Sword of Coming

Chapter 1176 There is an empty chair

In the imperial palace of Dali Capital, Emperor Song He convened the kings of the Five Mountains from one continent to discuss matters in the imperial study.

I thought that the Nanyue female tiger would find an excuse to evade, but I never thought that Fan Junmao would also come.

The five mountains of Aquarius Continent, now the four great mountains except Nanyue, are still under the jurisdiction of the Dali Dynasty, so they continue to be under the jurisdiction of the Dali Song family in name.

In fact, according to the treaty signed by Cui Zhuang, the national advisor, after the war, the territory of Dali retreated to the north of Qidu. However, the ancestral mountain of Dongyue Qishan is actually located to the south of Dadu. However, this matter has nothing to do with the entrance of the Nanfang Xianfu Zushi Hall. The matter of erecting a monument was similar. There had been some opinions and small actions over the years. By the time the viewing ceremony at Zhengyang Mountain was over, the objections had subsided on their own.

There are still about two-quarters of an hour before the agreed time. Today's morning court has not yet retired, and His Majesty the Emperor has not yet appeared. Discussions in the Imperial Study Room are generally the second session, with fewer people, and are also known as "small court meetings."

The first one to arrive today was not Wei Bo, the Lord of the Northern Mountains near the water tower, but Jin Qing, the Lord of the Central Mountains.

Then came the two tigers from the east and west, Mengrong from Qishan Mountain and Tong Wenchang from Ganzhou Mountain.

Meng Rong's golden armor and sword are like a general's. Tong Wenchang was wearing linen and barefoot, like an old farmer, with an old jasper smoking pole tied to his waist.

Then came Wei Bo, dressed in a snow-white robe, with a pair of sneaking shoes on his feet, a ribbon tied around his waist, and a golden ring hanging from his ear.

Finally, there is Fan Junmao, wearing a dark green robe with a jade plaque "Jun Qingyu Xiang" hanging on his waist. She has a delicate appearance and is not considered a great beauty.

Perhaps standing with Wei Bo, not to mention a great beauty, not even a beauty.

In addition to the Five Mountain Monarchs, Qidu Changchun Hou Yanghua, the head of the water god of Aquarius Continent. Dadu Li Bo Cao Rong was second only to Yang Hua in divine status.

The two Dadu Hou Bos arrived almost at the same time as Jin Qing, and they were able to chat for a few words. The main thing was that Cao Rong, who was born in Laojiao of Fengshui Cave in Qiantang River, chatted and laughed with Jinshan Jun.

Cao Rong and Zishan Jinqing have known each other for many years and have a good relationship. This old Jiao, who was born in the old Qiantang, often visited the territory of the old Zhuying Dynasty in his early years.

During his lifetime, Jin Qing was neither a civil or military general of the Zhu Ying Dynasty nor an accomplished spiritual practitioner. He was just a poor quarryer. He dug rocks all the year round and lit them under bonfires. Every time he mined Laokeng inkstone materials, Jin Qing was responsible. Light a stick of incense to pay respect to the mountain god. According to the custom of the quarrymen, if the stick of incense is burned out successfully, they can go into the mountain to mine inkstones. However, one time, the incense went out midway, and Jin Qing was unwilling to take the risk. As a result, he was arrested by the mining official. They were whipped to death and then their bodies were submerged in water. Jin Qing's true spirit persisted after his death, and he was favored by the old tiger of Zhongyue in the old Zhu Ying Dynasty. He first helped Jin Qing stabilize his soul, and then arranged for a land temple to build a golden body. After that, he was promoted all the way, and Jin Qing finally became a When the mountain god of Diezhang Peak was enthroned by the Zhu Ying Dugu family's court, when the old tiger encountered an accident and his golden body collapsed, Jin Qing successfully succeeded to the throne of the tiger and became the master of Zizi Mountain.

After chatting about some interesting and trivial matters, Cao Rong asked with a smile: "Jinshanjun, I heard that Weishanjun's self-made god name is Lingze?"

Jin Qing nodded and said: "If I had known this, I would have reported a 'night tour' number to the Ministry of Rites. Mr. Wei Shan is not honest in doing things, blocking the latrine and not shitting."

Cao Rong said: "The several night banquets held in Zishan were all very impressive and well-known on the mountain."

Jin Qing hummed, "I learned it all from Wei Shanjun. How to organize a night banquet? We are all students."

Cao Rong laughed endlessly.

Yang Hua, the Marquis of Changchun in Dadu, remained silent.

She was concentrating with her eyes closed, holding the sword across her knees, and gently stroking the golden sword tassels in her hand.

As usual, high-ranking gods participated in discussions, and the Dali court allowed them to wear armor and swords to go to the temple.

There were only three of them in the room for now.

In fact, whether it is Jin Qing or Cao Rong, when they look at Yang Hua, who is in the second rank of the gods, deep down, they treat her as a little girl who is inexperienced in the world.

Indeed, Yang Hua's qualifications were too low, her resume was too thin, and... she was too lucky. At that time, just because she was the personal maid of the Queen Mother's South Hairpin, she was able to become the Water Goddess of the Tiefu River in the old Longzhou. After the war was over, she went to Dadu to fill the vacancy. Has she ever done anything practical and established a great cause? What credit?

