Tech Hammer

Chapter 273 It’s impossible not to do it for yourself

Yes, the war between Apple fans and the Internet will have at most an impact on which of the two companies has the stronger ability to build cars. At most, it will have an impact on the reshuffle of the three-power systems of electric vehicles and autonomous driving technology in the future. But the innovation of basic materials is a major reshuffle at the bottom of all semiconductor-related industry chains in the world.

If we must make an analogy, the dispute in the former is nothing more than a question of who puts the fattest dish on the dinner table. At most, it means changing the placement of a few dishes, but in the latter, the table is turned over. If you still want to eat food, sorry, please change the table, the meaning is very different.

Having been in this industry for decades, Han Wenqing certainly knows the meaning. There is no need for Ning Wei to explain anything in particular. He has also made sufficient psychological preparations. At least this matter will never be spread out of his mouth again. The change in him is probably that he has great expectations for the future and silently keeps it in his mind. I pray that if this project really succeeds, even if he has to work overtime every year in the future, it will be acceptable.

Of course Han Wenqing felt that some things were not important, but in another country, some people felt that this matter was very important.

Tim Cook, the head of Apple, has been under a lot of pressure recently. The pressure mainly comes from those allies who have promised to form an alliance to fight against the so-called strong artificial intelligence platform.

In fact, if we really talk about it, the relationship between these companies in Silicon Valley is not as good as everyone thinks. Even for companies like Intel and Microsoft that have achieved mutual success, the two parties have not never fought lawsuits. If you look at the history of these companies, you will find that whoever is more powerful has more say.

For example, when Microsoft was at its strongest in the 1990s, it forced Intel to abandon its NSP platform technology standard based on the Pentium series of products and instead support Universal Serial Bus technology, which is now in full swing USB technology. Of course, Bill Gates would not do wasted work back then, mainly because the Pentium series CPUs were expensive, which affected the development of the personal PC market.

At that time, the price of the 486 CPU was only 50% of the Pentium series. The lower price was naturally easier for users at the time to accept. Every time a computer product was sold, it also meant that Microsoft had one more user around the world. This For a company like Microsoft, which specializes in operating systems, to quickly cultivate user habits in the early stages of the development of the computer market, this is naturally the most popular thing to see.

Therefore, regarding the so-called betrayal of allies, Apple actually does not need to bear too much moral and psychological pressure. But this time the situation is different. The momentum of everyone joining together is still extremely powerful. For example, the most angry Google, IBM, Qualcomm, Microsoft, Intel, Tesla...

Of course, the last thing you need to worry about is Tesla’s anger. After all, once Apple’s car-making plan is officially implemented, its most direct competitor will be this new energy car manufacturer that also belongs to the United States, because the research and development genes of both parties overlap with their target groups. Extremely high, and each has its own advantages.

Apple's advantages lie in its huge resource integration and deployment capabilities, its high-end consumer group that has spent more than 20 years developing and consolidating, and the ecological advantages brought by its closed system. Future Apple cars will inevitably be equipped with their own iOS system, which also means that the vehicles will become a further extension of the Apple ecosystem and can also cooperate with mobile phones, pioneeringly integrating life and driving.

Of course, in accordance with Apple's tradition, Tim Cook has never considered spending heavy assets on building a factory on his own. They will inspect qualified companies around the world to meet their own car-making needs through cooperation. This is not difficult. Now Apple only needs to create a batch of concept cars that can amaze the world, and then it will have enough time to build a perfect ecological chain around the world to complete the car-building plan on the PPT.

Tim Cook is very confident about this. As the outside world has said, he is the most capable resource allocation master on the planet. He can easily find the most perfect route from those huge supply chains to ensure that products are supplied to the world just right. This is also Apple's One of the reasons why the product has been criticized by the outside world for its lack of innovation but still guarantees high profits. The second reason is naturally Apple's closed ecological environment that makes consumers want to stop.

And there are still two years until Tim Cook’s CEO contract expires. As a person born in 1960, Tim Cook will be 65 years old when his contract expires. This time is probably enough for him to take Apple’s car-making plan to the global stage. The resource chain will be straightened out. If not, maybe he could have done it for two more years. Yes, Tim Cook was already preparing to select Apple's successor from around the world, but the latest car-building plan made him plan to postpone retirement.

People's ideas are always changing!

From succeeding Jobs as Apple's CEO in 2011 to now in 2023, Tim Cook feels that he is undoubtedly very successful as the company's CEO. Not only does he think so, but in fact Apple's shareholders probably think so too.

