Chapter 92 Ghost Shadow

Child, where has the child gone?

Looking around, there was absolutely no child under the pool, and there was no one seen above the pool before. Su Bai could be sure of this;

Su Bai spit out a burst of bubbles from his mouth, then made a gesture to Gyatso, and then began to dive. Soon, he surfaced. In fact, the pool was not very deep, so he basically just kicked his legs and went up.

Gyatso also surfaced later. On the shore, the monk was studying the headless corpse of a general. The monk had to study almost every corpse along the way. This made Su Bai feel that if the monk did not become a monk , you can choose to be a forensic doctor. In fact, it is estimated that the average forensic doctor would be bored or tired by examining so many corpses continuously at once, but the monk always gave people the feeling that he was enjoying it.

"The female body below, she must have been pregnant before. There were obvious stretch marks on her belly, but her belly was cut open and the child inside was missing. I can't find where it is."

As soon as Su Bai finished speaking, Gyatso was startled. He immediately dived down again to check the situation. The monk's hands shook and he immediately rushed to the door of the hot spring pavilion. After opening the door, he stepped back again with a smile on his face. With a wry smile, he said to Su Bai, who was still floating on the water: "We are still a little careless."

Gyatso quickly surfaced again with a serious look on his face, and then motioned for Su Bai to go up first.

After the two climbed out of the pool, the monk pointed to the door and said, "For now, we can't get out."

Su Bai and Gyatso walked towards the door together. The door had been opened by the monk, but standing here and looking out the door, it turned out to be a different scene. It was not a barren mountain, but another hot spring pool, as if another hot spring pool had been opened. It was the same as a cubicle, but Su Bai remembered that there was only a lonely pavilion here, and there were no other buildings. However, the one that suddenly appeared at this time felt like a mirage, which seemed a bit ridiculous. At the same time, through the view of the pavilion in front From the wooden window, you can see that there is another pavilion outside this pavilion. The pavilion is connected to the pavilion, and the scale suddenly becomes much larger.

"Want to play in the maze?" Su Bai said.

Gyatso shook his head, "It's not the maze, it's that thing."

"The child?"

"It's that child. All of this was caused by him." Gyatso affirmed, "It was also the child who did it under the pond."

"But where is the baby now?" Su Bai asked.

"It is possible that there is no baby at all." Gyatso seemed to be organizing his words, "That woman may have been full of resentment from the beginning, and her resentment condensed into a fetus. If this woman cannot give birth, she must have died of dystocia. Then the resentment dissipates with the death of the mother body."

"So evil?"

"For example, it is actually very similar to Nezha in myths and legends. Nezha is a spiritual bead that descended to earth and borrowed Li Jing and his wife to give birth to his body. However, it is also remembered that Nezha's biological mother was pregnant for more than three years, because if according to the A normal ten-month pregnancy would definitely result in dystocia, and both mother and child would die. Therefore, Nezha completely condensed his flesh and blood in his mother's belly and then came out. The reason why he was born was a ball. Li Jing split it with his sword and appeared. He gave birth to a boy, that’s why.”

"Haha, it means that the Qing palace woman is also pregnant with Nezha?" Su Bai smiled a little.

"Myths and legends often have very cruel and bloody connotations. For example, when the water flooded the Jinshan Temple, people only cared about the beautiful love between Xu Xian and Bai Suzhen, but often ignored the countless creatures drowned by the flood underneath this love. Maybe Nezha is really a real person, and he has a prototype. Maybe that prototype was conceived with this kind of resentment, but in the end he was lucky enough to be born instead of both mother and child.

In fact, it can be seen from the name of this story world that in this story world, any supernatural things and any rare weirdness will be as simple and natural as drinking tea when you are thirsty. "Gyatso explained, "So, for some unknown reason, those men in black, after killing these Manchu guards, also performed a caesarean section on the woman, but the result was that the resentment in the woman's belly, or called That spirit was released, and then, the current situation, the situation we are facing now, is that the spirit is taking action against us. Maybe, he is watching us above our heads, but he is afraid of the three of us. The aura and ability, so they didn't dare to come down and attack us directly like they did to those men in black. "

At this time, the monk rubbed his hands, and then simply sat on the ground, holding the military commander's knife. After death, the body will become stiff, which is the so-called rigor mortis. As a military commander, being cut off The hand behind the head is still holding a knife tightly, which shows how hard it is to take off the knife. I don't know how the monk got it off.

The monk is holding a knife and drawing something on the ground. It's not a gossip or a formation, but more like a symbol for calculation and rehearsal.

Gyatso walked to the monk's side and asked, "Do you need help?"

The monk shook his head and said, "You and the poor monk have different methods. It would be too troublesome to deduce them together. This is not very difficult. The deduction can be completed in an hour."

Gyatso also sat next to the monk, closing his eyes as if he was meditating.

