Tech Hammer

Chapter 244 Who will win this prize?

The exhibition in the Centenary Auditorium of Yanbei University in China has ended, but its impact that spread in an arc like an earthquake has just reached the other side of the ocean. What's even more frightening is that the impact was as shocking as an earthquake.

When an industry-disrupting newspaper named The Sun in a certain country posted a newsletter in the middle of the night on its official website in a very scary font, "The future is in front of us! The bitter lover of the Snow Country princess publishes human-like wisdom!"

Don’t think that only the title is scary, the content will be even more exciting. The general meaning is that after the relationship between the young scientist Ning Wei and the princess of the Snow Kingdom was exposed, the Nordic Snow King's royal family was dissatisfied with Ning Wei's humble background and decisively severed their relationship. After Ning Wei endured the pain of losing his beloved and returned to China, he worked hard and developed artificial intelligence software. Although it was a cat, it had human consciousness. Later, Ning Wei also wanted to materialize human-like consciousness. According to rumors, Ning Wei was next The next step will be to establish an intelligent platform to improve the overall industrial level of mankind, create simulated robots, and merge consciousness with simulated robots to create true humanoid robots.

Really, don’t underestimate this article because its logic is extremely thorough. For example, why is March the image of a cat? Because Ningwei originally wanted to create the image of this artificial intelligence to look like Princess Isabel, but because he was afraid of arousing protests and pressure from the Nordic Snow Kingdom royal family, he could only use the cat as a metaphor for people. According to the March photos at the press conference With high-end PS, when the photos of March and Princess Isabel are put together, there is really a slight resemblance.

As for Ning Wei's long-awaited announcement that he has a girlfriend in China, The Sun also gave a very reasonable explanation. Under the pressure from the Nordic Snow King's royal family, Ning Wei had no choice but to declare like this in order to let him return to China. As for his girlfriend in China, he is nothing more than a girl. Just a shield! The article goes on to describe to its readers the poignant story of the bitter love between a poor boy and a noble princess. It is really inspiring!

At the end of the article, the finishing touch is that the artificial intelligence created by Ning Wei will be able to change the future. For countless men, there is no need to worry about finding the sexy page three girl in the Sun. Because after this technology is promoted, humanoid robots will be launched in the future. Robots of various sizes can be produced according to readers’ preferences. In short, whatever readers like, we can make them!

Never underestimate The Sun, just like never expect integrity from this newspaper. Although he is often called a tabloid in the newspaper industry of this world, he has an influence that does not match his status as a tabloid, because there are many people in the world who believe deeply in the Sun's reports.

Of course, the one who suffered the most after this story came out was probably the Nordic Snow King royal family. In fact, in modern society where the influence of the European royal family is declining, everyone still welcomes having a very influential scientist son-in-law who is also a billionaire, but it is obvious that this mentality It must not be admitted, otherwise where would the dignity of the royal family lie? Therefore, after draining the pots of dirty water, we can only do it in silence. Unless you have a funny brain, you will go to the Sun newspaper for trouble.

But after the Sun News started, other media finally ignored Jin Ning's ban. After all, Huaxia Yanda’s exhibition was full of news from beginning to end, and there were so many things to dig out! Who is really suppressing it and not reporting it? If others report it, do they still have any influence?

After the troublemaker took the lead, the BBC immediately followed up and published multiple briefings on its official website and official Twitter. Of course, as a self-proclaimed media, the BBC will not follow the example of The Sun and run a story series.

"The world's largest Turing test was completed in China. Scientist Ning Wei leads the way forward for artificial intelligence!"

"The winner of this year's Wolf Prize in Mathematics is actually March for Artificial Intelligence. It is doubtful whether the Wolf Foundation will change the winner."

"The intelligence of the big data platform is about to begin, and the data integration capabilities of artificial intelligence are amazing!"

After that, just open Twitter, Facebook, Instagram and other social software, and you will be overwhelmed by reports and discussions about this exhibition. Ning Wei's name has once again resounded in every corner of the western land after being silent for half a year. This time, Ning Wei’s name is directly tied to artificial intelligence.

