Talk about the world of mortals in detail

Chapter 85 Gains from the mountains (please subscribe)

Then Yi Shuyuan directed the topic elsewhere.

Last time, Yi Shuyuan actually wanted to learn more about spiritual practice from the mountain god, and today he just took the opportunity to catch up, and there was also an old man named Gusong who had a lot of experience.

Huang Hongchuan is right to have some concerns. It is best not to publicize the matter about the "baby", at least until the situation is really turned around before he can let go of some concerns.

However, the old pine tree can be regarded as knowing its roots. Its name is Songchao, which means standing in the mountain to welcome the morning sun. The great demon has been cultivating on Kuonan Mountain for more than 600 years. The original ancient pine tree is even nearly a thousand years old.

Lao Song has been on Kuonan Mountain longer than Huang Hongchuan. Although he is trapped here and cannot escape, his Taoism is extraordinary.

Even so, the old pine has never harmed anyone since it opened its spiritual wisdom, and it has not even actively harmed animals in the mountains. It is like an eternal tree that has provided shelter and shelter for countless creatures.

Even Huang Hongchuan has to respect Laosong three points.

The three of them were drinking tea and chatting by the stream. When they heard that a thunderstorm was suspected to be coming during Jingzhe, Lao Song was so shocked that he broke out in a cold sweat. He was completely unaware that a disaster would fall on Kuonan Mountain during Jingzhe that day.

What worried Lao Song that night of Jingzhe was that Huang Hongchuan's mountain temple was hacked.

The second is the death of the baby, but in fact, the mountain spirits are too active during thunderstorms, and it is indeed possible to attract thunder. With the way of the baby, it is normal that he cannot bear it.

Unexpectedly, there is still the variable of disaster.

Yi Shuyuan didn't explain it clearly, and Huang Hongchuan didn't point it out, so Lao Song thought it was the doll who had summoned the disaster.

Although it is a bit ridiculous, there are all kinds of strange things in the world. Maybe the doll is so extraordinary, or maybe it is because of the ink marks that make it extraordinary.

"If the doll is reincarnated successfully, it can be considered as having passed this tribulation. It will be a smooth path for cultivation from now on, right?"

Lao Song suddenly realized that this doll was still facing a catastrophe even now, and only when it was truly reincarnated could it be considered to have survived the catastrophe.

This calamity is indeed mysterious, and it fully illustrates the specialness of this opportunity!

Lao Song made no secret of the envy in his tone. He had been practicing for so many years, and although his practice had become deeper and deeper, he had been stuck for hundreds of years. Sometimes, practicing did require some luck.

Yi Shuyuan smiled, shook his head and said.

"It is extremely rare to be able to see the road to enlightenment clearly, but it is not that easy to say that the road to cultivation is smooth. The sound of the Waking of Insects may not be the end, it may be just a beginning. There may be a Waking of Insects, and there may be a Vernal Equinox, but there may not be one after the Vernal Equinox. Qingming.”

Yi Shuyuan was actually talking about himself.


Old Song was suddenly startled and couldn't help but subconsciously look at the rocks in the stream. This opportunity was not easy to bear.

Huang Hongchuan on the side felt a little numb. He knew what Yi Shuyuan was talking about.

Do all twenty-four solar terms have a calamity? Since Mr. Yi said this, maybe he already has this premonition in his heart?

"You two don't need to panic. Yi just said it casually and may not be true. Even if it is true, there is nothing to be afraid of."

Lao Song was a little embarrassed by his gaffe just now. He was too afraid of the catastrophe.

Yi Shuyuan was aware of Lao Song's state, and could even faintly feel some changes in his aura, which was somewhat inconsistent with Lao Song's previous natural aura.


Inside, there seems to be thunder in the mind.

Yi Shuyuan frowned and looked at Lao Song after hesitating for a moment, as if to relieve his previous embarrassment.

"Actually, if you don't do all the bad things and get punished by God, then the disaster will be caused by your own practice. The more you fear, the more you will have mental obstacles. If your mind is unstable, your will to seek the Tao will not be strong. The fear of disaster is very serious, but you don't know it."

"It's possible that he's in trouble"

Lao Song was stunned for a while and didn't come back to his senses for a while.

Already in calamity, already in calamity.

Huang Hongchuan raised his glass and said nothing, his eyes occasionally falling on Lao Song thoughtfully, while Yi Shuyuan on the other side said no more.

After a while, Lao Song recovered from his slight gaffe, and then he looked at the rocks in the stream and sighed.

"If the doll can take this opportunity to achieve personal cultivation, it will be a blessing in disguise."

“Everything in the world has its destiny, but the way of heaven only favors the human race.

Human beings are the spirit of all things and are born with unique blessings.

Practitioners find it best to be close to others. Among the plants and trees, ginseng is cultivated to resemble a human form. It can walk and escape, and its incarnation is wonderful. Among animals, apes and monkeys often also have extraordinary magical powers.

Because they are jealous of the beauty of the human body, many evil spirits take risks! "

Hearing Lao Song's emotion, Huang Hongchuan couldn't help but sigh.

"You have gone astray!"

Yi Shuyuan certainly understands the benefits of human cultivation, so many monsters take human form.

But people are often the easiest to be tainted by the world of mortals and swayed by the seven emotions and six desires. There are many good things and many bad ones.

And Lao Song's words also made Yi Shuyuan understand some key points, that is, Song Weng has not been able to escape from his form.

No wonder Yi Shuyuan always felt that Laosong's figure was a little illusory. He initially thought it was because he was not good enough to see clearly, but now after having an in-depth conversation, he realized that this was still not his true form.

