Chapter 450: Thirty Divine Weapons of Ancient Times

"Peacock blue? What is this? Why is there no level or explanation?" Xia Fei suddenly asked at the most unexpected time of the black and white birds.

The two birds were stunned at the same time, Xiao Hei asked suspiciously: "So you noticed the three words peacock blue?"

Xia Fei chuckled, "These three words are listed in a separate line, with no price and no explanation. How can I turn a blind eye to such a special and weird existence."

Xiaohei became even more confused, "Then why didn't you ask the question earlier, but why didn't you ask until after you had collected 2.4 billion points?"

Xia Fei shrugged, "People are greedy, and I am the same, so I got the two things I needed most first, and then asked about this weird thing. I was afraid that this thing was of high value and I would be unable to help but ignore it. "What if it takes away what I need most right now?"

"So I deliberately waited until I got the two items I needed most before asking. As for whether I wanted the remaining items, it wasn't urgent."

"Aren't you afraid of missing out on a rare treasure?"

"I'm afraid, of course I'm afraid. It's true that the top Zerg masters are dead, but there is still a mysterious high priest named Lei Yun. My biggest need now is self-protection. The name Peacock Blue doesn't sound like a weapon. , and what I need most right now is weapons. No matter how valuable the thing is, it must have a life in my hand. "

Xiaobai was depressed for a while, but she didn't expect that Xia Fei's thinking was so careful and his will was so firm. He left an obvious treasure without asking and first solved the thing he needed most right now. It was simply too rational!

Xiaohei was stunned for a while, then nodded heavily, "So that's it. Peacock Blue needs to be exchanged for 10 billion points, and only those who have cleared Stonehenge can be eligible to redeem it. From ancient times to the present, you are still the first to obtain this A qualified person.”

Xia Fei's eyes flashed! The Immortal Weapon only costs one billion points, but this Peacock Blue actually requires tens of billions of points to exchange for it! ? In this way, it is definitely not an ordinary object, and its level is probably as high as the sky!

"What on earth is this? Is it worth tens of billions of points?"

The black parrot looked serious, and Xia Fei couldn't help but prick up his ears and listen carefully.

"Peacock blue is indeed unusual because it is a grass!"

"A piece of grass?" Xia Fei blinked and asked doubtfully, "Ten billion points for a piece of grass? Is this the legendary robbery?"

Xiao Hei looked a little depressed, and Xiao Bai, who had a quick mouth, had been silent for a long time and was already suffocated. When he heard this, the sharp bird immediately said angrily: "What on earth are you looking at! This is not an ordinary weed, it is peacock blue." ! Do you understand Peacock Blue?”

"Peacock blue, one of the seven trees in the sea of ​​clouds!"

"The Eight Golds of Crossing, the Six Waters of Jingyuan, the Four Stones of Southern Star, the Five Fires of Hongming, and the Seven Woods of Yunhai are collectively called the Thirty Ancient Divine Weapons!! This peacock blue is one of the Thirty Ancient Divine Weapons! Take it out! You can exchange a law at will! It’s more valuable than your human and Zerg territory combined! You idiot! You’re so mad at me!”

Xia Fei didn't feel annoyed about Xiaobai's disdain for him. He was completely confused by the names Hongming Wuhuo and Yunhai Qimu, because he really didn't know what these were.

Xiao Hei sighed for a while, and Xiao Bai would never be able to change his bad mouth. These words almost told Xia Fei the secret of the two gods, Black and White. It was simply too outrageous!

Xia Fei was stunned for a few seconds and asked in a deep voice: "The Thirty Ancient Divine Weapons? One of the Seven Trees of the Sea of ​​Clouds, what is going on?"

Xiaohei patted his head with his wings and said with a smile: "That's all, you are the inheritor of the law chosen by the master after all. It's no big deal if I tell you."

"Nebula Steel, Quzhan Steel, Youhan Steel, Tai Fang Steel, Nuhai Silver, Moving Mountain Silver, Shattered Cauldron Copper, and Dry Spirit Gold. These eight are all metals and are called the Eight Hengduan Golds."

"The Phoenix Tail Stone, the Black Far Stone, the Sky-Destroying Stone, and the Flowing Cloud Stone are called the Four Southern Star Stones."

"Qianxun Ice, Ring Ice, Emerald Green Spring, Ubei Spring, Yuhen Water, Bai Duan Water, these are the Six Jingyuan Waters."

"There are also five Hongming fires, namely the Split Yang Fire, the Miserable Fire, the Lian Yin Fire, the Wolf Slaughter Flame, and the Konggu Flame."

"As for the seven trees in the sea of ​​clouds, they are Duanshan leaves, Wuli pine, Zonghai lotus, scattered star chrysanthemum, Nine-night plum, Xiaoyue willow, plus the peacock blue you see."

"All of these add up to thirty pieces, which are called the Thirty Ancient Divine Weapons!"


Extremely shocked!

It took Xia Fei a long time to calm down gradually. Just hearing the mighty names made people palpitate. They must be the top magic weapons in the world of those with strong laws! How could Xia Fei not be excited to meet such a high-end item here and now!

After picking up the water cup and drinking it down, Xia Fei asked in a deep voice: "None of the thirty items you just mentioned are weapons, so why are they called magic weapons?"