Otherwise, it would be impossible for him to establish his authority to speak out in the company. You must know that at work he is not as approachable as during interviews or press conferences, always with a smile on his face. On the contrary, he is extremely serious most of the time at work.

But the outside world obviously doesn't think so, especially because there are always people who like to compare Jobs with him. The surprise that Steve Jobs brought to the world when he released the Iphone 4 is still talked about today. Those critics who knew nothing could only praise Jobs' bad feet. Jobs' paranoia, fanaticism and pursuit of technology were infinitely magnified, but these people chose to ignore everything he did.

Even many Apple fans believe that if Steve Jobs is still leading Apple, Apple will definitely develop better and stronger, and will become a well-deserved star of technology companies, instead of each generation of products just being bigger, faster, and more!

Really, sometimes Tim Cook also wants to tell these people that no matter how great Jobs is, he is only a man and not a god! As long as it is human, it is impossible to break the laws of technological development, and it is impossible for Apple to add functions out of thin air that can only exist in imagination for the time being. Apple 4 has achieved the ultimate in extremely simplified design, not to mention that after so many years, people’s aesthetics have not always stayed where they are.

In fact, Tim Cook has long been immune to such remarks, but now he seems to be hoping to release a product that will amaze the world and cheer Apple fans around the world before retiring from Apple. But just launching is not enough. He also hopes that in two more years, the Apple smart car will also become the highest-selling new energy smart car on the planet. Before officially leaving Apple, he will leave behind a person who once impressed everyone like Steve Jobs. The unforgettable sight of his back is used to justify his efforts over the years.

After all, people’s needs in the spiritual world are endless. If work is only viewed from a material perspective, Tim Cook will naturally no longer need to do it. Through these years of salary and equity incentives, his wealth has already exceeded one billion U.S. dollars. Even if he starts to live the most extravagant and lustful life on the planet after retirement, it will be difficult for him to spend all the money within a few decades.

So when this idea emerged in my mind, it couldn't go away. The greater the pressure these days, the more Tim Cook feels he must hold on. It may not necessarily be friendly companies or high-tech companies in China that will overturn Apple in the future, but it may be more likely to be these furious allies at this time. So maybe he should postpone the search and training of a successor for two years. This may be the most correct decision.

So he has disclosed this idea to the company's shareholders, which has also received unanimous support from shareholders. Because this is indeed in Apple's interests. Think about it, this year Apple will create a concept car that can directly beat its competitors at the technical level. But according to the technical standards they have obtained, this generation of concept cars must be sky-high and limited-edition.

Then the performance of the first generation of officially launched smart car products for ordinary people will definitely not be comparable to the concept car launched by Apple. At this time, Apple really needs the marketing and resource allocation methods of Cook to consolidate Apple's electric power. The status of car dealers is also high. For shareholders, they do not actually require that they must surpass Tesla, but since they have taken action, they must at least be on par with Tesla and be able to compete.

As a high-tech company with one of the world’s most valuable markets, Apple is proud of itself. Everyone, including Apple’s shareholders, cannot accept that after launching a product that they have been honing for more than ten years, the response will be mediocre, and they will be beaten by their friends. . They have even noticed the debate on the Internet about Apple and Tesla. Yes, the debate on the Internet about Apple's car-making is not limited to China's Internet. It's just that there are more Chinese netizens and the debate is more intense.

As Apple shareholders, for their beliefs or for their wallets, they must support Tim Cook at this time. This is like a fanatical fan. When Tim Cook decides to make an enemy of the world, they must stand behind this spiritual leader and cheer for him. So when Tim Cook put forward the idea, shareholders decided to give more time to this master who had created countless profits for them. Two years was probably not enough, so add another year!

So just when friends and businessmen were most dissatisfied, and it was also the last day of the Chinese New Year, another big news in the technology world shocked countless people's circles of friends.

In order to ensure the continuity of Apple's car-building plan, Apple decided to re-sign an employment contract with the current Apple CEO, extending his term by three years from the previous 2025 to 2028.

But for many allies who are widely criticizing Apple's practices, this news is more like a provocation.

"Bang!" In Silicon Valley, in Google's office, Indian-American Sundar Pichai, who has also led the giant technology company for more than ten years, lost his temper rarely. He slapped his palms on the table and calmed down for a moment. Finally, he picked up the phone, and this time he wanted to take the initiative to call the proud CEO of Apple.

When the call was connected, the anger finally subsided. From their position, they knew better than the average person that anger without any deterrent could not solve any problem at all. At this level, no matter whether he is an opponent or a friend, he will not change his mind because of his anger. Only substantial benefits or losses can make them face up to the gains and losses of implementing their policies.

