As soon as he returned to CUHK, Huang Mingzhe entered a busy life.

Undergraduate graduation exams, graduation thesis, and defenses also follow.

Two cooperative projects between the Institute for Truth and the Department of Mathematics at CUHK, one with the Department of Mathematics at Fudan University, and three projects of the Institute for Truth have also completed their final rounds.

As these results were announced, Huang Mingzhe became more popular in the domestic and foreign mathematics circles. Foreign exchange invitations came one after another. Unfortunately, Huang Mingzhe had no interest in going abroad.

Having tasted the benefits, CUHK and Fudan immediately strengthened their cooperative relations with the Institute of Mathematics, and other universities could not hold back.

However, the Institute of Truth Mathematics does not reject all comers. In the end, only the mathematics departments of Sichuan University, Zhejiang University, and Wuhan University successfully reached an agreement with the Institute of Truth Mathematics.

At Huang Mingzhe's suggestion, the Ivy League was established. Since the United States has the Ivy League, how can we not?

Moreover, the ivy symbolizes perseverance, perseverance, and hard work, which is exactly Huang Mingzhe’s original intention. In addition, the ivy can be found all over the country and will not be used as a regional symbol, symbolizing that the ivy alliance will cover all parts of the country.

Although this alliance is currently only carried out by the mathematics departments, mathematics schools, and mathematics research institutes of various universities, it does not mean that there will always be only mathematics.

The Board of Directors of the Creeper Alliance is composed of heads of mathematics departments from CUHK, Fudan University, Zhejiang University, Sichuan University, Wuhan University, and the Truth Institute of Mathematics.

If it is just a superficial alliance, then there is no need for this alliance to be established.

A mutual exchange mechanism has been established within the alliance. Teachers and students in the Department of Mathematics can exchange and study in various participating universities through letters of recommendation, and recognize each other's credits.

There are also unspoken rules for communicating with the outside world. Although Huang Mingzhe does not want to form a party, in the current situation, the key is to stay together to keep warm.

Huang Mingzhe took the time to inspect the entire Mathematics Department of CUHK, and selected and rearranged some students with mathematical talents.

Originally, this job was Zhu Xiping's business, but when it came to judging people, Huang Mingzhe could cheat, but others couldn't.

After careful selection, he found 6 students with mathematical talents, but now every one of them counts, and he wants to strengthen the internal strength of the Creeper Alliance as soon as possible.

At the same time, Huang Mingzhe proposed to each participating university to conduct a centralized exchange and bring the mathematics departments of each university to CUHK. In fact, his purpose was to screen students with mathematical talents.

There is a huge difference between those who have mathematical talents and those who do not have mathematical talents. If a genius is properly cultivated, the results will be absolutely different.

In the end, each university agreed to this centralized exchange. After all, it was the alliance's first collective activity.

Fortunately, mathematics has always been a niche field. If it were physics, chemistry, etc., the number of people would be exaggerated.

"Mingzhe, what's the significance of the study plan you arranged for these students?" Zhu Xiping put down the materials and asked curiously.

Huang Mingzhe smiled and replied: "Mathematics brings an intuition. I think they are suitable for these fields."

"I'm Mingzhe, we are mathematicians, your statement is a bit metaphysical." Zhu Xiping shook his head and smiled bitterly. He did not expect that Huang Mingzhe's reason turned out to be his own intuition.

"I've always been very accurate in reading people. How about a bet?"

"Oh? What's the bet?"

"Before next semester, each of these six people will publish a second-rate SCI paper. In addition to teaching them knowledge, we are not allowed to directly help them with the paper. How about it?" Huang Mingzhe said confidently.

"There has to be some bet, right?" Zhu Xiping became interested.

"If I lose, I will teach at CUHK for 10 years. If I win, the Mathematics Department of CUHK will fully support me. How about that?"

"Okay, once you say something, it's hard to follow up!"

Snapped! The two high-fived each other.

If Huang Mingzhe loses and teaches at CUHK for 10 years, then CUHK will really make a lot of money. Zhu Xiping knows that Huang Mingzhe is almost a Fields Medal winner-level mathematician at this time.

So far, there is no Fields Medal winner in China. In fact, this phenomenon is related to the domestic research style. The country pays more attention to applied mathematics, so theoretical mathematics is relatively weak. In addition, the Fields Medal has an age requirement. There will be nothing for so many years.

But Huang Mingzhe is full of confidence. After all, cultivating people with mathematical talents can get twice the result with half the effort.

The six people were invited to join the Truth Society, and they agreed without hesitation to Huang Mingzhe's invitation.

A mathematician who can revolutionize topology invites himself to join. Unless he does not want to make progress, no one will refuse this great good thing.

What's more, those who joined the Truth Society have been greatly promoted. Especially Li Qun and Gao Zishang from the Department of Mathematics, each published a first-class SCI paper. This is an achievement that many doctoral supervisors can only meet.

Napoleon said that a soldier who does not want to be a general is not a good soldier. Chen Sheng and Wu Guang infused the souls of Chinese people with the genetic memory of princes and generals like Xiang Ning.

Anyone who comes to study mathematics does not want to become the next Chen Shengshen and Qiu Chengtong.

As the mathematics departments of other participating universities arrived one after another, Huang Mingzhe discovered more mathematical geniuses.

This is the country’s strong foundation. It’s not that there are no talents, but that the talents are buried. There are 1.4 billion people in the country. You say that there is no genius like Einstein or Chen Shengshen? No one will believe it.

Perhaps someone who was moving bricks at the construction site at this time was a physics genius, but he had just graduated from junior high school and could not use his talent at all.

Huang Mingzhe must use his ability to discern pearls to dig out these thousand-mile horses. Only by cultivating these people can his Jixia Academy plan be successful.

The hall of the Institute of Mathematics of Truth.

A total of 26 mathematical geniuses from various universities were invited to join the Truth Society, 8 people joined the Mathematics Department of CUHK, and there were 43 members from other disciplines in the Truth Society.

Huang Mingzhe stood on the podium, looked around at everyone, and said slowly: "I have a dream to build a Jixia Academy that belongs to China. Maybe many people think that I am fanciful, but if people don't have dreams, and Xian What’s the difference between fish?”

"Haha..." Everyone present chuckled.

"I have always firmly believed that the intelligence of Chinese people is not inferior to others. Perhaps Zu Chongzhi, Chen Jingrun, and Qiu Chengtong are among you and me."

"I hope that our names will be engraved on the monument of human mathematics; our names will be displayed in future mathematics textbooks; charge to the supreme palace of truth until death! Comrades!"

Huang Mingzhe's impassioned voice echoed in the hall.

There are all young people present, who are most likely to get excited. Encouraged by Huang Mingzhe, the fire of struggle is burning in their hearts.

Huang Mingzhe communicated with everyone one by one and gave them study plans one by one. Everyone's study plan is different. After all, every individual human being is different.

Then he asked members from other universities to establish branches of the Truth Society to absorb the elite forces from each university.

The exchange lasted until March 6, when the mathematics departments of various universities left CUHK.

At the same time, Huang Mingzhe hurried back to Shanmei City.

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