Talk about the world of mortals in detail

Chapter 63 Entering Taoism with Martial Arts


Ah Fei did not make a direct sound this time, but just moved his mouth. Yi Shuyuan came close to him with a smile, and then he bowed out. Compared with the common and more casual fist-holding salute in the world, he felt that facing him Senior Yi is more like facing a master.

Yi Shuyuan reached out and patted A Fei's arm, nodded.

"You came from Yuezhou City, right? Let's find a place to treat you to dinner."


After all, they had been together in the snowy mountains for quite some time. Yi Shuyuan and A Fei didn't feel unfamiliar when they met today. One walked in front and the other followed beside them, and soon left the county government area.

Unfortunately, due to the large number of Jianghu customers, the two famous restaurants in Yuanjiang County, Tongxin Building and Zuibin Building, no longer have seats. But luckily, neither Yi Shuyuan nor A Fei planned to dine in.

Yi Shuyuan bought some steamed buns and two bottles of wine from Tongxinlou, and bought a roasted chicken from Zuibinlou on the way, and then led Ah Fei forward.

The further the two walked, the fewer people around them became, and the quieter they got, and soon they arrived at the base of the northwest side of the county wall.

Because the ramp of the city wall and the city gate are relatively far away from here, and the lighting conditions here are very poor, it looks more desolate. Except for some straw sheds, firewood piles and debris, there is not even a barren grass field.

It was already dusk and the sky was getting dark. Yi Shuyuan looked up at the city wall, then at Ah Fei who was carrying food next to him, and smiled.

"Let me see how your Qing Gong is going."

After saying these words, Yi Shuyuan jumped lightly. His whole body was like a feather blowing in the wind. His figure even swayed and fluttered a little, like smoke spreading, and he had already climbed up to three feet without any sound. What a high city wall, standing on the female wall.

Compared with the many sentries on the walls of Yuezhou City, there are not even a large number of soldiers on the walls of Yuanjiang County. The Zhuangban Yamen guarding the city gates are already the only defense force of the four city gates.

Ah Fei raised his head and looked at Yi Shuyuan's amazing Qinggong move, which shocked him slightly, and he felt motivated.

The next moment, Ah Fei used his inner strength to raise his energy and jumped, spiraling up in the air. Then he landed on the battlement next to Yi Shuyuan with two air kicks.

As soon as he landed, A Fei couldn't help but ask.

"Senior, are your injuries healed?"

"Hahaha, that's right."

Yi Shuyuan laughed and said nothing. Let's just regard everything in the snowy mountains as a beautiful misunderstanding.

After saying this, Yi Shuyuan jumped lightly towards the southeast corner tower. Ah Fei immediately followed and climbed to the roof of the corner tower with Yi Shuyuan one after another.

Due to disrepair, only the tower at the city gate on the Yuanjiang County wall is still intact, but the bricks and tiles on the roof of the turret are quite damaged, and there is even some grass growing there.

Yi Shuyuan was sitting on the roof tiles facing west, and Ah Fei followed suit and sat down next to him.

The most intuitive thing in their sight is Kuonan Mountain. Although the mountain range is generally located in the north of Yuanjiang County, it extends to the southwest, so whenever the sun sets, Yuanjiang County gets dark relatively quickly.

All the two of them could see at this moment was the sunset on the other side of the mountain.

Yi Shuyuan remained silent. A Fei hesitated for a long time and finally spoke first.

"Senior, the innate master mentioned in the case was you, right?"

There was nothing to hide in front of Ah Fei, so Yi Shuyuan nodded and admitted it directly.

"It was indeed me. At that time, the court had not paid attention to the case. Jia Yuntong was a key figure in the case. The defense of Yuanjiang County Government was weak. If I didn't take action, I was afraid that the villain would succeed in persecuting me. But I didn't expect that it would cause a lot of trouble later. .”

"It's indeed a senior!"

Ah Fei was very happy in his heart, not only because Senior Yi's injury seemed to be greatly improved, but also because Senior's behavior was in line with his imagination, but he still asked one more question to be cautious.

"Is your senior healthy? Rumors say that you seem to be looking for a successor due to physical problems."


Yi Shuyuan laughed again when he heard this. Rumors spread like wildfire, and became more and more outrageous. In the end, many people believed it, and even the people who spread the rumors in the first place thought they were spreading the truth. Information.