On the other hand, whether it is Jin Qing who has the same rank as the Changchun Marquis of Dadu, Cao Rong who is half a rank lower than Yang Hua, or even the orthodox mountain gods of the Five Mountains Prince Mountain, in terms of age and reputation, none of them are better than Yang Hua. Flowers are stronger? So every time they talked about Yang Hua in private, they disapproved of it.

As for the female tiger fan Junmao, she is similar to and opposite to Yang Hua. The similarity means that both parties are of similar age and both are new faces among the gods of mountains and rivers in a continent. The opposite means that Fan Junmao was in the process of the war. , He exerted great efforts and made great contributions. As one of the five mountains, he was defeated! He once completely lost the Tiger Mansion, the temple and the Taoist temple, so Fan Junmao is now on the Aquarius Island Mountain and should not be underestimated. Nanyue's reputation is quite good.

In addition, there are some "retinues" of the Five Mountains and Mountains with high enough divine status who are qualified to attend the meeting today.

There is a huge difference between attending and attending. To put it simply, the former can speak, while the latter participates in the discussion and really just participates in the discussion.

The most numerous ones are the Chujun mountain god of the Five Mountains, and then there is the Yongjiang water god of the Zhongyue territory. As for the original Tiefu River water god of the Beiyue territory, as well as the Qiantang River known as the Zhishui Fuwen on the Dongyue territory. Qualified to attend, but two divine seats are temporarily vacant.

I guess the candidates for the new Tiefu River Water God and Qiantang Chief will be discussed and approved today?

In the imperial study room, Eunuch Bingbi, the Superintendent of Ceremonies, was responsible for arranging the seats and leading the distinguished landscape gods to their seats.

Because His Majesty the Emperor has not yet entered the dojo, those who have already sat down in the room are chatting about their own things. When Wei Bo and the three princes and mountain gods enter the imperial study room, the atmosphere in the room suddenly becomes lively. As soon as the Beiyue boundary is the Dali Song family In the land of Longxing, the tiger Wei Bo is one of the first-class ministers of the emperor. Moreover, in the whole world now, who doesn't know that Piyun Mountain and Luopo Mountain have such a good relationship that they wear a pair of trousers, so some of them have nothing to do with the young hermit official. Shanshui Zhengshen wants to build a good relationship with Wei Shanjun. In the future celebrations on his mountaintop, he will not invite Chen Pingan to attend the ceremony, but ask Wei Shanjun to help express personal feelings and get a handwritten congratulatory note from Chen Pingan. It is always a kind of honor. The icing on the cake is light.

The content of the chat was mostly anecdotes about the landscape and the deeds of Qi practitioners.

In terms of proficiency in all kinds of anecdotes in a continent, there really is no one who knows the basics better than them.

In addition, the mountain gods and water gods on the borders of the Five Mountains and within the jurisdiction of Yiyue often have similar "borrowing water" or "diversion" measures between them. The landscape, water, and civil and military fortunes may all be exchanged. Learn from each other's strengths and offset weaknesses, and try to take care of the barren land where spiritual energy is thin and incense is not strong. When encountering severe droughts, floods, earthquakes and other natural disasters, especially some gray methods involving Qi practitioners and mountain fairy mansions, many gods are constantly at work. Within the framework of one's own duties without violating any rules and regulations, one can communicate with neighbors and help each other. For example, the mountain god is most afraid of having the whole story unclear, and when a Qi practitioner opens a dojo, if one does not adhere to the moral principles of "Jianghu", he only cares about To gather the spiritual energy of heaven and earth without flowing outward at all, the construction of this kind of fairy mansion is tantamount to making a hole in the long body of a mountain god. It is also like the kind of drought that the water god is most afraid of. After being exposed to the sun for a long time and the river bed drying up, it is like the kind of skin cracks common in the market. It is extremely painful. If you are not careful, the golden body of the water god in the temple will have irreversible cracks.

In history, there was a time when the relationship between the Immortal Palace of the sect and the Lord of the Lake was so bad that there was no room for maneuver. The former refused to do anything and joined forces with several imperial courts to build a tower directly in the upper reaches of a series of water sources and rivers in the Great Lakes. A dam was built, and then the river course was changed. In just a few decades, the big lake dried up and bottomed out, all the billions of aquatic people died, and the golden body of the lake king finally collapsed. However, this kind of tragedy in which both sides suffer is still a special case after all. The relationship between more gods and Qi practitioners is either sincere cooperation and helping each other in the same boat, or they are tied together by interests. No matter how bad it is, they can at least maintain a superficial harmony.

All the gods who can sit here today are all well-deserved feudal officials on the mountain. Although they are divided into three, six or nine grades that they all know well, any mountain and water god can wait until the meeting is over and go home. They are all unequivocal "earth emperors" in their respective jurisdictions, and they govern an overwhelming number of river gods, mountain gods, land gods, river gods, river gods, and city gods at all levels. Generally speaking, within the boundaries of mountains and rivers, as long as there is no sect with a sect, these high-ranking gods will feel more at ease.

When Wei Bo entered the imperial study, there was no longer any discussion in the room about the excavation of the Dadu in Tongyezhou in the south. As for the night banquet, he deliberately avoided mentioning it.

Who doesn’t know that in his early years, Tiger Wei once traveled to the border between Beiyue and Zhongyue, and had a big fight with Tiger Jin Qing in front of their respective homes.

