Speaking of which, it's not surprising that Hui Mian thought of Yi Shuyuan in his mind.

The first and most important point is that Yi Shuyuan is naturally very good to Hui Mian and has no ill feelings towards monsters.

The kind of care that comes from the heart and appears naturally can be faked for a moment, but it cannot be revealed all the time.

Secondly, Yi Shuyuan learned the Five Elements Royal Technique with enthusiasm and curiosity, but in Hui Mian's eyes the progress was too fast.

Hui Mian compared his practice over the years and even wondered whether Yi Shuyuan deliberately "learned it for the first time" to help him correct his mistakes.

But in fact, Yi Shuyuan originally knew how to control wind, and he also had some understanding of how to control earth and gold because of the mountain god's book, so he naturally learned it slowly.

The water-bending and fire-bending Yi Shuyuan spent the main time, and it seemed that they were very fast overall.

After a few months, Yi Shuyuan not only mastered the Five Elements Royal Dharma but also the art of collecting and hiding, but he could basically use it freely.


At the Ziping Hill of Kuonan Mountain, Chen Pingye looked at an area on the hill that looked like frosted paper, and understood that the material that was dried this year became useful earlier than in previous years.

Although this batch of materials was prepared one month earlier than in previous years, the progress was at least two or three months faster, and the quality seemed to be better.

After walking around the hill, Chen Pingye came to the pile of materials prepared by Yi Shuyuan.

This pile of paper is knee-high, its quality is even more outstanding, and its "frost color" is also more obvious.

Chen Pingye watched for a while, then went to the stream to wash up. When he came back, he found Yi Shuyuan waiting for him in front of the house at the stockyard.

Chen Pingye couldn't help but trot over.

"Mr. Yi, why are you here? Are you alone?"

Chen Pingye looked at the road to the hill. It was obvious that there were no carriages, horses or other people, and the agreed date must not have arrived yet, right?

"It's just a little bit of material, so there's no need to work hard."

Yi Shuyuan said and patted the sack at his feet.

Only then did Chen Pingye find Yi Shuyuan sitting on a sack. He turned his head and looked in one direction. The pile of particularly white materials seemed to have disappeared.

Put it in a bag? So fast?

"Has it been packed, sir? You don't want to carry this bag down the mountain, do you?"

"Hehe, with just such a small amount of material, Yi is still very powerful!"

Yi Shuyuan remembered that he had made such a joke before standing up.

"Okay, I just want to tell you so that you don't think you've been robbed and go back."

"Sir, you are joking. How can a thief steal this? Well, let me carry it down for you. I will go to the village at the foot of the mountain to hire a carriage and horse to take it to the city. It is too far to go down here."

Unexpectedly, Yi Shuyuan directly lifted the bag and put it on his shoulder. His posture was no different from that of a dock worker.

"Don't bother me. I will find the carriage and horse at the foot of the mountain."

Yi Shuyuan waved his hand and walked forward with the bag on his shoulders.

Chen Pingye followed closely and watched carefully, fearing that Yi Shuyuan would lose his balance and drop the sack.

But Yi Shuyuan's steps were steady and he seemed to be carrying things effortlessly. Chen Pingye felt a little more relieved.

"Oh, by the way, in the future, Yuanjiang Paper Factory will start preparing new materials before the summer solstice and put them away before the autumnal equinox. It should be better. It's best to collect the remaining paper materials as soon as possible."

The spiritual energy of heaven and earth is not static, but has its own "tide" in it.

Zhipinggang is indeed blessed by nature. The process of drying the materials is the transformation of the materials, which is also consistent with nature, but it is obvious that there is no certain pattern yet.

The period Yi Shuyuan mentioned was a relatively stable "wave" in Zhipinggang.

Keeping this time rhythm, I can’t say how big a breakthrough the paper mill can make, but the paper will definitely not be bad.

Because preparing paper stock is the longest stage in the process, it is also the fundamental determinant of paper quality.

Chen Pingye just responded and watched Yi Shuyuan carry the sack down the mountain, not knowing how much he listened.

"How long will it take to carry it back? Mr. Yi should be able to hire a car."


The reality is far from what Chen Pingye imagined. Yi Shuyuan had already risen against the wind on the mountain road and landed directly in Yuanjiang County.

It takes less than a cup of tea before and after.

At the Yuanjiang paper mill, the Chen family and helpers are busy working.

The weather is so hot now that many people in the workshop are wearing their trousers rolled up and their shirts off.

Yi Shuyuan was familiar with the road and did not wander outside the courtyard. Instead, he walked directly into the workshop carrying the sack.