Su Bai also wanted to find something to do, but found that he had nothing to do now. An environment similar to a maze appeared outside, with densely packed pavilions. However, the monk already had a way to crack it, and he was already in it. After doing it, the only thing I can do now is to stay quiet and not disturb the monk.

Although Su Bai had said before entering this story world that he could hug his thighs, this kind of hugging method was a bit too comfortable, which made Su Bai himself a little unaccustomed to it.

After half an hour, the monk stopped.

Gyatso also opened his eyes at this time.

"The poor monk needs an experiment." The monk said, and as he spoke, the monk drew a direction on the ground with his finger.

Gyatso nodded, stood up, opened the door of the pavilion where the three of them were located again, and then walked out. Su Bai did not follow him out, but stood in the door and looked at Gyatso who walked out.

Gyatso entered the next pavilion, and then exited that pavilion, as if he had opened another door, and continued walking in.

Su Bai remembered that he had watched a movie before, called "Another Dimension Killing Formation". The environment at this time was very similar to the scene in that movie, but there were specialties in the art. Obviously, Gyatso and Monk were different. With the cooperation of the local Buddhist heirs, the three of them cannot be trapped here for long.

However, the accident seemed to happen so quietly.

Ten minutes passed and Gyatso did not come back.

The monk put down the knife in his hand and frowned, like a high school student who was solving a middle school question that he felt he was sure of. It just took some time to complete because he had already understood the principles and formulas. I have long been able to use it in a more advanced way, but halfway through the calculation, after deducing it, I found that I seemed to have made a mistake.

"The poor monk..." The monk opened his mouth and wanted to say something, but he didn't know how to say it. "It's impossible. The poor monk didn't make a mistake in his calculations."

The monk was very confident, but Gyatso did not come back. Judging from the monk's previous actions, he asked Gyatso to walk through several pools to verify his deduction. Even if there were some small mistakes, Gyatso came back the same way. Shouldn't be a problem.

However, after another ten minutes, Gyatso still did not come back.

The monk couldn't sit still anymore. He stood up and carved many dense symbols on the ground with his knife.

The monk stood at the door. Su Bai had been standing at the door since Gyatso left. He originally thought that Gyatso would just walk for a while and come back as instructed by the monk, but it was almost half an hour and Gyatso hadn't come back yet.

This almost made Su Bai think that the monk wanted to kill someone with a borrowed knife, but this idea flashed in Su Bai's mind because it was too ridiculous and impossible, not to mention that the monk had no motive to kill with a borrowed knife at this time. Even if there were, Gyatso would not be fooled so easily.

Something must have gone wrong here.

"Monk, let's continue the deduction. Gyatso must be lost. If he is lost, what do you think he will do?"

"He will start the deduction again in his own way, just like me, a poor monk."

"So, let's do it all over again. An extra hour at most is not a big deal."

The monk was relieved by Su Bai, sat down again, overturned everything he had done before, and started to deduce it again.

Su Bai stood by the pool and continued to wait. At this time, in an unknown pavilion, Gyatso must be doing deductions like the monk.

"By the way, monk, what are you basing your deduction on?"

The monk was not disturbed by Su Bai's question and said directly: "In all aspects, many, many."

"Will it be affected in any way?"

"This is a closed space. The corpses of the poor monks have been checked. They died not long ago and had no time to become innocent ghosts, so there is no possibility of interference. Moreover, under the magnetic field of that spirit, they also lost the ability to continue to become ghosts. The possibility of ghosts... is wrong, the calculation was wrong again!”

The monk nailed the knife in his hand directly to the ground and put one hand on his bald head, looking very incomprehensible.

He felt that he shouldn't have made a mistake, but he still made a mistake.

The monk stood up again, "Over there, Gyatso must also have made a mistake. Otherwise, he will definitely come back to find us."

"Both of them calculated wrongly, so something must have been overlooked. What could it be..."

Su Bai's eyes suddenly lit up and he asked the monk, "Monk, can you see ghosts?"

"The poor monk does not have yin and yang eyes. Unless it is a ghost under the malicious influence, otherwise, if it is just an ordinary ghost and resentment, they will not release their aura freely, and the poor monk will not be able to see it."

"Then, how can you see ghosts?" Su Bai pursed his lips, "In other words, how can you see if there are ghosts around you?"

The monk's eyes suddenly narrowed, he thought for a moment, then walked to the edge of the pool, took out some water, and then began to draw symbols on his palms.

"Take a drop of your blood."

Su Bai cut his finger with his nail, and a drop of blood dripped into the monk's palm. Finally, the monk put his palm on Su Bai's forehead.

Su Bai felt that his vision suddenly became a little foggy, and then he walked to the edge of the pool and looked at himself on the surface of the pool.


Su Bai made a long sound because he saw a ghost figure with a smashed head standing next to him.

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