However, the relationship between the two tigers has somewhat eased in recent years. It is rumored that the mountain master Chen personally came to help them match up, even going to Zishan in person.

Jin Qing asked: "Why didn't Ruan Chongfeng come?"

As the chief minister of the Great Li Dynasty and the previous head of the Longquan Sword Sect, Ruan Qiong would not be absent from this important meeting.

Wei Bo said: "It seems that Mr. Liu is the one serving the wine."

There is an unwritten rule in the study room of the Great Li Emperor. Neither the Qi Practitioners nor the Mountain and Water Masters should express their inner thoughts.

It is said that it was a reminder from Cui Chan, the national master, to an old tiger from Dali in his early years, and it later became a custom.

Jin Qing asked: "For such a big happy event, why don't you, Piyun Mountain, hold a night banquet to celebrate?"

After all, the Longquan Sword Sect is one of the only two sects in Beiyue. Liu Xianyang is Chen Pingan's close friend from the same hometown, and Chen Pingan is your good brother Wei Shanjun, so we can hold a show.

Wei Bo was too lazy to talk nonsense to him.

Jin Qing asked: "Do I have to call you 'Lingze' from now on?"

Wei Bo said: "For those of us who make up our own names for gods, it's up to us whether the Confucian Temple will accept it or not."

Jin Qing crossed Erlang's legs, patted his boots lightly, and sneered: "It's hard to say among us, but you, Mr. Wei Shan, will the Confucian Temple disapprove? If they don't give you face, they won't give face to Mr. Chen." If you don’t give face to Master Chen Shan, you don’t give face to Master Wen Sheng. Isn’t that the truth?”

Who doesn't know that the real leader in charge of the Confucian Temple today is actually the old scholar.

Wei Bo smiled and said: "I will tell Wen Sheng this truth about Lord Jinshan later."

Mr. Da and several other scholars had left Luolu Mountain before and seemed to have not shown up in other mountains yet. It was most likely that they were inspecting the local customs and customs.

Jin Qing was frustrated and looked at Wei Bo, trying to determine whether he was serious or joking. If it really reaches the ears of the literary sage, it will not be beautiful after all.

Meng Rong smoothed things over and said: "Whether the Confucian Temple approves our self-made god name or not, this time we have to thank Wei Shanjun for reminding us, otherwise we would not have known that such a thing existed."

If Wei Bo hadn't sent a letter to the rest of the Tiger Mansion, saying that in accordance with the ancient rules of the Confucian Temple set by the Lisheng himself, the Tiger Lords of various continents and the Dukes of Dadu could make up their own godly names. Otherwise, who would have dared to think of it?

Among the landscape gods here, who doesn’t envy Wei Bo’s connections in the mountains? First of all, Beiyue was in charge of the old territory of the Dali Dynasty. Piyunshan's status in Shanshui official circles was somewhat similar to that of the governor of the capital, so it was naturally close to the Song family of Dali. Furthermore, Piyunshan and Luoluoshan were close neighbors, and Yazhong The gods and immortal masters of the continent all know what Chen Ping'an means.

There is a saying that I don’t know who was the first to put forward, which is to regard a Luo Luo Mountain as a monk in the Fourteenth Realm.

It seems that the more I think about this statement, the more interesting it becomes, and it has a profound aftertaste.

For example, the prince is the crown prince and vice-president of the country, and each of the five mountains has its crown prince's mountain. However, these crown prince's mountains as vassal vassals are often far away from the "zhengyue ancestral mountain".

Beiyue Piyun Mountain has three princely mountains. The one located at the northernmost tip of Aquarius Continent is called Shenchu ​​Mountain. There are continuous boulders in the mountain like drums, and the sound is faint like thunder. In addition, there are Longshan Mountain and Niaoshu Mountain.

Zhongyue Daizi Mountain is composed of eight consecutive peaks. The main peak is called Fenglong Peak, which is known as the ancestor of ten thousand mountains in the central part of Aquarius Continent. This peak has a Laojun Cave that can be recorded in mountains and seas. The secondary peak, the Peak Peak, is where the Mountain God Palace was built after Jin Qing became successful.

The mountains of the prince include Pu Mountain and Yulin Mountain. Lu Baixiang and his disciple Yuanbao Yuanlai from Luolu Mountain settled in Pushan a few years ago. Lu Baixiang hit it off with the righteous god of Pushan and was invited to serve as a worshiper. Therefore, he was recorded by the Ministry of Rites of Dali. Lu Baixiang is equivalent to having Half a landscape official body. With such a relationship, Pushan Mountain God and Luolu Mountain even have a mountain love.

Dongyue Qishan, promoted by Menglong, the old mountain king of Dali, has two mountains for princes, namely Eryou Mountain and Yandang Mountain with its large and small dragons.

Ganzhou Mountain in Xiyue is close to Fengxue Temple. This mountain is not high, so it has not been taken seriously by the local court in history. As a result, it was directly promoted to Xiyue in the hands of the national master Cui Yi. Now there are two mountains for princes, Lujiao Mountain and Luan Mountain, which is said to contain treasure talismans buried by ancient real people. The main peak is several times higher than Ganzhou Mountain. When the weather is clear, it can be seen hundreds of miles away.

Only Zitong Mountain in Nanyue has only one mountain for the prince, named Caizhi Mountain.

When Fan Junmao walked into the imperial study room, the room instantly became quiet, but after a while, it continued to become lively.