The same is true now. In the Internet era, where it was easier to obtain information in the previous life, the situation is even more exaggerated. Sometimes it is a misunderstanding, and sometimes it can be said to be shameless.

When it comes to the martial arts conference, it no longer matters whether the initiator is the court or someone else.

"My health is not serious. As for whether I show up at the martial arts conference or not, it actually doesn't matter. No matter what the result is, the court has achieved its goal after all, and the warriors have participated in the grand event together. You can also take this opportunity to show off. Use your fists and kicks to see how far you can go.”

A Fei said seriously.

"I, Mai Lingfei, am not currently the strongest person under the age of forty, but this time I will be the leader! Then I will give the Mountain and River Immortal Furnace Picture to my senior!"

"Oh? Why do you dare to say that?"

A Fei's smile did not change.

"The arrangements for the competition in the conference are decided upon by the martial arts seniors and the imperial court. All directions will be issued to prove identity and age. People of similar ages will compete on the same stage, and the strongest will compete at the end."

"Among my peers, I am not afraid of anyone. Every competition is the cornerstone of my martial arts improvement, and I have a natural advantage in internal strength. When it comes to strong competition, the masters from all sides will inevitably lose a lot of internal strength. It is impossible in a short time. Although I have fully recovered, my martial arts are constantly improving, and my internal strength is still at its peak and even getting closer."

Having said this, A Fei looked at Yi Shuyuan with extremely bright eyes and continued speaking confidently.

"I, Mai Lingfei, why can't I win?"

What a good boy, you have a scheming plan!

Yi Shuyuan couldn't help but clapped his hands after hearing this.

"Pah, pah, pah, pah"

"Yes, it's not blind confidence. Then let me see how much you weigh now!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Yi Shuyuan attacked Ah Fei without any warning, waving his palm and letting the wind roar.

Ah Fei was suddenly startled. He jumped up and jumped to the center tip of the turret. Then he jumped again and punched Yi Shuyuan from top to bottom.

“Bang bang bang”

Yi Shuyuan stood still, using one hand to catch A Fei's three fierce punches, and then kicked A Fei's chest with his left foot. He crossed his arms to block it and used the force to fly into the air. He turned around and directly hit back with his legs. Three more kicks were fired in an instant.

It's just that although this move is powerful, it is not enough for Yi Shuyuan. Even though the Qi he uses is very restrained, he can easily neutralize A Fei's offensive by standing on the spot and striking with one hand, sweeping A Fei away with a sweep of his cross arm.

"Is that all you have?"

Yi Shuyuan mocked him with words, and Ah Fei's aura suddenly changed. A master in the innate realm was in front of him, so he didn't need to hold back, he just used his twelve points of skill!

The next moment, Ah Fei clapped his hands on the roof of the turret, and rushed towards Yi Shuyuan's figure and movements again, much faster, and even swept away many roof tiles with one kick.

"Pop", "Pap", "Pap", "Pap".

The tiles were smashed or knocked away in Yi Shuyuan's hands. At this moment, A Fei flew out of the wind and kicked Yi Shuyuan's middle door.

Yi Shuyuan was about to wave his palm to meet him, but he didn't expect it to be empty. Ah Fei put his hands on the ground and feinted with his right foot. At the same time, he kicked out a charged blow with his left foot, and hit the end of Yi Shuyuan's palm where his palm power exploded. , Yi Shuyuan also slipped half a step back under this force.

At this moment, Ah Fei's momentum instantly increased, and he pursued Yi Shuyuan. He moved quickly on the turret, and every punch and kick seemed to bring the sound of wind and thunder.

After more than twenty moves in a row, Yi Shuyuan finally used his hands. Ah Fei suppressed the joy in his heart, and his offensive became more and more fierce, until Yi Shuyuan started to use his body skills. In order to keep up with the movements, Ah Fei had already reached the limit of his moves and body skills. Taking it to the next level.

The two of them fought quickly on the top of the narrow turret, their hands and feet fighting like phantoms, and the sound of their fists and feet was drowned in the howling wind.

About a hundred moves later, Ah Fei struck with another palm, and Yi Shuyuan made a light palm with his right hand, using some of his true power.


