Black Dragon said angrily, not forgetting to argue: "I can just go and rob you and give it to me. Why do you want to rob it from me?"

Seeing that the two were about to quarrel again, Lin Yu went over to pull Heilong away.

Wentian was taken away by Shangqing.

Pulling Heilong into a room, he was still angry, and the anger on his face was undisguised.

"Emperor, do you also think it's my fault?"

Hei Long rarely talks like this. He is always carefree and speaks casually.

But not as stubborn as now.

Lin Yu looked at him and tried to remind: "Do you feel that something is wrong between you two?"

"What's wrong?"

The black dragon was furious.

Lin Yu confirmed his guess and then asked him: "Where have you been before you saw the key?"

Black Dragon is not so angry anymore, he is remembering.

"After you left, we went around a few rooms. They were all dirty and empty, with nothing in them. Wentian said it would be better to go outside and have a look. Maybe we can find clues outside, so we went outside."

"It was very empty outside. We saw a small tomb at the back of the house with no tombstone on it. After looking at the yard, we came back and then went to the room with the key. I was obviously the one who entered the room first and saw the key. I asked Tian Taking advantage of his thinness, he slipped under my arm and grabbed the key."

"He just wants to take the credit. I saw it first, so why should I give it to him."

The black dragon's face became distorted with anger.

When Lin Yu saw this, he suddenly raised his voice: "Black Dragon, haven't you found anything wrong yet?"

His voice calmed the black dragon.

He looked confused for a moment, and suddenly thought of something.

The anger on his face disappeared instantly.

When he reacted, his face looked extremely embarrassed.

"Great Emperor, have I been tricked?"

The anger and impulse that just wanted to kill him made his heart tremble when he woke up.

He is not like that, it is just a key, it is just a small conflict, and he actually wants to kill Wentian.

If the emperor didn't wake him up, the consequences would be disastrous.

390 "Let's go, let's go find Shangqing."

They went to meet Shangqing Wentian who was walking out of the room.

Wentian had also regained his composure, and his expression was ugly. He looked at Heilong and said three words at the same time.

"Little grave bag."

That’s where the trick started.

Then they almost got into a fight over a key.

While talking, Shangyuan came over with three other people. He shook his head at Lin Yu and said, "I haven't found it. Can the key disappear?"

"I'm afraid it can."

Dayuan showed doubts, and Lin Yu told them what happened to the two black dragons.

"In other words, there is a small graveyard in the backyard?"

Dayuan touched his chin and looked at Shangqing.

"Junior brother, have you brought the Pure Heart Talisman you drew?"

Shangqing nodded and took the initiative to take out the Pure Heart Talisman and give it to them.

Lin Yu took one and put it in his pocket, feeling relieved immediately.

The original tightness is gone.

"Hold it and don't throw it away. Let's go to the backyard and take a look. Be careful not to get caught."

Shangyuan shouted.

We walked to the backyard first. Strangely enough, the corridor of this house led to the front yard and the backyard.

Walking from the corridor to the backyard, I saw a small grave bag.

There is no tombstone on the grave.

"In our hometown, we bury children who died young in this way. They don't allow the monument to be placed, saying that it's not good for the child to be reincarnated."

188 Small grave bag in the backyard! Go shopping

The person who spoke was the only girl in the team. She was very cute, with short black hair and a pretty face.

Lin Yu didn't know her name, but what impressed him deeply was the girl's calm eyes.

Shangyuan nodded and said: "Yuan Bei is right, there is such a theory. Do you think it is possible that it is the baby in the crib on the third floor?"

Lin Yu thought of a reminder, a family of four, one sister and one sister.

Because the arrival of a person reveals the friendship between sisters.

It can be seen from this that there is not much age difference between the two sisters. Therefore, the rocking bed placed together with the swing may not necessarily belong to the younger sister. However, who could it be if it were not the younger sister?

The whole thing becomes a mystery.

It was already evening when I went back after reading the tomb packages.

Several people brought compressed biscuits, but other items couldn't stay here at all and became moldy and spoiled in less than an hour.

Lin Yu reluctantly ate the compressed biscuits. His stomach had become tricky in the last few copies.

"By the way, can we come in and out of here at will?"


Glasses swallowed the biscuits mixed with water, his face turned red due to choking.

"You can also go shopping around, but there's not much to see. But it's not far from the town where the Bian'an Apartment is located."

Apartment on the other side.

Lin Yu's heart moved, and he wanted to go there to buy food.

Several people slept against the wall. The night was peaceful and the next morning was peaceful.

Lin Yu got up and walked around the house.

He saw the little girl again, in the yard, but the girl was still at the second-floor window.

She was not avoiding Lin Yu's gaze, just looking at him quietly.

"Great Emperor, why do you get up so early?"

The sound of glasses made Lin Yuyi lower his head. When he looked over, the girl on the second floor had disappeared.

"Well, I woke up. By the way, I'm going to the town to buy some food later. Do you want to go?"

Glasses thought for a while and said, "I'll ask them."

After a while, everyone came out. Shangyuan said that only four people could go and four people were left.

Black Dragon is leaving, Wentian and Shangqing are staying, and Shangyuan is with Glasses and Kiteberry.

As for how to get there.

Glasses said that the nearest bus stop is two kilometers away from here, so we have to walk there.

Lin Yu didn't care, and Yuanmei didn't say anything. Only the black dragon complained incessantly, and finally walked over obediently.

It was already an hour later when we arrived at the bus station.

It could have been earlier. I met a few ghosts looking for trouble on the road and killed them easily.

The black dragon stuck out his tongue tiredly, looking like a dead dog.

Lin Yu looked around and saw a village in front of him.

It was now noon, and not a single villager was seen.

Just as Lin Yu was about to ask about glasses, he suddenly heard Yuanmei say: "The car is here."

Each person put in two coins, and the glasses and the black dragon looked like they were in pain.

"The real world only requires one piece, why are there only two pieces here?"

His words attracted several disdainful looks. Lin Yu looked over and found that the ghosts in the car were all at the level of resentful ghosts. Only the driver was a fierce ghost.

The bus lurched on its way to the next town.

at the same time.

In the dining room on the 28th floor of Bi'an Apartment.

The petite girl sat at the front, and next to her stood a fierce and strong man.

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