Such a subtle pause is like a silent salute, an active toast at the wine table.

In that war, among the five mountains, Fan Junmao's Nanyue contributed the most, and the battle within its jurisdiction was the most brutal and brutal.

Therefore, she is also a "little girl", and Hou Yanghua is unpopular, and it is inevitable to despise her. However, no one dares to meet Fan Junmao, whose golden body is almost completely broken and then completely rebuilt, and it is not suitable for anyone. neglect.

For example, the Lord of Xiyue Mountain, Tong Wenchang, who never said hello to anyone, was only willing to take the initiative to nod his head when he saw Fan Junmao today.

However, Fan Junmao just pretended not to see Tong Shanjun's show of kindness. The key is that Tong Wenchang was not angry either. Maybe it's like adding brine to some tofu, and one thing reduces the other?

Fan Junmao was accompanied by the family members of the God King of Caizhi Mountain, who were of extraordinary magnanimity. Wearing an imperial crown, purple robes and elegant attire, with a jewel as big as a green plum on the crown.

No matter how you look at it, the royal family is more like a mountain king, and Fan Junmao is more like a priest maid in the tiger's palace.

Now among the five mountains of Aquarius Continent, only Fan Junmao's Nanyue has escaped the jurisdiction of the Great Li Dynasty. Nanyue was originally a special mountain that was built by manpower alone. After the war, it was completely destroyed. Caizhi Mountain was able to escape the disaster because it was converted into a ferry by the Demon Clan military tent. Coupled with the fact that the Song Dynasty of Dali lost control of the southern part of Aquarius Continent, Caizhi Mountain became more and more aloof. It could be said that it was under one mountain and above ten thousand mountains.

Fan Junmao's seat was just opposite Wei Bo. She sat sideways, holding her chin with one hand, looking straight at Wei Bo, and asked with a smile: "Why didn't he come today?"

Wei Bo had a relaxed attitude, crossed his legs, gently twisted his wrist, and asked: "Why is he here, and what is his identity?"

The mountain master of Luolu Mountain, a close disciple of the Literary Saint lineage? Or the last hidden official of the Great Wall of Sword Qi? None of them are suitable.

You, Fan Junmao, are already acting like a tiger, why do you still think of one thing after another?

Fan Junmao pretended to be surprised and said: "Isn't there a rumor that he has no intention of becoming the Great Li Imperial Master, but is it possible that he will have a position in your Great Li Palace?"

Wei Bo wondered: "Where did the rumors come from?"

Fan Junmao said casually: "Where can I find the source of this kind of thing?"

Although the two tigers used the word "he" in their small talk.

But everyone knew very well that they were talking about Chen Ping'an.

When Fan Junmao mentioned the word "National Preceptor", the room suddenly became quiet, and everyone hoped that the two tigers would talk more about Chen Ping'an.

Fan Junmao pouted and stopped talking. She refused to let these onlookers get their wish.

In fact, regarding the matter of Dali Imperial Master being suspended, the gods present today all have their own thoughts.

If Cui Chan is still there, then there is no need to think too much about anything. This embroidered tiger can be the national advisor for as many years as he wants, or whoever Cui Chan wants to take over as the imperial advisor can be whoever he wants.

To be honest, they, the gods of mountains and rivers, have the high position they have today on top of the brand-new gold and jade genealogy of the Confucian Temple because of Cui Chan.

The Great Li Dynasty did not have a national master to embroider tigers, so how could the structure of one country and one continent come to be? There is no Dali Song family in Aquarius Continent, so it is estimated that the end will not be any better than that of Tongye Continent.

But having said that, since Cui Han is no longer the Grand Master of the Great Li Dynasty, and he has not given clear guidance on the candidates for the Imperial Guard, then some landscape gods in the room will feel that it is better for the Great Li Dynasty not to have the Grand Master, and some people think that it is better to have the Grand Master. It doesn't matter, no one can be considered a bad person anyway. As long as you compare with Cui Chan, it's all a joke and an overestimation of your abilities. Even a certain young swordsman, no matter how many identities he has, cannot be an exception.

The most feared situation is when the Song family of Da Li brings to power a new national master who has high ambitions but low abilities. He is not very capable and just likes to mess around.

If these are out of public motives, then some are out of selfish motives, and they don't want the Song family in Dali to have a new national preceptor who can take charge of everything.

Therefore, the vast majority of the spirits of mountains and rivers still hope that the Grand Master of Great Li will remain vacant.

For example, some people really want to know a certain attitude of Fan Junmao.

As the only female tiger who has escaped from the constraints of the Song family in Dali, what does she think of the stone tablet at the entrance of the ancestor halls of many immortal mansions in Nanyue?

Is Fan Junmao willing to help the sects on the mountain and the countries at the foot of the mountain to seek "justice" from the Song family in Dali?

Coming here to attend a meeting today, could it be that Fan Junmao has made a decision?

On the other side of the door, a eunuch wearing a scarlet python suit and the chief of etiquette reminded softly: "Your Majesty will be arriving soon. You can get up and greet him."

Almost all the landscape gods in the room stood up one after another, holding their breath and concentrating, waiting for Emperor Da Li to appear.

In the end, only Wei Bo, Fan Junmao, and Tong Wenchang were still sitting there, still silent.

When Emperor Song He walked into the imperial study, Wei Bo slowly stood up, followed by Fan Junmao, and finally Tong Wenchang with a cigarette stick attached to his waist.