"Tim, I just got the news, congratulations."

"Thank you, Sundar. I believe that with the efforts of both of us, we will continue to maintain our previous friendship."

"Of course! But Tim, have you read the email I sent you before? I always think that everyone should have a unified attitude when it comes to dealing with the Chinese Intelligent Platform. If they are defeated by them all , are you really not worried that the layout we have spent so many years in many fields is to make wedding dresses for others? You have to remember that Ning was not friendly to us. Not only did he reject the invitation, but also looked at it. His attitude expressed through public channels."

The person on the other side of the phone paused for a moment before speaking: "Of course, Sundar, I read your email. But I always thought that some things were tacitly understood by everyone. It's like every decision we make is always a priority. Protect the interests of our own company. This is determined by our position. I can understand your concerns, but as I said when I called you before, Google hopes to establish this alliance, but it is unwilling to provide information to the members of the alliance. Members are required to disclose your results unconditionally. For example, are you willing to provide the latest Google Assistant data to Apple?"

"Obviously this is impossible. In this case, from my perspective, of course I have to choose a path that is in the best interest of Apple. The difference between Apple and Google is that our hardware products are the lifeline and we do not have enough product sales to support it. , we can’t earn tens of billions of dollars in profits every year just by relying on software. I really envy you at this point, Sundar, you can just make money by relying on the monopoly advertising alliance, and your business model has made the world Countless manufacturers around the world help you promote your own ecology, and you can freely invest profits in planning for the future."

"But we can't. We are essentially a software company, but we need the support of massive hardware sales to maintain our position in the market. Without hardware sales, the castle we built will collapse. Believe me, Sundar , if you were sitting in my position, you would definitely make the same choice."

These words obviously won't impress Sundar Pichai unless he can accept conditions on behalf of Google that he feels are simply impossible to accept. As Tim Cook said, he is not even willing to provide his own confidential R\u0026D data to so-called allies for free, let alone allow the data from his own laboratory to be directly connected to other companies' platforms.

How should I put it? Those massive amounts of data are the result of Google’s investment in research and development regardless of cost over the years. These R\u0026D investments are intended to maintain Google's leading position in the industry in the future. Sharing all this means that Google will be on the same starting line as other companies. It has spent many years of huge investment to make a wedding dress for others. How is this possible?

"So? Tim, you chose to betray everyone? Then have you thought about the counterattack from your allies?"

"Haha, Sundar, stop joking. Are you planning to let Paul cut off our baseband authorization? Do you know? We are not the only ones who have reached cooperation with China. As far as I know, there are also Ericsson, Cisco, Oracle... If so If there is a lawsuit, I will notify the company's legal department to be prepared, after all, we can't keep such a department in vain, right?"

Amidst laughter, Tim Cook hung up the phone and didn't mind that these people labeled them as betrayers - Apple. He even plans to do something more radical. There are definitely some things that cannot be hidden. Since everything has been said, it is better to make an official announcement directly.

The love between Apple and Huawei was officially announced with a phone call from Google CEO.

An Apple executive accepted an interview with a reporter that day, and confirmed with the NBC reporter a widely circulated news. Apple is mobilizing 50 million A-series CPUs worldwide to provide Huawei, and even The first batch of CPUs in China's inventory have been transferred to Huawei's warehouse.

Of course, this executive also said that Huawei is only provided with the two generations of CPUs, A15 and A16, and Apple’s new products this year have also been confirmed to be equipped with the latest A17 series of CPUs.

This is official confirmation that the production capacity of the next generation of Huawei mobile phones will be released to at least 50 million units, and they will all be equipped with Apple's A-series CPUs! This officially certified news first appeared on NBC’s official Twitter and was then transmitted to China at the speed of light. Shunli was so shocked that everyone was dumbfounded.

Although various gossips have been circulated on the Internet before, there has been no stone hammer, and Apple and Huawei have not spoken out. Therefore, most of them have caused a lot of speculation in the industry. I don’t know these twists and turns. For ordinary people, few people believe it.

And as soon as this news showed signs of spreading rapidly, it was robbed of the spotlight because of the official announcement pictures of future smart electric vehicles released by Apple on its official website. Immediately afterwards, there were other signs that excessive and special fans were becoming more and more popular on the Internet, and this news that should have shocked the entire Internet was suppressed directly.

Now this news, officially confirmed by Apple, is finally back! Just appeared on the Internet and killed all debates!

"Can anyone explain to me what happened? Didn't I just go back to my hometown to spend the New Year? Why did I find that the world had become something I wasn't familiar with when I came back?"