"The world-famous Professor March is actually an artificial intelligence developed by scientist Ning Wei, and his level of intelligence is astonishing!"

"The development of artificial intelligence in the future will depend on the Chinese people!"

"Scientist Ning Wei: L5 autonomous driving will no longer be science fiction, and the artificial intelligence big data platform will solve numerous technological pain points at this stage."

"The embarrassment of the world's top prize! The Wolf Foundation is in a dilemma!"

"The biggest joke of this century is a collective embarrassment to the academic community. Many of the world's top experts in mathematics and computer science have been tricked by Chinese scientists!"

Really, if you happen to take a nap during this period, ordinary people who have just woken up and see various news feeds on their mobile phones will probably fall into deep self-doubt. Is this sleeping into the future? Why is it that when I wake up and see these news, it seems that the world has become a strange place? What is going on? Skynet rebels, artificial intelligence will rule the earth?

For those scientists and editors of many mathematics journals who have had in-depth exchanges with March, the feeling at this time can only be described as the feeling of a lost dog. The group used for communication has already exploded.

"I just want to ask where the data of 567 articles reviewed in 103 days came from? Didn't you all say you would reject the review in March?"

"I have the same doubts. Anyway, I have only sent seventeen articles to March during this period!"

"Haha, did you publish seventeen articles? Our editorial office only published fifteen articles in total."

"Let's talk about something else. Have you really never doubted that Professor March is actually a program?"

"Doubtful? What reason to doubt? Everyone is not united at all. If everyone had reported the number of papers submitted for review earlier in March, suspicion should have been raised long ago! Even God cannot review an average of 5.5 papers a day! "

"We had talked about it and thought that March might be a mathematics team, but its reply was too professional and the wording was so difficult to distinguish. It is really hard to believe that it is just artificial intelligence."

"So Jonny, how many papers has your editorial office sent to it for review?"

"Is there any point in mentioning the past? Now the question is that March's identity has been exposed. Will it still review our papers in the future?"


New York, inside a mansion on the Gold Coast. Sackler Berg was looking at the printed latest news, with deep doubts in his heart.

So are the scientists he spent a lot of money to sponsor a bunch of pigs? They study mathematics and artificial intelligence, and it’s fine if the results are not satisfactory, but they still haven’t been able to tell that Professor March, whom they support, is just a program running on the machine?

Yes, Sackler Berg still vaguely remembers the name March. After the market closed on Black Friday for technology stocks, the group of people mentioned this name in front of him. It was said that he was a Chinese scientist who had just emerged. He was easier to deal with than Ningwei and was more interested in their world, so at the meeting that day He agreed to give March more honors.

The result now is that March is the artificial intelligence developed by Ning Wei? Or is it artificial intelligence that leads the world? Although it was impossible for public opinion to know the details of that meeting, the old man still felt that his face was severely stepped on the ground and rubbed back and forth.

Face is still a trivial matter, but what is even more frightening is the current influence of this restless young scientist! You must know that despite the ban on the media, this restless guy can still affect Tesla's valuation by relying on the so-called science popularization on the Chinese social platform for two consecutive weeks. Now this kind of If he continues to talk nonsense, who can guarantee that it will not cause turmoil in the stock market?

What's even more frightening is that, as Ning Wei said, the most cutting-edge artificial intelligence technology in this century is already in the hands of his team. This has always been part of the layout of their technology companies and represents the future development direction of technology. In other words, even he cannot divest Ningwei's influence on the technology circle now. On the contrary, if he wants to maintain the competitiveness of high-tech companies on the US stock market, he may have to promote cooperation between the two parties.

But thinking about Ning Wei's attitude all the time gave Sackler Berg a headache. He hated this kind of young man who didn't love money and couldn't keep his mouth shut. What's even more pity is that this young man is not in his sight now, otherwise he would not hesitate to let this hateful young man disappear from this world, but now he has nothing to do.

The deep sense of powerlessness made the old man fall into silence. After a long time, he picked up the phone.

