The bard joins the entertainment industry

Chapter 91 Cleaning the house, killing the New Year pig, visiting relatives, and worshiping ancestor

Chen Shuo slept peacefully that night. He didn't have to think about anything, and he didn't have any dreams at night. When the belly of the Eastern fish turned white, he woke up naturally.

He practiced Wu Qin Xi in his old place in the courtyard facing the rising sun, and Xiaohu also practiced with him.

Of course, it was said that I was practicing with him, but in fact I just stretched and made a few flying moves, but the leisurely feeling was no worse than when Chen Shuo was practicing tiger play.

If Chen Shuo practices the tiger act, he is training himself into a big tiger, then when the little tiger practices the tiger act, it looks like a human being in motion.

After practicing, Chen Shuo took out some snacks from his luggage and the beef jerky given to him by the milk bag, boiled a pot of hot water and ate them.

Then I went outside to find some discarded gray tiles, picked up the good ones, and renovated the roof. The most important thing was to repair the leaks.

I was busy until noon, repairing the leaking areas, and even the outer walls were re-pasted with yellow mud.

Chen Shuo has not prepared the ingredients yet. In the next few days, he rarely cooks by himself. He always goes to the homes of relatives to eat, and gives some small gifts bought from various places.

Xiaohu also followed him and ate east and west.

As the New Year draws closer and closer, relatives who have gone out to work are gradually coming back, and the mountain village has become more and more lively.

After a busy year, after returning home to tidy up, we started to meet up to play cards and drink together.

Chen Shuo doesn't play cards or mahjong very much, but his drinking capacity has been cultivated since he was a child, so that others will never forget him as long as he drinks.

There is a market on April and Ninth in the town. On the 24th day of the year, Chen Shuo went to the market on a tractor with the villagers.

All the New Year’s goods that need to be purchased have been purchased.

On the 25th of the New Year, Chen Yukun's family of three also came back with large and small bags. Chen Shuo opened fire for the first time and invited Chen Yukun's family, who had been tidying up all day, to come for dinner.

On the twenty-sixth, it snowed in the night, dyeing the entire earth white.

Today, the village kills the New Year pig in the grain drying field. Chenjiagu kills the New Year pig almost every year on this day. Then for the whole family, you move the table, I get the stools, you bring out the bowls, and I bring out the chopsticks.

Gather the whole village together and have a meal together on this day.

Chen Shuo was very powerful and had always been the main force in killing pigs. Although he rarely used the knife, he was indispensable for crushing pigs.

With him holding him down, no matter how hard the big fat pig struggled, he couldn't get away.

With one knife cut, the blood flows into a large iron basin with salt water, and then it is left to sit there to make blood tofu.

Several people and Chen Shuo picked up the New Year pig, put it in a large iron pot that boiled hot water, plucked the hair, washed it clean, and then let the uncle Chen Yusheng cut the meat.

Ever since Chen Shuo was ten years old, he rode on the blood-spurting New Year Pig and traveled half the village. Whenever the New Year Pig was divided, the pig's head would basically be given to him.

This year is no exception.

After dividing the meat, the food was also prepared. The main dish was a pot of pork, offal, and pig blood stewed with cabbage, radish, and vermicelli.

Other various dishes such as pork head meat, roast chicken, fried chicken nuggets, whole fish, etc. are available on every table, just like having a big banquet.

A meal is eaten from noon to three or four in the afternoon, and then the things are put away.

Chen Shuo returned home carrying a fan of meat and a huge pig head.

He hung up the meat first, carried the pig's head to the well, picked up a thick-backed kitchen knife and chopped the pig's head from the neck to the lower jaw. The bones were split in half, and the meat on top was still connected.

Take out the pig brain, clean it and put it aside, then wash the pig head clean.

He carried the pig's head and a bucket of water into the house, cleaned the pot, and put the water and pig's head meat in.

Then wrap the onions, ginger, pepper, anise and other spices in a small cloth and throw them in.

Entering the west room, he opened a wine jar and poured in a ladle of grain wine that had been settling for a year.

Add enough firewood and boil the blood foam over high heat, skim it off, take out half of the firewood and simmer over low heat.

Then I started kneading the noodles and waited for them to rise. I boiled and chopped the vermicelli in a small pot on the side. I mixed it with the minced pork and cabbage and seasonings.

Then I was making dumplings by the stove and watching the pork head being cooked.

The wrapped dumplings were served in a pot and placed in a cool place in the west room, and they were immediately dropped when it was time to eat.

In previous years, he and his grandfather had done all these tasks together, but this year he was the only one left, and he had to do it all by himself.

At night, he didn't even go when anyone called him, so he stayed at home with Xiaohu, made thirty or forty palm-sized dumplings, cut a pig's ear and a piece of pig's head and cooked them.

Put the marinated and steamed pig brains on a plate, garnish with some shredded ginger, green onions, white sesame seeds, add Sichuan peppercorns, dried red peppers, etc.

I burned a pot of hot oil, poured it on top with a sizzling sound, and stirred it up while taking advantage of the tangy aroma.

He gave Xiaohu two pig eyes, and then went to the West Room wine jar to get a pound of wine.

Chen Shuo sat on the east side, and Xiaohu sat on the west side. One person and one cat started eating in the room.

Although there was only one person and one cat, Chen Shuo felt at ease from the bottom of his heart.

It feels more secure than when he earned 100,000 yuan in half a year.

Early the next morning, Chen Shuo bought some things and went to his grandmother and mother's relatives to wish them a happy new year.

Originally, visiting relatives was supposed to go after the Chinese New Year, but something happened at his family this year, so he had to go earlier.

Save the New Year, when people are saying goodbye to the old and welcoming the new, they bring bad luck with them.

When his mother was still alive, it was his parents who brought him here. When his mother left, it was his father who brought him here.

After his father left, he came by himself every year.

As the saying goes, the closest you are to your maternal uncle is your maternal uncle.

Unlike uncles who have conflicts such as dividing the family and inheriting property, your maternal uncle is closely related to you by blood and has no direct interest relationship. He is your closest relative.

Chen Shuo's grandfather and grandmother have also passed away, and his two uncles and three aunts have always loved him very much because Chen Shuo's mother passed away early.

Seeing him coming and talking about his grandfather, he couldn't help crying again. Chen Shuo could only comfort him warmly. After eating, he stayed until it was almost dark before letting him leave.

After visiting relatives, Chen Shuo began to visit the East and West with his uncles and brothers in the village.

On the morning of the 31st, every household began to post couplets.

The red couplets represent the family's expectations for the new year and are also a sign of saying goodbye to the old and welcoming the new.

However, according to custom, when someone dies in the family, there is a saying that couplets are not posted or white couplets are posted in the first year of mourning.

Chen Shuo dug out the white paper he bought at the market, cut it to size, dipped it in ink and wrote a set of white couplets to replace the filial piety couplets posted when his grandfather passed away.

When he was filming "Passing Love", he would ask Feng Li for advice on writing and painting when he had time.

Although I haven't developed any great skills in this calligraphy, at least it looks decent after I write it.

Now at Wu Qi's house, there are several calligraphy and paintings and a set of calligraphy books given to him by Feng Li.

In the afternoon, he carried another basket of things and went to the cemetery to visit his grandparents, father and mother. He burned paper, toasted, and talked about his experiences in the past six months in front of the grave, so that they didn't have to worry.

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