Tech Hammer

Chapter 279 When the cutie in March posts on Weibo again

Even in the era of mobile networks, the influence of news programs cannot be underestimated. After all, this influence is all-round. But it's definitely not just the Chinese people who are watching. It can be said that as China's national power becomes stronger and stronger, the whole world is paying attention to these short thirty minutes every day.

Especially when media reports are combined with hot Internet events, they can often catalyze extremely terrifying heat. For example, I once said, "XXX, your mother asked you to go home for dinner."

Who would have thought that such an extremely ordinary sentence could go viral on the entire Internet, let alone this is a major event about chips. After all, chips are really closely related to everyone's life these days. Without this thing, you can’t play anything new on your phone. Not to mention that the naming of this new architecture is so unique that it has the same name as the Chinese National Missile Defense System.

Soon, discussions about new chip technology swept the entire Internet.

"Here, who can explain to me how the name of this CNMD chip architecture came about? The technology sounds awesome, but it is not as awesome as the naming of this architecture! I suspect this is pointing at some people's noses. "

"What a freaking CNMD chip architecture! It's indeed a Chinese scientist. The name looks beautiful, popular, and can be appreciated by both refined and popular people. The Core and X86 are simply weak! At first glance, it looks like it's going to be beaten."

"If you don't understand, just ask, what does this new chip material mean? Didn't the news say it's still a silicon tube? Why is it made of new materials?"

"Read the news carefully, students. The news also said that this is a new ex-situ construction model of silicon-carbon combination. It probably means that silicon is just a structural component, and the transistors that implement logic functions use carbon materials. It is just graphene. It’s still not mentioned in the carbon nanotube news. Since the technology for preparing graphene is currently immature, I personally judge that carbon nanotube materials are most likely to be used.”

"Well, March this morning posted on Weibo saying that he rubbed his hand into a chip last night and it came out. He wouldn't be talking about this thing in the news, right?

"Visual inspection is correct. The news said it was a radio frequency chip. In March, Weibo also hinted that the chip it produced was a 5G radio frequency chip!"

"Ning Wei, the god of learning, is indeed YYDS! By the way, does this mean that we will be able to use domestic CPUs in the future?"

Even March’s Weibo comment section became popular again.

"March, come out. Your news was broadcast on the news today. You obviously rubbed it with your little paws. Why didn't the news mention you?"

"Meow, although I made the chip, the chip design was drawn by my Ning for my father! Assi!"

"March, stop rubbing the radio frequency chip. Can you rub out a CPU tonight? If you are going to rub it out, I will buy you dried fish!"

"Meow, if you ask me to draw a good drawing for my father, let alone one, my little paws can rub ten of them in one night! Come on, Axi!"

"I feel sorry for my family in March. I stayed up all night rubbing chips. Your name hasn't been mentioned in the news yet. Don't want your father anymore. Come with me!"

"Meow, can you draw a blueprint? Let me tell you that this blueprint is very difficult to draw. You have to consider the ordering of each channel and the priority of signal processing. The number of internal multi-valued logic transistors is in billions. Of course, The most important thing is, can you buy me a big house? The price is also in hundreds of millions."

Obviously, this is really unaffordable.

Of course, Ning Wei's countless netizens on Weibo were not left behind. After all, there was still March there who spared no effort to help his irresponsible father to attract traffic.

"Kneel down to Ning Xueshen who lives in the study!"

"If you don't understand, just ask, how much does a chip made by March Little Claws cost? Where can I buy it?"

There is something even more exaggerated...

"It doesn't matter where I sleep. I just want to ask Ning Xueshen if he still needs a bed warmer?"

"Please don't misunderstand me. I just want to borrow some excellent genes, okay?"

Of course, unlike the carnivals of ordinary netizens on the Internet, the real excitement is in those relatively professional forums! The carnival of ordinary netizens relies purely on the number of people to win, but in these professional forums, there are really a bunch of people squatting here, constantly reviewing the forum discussions.

"Is this three-dimensional structure really possible? I remember that some foreign companies are also studying the pipe structure?"

