"The character completes a dramatic performance. Since the performance is perfect, skill: dramatic experience +20."

"The character completes a performance and gains 10 professional experience points."

"The character performs a perfect performance, triggering the bardic performance talent and gaining a boosting effect."

This poem is already heroic and majestic, and Chen Shuo expresses it with the sound of tiger playing with thunder, which makes it even more heroic.

In addition, the boosting effect is also very obvious, directly affecting everyone present.

The three examiners nodded in admiration. If it hadn't been for the exam right now, they would probably have couldn't help but applaud.

The examiner in the middle said with a smile: "You should go aside and take a rest first."

Chen Shuo looked at the expressions of the three examiners and knew that 90% of the time he would be successful in this first test. He relaxed a little, bowed again, and turned back to his seat.

Then the three of them looked at each other and started to score.

The senior on the side couldn't help but glance at Chen Shuo and called again: "Candidate No. 104!"

The boy behind Chen Shuo also took a deep breath and stood up suddenly.

When he reached the center of the stage, he bowed deeply and said, "Hello teachers, I am candidate No. 104, my examination number is..., my name is Zhu Yawen..."

Chen Shuo now knows his name, and listening to his self-introduction, he feels that he should be stable.

Like him, Zhu Yawen's voice was also very dull, with a vibrato feel, and although he appeared slightly nervous, it could be felt that he was still very relaxed.

What he recited next was a modern poem, which fit his voice perfectly. His expressions were rich and full of emotion during the recitation, which was much better than Chen Shuo's previous two poems.

After a brief discussion, the three examiners asked him to come back and then started grading.

The next sixteen people were basically not worthy of Chen Shuo's attention, but within half an hour, all twenty people had finished the exam and came out.

Chen Shuo stretched out his hand toward Zhu Yawen and said, "Hello, my name is Chen Shuo."

"My name is Zhu Yawen." Zhu Yawen stretched out his hand to hold it and couldn't help but said, "You did so well just now."

Chen Shuo praised: "Your performance is not bad. Judging from the examiner's expression, the two of us have a 90% chance of passing. After passing the exam, we may become classmates."

"I hope so." Zhu Yawen perked up after hearing this, and asked curiously: "By the way, do you really weigh 240 pounds?"

"It's true." Chen Shuo smiled and asked, "Where are you going next?"

"I will go back to the hotel with my parents to prepare, and then I will go to the Chinese Opera for my first audition.

And you? "

"What a coincidence, so am I." Chen Shuo happily asked, "Where do you live?

I live nearby, not far from Beijing Film Academy and Chinese Opera. Can we come together then? "

"Okay, the hotel I'm staying in is not far away." Zhu Yawen took out his mobile phone and asked, "Do you have a mobile phone? I'll call you then?"


Chen Shuo and Zhu Yawen exchanged mobile phone numbers, and then knowing that they came by taxi, they took him and his parents to the hotel with Wu Qi and Chen Rui.

We even made an appointment on the way to take the exam together.

"Remember, we will pick you up on the 23rd."


Although Chen Shuo was ranked over 100, there was not just one exam room, but five exam rooms taking place at the same time.

Chen Shuo was considered to be the second batch in their examination room. Even if there was a delay in sending Zhu Yawen off, it was not yet noon when he got home.

Uncle Wu and Aunt Wu saw the three people coming back so quickly, and couldn't help but ask: "You're back? How was your exam?"

"Listening to Shuoshuo's description, this first test should be a sure shot." Wu Qi said happily.

The two of them looked happy after hearing this and said repeatedly: "That's good, that's good."

Chen Shuo did not dare to speak too fully, but just said: "The exam has just been completed, and nothing is certain yet. There are four to five thousand people, and less than a quarter can enter the re-examination.

In the end, only twenty or thirty students were admitted, which is almost two hundred to one. Who can say for sure? "

"Brother Shuoshuo, you can definitely do it. You have already played the leading role." Chen Rui said with certainty.

"This is basically useless. Not to mention that the TV series is not broadcast, even if it is broadcast, the exam teacher probably won't care." Chen Shuo shook his head.

"Okay, don't say such depressing words." Wu Qi interrupted him and said, "You just need to go to the exam with peace of mind and leave the rest to the school examiners to make choices.

Next, you should prepare for the Beijing Film Academy re-examination and the Chinese Opera preliminary examination. "

After hearing his words, everyone stopped discussing the matter, and Chen Shuo began to concentrate on preparing for the next exam.

Maybe it was because they were worried about disturbing his exam, or maybe because the crew was finishing the work, Yang Junyi and others didn't call him.

More than 4,000 candidates were all tested in three days. When Beijing Film Studio began to arrange results, Wu Qi and Chen Shuo picked up Zhu Yawen and his family and headed to Hua Opera.

This time they arrived earlier, and they were among the five groups in the first game.

The content of the exam was similar to that at Beijing Film Academy. Chen Shuo recited another song "Qinyuan Spring·Snow", which also received a perfect evaluation, which was considered a trick.

However, unlike when he was at Beijing Film Academy, the teacher of Chinese Opera paid more attention to his manners.

After he finished reciting, the examiner asked: "Have you studied opera before?"

Chen Shuo said truthfully: "When I was filming before, I learned some basic opera moves from Teacher Xiu Qing."

Just explaining things clearly, not saying much.

The teacher didn't ask any more questions and continued to call the next one.

In the afternoon, Beijing Film Academy announced the list of candidates for the second audition, and Chen Shuo and Zhu Yawen were among them.

Moreover, the second test is tomorrow.

As the exam schedule becomes more and more intensive, it is very likely that the three examinations and interviews of Beijing Film and Television Films and Hua Xi will run into each other.

In order to distinguish themselves, the two arrived early the next morning. This time they were the first batch of candidates.

Compared with the first test, the second test has two more examiners. In addition to recitation, the test content also includes a talent display.

Chen Shuo performs Wu Qin Xi, which he has practiced since childhood and can be called a talent. It is the one in which he is most confident.

Although he had learned many routines including Tai Chi and Tai Chi Sword from Yang Junyi and Zhang Jin, he was not as skilled as Wu Qin Xi.

And his generous, lifelike movements and perfect performance attracted the unanimous attention of the five examiners.

Performance is nothing more than the four basic skills of vocal form and performance. Through recitation, you can see the potential of a candidate's voice and lines, while talent show is about body and performance.

There are only more than 800 candidates who have passed the preliminary examination, but because the examination time has become longer, the number of examination rooms has also been reduced.

After all the candidates had finished taking the exam, another two days passed.

Chen Shuo and Zhu Yawen also passed the second test, and there were more than 200 qualified candidates.

At this time, the preliminary examination of Chinese Opera was also over, and tomorrow happened to be the Lantern Festival, so both schools took the opportunity to select qualified candidates.

The exam was scheduled for February 27, the sixteenth day of the first lunar month.

Therefore, Chen Shuo and Chen Shuo need to participate in the third audition of Beijing Film Academy and the second audition of Chinese Opera on this day.

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