Song He stretched out his hand and pressed twice, "No need to be polite, please sit down."

In the Dali court, apart from Emperor Song He, there were only two ministers from the Ministry of Rites and the Ministry of War.

The Secretary of the Ministry of War was a thin old man, holding a cane, and sat down shakily. After sitting down, he started to take a nap with his eyes narrowed.

This old man named Shen Chen has experienced three dynasties. When he was young, he began to move between various ministries and offices. He was known for his stubborn character in both the government and the public. For example, when he was the Minister of the Ministry of Civil Affairs, he once threatened to leave everything to his family. Scholars who don't study in Shanya Academy and go to Guanhu Academy to study can never hope to gain a foothold in our Dali imperial court. All scholars who like to sing in harmony with the poems and lyrics of officials from neighboring countries such as the Lu Dynasty and the Sui Dynasty, it is best not to become an official and continue to seek fame and reputation in the literary world. As long as you become an official, you must be careful about your comments...

She's not the kind of person who talks harshly, Shen Chen does what she says.

Because of Shen Shen's arbitrary actions, he didn't even give face to Mr. Guan, the Minister of Civil Affairs. As a result, a civil affairs yamen that originally held great power was scolded by the capital and local literati almost every day.

As a result, the Imperial Master Cui Chan had a heart-to-heart talk with him. The two parties did not know what the conversation was about. Anyway, Shen Shen resigned on the same day. There is an undocumented official theory that he threw his official hat on the ground in the Nanxunfang Yamen Office that day. Shen Shilang, cursed "Fuck you..." foreigner Cui Chang.

But for the five words after this sentence, some people in the Dali officialdom later said with certainty that they were, while others swore that they were not.

However, within two years, Shen Chen returned to the court as an official. A civil servant who had never touched a knife was appointed as the Minister of War.

Zhao Duanjin, Minister of Rites, was born in Tianshui Zhao family, one of the surnames of Shangzhu Kingdom.

Song He said with a smile: "During the discussion later, Tong Shanjun will just do what he wants."

This humorous opening statement suddenly relaxed the originally solemn atmosphere.

Tong Wenchang nodded, "You won't be polite. But if anyone doesn't adapt, I'll just go to the corridor outside to smoke."

Fan Junmao said angrily: "If you want to smoke, go outside and smoke. Otherwise, it will make the whole room full of smoke and smoke. What a shame."

Tong Shanjun, who looks and dresses like an old farmer, has a wrinkled old face all year round, and he never shows any joy, anger, sorrow or joy.

Wei Bo smiled and said, "Just open some windows."

Fan Junmao said: "Let's change places. You come and sit next to Tong Wenchang. Every time he takes a puff of smoke, Mr. Wei Dashan will help him take a puff. How about that?"

Wei Bo said helplessly: "Pretend I didn't say anything."

Emperor Song He had a smile on his face, and he still liked to see this kind of gags put on the table, at least they were not the kind that kept him in his stomach.

The five Aquarius Continent Mountain Lords and Gods gathered together, each with his or her own style. The ancient Qi of Zhongyue, the immortal Qi of Dongyue, the heroic Qi of Nanyue, the chivalrous Qi of Xiyue, and the divine Qi of Beiyue.

Song He went straight to the topic and said: "First of all, let me tell you good news for all the tigers. After the Five Mountains God's name you proposed was submitted to the Confucian Temple by the Department of Rites of Dali, just over there, last night to be precise, it was finally announced. For a definite answer, the official document from the Confucian Temple only contains one sentence, "I have read it, there is no objection, and it can be promulgated." However, the text content is small, but there are many sages of the Confucian Temple who have signed and monogrammed it, including Li Sheng, Ya Sheng, Wen Sheng, etc. There are also three chief and deputy leaders of the Confucian Temple, as well as six priests and ministers of the academy, which means they have all agreed to this matter in writing."

Song He cupped his hands and said with a smile: "I would like to congratulate the five tiger kings on their success."

The five tiger kings all stood up to return the salute to Emperor Dali. Of course, they also needed to salute from afar in the direction of the Zhongtu Confucian Temple, and each said a few words of thanks from the bottom of his heart.

Congratulations came one after another in the room. When the five tigers sat down again, Song He said with a smile: "It's really gratifying. It's a good thing that solves the world."

The Five Sacred Mountains all had their own godly names, but the key was that the Chinese Confucian Temple actually approved them all, and none of them rejected them.

In fact, the Dali Ministry of Rites was also surprised.

Just because of the two divine names, before the Ministry of Rites helped to submit it to the Chinese Confucian Temple, I felt that it would most likely be rejected and re-drafted.

In fact, the Dali court was also mentally prepared to repeatedly communicate with the Confucian Temple about this matter, and had already formulated the "meaning" of how the Song family of Dali would persuade the tigers to create their own gods' names once rejected by the Confucian Temple. Give "reduce" a few points for specific strategies.

Song He held three small court meetings specifically for this purpose, in which they discussed how to help the Five Sacred Mountains pass the divine horn. During the discussion, it was not that no one hinted to His Majesty the Emperor that the only one we in Dali could speak to at the Confucian Temple was the Luopo Mountain. However, some people feel that although Wen Sheng is now the abbot of the Confucian Temple, even if Chen Pingan is willing to help in this matter, will it be counterproductive?