"Yes, as far as I know, IBM has conducted similar research. I have read papers published by their scientists before, but they are all theoretical. As mentioned above, this structure seems beautiful, but there are still many problems. It has not been solved. Domestic research on this aspect is still in its infancy, and I have not seen a few relevant papers. Who would have dared to think that it would suddenly come out."

"Really or not? Why can't I believe it? This three-dimensional structure has heat dissipation, noise interference, and three-dimensional path connections. The complexity of these structures has improved geometrically. Let's not mention the difficulty of manufacturing. How does this thing work? Designed?"

"Don't make trouble. Being in the news is enough to prove the authenticity. In fact, I believe it even if it is not in the news. My supervisor participated in the research. He just called me and scolded me. Why does someone just study mathematics so casually? The results I produced are several positions ahead of those of me who specialized in this. Ask me if I am messing around every day! I am so damn..."

"Let me go, how can the tutor upstairs have the same virtues as my tutor? Today is really a disaster. We are already working hard in nanomaterial research. The laboratory is so busy every day, but in the end, we are said to be working in vain every day. All I do is useless work, no better than a math student. If I can learn math, why do I need to learn the materials?"

"I was passing by the company's technical department for an urgent meeting at night. I had received the news during the day, but there was no confirmation. It was confirmed almost simultaneously with the news. Needless to say, I will be busy this year, according to the new chip specifications. Design a new motherboard adaptation solution. By the way, the company has also updated the minimalist EDA version simultaneously. Let me tell you, if you want to continue to engage in chip design in the future, it is recommended to get started with minimalist EDA. Now the personal version is still It’s free to use, but according to internal information, there may be charges soon.”

"Minimalist EDA? Is it the EDA software that Jiangda Software Laboratory has been promoting before? I went there. Last year, their promotion department came to our company to talk. It turned out that the company leaders were idiots and they gave us a free family meal package. None of them are willing to use it, saying that the cost of adapting our front-line technology to the software is too high. I guess the leaders are regretting it at this time."

"Adaptation cost? It is said that minimalist EDA software is very simple and easy to use, and there is no adaptation cost at all? We are really embarrassed now! If the chip technology can really be promoted this time, then the industry chain may have to be readjusted. Just now We received news in the WeChat group that our research institute may have to suspend the previous lithography research line and turn to research on how to promote the growth of carbon nanotubes in an orderly manner. A notice was just sent out that the laboratory will reschedule the relevant learning content, and also specially If I don’t pass the exam, I will be transferred to another job! It feels like I have learned in vain these past few years.”

"I'm going?! No more research on photolithography technology? Then this means that there is a high probability that it is going to be real. But is it too hasty? It is said that this chip is still a 180nm process. It is okay to use it on a radio frequency chip. It has a three-dimensional structure. It’s not backward, but if this process cannot be upgraded in a few years, it’s probably not possible to use 180nm technology for CPU and GPU, right? This process is too far behind, how can the performance keep up?”

"Probably not all of them. At least our lens guys haven't received the notice yet. The visual inspection on the upper floor may be the lithography research institute under the Chinese Academy of Sciences. But it doesn't matter. Since RF chips can be made directly, there should be technical reserves. Yes. I can’t say that there is actually a more advanced process, but there is no need to use it. I guess the main problem is heat dissipation. The density of the transistors is too high, and I can’t figure out how the heat in the middle is dissipated.”

"Stop talking, some people are born to be awesome! I can't figure it out. A person who does mathematics knows algorithms. You say he does algorithms. He also writes about artificial intelligence. You say he does artificial intelligence? Smart, right? Now he has entered semiconductors, and he has directly revolutionized the old materials. You can say that he makes materials, and he has also come up with new architectures. So, I really want to ask the boss Ning Wei, who What on earth are you doing? This really means that you have finished all other people’s paths and left everyone with no way to go!”

"What you said above is wrong. It doesn't mean that we have no way to go. It just opens a new path for us to turn around. I don't know if I can still learn new things at my age. What if? It's a disaster if you can't learn. Sure enough, when the times are going to eliminate certain people, they won't say hello in advance at all.