Someone saw Yi Shuyuan coming and hurriedly called old man Chen who was resting in another corner. The latter heard the words and hurried over to greet him.

"Mr. Yi? Is the county government here to hang out today if you have nothing to do?"

Old man Chen came over with a smile and bowed his hand towards Yi Shuyuan.

After Yi Shuyuan returned the gift, he looked at the busy work around him and got straight to the point.

"Uncle Chen, Yi is here this time to discuss the progress of the subsequent process."

"Oh, Mr. Yi, it's still early. Next month is the date we agreed on. Besides, I've been so busy lately that I really can't spare the time to accompany Mr. Yi up the mountain!"

Yi Shuyuan pointed to the sack at his feet.

"Yi has already hired a car to bring back his pile of materials. There is no need to trouble Uncle Chen. He only needs to borrow the workshop utensils for use."

Yi Shuyuan said and looked at the workshop. Everyone was busy, and there was obviously no free space.


Old man Chen looked inside the workshop, hesitated and said.

"Since I have already promised to you, sir, please prepare to stir things up first!"

With Old Man Chen's words, Yi Shuyuan could safely handle the paper materials.

After removing impurities and purifying the material, the next step is to separate the pulp from the material using methods such as pounding, cutting, pressing, rinsing, and washing.

Yi Shuyuan was silent throughout the whole process, and it was clearly different from the division of labor in the paper mill. He handled it all by himself from beginning to end, politely turning down several people who wanted to help.

It was already noon by the time the pulp was churned out, and even at noon, he refused Old Man Chen's invitation to have dinner with him.

Many people in the paper mill came over with bowls when eating.

While eating rice, he paid attention to Yi Shuyuan's movements, watching him guide the pulp into an empty pulp tank.

"That little bit of paper pulp isn't enough. Do you want to give Mr. Yi some more?"

"Stop meddling in other people's business. Let's wait until he talks." "Watch him copy paper by himself for a while."

Some helpers were there watching a show and chatting.

Yi Shuyuan's work is indeed like that, but the pulp tank is so big and the materials are so small that the bamboo curtain paper cannot be made into shape.

Moreover, the bamboo curtain is not small, and generally requires two people to lift it and cooperate with the papermaking to ensure uniformity.

However, Yi Shuyuan was completely immersed in the paper-making process, as if he didn't know that there was too little paper pulp and didn't care about the size of the bamboo curtain.

The other pulp ponds were all turbid, but the pulp pond on Yi Shuyuan's side was like a clear soup with only a few snow-white paper flowers floating in the water that looked like impurities.

Yi Shuyuan adjusted his cuffs, then picked up the bamboo curtain, bent down and carefully put it into the water.

The paper flowers that originally floated and floated with the water flow turned around several times before they all gathered on the bamboo curtain.

Yi Shuyuan moved up and down, and the paper pulp spread evenly on the bamboo curtain with the running water.

Like a master who had done this countless times, Yi Shuyuan turned around and put it on the table behind him, spreading the wet pulp paper on the table like a mat.

After repeating this several times, Yi Shuyuan scooped up all the pulp in the pool.

Yi Shuyuan made a total of more than a dozen pieces of paper, but they were only a thin layer when stacked together on the table.

This was the first time that Yi Shuyuan asked for help. He asked a helper to carry the table and go to the drying room to squeeze water and dry the wet pulp paper.

As soon as Yi Shuyuan walked away, all the other helpers, including Old Man Chen, dropped what they were doing and gathered in front of Yi Shuyuan's pulp pool.

"This" "Am I dazzled?"

"Then I'll spend it too."

This doesn't look like a pulp tank where work has just been completed. The pulp in it has been copied cleanly.

Not to mention the remaining pulp, there is not even a trace of impurities, so that the water in the pool is as clear as a mountain spring.

"Stop talking nonsense and get to work!"

Old Man Chen scolded, and everyone left reluctantly, but they were still puzzled by this situation.

I have been making paper for so long and I have never seen anything like this.


Because there wasn’t much paper in total, just a few thin layers.

So draining, squeezing and drying the paper, which normally takes a day and a night to produce a dozen thick papers, took less than half an hour for Yi Shuyuan.

At this time, the paper was only half dry, so Yi Shuyuan and others carried the "cardboard" to the drying area.

"Thank you! Yi will just do it by himself."

"Hey, Mr. Yi, just call me if you need anything!"


After the long-term worker who was helping left, Yi Shuyuan looked at the cardboard, lifted a clay pot, and re-wet the cardboard evenly.

The next moment, Yi Shuyuan peeled off a thin layer of paper from the stacked "cardboard".

This layer of paper was like a layer of soft cloth at the moment, floating in the wind in Yi Shuyuan's hands.

