At night, the entire Golden Temple is brightly lit.

The same is true for the islands such as Angel Island and Mount Dora below.

The development of Sky Island in recent years is gradually moving towards modernization.

It is no different from some bustling islands in the sea, and there are some entertainment measures and so on.

Naturally, the nightlife is also lively.

Because of the richest man group, Sky Island has become more or less completely disfigured. As time goes by, I believe this situation will intensify, but at present, the advantages of this aggravation outweigh the disadvantages.


In the Golden Hall, Chaos and his party were eating dinner. The food on the table almost formed a hill, and more than 20 divine guards were still delivering food inside.

When the meal was almost finished and everyone slowed down, Stuci coughed to indicate that he was about to speak.

"Boss, our business is in a lot of trouble now, we have to solve it!"

"It can't be delayed any longer."

Although Stucey's tone was very calm, a trace of anger could still be heard in it.

More than a month since the second attack of the Golden Lion, not only Poppy Island has fallen into the hands of the flying pirates, but the red light district, pharmaceutical production chain, and casino business of the richest group have all been attacked or robbed by other forces on the sea.

Now the Richest Group has only one Enilo who is active outside, and the others are missing.

This gave some wrong signals to some forces, thinking that the richest group would not be able to do anything from the top up to the Golden Emperor, down to the level of everyone, so it started to grow ambitions and overwhelm their capabilities.

Therefore, the richest group must take action, otherwise it will lose a lot if it goes on like this.

Chaos sat on the first seat, with steam rising from his body from time to time, obviously maintaining his life return.

He picked up the wine glass in front of him, drank the bright red liquid in one gulp, glanced at the smokers on both sides of the long table, those who were eating and drinking, and those guys with empty eyes.

Chaos decided that these guys should be released for free-range, anyway, they can't stay idle on Sky Island.

But he still needs to stay on Sky Island for a while.

"The bear stays, and you arrange the others yourself!"

Chaos looked at the bear that had already filled the five internal organs temple and was flipping through the bible, and then continued to eat the unknown piece of meat on his plate slowly after speaking.

The reason why he kept the bear was because of Bacala and Bowness.

Chaos intends to train the two guys himself when he is bored, and the bear's ability is just enough to allow them to recover quickly, so that they can train for 20 hours a day without fear of physical collapse due to excessive practice.

"Time, place, specific goals!"

Aquino couldn't wait any longer.

The quiet and leisurely life is really not suitable for him.

Stuci didn't speak, just snapped his fingers, and the guard who had been waiting outside the door came in with a few documents, and placed them in front of Aquino, Crocodile and others according to the numbers on them.

"Hee-hop, mysterious!"

Ivankov took his own document, and after opening it, there were tasks to be executed or resolved in detail.

It has been planned from head to toe, all he has to do is to solve the problem according to the above, and then achieve a certain goal, an old tool man.

Everyone's task is obviously different.

"I don't ask you to follow the instructions above, but you must achieve the final effect I require."

Stucey stared at these guys seriously.

She didn't expect these guys from the beginning to the end, and this time she had two consecutive battles with the flying pirates, all because Crocodile killed their fleet captain last time.

Originally, Stucey just asked Crocodile to investigate, but this guy was good enough to kill him as soon as he got up.

So much so that the fuse was ignited, causing the richest group to lose a lot, and now even the base camp is lost!

"It's nothing, then I'm leaving!"

I don't know if he listened or not, but Aquino got up as soon as Stucey said, greeted Chaos and left.

Not long after, under the pitch-black night, a blaze of fire crossed the sky, leaving behind long tail feathers and just disappeared.

Then Crocodile and Ivankov also left one after another.

Even Betty had a mission this time, but she was overjoyed.

It's a pleasure to leave.

"You two have a good rest tonight, and I will teach you personally from tomorrow!"

In the end, Chaos also yawned and left his seat. Before leaving, he looked at Bacala and Bowness, almost hopeless and ashamed.

The cruelty of this world always comes so suddenly.

Time passed quietly inadvertently.

Two months have passed since Chaos returned to Sky Island.

In the past two months, many things still happened at sea.

For example, the Brainwashed Tsar of the Richest Group, BUFF as the Dancing Queen, Hot as the Sun King, and Perverted as the Shemale King appeared in the sea one after another, destroying a large number of pirate groups with a reward of hundreds of millions of Baileys.

There are even some organizations in the underground world, the royal family of a certain kingdom, who have done anything to the power of the richest group during the event, all are ruthlessly wiped out.

Rear Admiral Sakaski, Polusalino, and Kuzan also fought and fought against the Shemale King, Tsar, and Sun King in the past two months.

Thunder God Enel has been wandering outside all the time, and I don't know how it happened that he had sex with the phoenix of the Whitebeard Pirates in the past half month.

In addition, there are news about Kaido, BIG MOM, Explosive Pirates, etc.

The World Government also collided with the Revolutionary Army, but this was not reported.

In addition, Barrett, the devil's descendant, a former crew member of the Roger Pirates, fought against the navy's black wrists and is said to have destroyed an island.

Lonely Red clashes with Admiral Sora.

A piece of news emerged one after another.

On the other hand, the Flying Pirates, since the battle with the richest man group ended two months ago, they have not done anything again.

In the past two months, no fleet captain has been responsible for chasing down the richest group.

A little weird.

It always feels like the last calm in the storm.

In addition to the more sensational news above, there are also some less popular or spread in a small area.

For example, Zebra Killer Barnes, Octopus Maniac Rotes, Swordsman Cruise, Buffalo Arquette, Slippery Pirates, Burst Bear Pirates, The Obsidian Pirates, the Brothers Pirate Hunters, and the Ghost Pirates are the pirates or pirates who have had relationships with Chaos.

It's something that can't be ignored now.

Some offered rewards of 400 to 500 million yuan, and some came to the second half of the great route to earn a lot of fame. Everyone is growing and becoming stronger, which can be said to be full of potential.

It is worth mentioning that the thief Kosterus, that is, the person with the door fruit ability.

Once escaped from Chaos.

But just half a month ago, he had the audacity to sneak into the Whitebeard Pirates to steal the treasure. Who is Whitebeard? That's a man who supports his hometown, and he values ​​treasure very much.

It's worth it.

I flew into a rage on the spot, and then nothing happened.

Even if the thief Kosterus hid in the different space of the door fruit, he was forced out by the shock fruit, and finally ended up sinking into the sea.

Very dramatic!

It's not good to steal someone's treasure, but to steal Whitebeard's. Wouldn't the shocking fruit shock you?

This is God will kill him!

There are many people who operate like this, not only the thief Kosterus, but also many people with superior IQs! !

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