"Fuck! Another lifetime series! If I hadn't gone through the wall to watch the video of NBC interviewing Apple executive Craig Federighi, I wouldn't have believed it was true! I used it on a Huawei phone Apple's CPU? Do these two companies want to start integrating the market?"

"Brothers, I have confirmed with my brothers at Huawei. This is really not fake news. Huawei will make an official announcement later. The next generation of Huawei products will definitely be equipped with A-series CPUs, and this is likely to be a one-time deal!"

"MMP, what does 50 million pieces mean? Who is Apple looking down on? If you want to sell CPUs, just sell more. What is 50 million pieces enough for? I have a hunch that this thing is going to be snatched up again!"

"Really, I don't understand the technology world anymore! Didn't it mean that most of the high-end machine market share that Huawei gave up has been taken away by Apple? Apple is crazy to send CPUs to Huawei at this time? This is because it dislikes its own business. Yet?"

“This morning the news of Tim Cook’s re-election just broke out in the circle of friends, and now another big news has been revealed.”

"Don't say anything. There must be one for me among the 50 million units. I want to buy this Huawei phone and keep it as a treasure. Maybe it is an out-of-print product! I will pass it on to my grandson as an antique in the future! It means that I have witnessed history! "

In addition to these sighs, there are also many people who are not too concerned about the excitement and have begun to help Apple and Huawei start @major Chinese mobile phone friends.

" @大米 @, Apple has publicly expressed its love for Huawei, and the love of the century has been shattered. I just want to ask if you are panicked?"

Soon more news was revealed.

"I finally understand the logic. It's not Apple's sudden kindness. Do you still remember the exhibition held by the Yanbei Mathematics Research Center at the end of last year? Dr. Ning's official smart platform in March! It is said that this smart platform Dr. Ning The prototype of the cooperation with Huawei has been established. The data optimization function of the platform has greatly helped Apple build cars! Tim Cook was amazed by the platform. After seeing it, he exclaimed that this business must be done, and then the agreement was reached! "

"Stone hammer! Apple's official car-making diagram relies on the power of March! The first strong artificial intelligence in human history directly conquered the largest company in the universe. It is said that this batch of aided CPUs are sold by the pound!"

" @Ning Wei, the strong artificial intelligence technology developed by him has conquered Europe and the United States. Not only Apple, it is said that there are several high-tech companies lining up and kowtowing, begging to join the platform for mutual assistance, so this year Huawei headquarters is celebrating the Chinese New Year from Many negotiators from various places have been mobilized to the headquarters to provide support!"

Naturally, with the blessing of this big news, Ningwei Weibo, which had been deserted during the Chinese New Year, became lively again. Countless @Ning Wei’s Weibo posts appeared. At the same time, the comment area of ​​Ningwei’s last Weibo post that was not closed also became lively.

What’s even weirder is that this time, the strongest voice among netizens was not only calling for Ning Wei to come forward to express his opinion, but more people also put forward their demands.

"Dr. Ning, the smart platform in March is almost completed. Your family shouldn't be busy in March, right? We can understand that you are busy, but can't we apply for a Weibo specifically for March and let it take care of it by itself? Please? Hurry up and release our March!"

Countless people have even started @or sent private messages to Weibo officials to inquire whether artificial intelligence programs are qualified to bypass real-name authentication and apply for their own Weibo. March has already proven through Ningwei's Weibo that it has the ability to publish Weibo on its own. For countless fans of March, they very much hope to see the real-name certified March appear on Weibo.

Just like that, on the first day of work after the New Year, when Ning Wei was so excited that he pulled Lu Dongyi, whom he hadn't seen for a long time, to talk about the official preparations for the March Smart Journal, the phone rang quickly.

"Hello, Dr. Ning, this is Xiao Liu from Weibo. Do you remember? I assisted you with real-name authentication before. I'm sorry, can I disturb you for a few minutes now?"

"Oh? What are you talking about?"

"You see, many Weibo netizens now hope to open their own Weibo in March. We have also had some communication with the management department. In principle, as the first artificial intelligence program in human history, it can This is a special matter. So are you planning to apply for its own Weibo for March? Because the situation in March is quite special, you can directly bypass the real-name authentication process. If you agree, we can automatically complete the authentication process here. After completion, the account password will be sent to you. You can log in once with this account and activate it."

After hearing this request, Ning Wei suddenly felt that it was quite innovative.

Sure enough, this is an era where traffic is king! Even these platforms are unwilling to let go of artificial intelligence traffic...

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