Through the moist fibers, Yi Shuyuan seemed to be able to see the mountains and bamboo forests, and feel the nature of the world.


With a gentle breath, Yi Shuyuan attached this layer of paper to the wet drying board.

One sheet, two sheets, three sheets, one panel, two panels

A dozen sheets of paper were quickly laid out.

Yi Shuyuan stood beside the paper drying rack, admiring his masterpiece, looking sideways at the inside of the paper mill, and then swept it with his sleeves.

"Woohoo. Woohoo"

A breeze blew up in the yard, and the sunlight swayed down, igniting a thin layer of Tianyang Zhenghuo on the surface of the paper.

Until Yi Shuyuan took the paper, thanked him and left, everyone in Yuanjiang Paper Shop was still amazed at the pool of clear water.


At this moment, Yi Shuyuan was in a rather excited mood, walking briskly all the way out of the city along the road in the city.

Then he used the land body technique to walk quickly on the wind, blending into the wind and blowing to the forest in the countryside.

In front are large, fruitful rice fields, and behind are quiet woods.

There were no pedestrians or animals around, only the occasional chirping of birds in the forest.

Yi Shuyuan found a large stone shaded by trees and sat down. The stone was flat and spacious, as if it were a natural stone table.

Hui Mian immediately jumped out, stood at the corner of the stone table, placed the pen and inkstone that Yi Shuyuan had bought before, and shocked the Fu Chi Yu on the stone.

"Sir, do you want to make a fan?"

"Hehe, watch it!"

Yi Shuyuan laughed, took out a piece of white paper from his sleeve, folded it in half and made four cuts in the air with a carving knife.

Suddenly, two pieces of fan-shaped paper fell off and floated into Yi Shuyuan's palm with the wind, while the remaining large piece of paper was caught by Hui Mian.

The paper is like two butterfly wings, fluttering in the wind, but not flying away.

Yi Shuyuan's expression returned to calm, he unfolded his sleeves, and another one of the fan bones that had been completed flew out.

The paper undulates like white silk, wrapping around the fan bones.

No glue is used, the fan ribs are bonded to the fan paper.

Until the point where the fan handles meet, Yi Shuyuan did not use any other materials, but used an ebony core as the rotating shaft.

The whole process was very gentle, with neither the scorching fire nor the roaring thunder.

A white paper fan with clean sides has appeared in Yi Shuyuan's hand, but the fan has not yet been completed.

"Sir, the ink is ready!"

Hui Mian, who was stepping on the paper, reminded him, then put down the ink stick and raised the pen.

Yi Shuyuan held the paper fan and placed it on the stone. He took the pen and lightly dipped it in ink, writing a sentence on both sides of the paper.

As the pen tip touches the paper, the ink flows into the paper with rich ink color like water, forming watery words one by one.

Tiangang Earth Evil and Xiangshu.

There are so many different things.

As the last word fell, the folding fan shook slightly, and a gleam of light flashed through the ink.

Yi Shuyuan put down his pen, held the unfolded folding fan, and looked into the distance.

Then he swept his forehand towards Kuonan Mountain in the distance, and then slapped his backhand towards Yuanjiang County.

In an instant, a breeze blew in reverse, wrapping around Yi Shuyuan and even around the folding fan on Yi Shuyuan's right hand.

The mana and even the aura and spirit energy in Yi Shuyuan's body poured into the folding fan crazily.

On the fan, one side gradually emerges the Kuonan landscape, and the other side gradually presents the scenery of the ancient city.

"Woohoo. Woohoo woohoo"

The wind was still blowing, and a tornado seemed to rise around the folding fan, making Hui Mian on one side unable to open his eyes. He hurriedly grabbed the pen, ink, paper and inkstone to prevent it from being blown away.

The Fu Chi Yu Jing on the side had already floated up and flew to Yi Shuyuan's side, as if there was some kind of echo between it and the folding fan.

Yi Shuyuan looked slightly tired, but no longer as unbearable as last time. He looked at the folding fan held high in his hand and said with a calm smile.

"The rhyme of heaven arises from itself, and the wonderful method comes from itself. You are my folding fan, and your name is: Yin Chen!"

There was no huge movement like that of Fu Chi, and there was no thunder or rain. It was just that the wind surrounding the folding fan dispersed at this moment.

The wind blown by the two fans only appeared at this moment.

This wind blows to the countryside, to the city, and to the mountains, forests and flowing water.

"Sir, save me, ah——"

Hui Mian, who was holding the cut white paper, was blown away.

With quick eyes and quick hands, Yi Shuyuan reached out to grab Hui Mian's tail before it flew away, but he couldn't help but smile.


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