After the palm strike, A Fei felt an overwhelming force coming towards him. He quickly stepped on the tiles with his feet and retreated, unable to stop himself until he fell onto the roof.

"Ho, ho, ho, ho"

Facing Yi Shuyuan, A Fei's luck was too strong and he had no reservations. At this moment, his internal energy was exhausted. He had already been struggling to hold on with all his strength just now. Now he could only lie there and pant, without even the strength to stand up.

Even though Yi Shuyuan didn't know much about the breakdown and ranking of warriors in the arena, judging from Chong Afei's performance just now, it was definitely not much different.

“It’s pretty good to be able to do this.”

After saying this, Yi Shuyuan smiled and pulled A Fei up, and the two sat together again. The place where they had just exchanged words and deliberately avoided was the food and wine they had brought.

"You're hungry, let's eat first."


Yi Shuyuan opened the oil paper bags next to him one by one, and the steaming food emitted a burst of fragrance. He drank and ate vegetables and watched the sunset. The two of them also laughed and talked about what happened in the snow-capped mountains.

After a fight between A Fei and Yi Shuyuan, he felt relaxed and confident. Even though he knew that his senior had given way to him, how many people in the world were qualified to fight against an innate master?

At this moment, A Fei's mentality became more relaxed, but he couldn't help but feel exhausted, and he had already lied back on the tiles while eating and chatting.

"Senior, you are a true innate master. Is there really a way beyond innateness? Some charlatans and magicians often engage in the business of exorcising ghosts and catching monsters. Are there really ghosts and monsters? That piece of snow back then Python, has it really become a spirit?"

Yi Shuyuan put the bun in his hand into his mouth, chewed it and swallowed it. He stood up and walked towards the eaves in the evening breeze. He stood at the tip of the turret eaves and looked at the last ray of sunset.

The clothes rustled in the wind, and the Confucian scarf that had been hanging on during the sparring session finally disintegrated in the wind. The moment it flew away, Yi Shuyuan reached out and caught him, letting his long hair fly in the wind.

Yi Shuyuan knew what Ah Fei wanted to ask, and it was a rare opportunity to ask such a question in front of a real innate master.

"Throughout the ages, people who practice martial arts can feel the qualitative change of their inner strength when they reach a certain state, and can rebel against the innate transformation to generate true energy. They can remain in full bloom until their deathbed. This step is called innate warriors and land gods by the people in the world. Hehe, he is so arrogant!"

The sunset on the horizon is the afterglow of the setting sun. Even though most places in Yuanjiang County have become very dark, you can still appreciate the beauty before sunset here.

Yi Shuyuan said with emotion.

"It's just that the so-called Immortal Way is not just a matter of people praising land gods and getting carried away. Those who can become congenital are all amazing and talented people. If you can see through the illusion and understand your true nature, you have actually stepped into the Immortal Way. "

What Yi Shuyuan said is true, because it is all based on his own feelings.

"Woohoo. Woohoo"

The wind was howling at this moment, and the sky suddenly lit up.


The sound of thunder in the sky made Ah Fei's heart skip a beat. He looked at the sky and saw that there were not many dark clouds.

Yi Shuyuan frowned and looked at the sky. He said no more and sat back where he was before, watching the last ray of morning glow dim.

"The sunset is infinitely beautiful, but it's almost dusk."

A Fei withdrew his eyes from the sky and looked at Yi Shuyuan's figure again, feeling a little dazed.

Ah Fei suddenly realized that he might be very wrong. He suddenly felt that he didn't understand Senior Yi at all.

Just a few sentences can explain the shackles in the minds of innate masters from ancient to modern times, but what about understanding it from another perspective?

Ah Fei's heartbeat accelerated uncontrollably. Could it be that Senior Yi had broken through the illusion of knowing one's mind and one's nature, and had one foot in the path of immortality?

Many innate masters from ancient times have gone into seclusion before dying and have never come out again.

Ah Fei thought of Senior Yi's serious poor physical condition before, and looking at Senior Yi's calm demeanor now, it was clear that he had passed the illusory "death barrier" in the rumors!

At this moment, Yi Shuyuan's figure and memory have reached another level in Ah Fei's place, and everything has converged into the most beautiful and desperate legend in the world - entering Taoism through martial arts!

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