For those who are discussing seriously, the two minutes of today’s news will really affect their future jobs, and has even affected the future jobs of many people. The innovation of a new technology in the high-tech industry is not just a piece of news, nor is it as simple as being hotly discussed on the Internet. It represents a reshuffle of an industry, and may even represent a change of an era. .

When the news reported this news, it was when the sun was rising on the other side of the ocean, when Huaxia Network was conducting extensive discussions on three-dimensional silicon silicon tube chip technology, and it was also when the big bosses of the large technology companies in Silicon Valley were going to work.

When they sit down at their desks, the reports in front of them are all about the same news.

Three-dimensional silicon silicon tube chip? Silicon-carbon isomerism? CNMD architecture? China Frontier Intelligent Technology R\u0026D Center?

Really, so sudden! Not the slightest bit defensive.

When the big guys saw this news, they probably felt like - how long did you sleep last night? Why does it feel like traveling through time and space to the future?

The feeling of absurdity is even worse...

Really, in this era, it is really difficult for revolutionary new technologies and new materials to appear quietly. When tens of thousands of smart people have almost reached the extreme in one direction, any minor changes to the entire system are actually the result of more smart people working together in this direction.

In this process, many papers will be published, many amazing discoveries will attract people's attention, and there will be news stage by stage that will make people build their hearts. In this process, it will also lead the world. The attention of the capital and financial markets, under the operation of a large number of financial giants, related concept stocks have been staged in turns with good and bad results. If a new concept does not wash leeks several times, it would be embarrassing to say that it is a trillion-scale industry.

But this time there was nothing. Suddenly, the results came out.

Attention, it is the result!

Although many bigwigs doubt the authenticity of this news,

The most important thing is that it involves the name of the young man who seems to be able to turn decay into magic - Ning Wei! Really, the inclusion of this name makes this news a little more authentic.

It is no exaggeration to say that the word "Ningwei" has almost become a nightmare for big guys in the Western technology circle.

While a bunch of big guys are still having headaches about turbulence algorithms and the March smart platform, this guy is starting to work on semiconductors, materials, and chips again? No, this is really a state of mind!

After a brief period of confusion, these large companies began to react quickly. The most important thing at the moment is to get the finished product for analysis and confirm the authenticity of the news. Soon, one order after another traveled across thousands of miles and reached China.

As a huge market with one-sixth of the world's population and extremely strong consumption power, most of these large companies have their own branches, R\u0026D institutions and executives in charge of the Greater China region in China. These matters can only be left to those in China. These people do it.

The second step is for relevant companies involved in chips to start self-examination of their respective patent libraries to see if there are any research materials, patents, core basic patents, etc. on three-dimensional silicon through-tube technology.

Why are foreign companies more motivated to invest large sums of profits in R\u0026D? Haven't these big guys already tasted the benefits of controlling the rules and resting on patents? As long as the patent barriers are made solid enough, wouldn't it be great to earn tens or hundreds of billions every year just by licensing patents?

Not only that, if a company is not forward-looking and threatens its own business, it can directly cut off the company's future development by cutting off patent authorization. It is worth spending any amount of money to ensure that your company's leadership position in the industry remains unshakable.

It would be best if companies in related fields all over the world have to look at their faces to make decisions. In this way, they can permanently control the pricing power. How much they earn depends on the market and their mood. Who wants to leave such a comfort zone?

China has always been a nightmare for such companies.

Really, God knows how many world-famous names have been making money in the market and making money from large companies that are soft-handed, but because of the intervention of Huaxia Company, they finally died down and went directly into desolation. Really, there are so many examples of this.

Basically, in any industrial field, unless China cannot do it, once China masters the key technology, there will always be a way to reduce the production cost to an incredible level, and then a global price war will begin. Maybe Huaxia's products are not rated the best in the world's industrial field, but they can always be the most cost-effective.

For example, the shield machine of the year.

The Germans sold two shield machines to Huaxia at a high price and did not allow Chinese people to participate in the entire maintenance process, which seriously slowed down the progress of the project. Then Huaxia gritted its teeth and launched the research and development of its own shield machine. After eight years, it will build its own shield machine. After the machine was developed, nothing happened. The price of the shield machine in the world was cut in half. It was not enough. After the price was cut in half, it was given a 30% discount.

