Talk about the world of mortals in detail

Chapter 711 Everyone Shows Their Magical Powers

Beihai County, where Haiyu County is located, is as lively and prosperous as ever, and at the large dock in Haiyu County, there are more ships than in previous years.

In particular, there are many more cruise ships, and even some large ships have imperial backgrounds.

Hwaryongsa Temple is a famous temple throughout Daegu. After it was renamed Hwaryongsa Temple last fall, its reputation quickly spread to all parties.

Even though there are not as convenient information dissemination channels as Yi Shuyuan's previous life, things like legends of legends satisfy people's simple pursuit of entertainment and spiritual yearning, and the speed of dissemination is never slow.

Half a year has passed, and now, through the spread of domestic businessmen and some tourists and students, the news that the dragon painted on the mountain at Hualong Temple has completely come to life and turned into a real dragon has spread.

At the same time, there was also a strange case about an innocent soul collecting debts. Of course, there were some special reasons for this.

The Haiyu County Harbor Pier is much more lively than before. Firstly, the temperature has risen since spring and more seafood has been caught. Secondly, it is natural to be curious about the legends of strange monsters.

There are many cruise ships that can adapt to the sea conditions in the harbor every day, allowing people to go to the offshore for inspection, and even take a look at the place where dragon scales are fished out.

The businessmen who frequently load and unload goods at the Haiyu County wharf are also smart. It is better to take people on a cruise than to carry goods for a voyage. After all, people only need to go in and out during the day and return at night to wander around nearby.

The money in one trip is not as good as reselling goods, but the profits are considerable if you do this every day, and there is almost no capital to trade, so you can't take advantage of the limelight to make a few more.

Of course, stories alone cannot attract business, the main thing is to have real materials.

What is the real thing?

Oddly enough, during this period of time, the sea has not only been relatively calm, but also some special and magnificent scenes often appear, either with the sunset showing a brilliant glow, or with the rising sun, as if the water and the sky are shining together.

This brilliance may be related to the sun, but it is definitely not an ordinary morning glow or sunset. After all, the sun rises in the east and sets in the west, and this light is mainly above the North Sea, so the directions do not overlap.

This is the reason why there are so many tourists. Some people wait for the brilliant water in the early morning, while others go to see the magnificent sunset in the evening.

Of course, it's not just big merchants and big ship owners who know how to do business, small fishermen also know how to seize opportunities, and can even take care of fishing on the side.

It wasn't long before the headmaster came that he arrived at Beihai Dragon Palace with excitement and apprehension.

It was also afternoon and the pier in Haiyu County was already crowded with tourists. However, there was a storyteller inside the pier market, which attracted many people nearby to listen.

"Speaking of which, that Taoist priest is very capable. With a loud shout and summoning his talisman, he turned into a fire dragon and rushed forward."

"At that moment, the imperial guards and guards felt the heat was unstoppable, and the weapons in their hands seemed to have turned into irons. They were so frightened that they ran away with their heads in their hands. The Taoist Master had already led the man possessed by the wronged spirit to the dog officer!"

When the storyteller said this, the crowd around him suddenly burst into applause.

"Okay!" "Okay!" "Kill that dog officer!"


He slapped his ruler on the table, and the crowd immediately fell silent. The storyteller's sonorous and powerful voice also drowned out some minor discussions.

"Guan Xinrui is such a bad official. Even when he is about to die, he still has to quibble with evil spirits to collect his debts. But the sky has eyes. There is a righteous man in front of him who risked his life to clarify his crimes. There is an expert at the moment. How can he be allowed to go unpunished!"

The people around him were filled with indignation and empathized with the book. The storyteller was also considered to be very good. He told the story with great emotion, which attracted everyone's applause.

Yi Shuyuan also stood in the audience. When the book reached its climax, everyone in the audience was excited!

It was the dog officer who was killed by the evil ghost, and the gangsters died in random arrows. It seemed that he was affected by this, and the dragon roared in the painted dragon mountain.

The book ends at this moment, it is "Dragon Scale Transformation" written by Yi Shuyuan.

As for the storyteller, he had obviously heard the original version elsewhere and copied it for study, so that he could make a living with it, and even more so at this moment.

In the place where this book happened, there have been quite a few storytellers talking about "Dragon Scale Transformation" recently, but not many can tell it so well.

At this moment, everyone was cheering, and Yi Shuyuan also slapped his palms with a folding fan to show approval.

The storyteller was wiping his sweat with a handkerchief, and then holding a folding fan and passing it to the crowd around him.

But seeing this scene, many people who had just listened to the book dispersed, but there were still people who gave money. Most of those who were still here wanted to give some money, and they poured a few coppers into the fan. Put it on top.

When someone puts money, the storyteller will say thank you.

Arriving in front of a man holding the child's hand, the man took out a few five-dollar coins from his arms and put them on the folding fan. The storyteller felt the fan sink slightly and nodded to the man with a smile.

"Thank you very much!"

After the man gave the money, he picked up the child and heard the child ask innocently.

"Dad, are you the righteous man who captured the head in the book?"

Before doing that thing, Zhong Xingwen felt that he might very well escape death, and he did not dare to tell his family completely. After he came back, he had already quit being a policeman and took his wife and children to live in the countryside.

Recently, the story of "Dragon Scale Transformation" has been deeply rooted in people's hearts. Some villagers have heard the story in the county and reported it back, and it has also spread to Zhong Xingwen's ears. Today, he took his children to the city to go to the market, and happened to meet the person who told this book.

