take out his heart and lungs to show Jiang Li. The onlookers were also affected by Clan Chief Jiang's tone and felt that Jiang Yixing's practice of magic was justifiable. It's not that we can't understand and forgive. Since ancient times, it has been difficult to balance public and private affairs. Jiang Renhuang took the common people as his own responsibility and paid less attention to his family. This is inevitable.

It's a pity that Jiang Yixing didn't even have a chance to say "I'm sorry".

Yuan Wuxing looked strange and felt that this scene seemed familiar.

"Our Jiang family is not only the descendant of Jiang Yixing's ancestor, but also your descendant. We have elders who are emperors. We, the younger generation, dare not take your name. Except for our ancestors who fell into the devil's path, we have never done anything else. Even though we have done things that are harmful to nature, our Jiang family has also worked hard to make friends and make money, use popularity and financial resources to pave the way and build the city, and build Qingcheng into a great city. This is obvious to all the people of Qingcheng!"

The people in Qingcheng nodded secretly. They had heard from the older generation that Qingcheng's scale was inseparable from the efforts of the Jiang family.

Although the former Qingcheng was called a city, it was just barely adjacent to the city. Most people didn't recognize it. After all, how could there be a city without even a single Golden Elixir monk?

At that time, people from other places quarreled with Qingcheng people and often called Qingcheng people as rural people who lacked education.

And now Qingcheng is one of the largest cities in the entire Tianqing Mansion. When Qingcheng people walk outside with their heads held high, anyone who sees them will say, "Qingcheng people are awesome."

"We regard ourselves as a member of the Renhuang Palace, and we always hold ourselves to the standards of the Renhuang Palace. We only ask Renhuang Palace and you to admit that our Jiang family has not embarrassed the Renhuang Palace!"

"Ancestor Jiang Li, unworthy descendants would like to ask on behalf of the Jiang family, can we join the Human Emperor's Palace?"

Chief Jiang raised his head and looked up at Jiang Li, his eyes full of longing. Everyone around him was secretly trying hard, wishing he could take Jiang Li's place and say "Yes".

Jiang Li nodded lightly and said, "That's a nice thought."

"A total of seventy-two sages of the Human Emperor are displayed in the Human Emperor's Palace. None of them has placed their family power in the Human Emperor's Palace, let alone allowed a family to join the Human Emperor's Palace. How can I, Jiang Li, have the power to allow the Jiang family to join the Human Emperor's Palace? temple?"

"You are the strongest Human Emperor. No one will say anything if you set a precedent." Chief Jiang said quickly.

The people around him nodded secretly. Indeed, as the strongest man in Kyushu, Jiang Renhuang did not act arrogantly and recklessly. Rather, he was a little too calm. Not to mention the tribulation period, even a monk in the Nascent Soul stage was better than Jiang Renhuang. There are many people who are arrogant, and they violate laws and customs if they are violated, such as snatching away the bride at the wedding, robbing wildly after the auction, and saying that this is the privilege of the strong.

If Jiang Renhuang wanted to bring the Jiang family into the Renhuang Palace, people would probably just laugh it off and not object.

Someone in the crowd shouted: "Huang Renhuang, aren't all the Jiang family bad people?"

As soon as this statement came out, people started shouting "Jiang family joins the Human Emperor Palace", especially the people from Qingcheng, who shouted the most fiercely.

Those parents who had lost their children objected, but their voices seemed too small at this moment.

Some parents angrily asked the people around them: "The Jiang family devours children to practice magic. How can such a family be qualified to enter the Palace of the Human Emperor?"

The person who was questioned disdainfully replied: "Not to mention that Jiang Yixing, the ancestor of the Jiang family, values ​​​​love and righteousness. He was just temporarily blinded. Let's talk about what the Jiang family has done in the past three hundred years. Qingcheng's expansion, the people The peaceful residence has a strong cultural atmosphere, and there are many more spiritual ideas than other places, and it has brought countless blessings to the monks. Isn't such merit enough to make up for the sin of practicing the devil's way? Don't you have a collective concept!"

The parents were speechless and didn't know how to respond.

Such conversations happened in many places, and Jiang Li heard all of them without exception.

Jiang Li floated to a height of ten feet above the ground, and Luck shouted so that everyone present could hear him.

Jiang Li smiled and said, "I heard everything you said. It's very good. It's very well said, especially the sentence 'Isn't this kind of merit enough to make up for the sin of practicing the devil'? Putting aside the content, What he said still makes sense.”

The man who spoke before raised his lips slightly and puffed up his chest. Being praised by the Human Emperor was a lifetime honor. It was also he who first shouted for the Jiang family to enter the Human Emperor's palace. But what Jiang Li said soon made him stop laughing.

"I never thought I would hear such remarks in my life. Brother Ji, I suggested that Da Zhou could add an IQ tax to replenish the national treasury."

Zhou Huang Ji Zhi nodded in agreement: "Brother Jiang's words are reasonable. This matter should be put on the agenda for discussion by the three gentlemen."

The man's face turned red and he argued: "Rewards and punishments are clear, and merits and demerits balance each other. What's wrong with that?"

Whether the merits and demerits are equal or not is a controversial topic, and the man does not believe Jiang Li can answer it.

However, this matter may be difficult for others to answer, but it is a piece of cake for Jiang Li.

The chilling air swept through the entire place like a violent wind and rain, chilling people's bones and flesh. When Jiang Li had a thought, an invisible force grabbed the man's clothes and pulled him in front of Jiang Li.

Jiang Li grabbed the man's neck and smiled coldly: "I resisted the invasion of extraterrestrial demons three times and saved Jiuzhou three times. In other words, I have contributed a lot to you being able to survive until now. In this case, I am also responsible for killing you. Normal! No one will have any complaints!"

"Let...let me go..." The man couldn't break free and struggled wildly.

"Why? I have saved you three times, why can't you just let me kill you with peace of mind! Why do you have no collective consciousness? Killing you will make me happy, why don't you have any spirit of sacrifice?" Jiang Li was unmoved. There is no trace of mercy in his eyes, only endless arrogance and cruelty!

"Let...let me go..." The man felt extremely regretful.

He felt that the legend was true. Emperor Jiang Ren might have really fought against the demon from outside the territory before he succeeded to the throne, resulting in the tragic death of a whole city, with no bones left!

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