After all, this close disciple of the Confucian Saint does not even have the title of Academy Sage. Is this some kind of... statement from the Confucian Temple?

Jin Qing asked: "Your Majesty, all five divine titles have passed?"

Song He smiled and said: "It's all passed. Just rest assured, five tigers, it's a done deal. I don't dare to lie about the military situation on this matter."

Fan Junmao stretched out his palm and rubbed his chin. He didn't talk about Wei Bo's spiritual power, but only talked about his own godly name. It meant so much, could this pass?

She had chosen five or six alternative names, and was waiting for the Confucian Temple to reject them and the Dali Ministry of Rites to ask her to draft another two or three times.

This made her a little embarrassed. After all, traveling a long way this time and agreeing to participate in the meeting in Dali Capital was a bit of a bummer.

Song He said in a deep voice: "The divine title of Lord Meng of the East Mountain is 'Yingling', the name of Lord Fan of the South Mountain is 'Cuiwei', the name of Lord Jin of the Central Mountain is 'Mingzhu', the name of Lord Tong of the West Mountain is 'Dazhu', and the name of Lord Wei of the North Mountain is 'Night Tour'" ', as long as the canonization ceremony is held, it will be known to all the nine continents."

As soon as His Majesty the Emperor said these words.

The room was suddenly silent, but there was an undercurrent.

The divine title of Meng Rong in Dongyue Qishan is actually "heroic spirit"? ! Even the Confucian Temple nodded?

As for Jinqing's "Mingzhu", are the traces of nostalgia for the Zhuying Dynasty too obvious, and you, the Song family of Dali, don't care?

In comparison, Tong Wenchang's "big banner" divine title is relatively normal.

Fan Junmao's "Cui Wei" means "green mountains in the world", isn't it a bit more meaningful than Meng Rong's "heroic spirit"? The Five Mountains of Central Earth have this divine title, which is more than enough!

Didn't Wei Bo agree to draft the god's name "Lingze"? Why did it change to "night tour" again? !

As expected of the Five Mountains Tigers, each of you is more daring to think and do than the other, leaving onlookers speechless.

Song He was holding a handful of bamboo slips secretly made on the mountain in his hand when he came here. Every time the emperor read two or three things written on each bamboo slip, he handed it to the eunuch in python suit next to him.

Before convening the meeting, the Dali Ministry of Rites had notified many landscape spirits that when they enter the capital this time, they can say hello to the imperial court in advance and prepare a bamboo slip to briefly write down the important things they want to discuss with His Majesty. At most three The content should preferably not exceed 100 words. Song He had already seen these bamboo slips, but after leaving the court early in the morning, he read them again and quickly browsed them again to avoid missing anything.

In the end, only Tong Shanjun replied to the Li Department of Rites that there was nothing to discuss.

In addition, Wei Bo, for example, proposed on the bamboo slips that the Tiefu River Water God should be filled by Bai Deng, the Sword Immortal from the Dragon Palace ruins in Yunzhou, to fill the vacant divine position.

Cao Rong, the uncle of Dadu Linli, has suggestions for the new chief of Qiantang. However, Changchun Hou Yanghua obviously had different opinions on this matter, and both parties recommended different candidates.

But these are nothing. What really gives His Majesty the Emperor some headaches is the Nanyue female tiger king. She only mentioned one thing on the bamboo slips, saying that in the Nanyue territory, many mountain monarchs and mountain chiefs hoped that the Great Li court would Here we are considering whether we can remove some of the stone tablets outside the entrance of the Patriarch Hall, not all of them, but only part of them.

At that time, Song He left less than ten bamboo slips in his hands, all of which were planned to be taken to the Imperial Study Room for public discussion today.

I do not expect Fan Junmao to be in the same camp as the Dali court. I only hope that Fan Junmao will be impartial and neutral in view of the passing of his self-made god.

After announcing the good news to the Lord of the Five Mountains, the first thing His Majesty the Emperor said was the candidate for the new River God of the Tiefu River under the jurisdiction of Beiyue.

Zhao Duanjin, the Minister of Rites, stood up and told many landscape gods about Bai Deng's roots and life experience.

After Zhao Duanjin finished narrating, Tong Wenchang took off the dry tobacco from his waist and said first: "Your Majesty, I have no objection to Bai Deng becoming the Water God of the Tiefu River."

Song He smiled and held out his palm, "Tongshanjun, do as he pleases."

After Tong Wenchang walked out of the imperial study, Song He glanced at the bamboo slips on the table, then turned to look at Wei Bo. After a moment, Wei Bo nodded lightly.

In the imperial study room, there is a chair that is always empty.

A native mountain god like Meng Rong would occasionally look at the empty chair involuntarily.

Outside the house, squatting under the eaves was a barefoot old man in coarse linen clothes, smoking a dry cigarette leisurely, filled with smoke.

Taking a break from the busy schedule, nothing more than that.

In the vast world, among the five mountains in ancient times, Huashan was in charge of the casting and smelting of hardware, and also in charge of feathers and birds.

At that time, in the hands of the national master Cui Yi, the new five mountains of Aquarius continent generally had such a division of responsibilities, with a clear division of labor and each performing his own duties.

However, there are different opinions on how Tong Wenchang's Ganzhou Mountain was able to stand out from the crowd and rise directly from an unknown hilltop to the prestigious Huashan Mountain.

