The bard joins the entertainment industry

Chapter 17 Everyone is a born performer

It’s not that Chen Shuo doesn’t know how to speak in Mandarin. After all, anyone has already reached high school, and it’s impossible that he hasn’t read texts in Mandarin.

It's just that the previous environment made him subconsciously accustomed to speaking in dialect.

And he had only been in the imperial capital for three or four days, and he didn't care about this at all before.

Now I am consciously trying to change it. Although I still have a bit of an accent, it is not as rustic as a dialect.

Wu Qi nodded after hearing this, and then said, "I'll find someone to teach you how to act, just to help you temporarily."

Then he picked up the phone and made a call: "Hey, Lao Li, are you having a show tonight?

No? Okay, help me teach a person how to act tonight.

Okay, I'll let Luer pick you up. "

After hanging up, he called Guo Lu and asked him to drive directly to pick him up.

Wu Qi's van has always been left at Guo Lu's place. He doesn't need to be paid, but he can use the van as long as it doesn't delay things.

After Guo Lu answered the phone, he took the key and followed Wu Qi's request to pick up the person, regardless of how late it was.

While waiting for someone, Brother Li also sent the general content of the interview scene via text message.

Wu Qi asked Chen Shuo to copy it and think about it himself first.

Lao Li's name is Li Defu. He is a middle-aged man in his late forties with a bookish air about him.

After arriving, he started to look Chen Shuo up and down at first glance.

Wu Qi asked Guo Lu to go back first, then invited him into the courtyard, and went into the east wing, his room, with Chen Shuo.

The courtyard of the Wu family is a courtyard with one entrance. To the north is where Uncle Wu and Aunt Wu live, to the east is Wu Qi's house, and to the west is the west wing where Chen Yukun rents.

After entering the room, Wu Qi introduced the two of them to each other and explained the situation again.

He picked up the brief script copied by Chen Shuo and handed it to Li Defu, and said: "I also know that it is impossible to improve his acting skills overnight.

I will teach you this scene specifically. As long as he can pass the interview tomorrow, I will let him learn it specifically. "

Li Defu took the page and looked at it carefully.

“Sima had a grudge against Lingjiu and wanted to take the opportunity to kill him, but Xiao Shiyilang told him off.

Sima Xiang (raising his sword): Lingjiu, I'm going to kill you. What does it have to do with whether Xiao Shiyilang lives or dies? You are the one who took my wife away! No matter who Chengjin suffered, it was all because of you. Since you can't protect her, why take her away from my wedding? Spirit Vulture, if we talk about the culprit, you are the first person I want to kill.

prick. "

With just a hundred and ten words, the scene looks very simple, but it contains a lot of emotions and information to be expressed.

Especially since there is only such a paragraph and a few lines, but it involves four or five people, and there are intricate emotions in it.

This scene should be the highlight of the character Sima Xiang. Basically from this scene alone, he can derive a simple plot line for this character.

Li Defu looked over and over for a while, put the paper down, and asked Chen Shuo: "What have you acted before?"

Chen Shuo glanced at Wu Qi and replied: "No, I have never acted before, nor have I been exposed to it. I have only been following Brother Qi for two days as a bit player."

Li Defu was stunned after hearing this, and looked at Wu Qi. When he saw him nodding, he didn't pay too much attention to it, and subconsciously nodded along with him.

After pondering for a while, he pushed the paper with the plot towards Chen Shuo and asked, "What can you tell from these contents?

Just say whatever you want, just think of it as reading comprehension, and say everything you see and think. "

Chen Shuo read these sentences over and over again before he came, and he also had some thoughts in his mind.

After thinking for a while, he said: "Based on what I learned about the plot in the past two days of filming, and these few paragraphs.

It should be that Sima Xiang wanted to marry Lian Chengjin, but he was snatched away by Lingjiu at the wedding, and the two of them should be in love.

Then Lian Chengjin died and the finger pointed at Xiao Shiyilang, so Sima Xiang and Lingjiu came to kill him to avenge Lian Chengjin.

However, Sima Xiang had a different idea. He believed that the root cause of Lian Chengjin's death was that the Spirit Vulture snatched her away and failed to protect her.

Now, when the two came to kill Xiao Shiyilang, Sima Xiang suddenly took action and wanted to kill Lingjiu. He failed to succeed, so he said these words. "

Wu Qi nodded secretly after hearing this, not only because of Chen Shuo's analysis, but also because of his accent.

I just finished speaking to him not long ago, and now this long paragraph, except for the slightest accent, is already very close to Mandarin.

Li Defu asked again: "Is there any more?" Seeing that he seemed to have no direction, he reminded: "You are talking about your understanding of the character and behavior description in the first sentence. What about the following lines?

You know, the most important thing about a script is the lines.

Your understanding of the characters, plot, and performance all need to be analyzed and expressed through lines. "

He saw that Chen Shuo still had no clue. Thinking that he had never been exposed to acting before, he paused and said, "Well, let's just think of it as tomorrow's interview. I'm the interviewer and you perform.

I'll give you ten minutes to prepare, and we'll officially start. "

Wu Qi listened on the side and quickly cleaned up a simple venue and prepared some tea and thirst-quenching fruits for everyone.

Although there are only a few lines, Chen Shuo can already memorize them all.

But he was able to copy two more copies and show them to Li Defu and Wu Qi. He took the last copy and kept thinking about it.

Everyone is a born performer.

This is not where he heard about it, but after he decided to become an actor with Wu Qi, or after learning about the bard profession.

In fact, when you are young, you should act like an obedient and sensible child at home, and you should be a good student at school.

Even when fighting with someone, you have to maintain your posture and try to make people scared when you appear. This can be regarded as a kind of performance.

Not to mention that the Wu Qin Xi he practiced was imitating animals, and he was able to practice to the level he is today precisely because he learned a lot from animals.

In order to practice the tiger trick, he kept a cat in his hometown and often learned how to flutter butterflies from it, stretch his body, and make thunderous sounds from his internal organs to train himself.

Now, in his opinion, the so-called performance is just asking him to learn and imitate another person, a fictitious person.

After thinking about the analysis I just made, I began to understand this feeling bit by bit.

Because he didn't kill the spirit vulture, he should be angry. Angry that he couldn't succeed, which triggered his hatred towards the spirit vulture.

He said these words because he was stopped by others and could not continue to kill him.

Otherwise, you should just do your best without saying a word.

Then when you say it, you should...

"Can we start?" Li Defu asked.

Chen Shuo came back to his senses, looked at the clock hanging on the wall, and found that ten minutes had passed.

I was shocked. I didn't expect time to fly by so fast. I recalled what I had just thought and said, "That's it."

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