Chapter 56: Peninsula Negotiations, I’m Threatening You

peninsula seoul

In this bustling city, the Korean Star Group headquarters exudes a unique temperament, towering over the surrounding buildings

Its building walls are all covered with glass, and each side reflects the color of the sky. From a distance, it doesn’t look like a headquarters, but more like a super-large business district composed of office buildings.

Mollenkopf found the main building of the group and just walked into the front lobby. When the girl in charge saw that she was a white person from Europe and the United States, she immediately switched to English and asked:”Hello, Korean Star Group Headquarters, how can I help you?”

“I have made an appointment with Ms. Li Zhenzhen from your group.”Mollenkopf replied

As soon as he arrived in Peninsula Seoul a few days ago, he approached Lee Jae-yong, the current president of Korean Star Group, to ask what was going on.

But after listening to Mollenkopf’s description, Lee Jae-yong was a little confused. He didn’t cooperate with any Longxing Technology.

He has never heard of Longxing Technology Company or anything like that.

After some investigation, it turned out that it was my sister Li Zhenzhen who made the conversation.

Unlike other wealthy brothers and sisters who compete for property and fight to the death, Lee Jae-yong and Lee Jin-jin have a harmonious relationship, otherwise they would not be in charge of the Korean Star Group’s business together.

Since it was his sister who made the decision, Lee Jae-yong could only ask Molenkov to find Li Zhenzhen, and said that the mobile phone business was not under his control and there was nothing he could do.

no way

Mollenkopf can only make an appointment with Li Zhenzhen

But in the past few days, Li Zhenzhen has been personally busy with the supply of Orion processors and M series screen assemblies, making it more difficult for him to make an appointment.

As time passes, Mollenkopf becomes more and more angry. The longer the delay, the more likely it is that Longxing Technology Company will break free from the prison.

“Hello sir, please come with me.”The girl at the front desk also called to confirm that the reservation was valid and led the way.


Li Zhenzhen’s office

Wearing a dark black business suit, she is mysterious and elegant sitting in the office area, packing up contract documents in a leisurely manner.

It was no surprise that Gaotong CEO Mollenkopf came to visit her. Her brother Lee Jae-yong mentioned it to her three days ago, but she didn’t pay attention.

After waiting for a while

“dong dong——”

The office door was knocked and opened, and the girl at the front desk said in a lower tone:”President, Mr. Mollenkopf has been brought to”

“close the door”

Li Zhenzhen said lightly

As she spoke, she looked at Mollenkopf with her eyes. He had handsome three-dimensional features, had been exercising all year round, had a perfect figure and a well-tailored suit, and had the image of a proper Western gentleman.

If an ordinary girl saw him, she would probably fall for him instantly.

But Li Zhenzhen was not troubled. With her Han���The experience and experience of the princess of the group will not make her a nymphomaniac to everyone she meets.

And after seeing the methods Mollenkopf used against Longxing Technology Company, she knew very well that the appearance of a gentleman was just his disguise. Behind the scenes, the predatory nature of the West remained unchanged.

“Miss Zhenzhen, I finally meet you. You are more beautiful in person than in the photos.”

Mollenkopf walked into the office, wanting to lighten the atmosphere first.

The girl at the front desk closed the door, and Li Zhenzhen said in a cold tone:”Thank you, President Mollenkopf, just say it if you have anything to say.”

She never loses her ink when talking about things

Because she was rich since she was a child, she cares more about time than money.

Mollenkopf was stunned for half a second, his eyes flashed with displeasure, but it passed quickly, and then he went straight to the point:

“I heard that Korean Star Group is supplying Orion processors to Longxing Technology Company. Can we talk about the conditions for discontinuing supply?”


Li Zhenzhen raised his eyes, looked directly at Mollenkopf with a sharp gaze and said:”Tell me what conditions you can afford?”

“I know that Korean Star Group has been researching baseband chips. I can provide technical support and assist you in independent research and development.”