The story is a true story, but what the storyteller tells is actually not the original version of "Dragon Scale Transformation", at least not Yi Shuyuan's original version.

In fact, Yi Shuyuan made slight changes in this book. For example, Haiyu County is a large coastal county, and the county magistrate Gouguan is referred to as "Guanshi" or "Master Guan".

Zhong Xingwen and Xue Yuan do not have their full names. The whole book refers to them as Xue Daozhang and Zhong Baotou.

But obviously there are still many caring people, and the incident in the capital was discussed by people all over the city, so some later storytellers "corrected" "Dragon Scale Transformation".

There is today’s version.

Hearing the child's voice, the storyteller was startled. He subconsciously looked at the man holding the child in front of him, only to see that his face was plump and angular, and his calm eyes seemed to contain wind and rain.

It seemed that someone nearby heard the child's voice, and then some local residents looked at Zhong Xingwen and exclaimed.

"Captain Zhong? It's really you!" "Hey, look, everyone, this is Capt. Zhong!"

"Captain Zhong, why did you resign and leave?" "Captain Zhong, I haven't seen you for almost half a year. Where are you now? How are you doing?"

Greetings were heard one after another, and local people and some tourists gathered here, even pushing the storyteller aside.

Perhaps during the years when Zhong Xingwen was on duty, he did not necessarily have a strong sense of presence in the hearts of the people in Haiyu County, but perhaps because he had listened to "Dragon Scale Transformation" too much recently, Zhong Xingtou's sense of presence suddenly became stronger.

Zhong Xingwen frowned, feeling somewhat embarrassed, so he had to bow his hands to the crowd and hurried away with the child in his arms.

The storyteller held a folding fan and looked at the man holding the child as he left. He couldn't help but look at it a few more times, feeling a bit shocked in his heart.

This is the first time he has met "the person in the book" for so long.

The stories in the book are definitely exaggerated, but for them to be so exciting, they must be at least somewhat true, right?

The storyteller was distracted for a moment and did not level the folding fan. As soon as the fan tilted, the copper coins on it were about to fall off, but at this moment, a hand held one end of the fan.

When the storyteller reacted, he quickly protected the fan and thanked the person in front of him.

"Oh, thank you very much!"

But when the storyteller raised his head and saw the person in front of him clearly, he couldn't help but be stunned. The calm face with long gray hair reminded the storyteller of the moment when he first heard "Dragon Scale Transformation".

"you are."

"The book is very good!"

Yi Shuyuan nodded, put a few five copper coins on the folding fan, then turned around and floated away. When the storyteller realized what he was doing and wanted to chase after him, he found that he had lost sight of him.

The sun is not far away from setting, and the pier is also busy now. In addition to the big boats, fishing boats are also popping up now, greeting guests on the small pier towards the shore.

"Hey, dear guests, it costs fifty cents to get on a big ship. Our boat is small, but you can go wherever you want. It only costs thirty cents!"

"And here's mine, here's mine. I only need thirty coins. Our boat is small, but it's definitely more spacious than a big boat -"

"I also know where the place to pick up the dragon scales is. I can take you guests there -"

Everything is always cost-effective, so naturally many people choose to take a small fishing boat.

After that, there is a strange scene in Haiyu County Harbor. Every evening, ships of all sizes go out to sea one after another. And every morning after sunrise, many large ships often return and passengers disembark.

As for small boats, they usually come back after watching the sunset. Small boats are inconvenient to spend the night at sea waiting for the morning light.

Of course, there are also some good places that can only be visited by small boats, such as sending some guests to some special islands, where it is good to wait for the morning light, and it is inconvenient for large ships with thousands of materials to go close to those without deep-water ports. Island.

In fact, it’s not that you can’t enjoy the scenery on the beach, but people always ask for more. What you see when you go to the sea seems to be more beautiful and unique.

Yi Shuyuan looked at the port that was still bustling in the evening from the periphery. Even here, he could see the energy that was different from ordinary people. There was also a lot of evil energy in it, and naturally the divine light of care was indispensable.

Yi Shuyuan even saw some slightly familiar figures.

At a small pier, two women, one in gray and one in red, responded to the invitation of a fishing boatman below and boarded the boat after paying sixty cents.

"Boatman, let's sail quickly!"

As soon as the woman in red spoke, the father of the two fishermen on the boat quickly explained.

"Sir, please wait a moment. Our boat is still so empty. If we wait for more guests, it will be difficult to catch fish these days. We are just relying on this business to make a living!"

The woman in red frowned slightly, but nodded.

"All right."

When the two beautiful women got on the boat, they immediately gave the best advertisement for the fishing boat. Soon many people came, many of them were Confucian scholars and wealthy young men.

It even allowed fishermen to enjoy the pleasure of a price increase.

However, some of these people had a special aura, which made the two women understand that the other person was not a mortal.

Of course, not everyone is qualified to go to the Dragon Palace for the Dragon Transformation Ceremony. Some are in relatively peripheral locations in the sea, and some people who are accustomed to land but are not qualified to go to the Dragon Palace will also find ways.

For example, some islands with special locations and where the water element aura gathers are good initial destinations.

And because dragons patrol the North Sea and gods patrol the sky, in the days leading up to such a grand ceremony, especially the spirits and demon cultivators gathered from outside must be careful.

Try not to attract any attention. For example, it would be a good choice for a mortal to take people on a boat to a suitable island.

This time the Dragon Transformation Ceremony has not yet been held, but the activity of the water elemental aura has reached an astonishing level. No one wants to miss it, so everyone is trying their best to get as close as possible to the Dragon Palace.

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