Listening to Lao Song's words, which seemed to be complaining, Huang Hongchuan said "Hey".

"Transformation is indeed closely related to Taoism, but there are all kinds of mysteries between heaven and earth. People who practice are countless. Everyone has difficulties, and everyone also has opportunities."

Yi Shuyuan on the side listened with great interest.

"Please give Huang Gong some advice!"

Huang Hongchuan nodded, poured some tea in the cup onto the coffee table, and picked up a handful of soil from the ground on one side and sprinkled it on. The soil and water stains melted on the coffee table and gradually turned into various shapes.

“Birds and animals are born to run around physically, and flowers, plants and trees are born to connect with the earth.

Although they both absorb the spiritual energy of heaven and earth and absorb the brilliance of the sun and the moon, strictly speaking, the former becomes a demon, while the latter is a type of spirit. Instead, they are closer to mountains, rocks and other spiritual objects.

It's just that people in the world call them monsters regardless of distinction. Over time, they have the habit of not distinguishing between fairies and monsters, but it's not harmful at all. It has become the norm. "

Yi Shuyuan was sweating slightly in his heart. He felt the same way, but it seemed that the two people around him hadn't made it so clear before.

Huang Hongchuan paused and continued.

“Just as birds, animals, scales, scales, insects, and insects are all different, so are the flowers, plants, and trees.

Just like a towering ancient tree, it is difficult to move even an inch. To escape from the place where the solid body is, you need to repair the outer body, then turn into spiritual light, and then become the true body, and the old body left behind is the true shell;

Smaller flowers and plants have less impact, some are transplanted, and there are some human legends. "

Lao Song also came out of his depressed state of mind, smiled again and added.

"What the Lord Mountain God said is true. Just like the ginseng essence I just mentioned, it is also a special case. And my tree trunk is deeply rooted. Although a deep foundation has many benefits, it also makes it difficult for me to escape. Alas!"

As he spoke, Lao Song laughed at himself.

"It has been reported to my Heavenly Court. If I die in a catastrophe some year, or the deadline has come, I can be considered a small god, or there may be another chance."

Lao Song glanced at Yi Shuyuan carefully from the corner of his eyes.

If there are people in the world who can reveal mysteries and mysteries, they must be immortals, which is why there is such a legend as "immortals guide the way".

It's just that those who can reach that kind of state are too rare and too unworldly, but Mr. Yi in front of him, Laosong, can't see through it, and the mountain god doesn't want to tell him.

Some unexplainable hopes arose in Lao Song's heart.


Today, Yi Shuyuan has made a lot of money. He can also learn about things like heaven from some folklore and temple stories, but some monsters and other mysteries of heaven and earth make him feel like he understands the practice better. .

After seeing the overall preferences of the dolls and gaining more knowledge, Yi Shuyuan was in a good mood as he bid farewell to the God and the Demon Queen of Kuonan Mountain and walked back to the village.

After Yi Shuyuan left, Huang Hongchuan and Lao Song, who had been sent to Shannangang, looked back.

"I know what you are thinking, but Mr. Song, don't force anything. Mr. Yi is far from being as simple as he appears. Immortals can point the way, but he can point the way, but the road may not be easy, and you may not dare to walk."

Huang Hongchuan shook his head when he saw Lao Song was silent.

"Okay, I'll take my leave now."

Lao Song looked at the direction Yi Shuyuan was leaving in a daze. When he looked around him again, Huang Hongchuan had already disappeared. He had been around for more than a thousand years and had been cultivating for hundreds of years. Of course he had his own unique feelings, otherwise he would not have the same feeling in his heart. So worried about gains and losses.


This night, Yi Shuyuan still stayed in the village for the night.

Even though the Yuezhou Martial Arts Conference has ended, it is now the season for planting awns, and the county government allows officials to go back and help with the planting.

At this moment, Yi Shuyuan was taking off his coat and lying on the bed, with only a corner of the quilt covering him.

The outside of the house was filled with the sounds of frogs and insects. I had been in the city for a long time, and I couldn't remember how long it had been since I heard this kind of sound that seemed noisy but made it easy for people to fall asleep peacefully.

Amidst the sounds of the countryside, there were also some sounds coming from the next door. It was Yi Baokang and his wife whispering there.

Yi Shuyuan didn't mean to listen, but it was obvious that his hearing was much better than ordinary people now, and the content of the conversation was also expected, nothing more than money.

"Sir, is that stone going to be reincarnated?"

Hui Mian huddled beside the bed and asked quietly.

"Go to sleep!"

Seeing that her husband ignored her, Hui Mian was playing with his tail and thinking about things alone. After hearing so much today, he was quite shocked by it, and he couldn't help but have more reveries.

But Yi Shuyuan turned over, but his thoughts did not stop.

Today, besides looking at the mountains and rocks, Yi Shuyuan went not only to listen to gossip, but also to communicate with gods and demons with a thirst for knowledge.

His understanding of Shinto has deepened, and he has a deeper understanding of monsters, especially the ways of vegetation, spirits, and monsters.

If you really think about it, Yi Shuyuan's initial practice method was more similar to that of a spirit raised by nature, but it was different because of his own understanding of the Qingxin Jue.

In the past, Yi Shuyuan thought that the difference might not be big, but now, Yi Shuyuan has become more and more aware of the weight of the word "Tao" in this world, and even a slight difference may make a fundamental difference.

However, sometimes it is also because of the word "Tao" that some roads can lead to the same destination through different paths.

Unconsciously, the night was already deep. Yi Shuyuan slowly closed his eyes and started practicing again. He fell asleep amidst the sounds of frogs and insects chirping.

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