The Collection of The End

Chapter 93 The Teacher and Me

My name is Alaya,

This dream was quite interesting.

? ? :? ? :? ?

Macedonian-style palace architecture and decorations, ancient guards and attendants watching and booing, and tall black horses snorting and kicking horse trainers to the ground one after another on what should be a training ground.

The lively scene that suddenly appeared in front of him made Weber dumbfounded.

He only remembered that because Iskandar stayed in Luna's magic pool and refused to leave - the King of Conquerors declared that he had conquered that pool, Moon Spirit Essence and Rider had a long tug-of-war, and he was very worried that an enemy would attack. The coming Weber has been guarding nearby.

Is this asleep?

According to what Teacher Kenneth said, this situation should be the experience of dreaming about the conqueror Iskandar the Great, but there is no red-haired giant nearby.

The middle-aged man with a crown on his head, a scepter in his hand, and gorgeous clothes beside him has red hair and a red beard, but unfortunately his height and build are far behind.

"This Thessaly merchant is very good at publicity." Noticing Weber's gaze, the red-haired middle-aged man wearing a crown nodded slightly to him: "If all the warriors in Pella can't tame this horse, he will take The value of the coming horse herd will be greatly improved.”

"Similarly, if any of His Majesty's warriors can tame it, his name will also be famous in the surrounding city-states." Weber hesitated for a moment, and gave a well-regulated answer.

Regarding the situation in the dream, Mr. Kenneth also revealed that there is no need to think about why the person in the dream can speak modern English and modern vocabulary. prerequisites.

Similarly, there may be problems with its human geography and even its timeline, so there is no need to delve into it.

"The prince is here." "It's the prince..."

The crowd of onlookers separated, and a young man wearing black light armor and a red cloak behind his back walked out. He had an extremely handsome face and short fiery red hair, with a braid tied playfully on the back of his head.

"Mr. Aristotle, Father." He saluted Weber and the red-haired middle-aged man beside him.

This is not right, where did Rider go? This is obviously his memory, Wei Bo frowned and thought.

No, wait? Aristotle?

"Why? Do you want to try too?" The red-haired middle-aged man—or the king asked with great interest.

"Busifalas won't let others get close to it." The young prince replied with a smile.

"Ha, you even have a name?" The king laughed: "Then I will give you a chance to tame it, but only once."

So this little boy is Iskandar? !

Wei Bo was slightly shocked, and then relieved. After all, it is impossible for someone to be born with such a big man. Everyone has a childhood.

However, since he is his teacher now, and Rider is still so young...

Weber walked over to Iskandar's puzzled eyes, stretched out his fingers and flicked his forehead.

"咴咴咴——" the big black horse over there made a nasal sound that seemed to be mocking.

? ? :? ? :? ?

"His Royal Highness, what should I do if there is a locust plague and the food production is reduced by 50%?"

In the Macedonian rough-style palace, Iskandar, who has grown up a little, but is still very cute, is sitting obediently on the deputy seat next to the throne, while Weber on the other side of the throne ignores the courtiers who are speaking below and quickly Retrieve the history of the skipped time.

This is also the experience of Teacher Kenneth. Although the dream may jump in time or space, the history of this period of time actually exists in the dream. As long as you try to recall it, it can be reproduced like a magic projection with overlapping sizes .

That's obviously called a picture-in-picture, and Weibo checked what time it was while complaining.

There would be a plague of locusts—but there was no such thing. The only recent major event was Philip II’s defeat in the expedition, and the rebellion of Athens and Thebes. Iskandar demanded immediate suppression, but other ministers opposed it.

"The natural tax will also be reduced by half, and the food reserves will be used to help the victims." Iskandar replied immediately.

"Then what if a certain city is invaded by an enemy country, but its troops are not enough to fight them?" The minister who spoke continued to ask.

"Stick to the city and ask for help from nearby cities, and never take the initiative to attack." The red-haired boy continued to reply without hesitation.

"Then, King Philip II took half of the food in the country during his expedition to Byzantium. At this time, he was unable to return due to the defeat of the war. However, due to the adequate preparation of the rebels in Athens and Thebes, our troops could not resist for the time being. We should What measures to take?" The courtier who asked two consecutive questions thought he was invincible, and asked the last question triumphantly.

"Hate them!" The young Conqueror King said without thinking.

"You! You—" The minister who thought he had the chance to win widened his eyes, and then passed out with his eyes rolled over.

"Huh? Is it hard to understand?" Iskandar commanded the guards to take the fainted minister away for a rest, and continued to explain to the other ministers: "We are a country united by city-states. If we let them be independent, the rest will not return after being conquered." What will the city-state think? This head—can’t be opened.”