The previously world-renowned TBM brands have gradually become silent. After all, in the past, I would just randomly quote a few small targets, and someone would say, I can sell it for tens of millions, and the buyer can just pay the shipping fee. How can this be fun?

The chip market is actually the same. There are currently layers of patent barriers that greatly restrict silicon-based chip research in various countries, including China. But if China can really bypass the patent barriers of these companies and create various products with its own intellectual property rights, General-purpose chips, the performance of these chips only needs to be 80% of that of Western chips, which is enough to bring down those semiconductor companies that have been promoted to the altar.

The most terrifying thing is that China has the largest electronics consumer market in the world, and it is a self-sufficient electronics consumer market.

In other words, although the chip industry is special and requires upstream and downstream manufacturers to be willing to support it in order to develop, if China really gets serious, it will be enough to cultivate a giant semiconductor company within itself first, and then develop it in the future. A complete and mature ecological chain will be formed internally, and then slowly introduced to the world market. At that time, it will affect the entire semiconductor industry. Are you afraid?

This is probably the reason why any company in China that engages in R\u0026D receives the most attention.

It wouldn’t be a big worry if India, the country next door to China, made this kind of product. After all, although India has the same huge labor base as China, its market consumption power is completely different from that of China, and none of them can support it. In a market with huge demand, these world's largest companies only need to start with supporting equipment, which is enough to prevent similar companies from developing at all. In the end, they can only accept being controlled, or even sell their own technology to them at a low price.

So, the problem is big!

Of course, compared with the reactions of these corporate bosses, Wall Street's reaction was the fastest.

Really, when it comes to sensitivity to global markets, no company executive can compare with Wall Street financiers.

While the bosses of these high-tech companies were still studying this news from China in their offices, the entire high-tech sector of the US stock market was falling in response. Intel, AMD, NVIDIA, Qualcomm, Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company, Xislin...

As soon as the market opened, I saw the entire semiconductor sector glowing red, which can make people panic just by looking at it. (Note: U.S. stocks are falling in the red and rising in the green, which is the opposite of Big A)

The pessimistic trend of the entire semiconductor sector has directly affected the entire technology sector. Apple, whose stock price has reached a record high recently due to the imminent launch of its car manufacturing, has also been affected. It turned from green to red at the opening, but the decline was not as severe as that of semiconductor-related companies. It seems that it is still far away from triggering the fuse...

This is not over yet, the marginal effects are still being passed on.

Soon, China Internet exposed the news that the minimalist EDA software jointly developed by Huawei and the China Jiangcheng University Software Laboratory released the latest beta version at 12 o'clock in the morning China time. The latest three-dimensional channel chip design and construction interface is given in the beta version. In other words, China is obviously well-prepared for this chip innovation. It is not just as simple as making the chip, it has even made the corresponding chip design software at the most upstream level...

Originally, the plunge in semiconductors had not yet affected the world's three well-known EDA software providers, synopsys, Cadence and Mentor Graphics, a subsidiary of Siemens. After all, no matter how awesome the three-dimensional heterogeneous chip launched by China is, in the end, the products of these software design companies will still be used to design logic circuits.

But now it seems that people have even prepared supporting software. After the chip is successfully developed, they will directly launch supporting chip design software. These three companies occupy more than 90% of the Chinese EDA market. This also means that if China mainly promotes this kind of chips with independent property rights in the future, the market share of these three software companies will also be replaced by China's own EDA.

This makes the capital market really uncomfortable.

You didn't even give me a little time to prepare, digest the news, and then discuss how to deal with it. Suddenly, I was bombarded by a series of explosive bad news. What if I don't sell the stock at this time, and others start selling first? ? Everyone is so smart, there is no reason for me to stand guard for others!

Especially when these financiers checked the relevant patent database and found that the technology companies that they thought were at the top of the world did not have many core patent reserves related to this new three-dimensional silicon-carbon heterogeneous semiconductor technology, they were pessimistic. Market sentiment finally exploded.

