Chapter 97 Request!

Su Bai was disliked. Obviously, the man was not satisfied with Su Bai's human skin. He didn't even have the interest to tear it off and stick it on his face. He just waved his hand and asked his men to throw Su Bai into the river of blood again. , Go back and forth wherever you go, this is a kind of relief for Su Bai.


Su Bai, who fell into the blood river again, still maintained the vampire state, with no heartbeat and no temperature. On the stone platform, a man was riding a paper horse being carried by others and was about to leave.

However, at this moment, a sharp cry suddenly came, like crying and complaining, very urgent, like a woman complaining about being hungry, thirsty to the point of being unable to extricate herself, urgently needing, urgently craving!

The man turned around nervously, and then touched his face subconsciously. He seemed to be going to meet someone very important, but he hadn't found the human skin he liked yet, and he still "had no face to meet people", so he subconsciously started In panic, the servants who were playing the suona around the man were so frightened that their bodies began to protrude, and even their arms and legs began to seem to be separated from their bodies. Obviously, the men were afraid of these papery creatures. People are even more afraid to the core of their being.

The man immediately waved again, making a harsh rubbing sound from his mouth, and asked his men to pull the body back. Although he didn't really like the pretty face, he had no other choice now. He doesn't like a few human skins, and there are also women. If he goes to meet that person with a woman's face, the end will definitely be very miserable.

Su Bai, who fell into the bloody water, was quickly picked up by the tentacles, and then inserted into the black soil above like an onion. The fungi on the black soil began to open, and actively squirmed to send Su Bai upward.

Su Bai finally knew how those people who died died. They were all pulled down by the soft black soil at specific locations, or specific spatial nodes. The wounds on their chests were then killed by the tentacles. After being killed, Su Bai didn't feel dirty when his body was in the black soil, because at this time, it seemed that countless microorganisms were cleaning the dirt on his body, and there was not even any blood left in his clothes. His whole body was simply worse than I took a shower and was wiped down by a maid to make it even cleaner.

However, just when Su Bai's head came out from the ground and Su Bai just breathed a sigh of relief, his feet were suddenly grabbed by something, and then a force came from below, and Su Bai immediately opened his mouth. He opened his mouth and took another breath, and then his head sank into the black soil again.

Soon, Su Bai was "pulled out" from underneath again. It was still the same tentacle, but this time Su Bai observed it very carefully. He saw that there was a light moss color on the tentacles. Su Bai thought that the tentacles were not strong enough before. It looks like an animal, more like the well-developed roots of a plant, and that's indeed what it looks like now.

Several paper figures stood on the edge of the stone platform, scattering something blue into the blood, and then the tentacles slowly placed Su Bai on the stone platform again. The paper figures lifted Su Bai up and stood in front of him. The man behind him urged the people below to carry him away quickly.

Going down from the stone platform, there was a downward slope, and there were actually traces of man-made carvings. Going further down, Su Bai even saw villages, but these villages did not see sunlight all year round, and they were made of stones. It's old, and it doesn't look like there are real people living inside. It has more of a symbolic meaning.

A sedan chair appeared in front. The faceless man entered the sedan chair first, and then several paper figures carried Su Bai in. Then these paper figures lifted the sedan chair together, as if rushing to welcome the bride, while the faceless man The first thing is to change the face in the sedan chair. The raw materials are naturally obtained from Su Bai's "corpse".

The man's nails were very sharp, like nail clippers. He first rubbed Su Bai's face, like a tailor measuring the cloth. Then, when everything was ready, the man began to prepare for cutting.

After struggling for such a long time, Su Bai's injuries finally recovered. Although his body was still very weak, how could he continue to pretend to be dead when people were ready to cut his face?

The next moment, the faceless man began to "knife", and the sharp nails pierced Su Bai's face directly. However, what surprised the faceless man was that his nails did not look like they had pierced the body of a dead person. It was like piercing a hard stone, and there was even a crisp sound, and two of his nails broke directly.

When he looked closely, he saw that in front of him was the corpse of a human being who had just died. It was clearly a zombie!

This zombie was staring at him with its blue eyes!