Some people speculate that Tong Wenchang fell into the eyes of Cui Han, the national master, and others said that it was because Ganzhou Mountain had a good relationship with the Cui family. In short, the word "Cui" could not be avoided.

Tong Wenchang suddenly saw a pair of cloth shoes, his eyes shifted, he raised his head and saw a man in a blue shirt and long coat.

This person was accompanied by three men and women who looked like servants, a man in a Confucian shirt with slightly frosted temples, a young man with a yellow hat, and a girl with a mink hat.

Chen Ping'an cupped his hands and said with a smile: "Tong Shanjun."

Tong Wenchang nodded and said: "Master Chen."

Looking at the people around Chen Ping'an again, Tong Wenchang used two titles, "Sect Master Jiang, Immortal Master Xizhu."

As for the girl-looking Qi practitioner, I don’t know him and I’ve never heard of him.

Xiao Mo bowed and said, "I've met Tong Shanjun before."

Xie Gou was indifferent.

Jiang Shangzhen smiled and said, "Just call me Zhou Fei. The Taoist name is Zhenjun."

Tong Wenchang didn't want to take this issue at all. He hesitated for a moment and then said: "Last time Shanzhu Chen came to Ganzhou Mountain, why didn't you chat a little more by the way? The excavation of Dadu in Tongyezhou is a very pragmatic matter. , at least hundreds of thousands of people can survive.”

It is said that last time, a young hermit official, with a Taoist friend wearing a curtain hat, traveled to several continents and mountains and rivers in his dream, and borrowed a stick of incense from the gods of the mountains and rivers.

On the Aquarius Island side, Tong Wenchang's Ganzhou Mountain and Mengrong's Qishan Mountain were rejected by Chen Ping'an.

In the end, it was impossible to gather the heads of all the mountain kings from one continent and five mountains, and the effect of the mountain fragrance was greatly reduced.

At that time, Wei Bo wanted to help Chen Pingan write a letter to the other four mountains, but Chen Pingan felt that it was not necessary. Indeed, since it was something that could not be forced, Wei Shanjun's favor would not be wasted.

Everything went smoothly on the Zhongyue Daizi Mountain and Nanyue Fan Junmao. Later, Chen Pingan and Qing Tong visited Dongyue and Xiyue together. Because Meng Rong was born in Jiushanjun of Dali, Chen Pingan politely declined. Afterwards, he said a polite word, saying that he was sorry to let Chen Yinguan go all the way in vain. . But Tong Wenchang's words were very ruthless. He bluntly said that he felt that Tongyezhou was just a puddle of mud. Would Tong Wenchang stick a stick of incense in the mud? How could he be willing to pay homage to Tong Yezhou, who was so mean-spirited? Why should you help them add the slightest bit of luck to their landscape?

It was all expected, and Chen Ping'an couldn't be said to be disappointed.

Tong Wenchang's meaning today is also very simple. If he wants me to pay tribute to Tong Yezhou, there is no way. But if you had said at that time that you would dig up a large area of ​​​​the great ruins in the future, and there would be countless living people, which would be more pragmatic than any nonsense, Tong Wenchang would have agreed to the matter at that time.

Chen Ping'an smiled and said: "When I first started digging the dam, I just had a very rough idea. It was just empty talk and it's hard to talk about it. Besides, I'm not that poor yet."

The typical tough talk but soft talk still saved face for Tong Shanjun.

Tong Wenchang nodded, "Don't ask for help if you can."

You can say less, but a person's knees should be strong, his waist should be straight, and he should lower his head when encountering difficulties. In fact, it doesn't matter. No one has any difficulty in living a good life.

You can abuse your face, but don't abuse your conscience. Tong Wenchang has seen too many scenes in his life of being snobbish and submissive, especially the flattery and flattery of scholars, which is the most annoying. Is studying just for flattering others at the wine table or in official circles? Does eating the books of sages make you shit? Fortunately, those who are officials or gods on the mountain just do the same thing, and they are quite happy to hear it.

Fu Dechong, the mountain god of Pushan, one of the mountains of the Prince of Zhongyue, just took out a stick of dry tobacco from his sleeve after walking out of the imperial study. When he saw the scene on the corridor, he was stunned.

Even they, the masters of the mountain gods, have some personal hobbies during their long years in the mountains, such as collecting precious books, antique calligraphy and paintings, building a study room, and asking literary figures to write prefaces and postscripts. Therefore, many of the secret calligraphy and paintings in the palace of the mountain gods and narcissus can easily be several feet long or even long. They are tens of feet long, and some collect coins from various dynasties and dynasties under the mountain. Some are also devoted to potted plants. As for collecting Xiaoshu coins with various inscriptions, it is almost a common hobby of the gods of mountains and rivers.

Just like Pushan Fu Dechong, and Tong Wenchang both like to smoke dry cigarettes. They like to take a few puffs when they have nothing to do. It has nothing to do with relieving fatigue, but is purely a matter of habit.

However, Fu Shanshen is far less addicted than Tong Shanjun. However, Fu Dechong has always avoided this kind of discussion today. If he can't avoid it, he will just act like a sitting statue that does not eat incense. Since Tong Wenchang has made a good start, Fu Dechong was happy to have the opportunity to come out and breathe.

Within the capital of Great Li, the gods of mountains and rivers would deliberately restrain their magical powers, and the Qin Tianjian would be watching over them.

