Alger only felt his eyes blurred. He came to Source Castle again and raised his eyebrows at Alger, because this time besides him and Miss Justice, there was one more person.

'sun? ’

Sure enough, the great being above the gray mist spoke with that ever-steady voice:

"This is the new member, named 'Sun'."

Alger breathed out. Although he knew the original work, the original work changed when he knew the plot and changed his own destiny.

He could only know the extent of Klein's development according to the original work from Audrey's transactions and what she told in every meeting.

At least his speed is countless times faster than before

In other words, Klein has just digested the 'divineer' not long ago, but he already has the Sequence 4 'Darkless One' in hand. If he can get it, he can get a lot of points by trading with the group leader.

Points are also a good thing.

After everyone said hello to each other, Audrey's brisk voice sounded.

"Mr. Fool, I have collected two more pages of Emperor Russell's diary."

Regarding Russell's diary, Alpha lit up slightly. Sure enough, he was still blessed. It just so happened that today the group leader asked for Russell's diary, and Miss Audrey also got it.

"Miss Justice, what do you need?"

Audrey's eyes suddenly lit up, but she pretended to be reserved and answered:

"As you know, I am about to finish digesting the 'Audience' potion, and I hope to get the recipe for the 'Mind Reader' potion earlier so that I can prepare the materials in advance.

Well, I know that the content of these two pages of the diary is not much, and it may not match the value of the 'Mind Reader' formula. I will give you another page, um, and I will pay you an additional amount of money..."

Before Alger could wait for the 'Sun' to speak, he said, "I have it."

Silver City has almost a complete pipeline of ‘Dreamers’, and they will have to gradually exchange them when the time comes. Alger, who has experienced the power of the group leader, has now shifted his focus from Source Castle to group chat.

Yuan Castle just allows him to develop better in group chat.

"Mr. Hanged Man, what do you need?"

"If you're talking about 'psychoanalyst' as a precursor to 'mind reader', then I have one too."

Said the 'Sun' who just came in.

Audrey originally thought that this thing would be difficult to obtain, but she didn't expect that both the 'Hanged Man' and the 'Sun' were available. This made him a little embarrassed. She asked, "If it's Mr. Hanged Man, what do you need?"

"Roselle's diary, just two pages. But you may want to send it somewhere."

As soon as these words came out, the eyes of 'Audrey' who was hiding in the gray fog condensed, and so did Klein who was hiding above the gray fog.

Because in the Tarot Club, this is the first time that "The Hanged Man" asked for Russell's diary. Although Russell's diary is everywhere, most of it is in various translations, all trying to figure out the man who established the supreme dynasty. What is the diary of.

Is there a true way to become a god?

But for so many years, no one has deciphered what these diaries are about.

Mr. Fool said before that he wanted to collect Russell's diary, but he didn't expect Mr. "The Hanged Man" to also need this thing. Could it be that he has already deciphered it?

Audrey did not make a decision immediately, but looked at the Sun, "What about you, Mr. Sun?"

"Initial sequence of the 'Sun' pathway."

Audrey had never heard of it. If she wanted to exchange, she could only exchange with Mr. Hanged Man, but the Russell diaries she had collected before were all traded to Mr. Fool.

In the Tarot Club, it can be said that Russell's diary is a tribute to the great existence of Mr. Fool.

It just means that Mr. Fool, who believes in fairness, will choose to exchange with it.

She was worried that her transaction with Mr. 'The Hanged Man' would offend Mr. Fool. Although Mr. Fool might not care too much, such behavior that offended the Supreme Being was naturally rare.

'Big Shot' Klein has just come to his senses. Why did the 'Hanged Man' start collecting Russell's diary? Logically speaking, this diary was recorded in Chinese.

How could a non-traveler know this?

Could it be that this 'Hanged Man' is a time traveler?

Or is it just a hobby?

Klein was a little wary for a moment. Even though he could bring out so many things, he was only a fortune teller, not even a Sequence 9 with any combat effectiveness.

Being cautious by nature, he didn't want to talk at first, so he decided to stop talking during this meeting and let the Hanged Man take it away.

He even made up his mind not to involve the Hanged Man.

But this way his 'great' image will be undermined, and Russell's diary is also what he needs.

Klein felt a little numb.

He could only say: "I have the sequence of the singer in my hand. If Miss Justice wants to trade with Mr. Sun, this can be regarded as the reward for Russell's diary."

When Audrey heard this, she felt relieved. This way, she wouldn't have to worry about offending Mr. Fool, and she could also get the 'Mind Reader' sequence potion.

He looked at the Hanged Man and said with a smile: "Mr. Hanged Man, it's not too much to take care of the newcomer. If you are interested next time, I can also help you collect the things you need."

Alger naturally knew Audrey's psychology, and turned to look at Klein, "Mr. Fool, the being behind me asked me to say hello to you!"

As soon as these words came out, everyone present, including Klein, was stunned.

There was even more turmoil in my heart.

What does it mean to say hello to you.

Having just experienced looking directly into the 'Eternal Burning Sun', he already had PTSD from this kind of existence. He originally thought that the 'Hanged Man' was the 'Hanged Man' path, and that behind it was the true Creator.

But during the meeting during this period, he found that the 'Hanged Man' was more like the 'Tyrant Path'.

The being behind him could be the Lord of Storms.

No matter which one it is, it’s hard to resist.

"He said that he also needs Russell's diary more."

That's when.

The entire Source Castle began to shake, and the gray mist shook. The gray mist that had just recovered began to shake again at this time. Klein was going crazy. He had just been fucked by the 'Eternal Blazing Sun' not long ago.

Coming again now?

"Mr. Fool, what happened?"

Audrey also felt the shaking and could only hold onto the armrests of the seat tightly. This was something that had never happened before.

The 'Sun' who just joined was also a little panicked.

At this time, a giant turtle appeared behind the Hanged Man, but disappeared the next moment, and the swaying gray fog space once again returned to its previous silence.

But just a glimpse made everyone even more stunned.

Klein took a deep breath and looked at the chaos around him. This time it was even more exaggerated than the time in 'Eternal Blazing Sun', but he saw the horrified Audrey and Derrick.

If this is not dealt with, his majesty will be wiped out. Klein stared at the Hanged Man and said calmly: "This is not an act of greeting."

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