"Did they do it so quickly?" Lomonosov of the Russian Space Agency looked at the screen and sighed: "We are one step too late!"

The Russian Space Agency's idea is actually similar to that of China. They also plan to land on the moon before the Americans return to the moon. Everything is ready!

Who knew they were caught off guard by the China Space Administration, and now, they can only watch helplessly as Du Xingyu planted a red flag on the moon!

"The Chinese have landed on the moon!" Everyone at the Indian Space Agency looked at this scene with envy. How they wished that the person standing on the moon at this moment was an Indian!

Unfortunately, the wreckage of the Indian Lunar 2 probe that crashed last time still reminds them that India does not yet have this strength.

"The Chinese people landed on the moon, it's really amazing!" Some people in the island country watched the live broadcast and were filled with emotion.

"They are indeed powerful. Maybe we can send scholars to study!"

On the moon, the two astronauts behind Du Xingyu, Shen Yan and Su Peng, also set foot on the lunar soil.

"It's fun to jump here!" Because the moon's gravity is only one-sixth that of the earth, Du Xingyu can jump up easily. He jumped on the moon, experiencing this wonderful feeling.

Shen Yan; "..."

Su Peng: "Du Gong, we are about to carry out the mission! Shen Yan, you go check the Yutu 2, and I will put down the Yutu 3 lunar rover."

"Okay!" Female astronaut Shen Yan went over to check on the Yutu-2 unmanned lunar rover that has been on the moon for nearly a year.

Su Peng, on the other hand, put down the Yutu-3 lunar rover in the lunar module, activated the button, and the folded lunar rover began to unfold, forming the shape of a mountain bike.

"Friends in the audience, now we are about to start the lunar scientific research mission, so we can't continue the live broadcast. See you next time!" The next scenes are all scientific research secrets, so the live broadcast cannot be continued.

"Is this the end? I haven't seen enough yet!"

"Please, can you please turn off the broadcast?"

"I just want to see what the surface of the moon looks like. Is it so difficult?"

“It’s so exciting to watch!”

"Anchor, if you have tens of millions of hits and you shut down the broadcast, other anchors will just die of acidity!"

No matter what the fans said, the live broadcast signal was still cut off.

"Yutu 2 was slightly damaged, but the sampling mission was completed." Shen Yanhui reported.

"Okay, send the samples back to the lunar module and let Jiao Yunmeng cooperate with you." Du Xingyu said, "Su Peng and I will go inspect the location!"

"Roger!" Shen Yan and the astronaut Jiao Yunmeng who stayed behind in the lunar module continued to perform their roles, while Du Xingyu and Su Peng got on the Yutu 3 lunar rover.

They also have the most important task, which is to find a location where they can build a moon base! This is also their biggest mission to land on the moon!

In fact, over the years, countries have been able to analyze the soil, rocks and composition of the lunar surface.

If you want to further develop the moon, you must build a lunar base! Otherwise, personnel would spend huge amounts of money and take huge risks every time they travel to and from the moon.

If there is a lunar base, these problems will be easily solved. The lunar base is also an important task to grab territory on the moon and establish a frontier for space exploration!

"Command center, we are ready to go!" Su Peng shouted.

"You can go!" the command center replied.

Before setting off, Du Xingyu looked around, first at the blue planet, and then at the boundless universe.

Fortunately, there was no asteroid that could destroy the human world this time! It seems that my efforts to land on the moon in advance are still useful!

"The scenery here is really shocking!" Su Peng sighed while driving the lunar rover on the moon. "It's worth it to come to the moon once in this life!"

"Once is too little, I will come here often in the future." Du Xingyu held a telescope and observed the surrounding terrain.

Near this coordinate is a location that has been explored by the lunar rover for a long time.

The moon is full of uneven craters. And because there is no atmosphere protection, there are dangers such as large temperature differences between day and night, space radiation, and meteorite impacts.

It would be very difficult to build a lunar base directly on flat ground! And it costs a lot of money!

Therefore, after discussions with experts from the space agency, they decided to try to find a small mountain on the moon and initially build a small "cave dwelling"-style base.

This cave dwelling has natural insulation and heat-proof functions. The mountain can also block lunar dust and space radiation, making it easier to create a closed aerobic environment.

With the cave-style lunar base as the core, several astronauts can stay on the moon for a long time, transport materials and personnel through the lunar spacecraft, gradually expand, and finally build a truly large-scale lunar base!

The mission of Du Xingyu and Su Peng is to measure the terrain, explore the nearby soil and rocks, and find a suitable place to serve as a cave dwelling base.

This time, they plan to stay on the moon for ten days to complete preliminary work before setting off back to Earth.

Following the guidance of the Chang'e satellite, Du Xingyu and Su Peng quickly found the previously selected mountain and began geological exploration work.

A few hours later, Du Xingyu rode a lunar motorcycle with soil and rock samples back to the lunar module for analysis. He asked Shen Yan and Jiao Mengyun to change shifts. He and Su Peng drank water and ate in the lunar module to replenish their strength.

Scientific research work is very boring most of the time. After three days of measurements and analysis of data obtained from the previous Chang'e project, Du Xingyu and others finally found a suitable location.

This is a natural cave with enough space. As long as it is properly transformed, a lot of work of digging the cave can be avoided.

Outside the cave, there is an open flat land, suitable for the landing of the lunar module and the driving of the lunar rover.

"First, build a signal station above the cave!" The three began to build a signal station, while transporting supplies and storing them in the cave.

In order to show that this is Chinese territory, they also deliberately planted red flags around it.

"Before we leave, we need to build a small ecological space." Du Xingyu said, "I will divide the labor now."

"Su Peng and I laid solar panels and constructed the energy system. Shen Yan and Jiao Mengyun worked in the cave to build a confined space. One of us always has to stay on the lunar module, responsible for handling emergencies and contacting teammates. We work in turns. ,Start now."

"Copy that!" The four of them divided their duties and started working.

Above them, lunar exploration satellites from various countries are looking for their traces. The Taiyin lunar spacecraft is still flying along the lunar orbit, waiting for their return.

"The solar panels have been installed and the power system is complete."

"The confined space has been completed, the air pressure is normal, and the water circulation system is normal... This ecological space is expected to last for half a year!"

In the cave, they used the materials they carried to build a small ecological space that could be repaired by the astronauts who arrived here.

Thanks to Bookworm, No Book, Nuclear Warhead Polisher, Master Ah Mao, and Huang Wending. Promise is a bubble that keeps bursting, and rewards for chasing dreams.

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