"Professor Aiken, it's me, haven't you slept yet? Okay, there's no need to apologize. When something bad happens, the first thing we need to do is not to hold anyone accountable. That's meaningless. What we need is Solve the problem. Martin once said that we must accept disappointment because it is finite, but we must never lose hope because it is infinite.”

"Actually, I feel very sorry. This regret is very deep. Maybe we made a wrong choice, yes, very wrong. You are a great mathematician, and you know academic things better than me. So please tell me , can we return the honor that should belong to that young man to him, maybe in this case we can get the opportunity to cooperate."

"Yes, that's right. I hope he can attend the Wolf Prize award ceremony. Maybe I can rush to Israel to have a good chat with him. So tell me, this award can be changed, right? Has this problem never appeared in history? Haha, of course I know it has not happened in history, but now history has changed. Well, I just need you to make this suggestion, and I will send an email to Mr. Shechtman, Of course, you can also tell him on my behalf that this is what I mean! I just hope that you can express your kindness to that respectable young scientist in the academic world on my behalf."

"Of course, I believe you, Professor Aiken, so that's it. I sincerely hope I can make it this time."

After saying that, the old man hung up the phone, stood up, came to the floor-to-ceiling window, looked at the colorful world rendered by the lights outside the window, and began to rub the ring on his finger, lost in thought.

In Israel, as soon as Dan Schechtman got up at six in the morning, his cell phone sent out a series of reminders. He turned on his cell phone and looked at it. Sure enough, there were several calls when the do not disturb function was turned on last night.

He did not respond to these calls immediately because he soon learned the whole story from the messages he received on his mobile phone.

Professor March is not Yu Xingwei but an artificial intelligence?

This news quickly awakened the brain that was still a little sleepy...

What kind of international joke are you kidding? ! The Wolf Foundation announced on its official website that it would award a program?

After calming down, the foundation chairman did not bother to wash up. Instead, he walked into the study room and carefully watched the exhibition held in Israel in the early morning on the Internet. Then he felt that he was not feeling well.

Is he crazy or is the world crazy?

Artificial intelligence has evolved to the point where it can review manuscripts, communicate with scholars without hindrance, and still be able to hide from award judges?

At this moment, Dan Schechtman had the same thought as Sackler Berg. Are all the judges invited by the foundation a bunch of pigs? Really, as the chairman of the foundation, he doesn't care who wins the award, as long as it's not a cat that only meows "Miao Miao", anyone can do it.

Just at this moment, the phone in his hand rang.

"...What? Change it to Ning Wei? As far as I know, there has never been such a public announcement of a temporary replacement after winning the award in the history of any international academic award. I have a better idea, you know? Maybe we This year’s mathematics award can be canceled directly!”

"Is this what Mr. Sackler meant? Well, I will consider this suggestion carefully, and of course it requires a majority vote on the council! Of course, I will convene the council as soon as possible, that's it. Goodbye! "

Then the phone was hung up heavily!

Huaxia, Yanbei University.

Although Ning Wei said at the exhibition that lunch would not be arranged for many guests after today's meeting, the real heavyweights would still have something to eat.

In fact, when many bigwigs had no intention of leaving after the meeting, but stayed in the university in the name of visiting the Yanbei International Mathematics Research Center, Tian Yanzhen, as the host, could not help but entertain them.

Fortunately, Yanbei University is already a place for business banquets, so during lunch, a group of big shots were taken to the large box of Yanbei Boya International Hotel. In fact, Ning refused this banquet from the bottom of his heart. Compared with eating with these big guys, it is obviously more interesting to eat with his own woman. Who wants to talk about nonsense with a bunch of old men when there is beauty to eat.

However, he couldn't refuse after all. He was pushed into the car by Lu Dongyi and sat next to Mr. Yan.

"Haha, Mr. Ning, congratulations! By the way, if the Wolf Prize in Mathematics is really going to be awarded to March, who do you plan to receive the prize?" Yan Ming, who was in a good mood, joked while sitting in the car.

"No one needs to go. You can go in March. If they dare to let go of their authority, you can be a guest at any time in March." Ning Wei shrugged and answered naturally.

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