There is no doubt that the United States’ Mars landing plan has attracted global attention. It is the first country to announce a Mars landing plan.

American netizens and space enthusiasts were very excited: "After returning to the moon, the United States will finally land on Mars!"

"There must be Martians on Mars!"

"We are going to Mars so soon. We will definitely be number one in the world!"

"Looking forward to that day!"

The American media also promotes it around the world, demonstrating their aerospace capabilities.

However, just after the United States Space Administration announced its plan to land on Mars, the China Space Administration also announced its own Mars landing mission.

"We will launch the Mars spacecraft Yinghuo in two months, and plan to carry ten astronauts to Mars for landing and scientific research missions."

The China Space Administration did not reveal much information. Everyone only knew that they were also on a manned mission to Mars this time. They did not reveal any information about the Mars spacecraft Yinghuo.

"China has also announced that it will land on Mars. This is interesting. China and the United States are carrying out Mars missions at the same time. This is a competition for space hegemony!"

Some foreign media immediately published an article: "The United States and China will launch Mars spacecraft at the same time. Who will be the first to land on Mars?"

On Twitter, there was also a vote on which country’s Mars spacecraft you are more optimistic about.

"Of course it's the United States!" Foreign netizens have supported the United States' "Mars Ship".

"The United States has been preparing for its Mars mission for decades, and China cannot match it!"

"Yes, we landed on the moon last century, and they only landed on the moon last year. There is a huge difference!"

"Although China's aerospace technology is developing rapidly, the Mars ship is obviously better!"

On Twitter, 95% of the votes in support of the American Mars spacecraft accounted for 95%, and less than 5% believed that China’s “Yinghuo” Mars spacecraft would be the first to land on Mars.

On the other hand, on China's Internet, 98% of netizens support Yinghuohao.

Some people even go to foreign websites to "fight" with foreign netizens to argue about which Mars spacecraft is more powerful.

"Why are you still arguing here? Just ask Du Xingyu directly!" A bunch of netizens ran to Du Xingyu's Bilibili account and left messages.

"Urge the update! Urge the update! Urge the update!"

"UP Lord, please get up and update!"

" @Interstellar explorer, what does the Yinghuo Mars spacecraft look like? What is its function?"

"When will it start broadcasting?"

Du Xingyu’s B-station fans have exceeded 10 million since the last moon landing. It has ranked among the top three on the entire site. This is due to the limited traffic of the website.

At this time, Du Xingyu was also making new videos, preparing to replenish energy points for his technology simulator.

A few days later, Du Xingyu released a new video called "Mars Colonization Strategy".

"Check out Du Xingyu's new video!" As soon as Du Xingyu's video was released, hundreds of thousands of fans received the notification and started watching.

"Hello everyone, I am an interstellar explorer. Recently, everyone is very concerned about the news of going to Mars. So in this video, we will talk about how to establish a space colony on Mars!" Du Xingyu's voice appeared in the video.

"I'm coming!"

"As soon as you posted the video, I hung up on my girlfriend decisively!"

"Mars colony? I want to hear UP talk about Mars spaceships!"

In the video, Du Xingyu continued to explain: "The first step in colonizing Mars is to build a house first!"

"With the experience of building a lunar base, this time we no longer need cave dwellings to build houses, but use modular robots."

On the screen, a simulation of a three-dimensional animation appeared, with block-like modular robots being lowered from the Mars spacecraft.

"These modular robots can change their functions. Each one can be switched to patrol type, power supply type, digging type and 3D printing type, and can be combined into different forms at will like building blocks to perform different tasks."

"First, we use ultrasonic waves to detect the geological conditions, and after selecting the base address, we use excavation module robots to dig and grind the soil as building materials."

"The 3D robot module uses microwaves to melt the soil, lay it layer by layer on the ground, and print out the entire Mars base."

In the video, an "ant nest"-style Mars base appeared.

"666!" Seeing this, the audience exclaimed, "It's much better than the previous moon cave dwellings!"

"The plan has indeed been improved!"

"Is this base really strong? Is it radiation-proof?"

Du Xingyu continued: "Using modular robots, we have built a rough house on the Mars base. Next, the astronauts will bring living units, such as our 'life capsules', scientific equipment, and supplies to start decorating the rough house."

"These modular robots can now be formed into pallets to help transport supplies."

"In the base, our life capsules will be inflated and deployed one by one, deployed at designated locations, and connected through connecting rooms. They will provide air, water, food and other supplies."

"The power system is provided by solar panels and small nuclear reactors deployed outside, and a multi-functional Mars base containing sleeping cabins, laboratories, hydroponic greenhouses, maintenance cabins, etc. was quickly built."

"Such a Mars base can support more than ten astronauts for more than three years! And relying on the same method, we can build more Mars bases in other places on Mars."

"When conditions permit, we can also build a Mars station to shuttle spacecraft to and from Mars, opening the way for human colonization of Mars!"

Du Xingyu's video has ended, with tens of millions of views.

"Du Xingyu posted a video of colonizing Mars. This means that we are about to colonize Mars!" Some fans cheered on the Internet.

"Waiting for the live broadcast!"

"Will Du Xingyu go to Mars this time?"

"Why didn't you mention the Yinghuo Mars spacecraft?"

More than a month later, there are only five days left before the launch of the Yinghuo Mars spacecraft.

Perhaps because it wanted to land on Mars first, the American Space Agency took the lead in launching four "Ares V" heavy-duty launch vehicles, which each sent the 100-ton Mars ship part to low-Earth orbit.

In low-Earth orbit, the four parts of the Mars ship successfully docked, carrying eight American astronauts to Mars!

That day, news around the world was reporting and celebrating this event!

Some people in the American aerospace industry even publicly declared: "The Mars ship will definitely reach Mars earlier than the Yinghuo Mars spacecraft, and the United States must be the first country to land on Mars!"

People from the China Space Administration have no time to pay attention to these. Because the launch of the Yinghuo Mars spacecraft is approaching, there is too much preparation work.

"This Mars mission will be carried out by a team of ten people, six of whom will stay on Mars for more than a year. The other four people will return to Earth on the Yinghuo after the two-month scientific research mission." Changhai Launch Center Here, He Jingcheng is introducing the situation of the Mars mission to reporter Lu Jiajia. This information will be broadcast in tonight's news.

Thanks to Zhatian Gang Leng Feng, ah ah ah, rice-loving Tao Zi, and byskty for the tips.

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