Su Bai's ten fingers grew ten black nails in an instant, carrying corpse poison and cold poison. Then when the faceless man realized that he had changed and was stunned, he took action directly and stabbed the faceless man's fingernail with one hand. In his eyes, there was also a hand stabbing into the neck of the faceless man.



Su Bai tried his best this time. He didn't know the real depth of the faceless man, but at such a close range and a sneak attack, no matter how powerful the faceless man was, he couldn't take advantage of him.

In fact, the effect of the sneak attack exceeded Su Bai's expectation, and this faceless man actually seemed not as experienced as Su Bai had imagined before, and he felt like the embroidered pillow was useless.

The cold poison directly invaded the faceless man's head, and his whole head was covered with a layer of frost. Su Bai returned to his previous state, looking very tired. After tossing for so long, his body was still constantly shaking. Injured, if it weren't for the blood in the blood river that seemed to be of some use, he might have died long ago.

The body of the faceless man sat quietly in the sedan, and the sedan slowly fell down at this time, it must have arrived at its destination.

Su Bai struggled to sit up and quickly took off his clothes. These clothes were all clothes found in the village before. It was very simple for ancient people to take off their clothes. Then Su Bai took off the red clothes wrapped around the faceless man. He pulled off the strip of cloth and wrapped it around himself, and finally casually covered the faceless man with his own clothes.

After finishing all this quickly, Su Bai couldn't help but be a little shocked at his own quick wit. Sure enough, people's thinking activity in emergencies is much higher than usual.

A paper man came to the sedan chair and waited.

Su Bai took a deep breath. These red cloth strips were very dirty and old, with a stale atmosphere, but Su Bai still remained calm, opened the curtain of the sedan chair, and walked down.

Here, it is no longer that empty outside, but has a feeling similar to a crack in the ground. However, there are actually traces of houses on it. However, due to the age and the long-term movement of the rock layer, these houses are only It looks like there is still a bit of a house, but in fact not much is left.

Su Bai is now in an independent space. In front of it, there is a bed. The bed was supposed to be carved from wood, but the wood has been damaged or even collapsed in many places over time, so the collapsed locations were stacked with stones. When raised up, it generally looks like a bed.

The bed is all covered with colorful rags, layered one after another, and there is a skull at the head of the bed. There is a green will-o'-the-wisp burning inside the skull. In this way, it is used as a bedroom lamp to illuminate this place. It made it even more eerie.

After Su Bai got off the sedan, all the paper figures retreated, and none of them disappeared. On the bed, among the colorful cloth strips, something began to squirm. The extent of the squirming was not very large, but Very clear.

Immediately afterwards, a hand came out from inside, and then hooked his finger at Su Bai.

Simply speaking from the perspective of this hand, this is the hand of a very beautiful woman, even enough to make a hand mold, but Su Bai will not take it for granted that there is a beautiful woman hidden under these rags. As a beautiful woman, Su Bai did not expect that he would have the fragrant, erotic encounter that Ning Caichen encountered when he met the fox demon;

In fact, among these dirty rags and an environment that exudes the smell of corpses, even if a beautiful woman strips herself naked and stands in front of you, it is difficult for you to have the urge to get hard.

Besides, there are lessons learned from the faceless man in it. God knows what kind of dirty and disgusting things are in it. However, now Su Bai seems to have some understanding of the identity of the faceless man. No wonder the embroidered pillow is not useful. He is just a face person, and it is very hard to be a face person. It is estimated that in order to satisfy the master's novelty, he has to keep changing the face of different people, constantly changing into the appearance of other people, and making his face appear again and again. Tear off the top and replace it with other skins. Come to think of it, this is also a kind of torture for the faceless man. Killing him myself can be regarded as a relief for him.

The hand was hooked for a long time, and it was felt that Su Bai hadn't even taken a step forward. The air pressure around him suddenly dropped, and the will-o'-the-wisp suddenly became strong at this time, as if reflecting the state of mind of someone on the bed.

Obviously, the person on the bed was already a little impatient.

Immediately afterwards, a faint voice came from the bed, and kept echoing between the narrow rock walls. The voice was intermittent, but it carried a kind of solemn majesty:

"Not yet... come quickly... wait... for bed..."

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