Mollenkopf said in a sincere tone

Li Zhenzhen grasped the key point and asked:”Oh, then why not open it directly to us and share the technology?”

Providing technical support and assisting in independent research and development is a pitfall in itself.

Sending one person is also a technical support, sending two people is also a technical support. Who knows how long it will take to develop the product?���become?

If we delay for three or four years, and the era advances further, into the 5G era, won’t it mean that Korean Star Group will never be able to catch up?

“I can’t decide on open technology alone, but I can promise that I will definitely help Korean Star Group master 4G baseband chip technology.”Molenkov said without giving up.


Li Zhenzhen did not fall into the trap and remained sober:”The conditions you offered us are not even as good as those offered to MediaTek. DSP multi-core architecture technology is what you want, right?”

The Korean Star Group has spies all over the world. It is not easy to collect this kind of inside information.


Mollenkopf shuddered in his heart and cursed in his heart, but he still smiled and said:”Yes, if Korean Star Group also joins, you, me, and MediaTek will share this technology patent.”

“What does it do?”

“The signal is more stable and the network speed is faster”


“Calls are clearer”


“That’s all for now”

Mollenkopf just finished speaking, feeling a little guilty, but Li Zhenzhen added on his behalf:”You didn’t mention 5G, did you? Can you get around it?”


Mollenkopf was silent

His eyes flashed with a stern look. Only less than ten people knew this inside information. Who leaked it?

After formulating the 4G network standards, Gaotong began 5G development

Throughout the history of network development, 2G texts, 3G web pages, 4G mobile games, and 5G positioning are���Internet of things

What is the concept of Internet of Everything?

As the name suggests, it means connecting all aspects of life to the Internet.

For example, in terms of travel, driverless cars will fully replace drivers. You only need to enter your destination. You don’t need to plan a route or be afraid of traffic jams. The Internet of Everything system will automatically analyze and deliver you safely in the fastest and shortest time. reach

Another example is the house where you live. When you insert the key or use the access card, the lights in the living room will automatically turn on, the TV will automatically adjust to your favorite channel, and the smart robot will also send you slippers for you to change.

Just one click on your mobile phone, easy and convenient, this is the Internet of Everything

Of course

This is just the direction of people’s livelihood

The Internet of Everything can also be used in military industry

Just imagine, military missions that once required the cooperation of multiple people now only require the input of coordinates and drones, reconnaissance planes, and bombers will automatically carry out coordinated bombings. How terrible is this?

If you want to connect everything, you must have extremely fast signal reception and processing technology, and the design of the DSP multi-core architecture happens to be in terms of signal processing.

Because of this, in order to realize the concept of 5G as soon as possible, Mollenkopf will kill Longxing Technology at all costs and obtain this technology patent.

After a long silence, Molenkov compromised:”What do you want?”

As soon as the words were spoken, Li Zhenzhen also got the answer she wanted. Gaotong was indeed developing a 5G network.��

At present, the 5G network has been started before 4G has been laid out, which makes her feel uneasy about Gaotong.

During the transition from 3G to 4G, Gaotong Company attacked Longguo and forced mobile phone companies to hand over their technology patents. What if 5G is developed by them?

Harvest the whole world?

Can Korean Star Group be spared?

She pondered for a while and said:”I don’t think there is any possibility for us to cooperate unless you are willing to provide us with 4G and 5G research and development information.””

“this! Is that too much?”

Mollenkopf’s face suddenly changed, suppressing the anger in his heart

He can give it to 4G research and development information, but 5G is a top secret of the company. How can it be shared so easily?

Sharing 5G?

He would rather study how to break through!

Li Zhenzhen’s aura suddenly changed, and he said forcefully and threateningly:”You don’t want me to leak 5G secrets, do you?”

“Are you threatening me?”

Mollenkopf’s face turned completely cold and he narrowed his eyes slightly.

Li Zhenzhen met the fierce and fierce gaze without fear, smiled lightly and said:”Yes, I’m just threatening you.””

(End of this chapter)

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