What is a human tragedy? This is probably it!

In one morning, the plunge in the U.S. stock market caused by semiconductors first stimulated the technology sector, and then started to stimulate the software industry. A thrilling and exciting capital flight began to take place. In the middle, Chinese concept stocks seemed to have become a safe haven, and were exposed It pulled a wave and turned into a little bit of hopeful green among the colorful reds, which gave some comfort. Then the relevant stocks alternated circuit breakers, and finally a market circuit breaker was staged. During this period, nearly one trillion US dollars of assets evaporated out of thin air. Only chicken feathers were left on the ground.

At this moment, the whole world is staring at the U.S. stock market.

At this moment, the minds of countless financial tycoons are buzzing.

At this moment, March’s Weibo post about rubbing chips was reposted in various languages ​​and began to spread around the world on Twitter, Facebook and other software.

At this moment, countless big shots noticed Ning Wei’s Weibo post complaining that he had to sleep in the study at night...

A damn great scientist still sleeps in a study at night. Could it be that just because you sleep in a study, the market will evaporate by trillions out of thin air?

Many bad memories began to linger in the minds of financial bosses.

It was this guy who complained about sleeping in the study room. A Weibo post that ridiculed the Metaverse caused the entire Metaverse concept stock sector to plummet, which in turn affected the entire stock market, resulting in the famous Black Friday battle royale.

It was this guy who complained about sleeping in the study room that made March use a series of Weibo posts to directly drag down Tesla, whose stock price was booming at the time.

Now it is still the guy who complains and sleeps in his study. As a leader, he comes up with a new chip, which once again caused an earthquake in the entire capital market and stirred everyone's sensitive nerves.

What kind of study are you sleeping in? Wouldn't you like to sleep in a small underground room? Really, at this moment, if Ningwei said that he was willing to die, there must be many people willing to help him build the most luxurious mausoleum in the world, so that he could live happily and comfortably, and help him sleep forever.

It's a pity that this guy is only 24 years old, and has not even reached a person's physical peak period, and he seems to be in good health...

Of course, it was not that the big guys did nothing during this period. For example, at noon, when things were wrong, even officials from the Federal Reserve stepped forward. In his words, he had consulted experts in related fields in the morning, led by China. Whether the three-dimensional heterogeneous chip is designed has many key technical difficulties that are not yet known. Whether the chip performance is stable will require a long period of testing before a conclusion can be drawn.

Not only that, influential news media have also begun to interview scientific research executives from major companies, well-known professors in the field from Ivy League schools, and relevant industry leaders. Everyone is trying to tell everyone about the new technology of Huaxia Chips. The reliability has not been verified at all. It is simply ridiculous to lose confidence in one's own family based on just one piece of news.

In the end, it was even concluded that the authenticity of this news is open to question. Maybe it's just an error. The so-called three-dimensional silicon through-tube heterogeneous chip may be fake news. After all, there are not even more than a hundred related papers in this field published in top journals, and 95% of them They are all research results of non-Chinese units.

When these publicity campaigns were launched quickly, the stock prices of relevant companies did tend to fall to the limit, and some stocks even began to rise slightly. But this does not represent market confidence, everyone is cautiously testing...

However, at this moment, Ning Wei’s Weibo did not move, but China’s March cutie posted on Weibo again.

"Meow, everyone in the comment area seems to want to know how the chip was rubbed out by hand. I rub the chip by hand again tonight and I will show you a short video. And my dad said that the chip was rubbed out tonight. We want to give one piece each to Intel, Qualcomm, Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Co., Ltd., Synopsys, Samsung, Ericsson, Apple, and Cisco. We will give it to the first five companies because they did not join us. We want to give them some color. The last three companies are because We will all be brothers from now on, so we must give our brothers some confidence! By the way, my father once said that Ericsson can be brilliant for another hundred years! Come on, Assi!"

Sao Hulu is writing a military-industrial novel again. In order to avoid the mythical beast, a completely imaginary world, a different world, the same weapons and equipment, new wine in old bottles, a completely different taste, everything is in "Military Industry Master"

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