
A sneer sounded.

"Don't be afraid of flashing your tongue when you talk big. Get yourself out first and then save us."

It was Zhao Yuan who spoke, and the man's face was filled with anger.

Next to him was Huang Youyou, who was saying with tears in her eyes: "We are not friends with Emperor Fengdu, why are you arresting us?"

Zhao Yuan was also very angry.

In his opinion, Yang Caiwei and the others deserved to be arrested.

Who asked them to be friends with Emperor Fengdu?

However, he, Huang Youyou and Emperor Fengdu were not friends, and they did not take advantage of Emperor Fengdu at all.

And because he was caught.

"How do I know why? It's all because of Emperor Fengdu. If he doesn't come to save us, I will never let him go."

Lin Yu:......

The atmosphere was silent for a moment.

Wentian and the others did not reveal that Lin Yu was here.

Because they were so close, Shangqing asked how Wentian was captured.

Wentian said he didn't know.

"I felt something flash under my feet. When I opened my eyes, I was already in the Forbidden City. Before I could react, I was taken away."

Lin Yu looked at Yang Caiwei: "Where are you?"

"It was an accident when we were participating in the dungeon. We arrived in the desert first. We didn't hear the dungeon prompt, so we felt something was wrong. However, we couldn't tell the way in the desert, so we could only follow the ghosts. We walked all the way to the ruined city. Find a hotel and stay in it.”

"In the evening, Zhao Yuan and Huang Youyou wanted to go out to play, but we didn't go. When they came back and knocked on our door, we discovered that they had been caught by a ghost. The ghost threatened them and asked them to take them to catch us."

Speaking of this, Yang Caiwei glanced at the two of them with disgust.

Zhao Yuan sneered and said nothing, Huang Youyou bit her lip and defended in a low voice: "We have nothing to do, they want to kill us, we can only lead them the way."

In the face of life and death, Huang Youyou didn't think they did anything wrong.

"Okay, let's not talk about this anymore."

Lin Yu interrupted them.

Looking at Wentian: "Did they say how they forced Emperor Fengdu to show up?"

Wentian shook his head: "No, but I think they seem to be setting up a big game."

Lin Yu fell silent.

If it weren't for a big plan, there wouldn't be any action until now.

At night.

The guard walked past, and a figure flashed past at high speed, heading towards the dungeon.

at the same time.

Lin Yu had already opened the cell door and released Wentian and the others.

It's not okay to rush out just like that. Let's not talk about the guards outside. In just half an hour, there will be guards coming to check.

This time is too short and they cannot escape at all.

If you alert the guards and are caught again, it will be difficult to escape.

Lin Yu thought for a moment, then walked around in the cell without going out.

Heilong Wentian and the others completely trusted Lin Yu and watched his actions without saying anything.

Sun Ze pulled Yang Caiwei and asked in a low voice: "What is that person doing? Aren't we running away?"

Yang Caiwei frowned slightly and was puzzled, but since everyone was tied to a rope and grew like a grasshopper, basic trust was necessary.

"hold on."

But Zhao Yuan and Huang Youyou didn't think so. They wanted to escape. They originally thought that joining these people would block them from the risk, so that they could run away.

Who knew that the man didn't run but instead started spinning around in the cell.

Yang Caiwei and the others actually let him go.

"You guys can hang around here, we won't be accompanying you anymore."

After Zhao Yuan finished speaking, he pulled Huang Youyou and ran out.

After a while, the figure disappeared outside the cell.

Liu Xuxu was a little anxious. Just when she was about to say something, Yang Caiwei stopped her.

Lin Yu kicked it with his foot. It was not his imagination, it was empty underneath.

"Great Emperor, two people ran out."

Shangqing stepped forward to remind.

Lin Yu looked back and saw that Yang Caiwei and the others were there. The ones running out were Zhao Yuan and Huang Youyou.

Now this time.

There was a sudden noise outside.

Lin Yu's expression changed: "Everyone go in."

They were all smart people. They had already guessed what was going on when they heard the noise outside and saw Lin Yu's serious look.

All entered the cell.

Lin Yu left the lock outside the cell unlocked.

Black Dragon was confused and was about to step forward to remind him.

Several guards pulled the two people back. Zhao Yuan and Huang Youyou were in an extremely embarrassed state. They didn't know the patrol alternation time of the guards, and they were caught not far after they ran out.

He was also slapped a few times. These were peak level guards from Li Gui. Their hands were very strong and they were slapped several times.

Zhao Yuan's face was swollen.

He watched Lin Yu and the others take the initiative to enter the cell, with anger in their eyes.

305 Found an open space and designed an escape

Pointing at Lin Yu, he said: "It was him. He opened the lock and we ran out. It was all his idea."

The guards looked at them fiercely, but Lin Yu looked calm and said: "I can't stop them from running out, but we didn't run away because we knew we couldn't escape."

He spoke frankly.

The guards looked at them with disdain.

It was not surprising that these humans wanted to escape from them, but what surprised them was that these humans were quite aware of current affairs.

Not to mention anything else, they patrolled so tightly, how could they escape so easily.

"No, no, he made us escape."

Zhao Yuan was still talking reluctantly.

When Lin Yu saw this, he added abruptly: "They just ran away, and they don't seem to care about you."

After saying this, Zhao Yuan was beaten again.

The ghosts will not stop beating you just because you are weak, no, they will beat you even harder.

By the time Zhao Yuan was thrown into the cell, he could only groan.

Huang Youyou also received several blows, and her delicate face could hardly be seen.

Because Zhao Yuan received such a severe beating, it is impossible to say that he has no resentment towards him.

Anger flashed in Huang Youyou's eyes, and she sat on the other side with her head lowered, ignoring Zhao Yuan who was moaning in pain.

After this time, the guards came in more frequently.

Late at night, everyone was asleep.

Lin Yu leaned against the cell door and closed his eyes to rest, when his fingers suddenly touched something.

Opening his eyes, a white envelope appeared in his hand.

Lin Yu picked up the envelope and tilted his body slightly.

The envelope was from Gray Rabbit, and she saw the envelope he threw at her feet.

Gray Rabbit told him that she visited the city lord's mansion at night and found that the guards in the cell were extremely tight and it was difficult to enter. She said that she would find a way to attract the guards away tomorrow night.

Let the viper come and rescue them.

Lin Yu put down the envelope. This method was too risky.

Thinking of the place he found at night, Lin Yu took out the envelope.

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