In the Death Academy of the Styx Galaxy, Hua Ye, the King of Tiangong, looked at the gold list above his head and frowned:"Ruoning...actually betrayed the Holy Kesha?"

"And lead me into the Angel Nebula?"

"As expected, Ruoning still hasn’t forgotten me, my old lover."

"Kunpeng, go find Ruoning and bring her to see me."

Hua Ye chuckled and immediately ordered his men to find Ruoning.

Although the future Holy Kesha has fallen, the angel civilization has developed many top-notch inventions over the years.

Without Ruoning's leadership, he would not have We must be able to find the location of Tiancheng.

Even if we find it, we can't break through the defenses set up by He Xi.

If there is an angel to lead the way, it will be easier to enter the Angel Nebula.

Low, she is the right-hand man of the previous angel, Holy Kesha.

Within the entire angel civilization, many angels sneered at Ruoning's betrayal of angels, and many angels have even taken the initiative to contact Ruoning.

But Ruoning seems to have already. It was as if he had disappeared. There was no response at all, and no explanation was given.

On the top of the gold list, Ruoning led the army into the Angel Nebula, and a black hole appeared outside Huaye Tiancheng, which was about to swallow up the Tiancheng..

Tianji King Hexi ordered the angel warriors to defend Tiancheng to the death, and she flew into Tiancheng and annihilated the black hole with her body.

After the black hole disappeared, Hexi also disappeared with it.

"Tianji King……"

"The Heavenly Blade is...the Heavenly King has fallen?"

"Where should angel civilization go?"

Seeing Hexi annihilating the black hole at the expense of himself in order to protect Tiancheng, the entire universe was silent.

The moment of death is destined to be sad.

In the angel civilization, all the angels watched all this quietly.

The sad emotions, from Their hearts rose.

In the future battle, Queen Kesha will fall, Tianji King Hexi will be annihilated, and countless companions around her, as well as themselves, may die in the future war.

Zhu Hexi said:"After all, you still choose the same path as me."

"It’s all about exploring the unknown."He Xi smiled faintly.

It seemed that she didn't care too much about her own death.

The small civilizations in the entire universe that had surrendered to the angel civilization, when they saw the two kings of the angel civilization fall, were thinking in their hearts whether they should turn around and surrender. The two kings of the Heavenly Palace, Hua Ye, have fallen. The angel civilization no longer has a king. How long can a civilization without a king survive?

How can the angel civilization protect them when the time comes ? Ruined?

【Apocalypse King: Liang Bing】

On the gold list, Liang Bing’s figure appeared.

Seeing this scene, the entire universe was shocked

"Apocalypse King Liang Bing? Hasn’t she already betrayed the angelic civilization? Why does the gold list still define him as the Queen of Angels?"

The whole universe is shocked.

The angel civilization is also shocked.

They also did not expect that Liang Bing has betrayed the angel civilization and became the current Demon Queen Morgana. Why is she still defined as the Queen of Angels?

Death God Carl Looking at the gold list, he frowned and said,"Why is Liang Bing still the Queen of Angels?"

"Is it possible that she has never betrayed the angel civilization?"

On Lieyang Star, Pan Zhen asked doubtfully:"Why does the Golden List recognize the identity of Liang Bing Angel Queen?"

Hua Ye was also puzzled. Why was Liang Bing still the Queen of Angels after already having a fight with Kesha?

Above the blue star, Morgana looked at the gold list above her head, with a rare smile on her face.

Sure enough, the gold list I still understand her. She did not betray the Angel Legion.

Today, she is still the king of the Angel Civilization.

In the entire universe, they who do not know what happened are particularly confused as to why Morgana has betrayed the Angel Legion. , why is it still King Liang Bing of Apocalypse?

Could it be that... this is describing the angel from 30,000 years ago?

But they all already know that Morgana is the former King of Apocalypse. There is no need to introduce it separately on the golden list, right?

, and then Liang Bing rescued Holy Kesha, led the army to fight against Tian Zha, and fought against Tian Zha with all his strength. In the hundreds of years of war, Liang Bing was injured many times, but he never had any intention of overthrowing Tiangong.

After the order, Liang Bing did not fight for power with Kesha, but gave up the command of the Angel Legion to Kesha.

Hundreds of years later, due to different concepts, Liang Bing and Kesha had differences, and Liang Bing left resolutely. After defeating the Angel Legion and claiming to be Demon Queen Morgana, Liang Bing resolutely declared war on Tianzha after she learned that Tianzha was attacking Tiancheng.

In order to protect the demon civilization, Qiangwei resolutely switched to the form of the Apocalypse King and annihilated the black hole with her body.

Above Liang Bing's head, the Sky Blade King Lei Tingyan raised the Angel King Sword and summoned the sky thunder to help the Apocalypse King Liang Bing.

"Sister Yan became the king?"

Many attentive angels noticed Angel Yan. The weapon she held in her hand was the symbol of the angel throne.

The crown on her head also reminded everyone that Angel Yan has become the next king of the Angel Legion.

"Isn’t the next king of the angels, Fraser’s Anished?"

"Why is the Angel King an Angel Yan?"

When the angels and other civilizations saw this, they all started to discuss it curiously.

Most of the civilizations in the entire universe know that Anished is the next king of the angels, and the angel civilization has also sent many outside Fraser. The angel is to protect the safety of Enixid.

Why is it that the one exposed on the gold list is not Fraser's Enixid, but the left wing guard Angel Yan?

"Am I the Queen of Angels?"

"How can this be?"

Angel Yan looked at the gold list with shock in her eyes.

She never thought that she would become the next king of angels.

This... what on earth is going on?

Facing the questioning looks of the angels, Angel Yan didn't know how to explain it.

In the Angel Palace, Tianji King Hexi and Tianblade King Kesha were also a little confused, but they soon understood what was going on. The angel army needed a leader, and Ainehid hadn't grown up yet. There must be an angel to replace the Angel King.

Among the entire angel army, only Angel Yan seems to have such ability, because his future male god is Ge Xiaolun, and Ge Xiaolun is one of the most powerful male gods in the future known universe. If Angel Yan becomes the Angel King, the Super Seminary will come to support the Angel Civilization, allowing the Angel Legion to have a powerful ally who can help them when many foreign enemies invade.

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