That's right, that's it, Weber nodded.

"It seems that you agree, teacher, then go out with me!" The young Iskandar turned his face and smiled at Weber., wait? Aristotle is a thorough civil servant!

? ? :? ? :? ?

"Your Highness, please issue an order!"

The next scene is already a barracks where people are screaming and horses neighing. From the sound of war drums in the distance, it can also be judged that the coalition forces of Athens and Thebes have already set up their positions and are confronting Philip II's central army.

Even if Iskandar was willing to take command of such a big war against the rebellion, his father could not rest assured. In the end, he gave up the attack on Byzantium and withdrew after paying some price.

"Order..." Iskandar was scratching his head to observe the overall formation map on the table. The red and blue squares on it represented a total of 60,000 infantry and 7,000 cavalry on the battlefield.

As the defender, the coalition forces of Athens and Thebes found a good location. The right army was facing the river and the left army occupied the mountain, leaving only the main road as the scheduled decisive battle. will step in.

The Macedonian left army where Iskandar is located is facing the elite cavalry "Thebes Saints" and many infantry who occupy the riverside plain and have sufficient ground. There is no good way except to attack.

"Then go straight to it—" "Crack!"

The boy Iskandar, who was about to give the order to charge the entire army, was hit on the head by Weber with a fan.

"Teacher, you hit me again—" the red-haired boy put his head in his hands and said pitifully, while all the generals under his command pretended not to see it.

"I just realized what it means for His Majesty the King to ask you to lead an army by yourself but not to send veteran generals to follow." Weber shook his gleaming silver feather fan, his windless black long hair and frowning brows made those generals shudder. .

Although I don't know what's going on with the serial trick that inexplicably appeared in the amnesia, but it's better to send it as it is.

"Antigon, you lead all 1,000 light cavalry to provoke the 'Holy Squad of Thebes'. If they pursue you, retreat immediately. If they return, continue to provoke and harass you. When you see the floating flames on the river, fight with the heavy infantry." Convergence."

"Niachas, you lead all four thousand heavy infantry to confront the opponent's infantry here. You are not allowed to take a step forward or take a step back—under any circumstances."

"Leonardus, you lead two thousand light infantry forward to the central army and make a converging movement, and station here. When you hear the loud sound of water coming from the river, immediately go to the 'Thebes holy team' to stay behind." Heavy infantry attack from the rear."

"Brothers Clattus and Cletus, each of you lead a thousand light infantry, carry earth bags to dump here and build a dam, if the other party sends light infantry to capture it, immediately retreat and go to fight with Leonardo Convergence."

"Also, if you don't know what to do, open them." Weber threw a small bag to each of the five generals.

"Teacher? What about me?" The boy Iskandar asked with wide-eyed eyes as he watched Weber dispatch all his soldiers away in an instant.

"Of course it's to confront them head-on." Weber gave him a sideways glance: "I'm not kidding, I'll be with you."



The Macedonian Prince Army built a dam upstream, but was seized by the Thebes Light Infantry Army. When they celebrated their victory, they found that most of the "earth bags" on the riverside that had not been dropped into the water were dry wood and straw, which were ignited. unable to retreat afterwards.

The heavy cavalry corps, exhausted by harassment by the light cavalry of the Prince's Legion, rushed to the rescue, and was later washed away by the flood from upstream along with the light infantry regiment-the Prince's Legion had already built a dam to store water before the battle began.

The flood also affected the heavy infantry regiments on both sides, but the Macedonian side built a half-person-high diversion dam in advance, and only the heavy infantry from Thebes was unable to move after being submerged in the water. When they retreated, they encountered light infantry ambushing in the rear The legion, lost their helmets and armor and suffered a crushing defeat.

During this period, the elite fighters of the "Thebes Holy Team" tried to intercept the Macedonian light infantry and light cavalry legions, but were defeated by Iskandar, the son of the Macedonian king, alone.

Because the right army was defeated too quickly, Athens and its coalition forces were still testing each other with Philip II's main army in the middle. They were shocked and tried to move in parallel to maintain their formation. As a result, a prince who crossed the entire battlefield lightly The infantry regiment set fire to the mountainside and completely burned the left army that was withdrawing from the mountain.

In the Battle of Chaeronia, the Macedonian Legion ended with annihilation of the combined forces of Athens and Thebes at the cost of negligible casualties.


"Wow!" Weber woke up in a cold sweat, looked at Iskandar who was still sleeping soundly in the spiritual pool with lingering fear, and silently wiped his sweat.

After a dozen or so uses of the Kamui wheel, the cute teenage Conqueror became hunchbacked and tried to hug Weber at the celebration banquet—let Aristotle himself bear it.

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