Chen Pingan took the initiative to say hello: "Fu Shanshen."

Fu Dechong cupped his fists and returned the salute: "Master Chen."

Tong Wenchang knocked on the cigarette rod, stood up, and returned to the imperial study room to continue listening.

Fu Dechong didn't have the guts to squat outside and smoke cigarettes alone. It happened that Chen Ping'an seemed to be going to the imperial study, so he followed him.

Walking in the narrow corridor inside the building, Tong Wenchang walked at the front, crossed the threshold, and walked into the imperial study.

Fu Dechong hesitated for a moment, then quickened his pace and entered the imperial study room first.

Inside the room, Tong Wenchang walked to the chair but did not sit down.

The same goes for Fu Dechong.

The eunuch in charge of the ceremony, who was standing at the door, bowed his head and said: "Your Majesty, Master Chen Shan is here."

Almost at the same time, eunuch Bingbi personally brought a chair.

Xiaomo and Xie Gou stayed in the corridor.

Only Jiang Shangzhen followed Chen Pingan into the house.

After all, he is the chief worshiper of Luopo Mountain, and his official hat is much larger than that of ordinary registered worshippers.

Xiao Mo laughed from the bottom of his heart and said: "We are just ordinary worshippers, and it is not appropriate to follow the young master to sit inside."

Xie Gou leaned against the wall of the corridor and said angrily: "I will ask the mountain owner for a second seat to worship Dangdang later. Xiaomo, please remember to say a few good words to me."

Xiao Mo nodded and said: "I can't guarantee whether it will happen or not, but I can help you with a few words. It's not a problem."

Otherwise, Xiao Mo would be worried that Xie Gou, who had no chair to sit on in the house, would just go and sit on the roof.

Xie Gou grinned.

Jiang Shangzhen took the initiative to take the chair and placed it casually near the door. He smiled and said, "I'll just sit here."

Inside the room, His Majesty the Emperor had already stood up.

The old Minister of the Ministry of War, who seemed to have been napping, opened his eyes, stood up slowly, and turned his head to look at the door.

Zhao Duanjin, the Minister of Rites, stood up, holding his breath and concentrating with a solemn expression.

Wei Bo from the North Mountain and Jin Qing from the Zhongyue Mountain were the first to get up with His Majesty the Emperor. Yang Hua, the Marquis of Changchun in Dadu, Cao Rong, the Bo of Lili, and others all followed suit.

Fan Junmao looked strange, her eyes wandering, as if hesitating whether to run away.

The whole house is standing.

Song He's eyes sparkled, he stretched out a palm, pointed at a certain chair, and said loudly: "Mr. Chen, please take a seat."

It was the only chair in the imperial study that didn't look "right".

Chen Ping'an walked to the chair, turned around, gently picked up the green robe with both hands, and sat down slowly.

Song He sat back down, and then a room full of landscape gods sat down neatly, and you could hear the needle drop.

Some of the Shanshui Gods who originally thought that even if Chen Ping'an was willing to take over the task, they would not do anything or could not do anything. But when they saw the green shirt with their own eyes, at this moment, they all felt that it was not the case at all.

This is like many Qi practitioners in the world, after winning the battle, they will think that a great monster of the Wild Throne is just like that just because they have never experienced the battlefield.

His Majesty the Emperor looked at the female tiger with a smile.

Fan Junmao had an innocent look on his face, "Your Majesty, just watch what I do. Everything has been said, I just want to help with a message."

Chen Pingan asked: "Where did the discussion go?"

Song He said with a smile: "Just now Fan Shanjun was talking about the border south of Qidu. Many people want to remove the stone tablet on the mountain."

Fan Junmao sighed quietly, if he had known this, she would not have come. Wouldn't it be better to stay in Tiger Mansion and wait for the good news?

Chen Ping'an smiled and said: "Excuse me, Fan Shanjun, please give me a list immediately."

Fan Junmao looked confused, "Huh?"

"Wait until Fan Shanjun makes the list."

Chen Ping'an stretched out a hand and rubbed the handle of the chair, "Shang Shu Shen, Shangshu Zhao, check the list, and I, Dali, will jointly issue an official document in the name of the Ministry of War and the Ministry of Rites, asking them to come to the capital of Dali. Those who restored the country and established the country, the old immortal mansion and the new sect each sent someone to talk about this matter and discuss it carefully."

Zhao Duanjin, the Minister of Rites, followed an old rule and did not need to stand up to discuss matters. He just clasped his fists and assumed that there was no objection.

The old minister of the Ministry of War was serious and asked with a smile: "Did I hear wrongly? If we really want to add a make-up yamen in addition to the Ministry of Rites, shouldn't we also issue credentials in the name of the Ministry of Rites and Honglu Temple?"

Chen Ping'an smiled and said: "Honglu Temple jointly wrote the letter of credence, which is not in line with the court etiquette, so I am only responsible for the subsequent reception."

Would it be in line with etiquette to replace Honglu Temple with the Ministry of War of a country?

Fan Junmao was speechless for a moment. I regretted that I agreed to help those guys talk to the Dali court about this, and I was also annoyed by Chen Ping'an's overbearing attitude. He didn't care about friendship at all. Mr. Chen has such great official authority!

The old man smiled and said: "Master Chen, then our Ministry of War has no objections."

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