On the twenty-eighth day after the Chinese Mars mission team landed on the surface of Mars, a Mars base made of Martian mud quietly rose on the Chris lava plain.

It is poured layer by layer of concrete made of Martian mud and stone using 3D printing module robots. It has no edges and corners, and the outside is a sloped structure, which can minimize damage from Martian dust storms.

There is an inner wall within the outer wall, and the middle of the two walls is filled with dry ice and dust to resist radiation. Inside, everyone directly filled the materials and various inflatable modules delivered by the spacecraft.

According to the initial structure, it consists of sleeping cabins, laboratories, hydroponic greenhouses, etc., and the external solar panels, wind speed alarms, temperature sensors, etc. have also been laid out.

It can be said that this Mars base has basically taken shape and can sustain ten astronauts for two to three years.

"Everyone, celebrate the completion of the first phase of our Mars base!" In the Mars base, Du Xingyu and his teammates had a dinner together to celebrate.

In addition to dry food and instant canned food, their food also includes fresh bean sprouts that have been sprouted in the plant cultivation room in the past few days.

If it weren't for the other space seeds they brought, such as space eggplants and potatoes, which had not yet been generated, they could even cook a small hot pot this time.

"Cheers!" Everyone in the restaurant raised their glasses. They didn't have wine, but they had drink powder, which was put into water and added with sugar to make a drink.

"Finally I have a home on Mars!" Su Peng exclaimed. These days, they encountered another Martian dust storm. Fortunately, the wind was not strong and there was an early warning system, so we were able to avoid it in time.

"Our Mars base hasn't been officially named yet, has it? Let's come up with an official name together!" Xu Lianqiu suggested.

"Okay, okay!" Two lesbians, Shen Yan and Jiao Mengyun, immediately agreed.

Astronaut Yao Feng suggested: "Let's call it 'Mars No. 1 Base'. It's simple and easy to remember."

The others rolled their eyes at him, and Shen Yan said: "This name is too bad. At least it needs to be a memorable name."

"Yes, it's best to bring a little bit of Chinese culture. This is also in line with our space agency's usual naming method." Xu Rui said.

"Yinghuo has already been used as the name of the spaceship...what else?" Everyone was thinking.

Xu Lianqiu thought for a moment and said: "The base on the moon is called Guanghan Palace, and the base on Mars might as well be called Zhurong Palace, right?"

"Mars, in Chinese mythology, represents the Lord of Fire, one of the twenty-eight constellations, which is the God of Fire. "Historical Records" records that the God of Fire is Zhu Rong, the son of Zhuan Xu, named Li. So this place was named Zhurong Palace? How about it?"

"Not bad!" Du Xingyu agreed, "It just corresponds to Guanghan Palace and spreads our culture to the world."

"What a name!" Jiao Mengyun said, "That's it, right?"

"Agree!" Shen Yan raised his hand. No one else had any objections, so their first base on Mars was named "Zhurong Palace".

After the dinner, Du Xingyu re-planned the task.

He said: "We are divided into three groups. The construction group led by Su Peng continues to build the Zhurongdian base. I lead the scientific research group to collect materials on the surface of Mars. Shen Yan and your information group are responsible for liaison, monitoring environmental changes, etc."

"Yes!" Everyone found their own tasks and started working.

Du Xingyu will stay on Mars for another month. He is not required to do tasks such as geological exploration. It is a rare visit to Mars, and the most important task of their scientific research team is to find traces of life on Mars!

Is there life on Mars? This is a question that humans have been curious about for thousands of years. Every Mars probe is trying to find traces of life on Mars. They have already made some discoveries before.

Geological exploration of Mars shows that there were oceans on Mars in ancient times, and life on Mars may have existed at that time.

Even now, water ice and seasonal liquid water exist on Mars. During the exploration of the Mars rover, they discovered that there are traces of water ice at the poles, underground and some meteorite impact craters of Mars.

On Chris Plains, Du Xingyu drove the Mars rover with Xu Lianqiu, Xu Rui and Yao Feng to the Mariner Canyon.

On the way, Du Xingyu also took a video, which he will post later. He explained: "One of the reasons why we chose Crisis Planitia as the landing site is because it is one of the lowest places on the surface of Mars."

"Many ancient rivers once flowed through Crisis Planitia, which connects the largest canyon on Mars and the largest canyon in the solar system, Mariner Canyon. This is a complex canyon system 4,000 kilometers long and 7 kilometers deep, which is larger than the United States on Earth. The Grand Canyon is 10 times longer and 5 times deeper!”

"We are now going to the end of Mariner Canyon to see if we can find ice or liquid water."

Du Xingyu sent the video, and more than four minutes later, it was transmitted to Earth and posted on the Internet.

"Another update! Finally leaving the base!"

"There must be Martians. Maybe we Earthlings are immigrants from Martians!"

"Be careful, don't encounter another Martian dust storm!"

"Come on, Ollie!"

Du Xingyu's Douyin followers now reach more than 50 million, making him the top traffic and internet celebrity. And this number is still rising with every update he makes!

A few hours later, they arrived at the edge of the Mariner Canyon.

"Oh my god, this place is really, really scary. I don't know how to describe it!" Looking at the scene in front of him, Xu Rui's face was filled with shock.

They stood at the end of the Mariner Canyon, the largest canyon in the solar system, unfolding before their eyes. Here, Mars is like a huge 4,000-kilometer-long wound cut open by a knife. This Great Rift Valley can be clearly seen even from space!

Looking ahead from the edge of the rift valley, even the horizon is cut in half! The ravine in front of me goes from shallow to deep, until it reaches the bottomless abyss! It’s like going straight to the netherworld!

In front of such natural wonders, they once again felt the insignificance of human beings.

"Huh!" Du Xingyu took a long breath and said, "Let's get started, we don't have to go deep into the Grand Canyon."

"Try to look for traces of underground rivers, preferably where the sun can shine."

According to the data previously detected by Tianwen-1, it is inferred that during high temperatures in summer, water ice in some areas will melt seasonally. In such places, traces of the existence of microorganisms may be found.

Small drones are flown out to detect the surrounding geography. An hour later, they selected five target areas and drove a Mars rover and a folding Mars motorcycle respectively to conduct field inspections and samples.

The first day's work was limited, but they found pebbles from an ancient riverbed. There is no damage caused by biological activities on the surface of Mars, so the traces of billions of years ago are still clearly visible until now!

It wasn't until the eighth day that they discovered traces of water.

This is the remains of an ancient lake, located at the end of the Mariner Canyon. Several ancient rivers flowed into this low-lying land, forming a huge lake.

There should be some water ice in the sandy soil under the lake ruins. After being exposed to sunlight, part of the water ice melts, forming slightly moist soil.

Thanks to Spirit YY, Mu Chenfeng, Invincible Feixian, and 20~22 for the rewards.

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