Xiaohei smiled and said: "There are many kinds of weapons. The knife in your hand is a weapon, so why is your speed not a weapon? As long as it can kill the enemy, it doesn't matter whether you use a knife or a fist. Even sharp eyes can be called weapons, so from this point of view, there is nothing wrong with calling these objects magic weapons. "

"Each of the thirty ancient divine weapons has its own power. They have always existed since the beginning of the universe. Don't ask me why. Even my master may not be able to explain such a profound question. In short, the universe is very big. It’s weird, bizarre, and dangerous, but your current position is too low, so you can’t see further, so you’re stuck on a title.”

Xia Fei nodded and looked at the dark parrot with admiration. Unexpectedly, this bird spoke clearly and clearly, and there was profound philosophy in its plainness.

With a slight smile, Xia Fei asked: "Since this peacock blue is so powerful, why don't the two gods Black and White just keep it for themselves? Why put it here?"

Xiao Hei sighed, "Why don't the master want to take it for his own use? It's a pity that this peacock blue is just like its name, proud and stubborn. The peacock represents pride, and the blue represents indigo, one of the most common weeds in the universe. , living in rock crevices in the mountains, no matter how harsh the climate is, they cannot succumb, and cold and dryness can never stop them from growing. "

"This peacock blue plant combines the pride of the peacock and the perseverance of the blue grass. It is not only a humble existence, but also the most stubborn and tenacious existence in the universe. It is unknown but no one dares to despise it."

"I heard from the owner that Peacock Blue will choose its own owner, and the requirements are very strict. Even the black boss and the white boss were helpless with it, so they simply put it here to try to see if it will be taken away. It's a pity that it will go on for so many years. "The unlucky Zerg didn't even get a chance to take it away."

Xiao Hei looked at Xia Fei as he spoke. The meaning was obvious. The two strong men, Black and White, felt that they were destined to be connected with the Zerg, so they left Peacock Blue behind. In the end, they took advantage of you, a human being.

Xia Fei said without hesitation: "In this case, I decided to try to take it away."


Xia Fei's points were directly reduced by 10 billion. Xiaobai said maliciously: "This is what you said. No matter you succeed or fail, these points will not be refunded at all."

Xia Fei was speechless for a while. In the end, the relationship was still a robbery. No matter whether it was successful or not, he would not return the money? What do you mean?

Xia Fei gritted his teeth, "It doesn't matter, opportunities don't come around all the time. I'm willing to take this risk for Peacock Blue! After all, as long as I get him, I will have the strength to compete with the top experts."

Xiao Hei nodded repeatedly, "The spirit of giving up the opportunity to obtain ten immortal weapons is commendable, but according to the owner, peacock blue has no level, and even if you really get it, it may not be able to bring it to you. It's a great help. What stage Peacock Blue will develop in the end depends on the master's cultivation and care. In short, every piece of the ancient magic weapon is very weird, and no one can really understand it. Your level has just reached the fifth level. It is what humans call the legendary level. It is estimated that Peacock Blue cannot exert any combat effectiveness at this stage, so everything depends on you. "

Xiao Baihu flashed his wings and mocked: "Do you understand, old hat? Your level is too low. Not to mention that the peacock blue may not belong to you. Even if it belongs to you, it can't change your current situation! Even if you get it, what will it be? Didn’t get the same!”

Xia Fei smiled slightly, with a curved corner of his mouth, and said with a smile: "I think this large amount of points is the most valuable thing I have ever spent in my life, because I got something that money can't buy?"

"What?" The unruly Xiao Bai asked, tilting his head.


The sound was not loud, but it was as harsh as needle pricks in Xiaobai's ears.

Hope has always been something that cannot be traded. It is undeniable that Xia Fei may not be able to get the peacock blue. Even if he does get it, it will not be of any help to him at this stage. But who can say that it is impossible for Xia Fei to reach the eternal level? Immortal level, or even enter the world of powerful people with laws?

It may seem crazy to exchange ten immortal weapons for one illusory hope, but don't forget that the reason why Xia Fei has been able to go all the way to where he is today is because he is crazier than many people!

A door of light suddenly opened in the air, and there was darkness inside, and it was unknown where it led.

Xiao Hei stretched out her wings and made a gesture of invitation, but Xiao Bai pouted her lips angrily. She always wanted to see Xia Fei fail, but Xia Fei let her hope go again and again. The failure made her feel angry and had nowhere to vent her anger.

Taking a deep breath, Xia Fei strode in.

The feeling of walking through this door is amazing, like going from one room to another, but the scenery in front of you is completely different from before.

A bare stone mountain shines with a dazzling blue. Looking at it in the sunlight, it seems to be nothing unusual. It is just a common blue grass. However, this blue color cannot be concealed in any way, even if the mountain is very high. The terrain is very steep, and what anyone sees at first sight will never be the cliffs, but the blue sky on the top of the mountain.


The figure suddenly moved, and Xia Fei reached the top of the mountain in an instant.

I saw this blue grass growing out of a gap in a stone slab. The wind on the mountain was strong, and the grass blades swayed in the wind.

"It is indeed the strongest and most stubborn plant!" Xia Fei's eyes lit up and he admired sincerely.

Squatting down, Xia Fei stretched out his hand and slowly approached Peacock Lan.


The moment the fingertips touched the peacock blue, a sudden change occurred!

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