Study Days at Hogwarts

Chapter 95 The “selfless” Dark Lord

In a corner of the Room of Requirement, Albert was standing quietly in a daze. People who knew him well knew that this guy looked like this when he was thinking about problems, and even he himself admitted it.

After all, no one could guess the truth. Albert was actually immersed in his own panel.

After coming back to his senses, Albert immediately moved his eyes away from the giant monster specimen. He finally took the time to come in. Naturally, he could not give up the exploration of this place. He also planned to continue searching for other interesting items, not to mention that he did not forget I came here to find Ravenclaw's diadem.

However, based on the vague memory in my mind, I only vaguely remembered that the Horcrux should be worn on the head of a certain plaster bust. However, the clues only go so far. Whether you can find Ravenclaw's diadem sometimes depends on your luck.

As soon as he moved, Albert's attention was attracted by something again. Somewhere in front of him on his right side was a large mirror with a golden frame, and two claw-shaped brackets underneath.

Albert walked quickly towards the large mirror, raised his wand and chanted a descaling spell on the surface of the mirror, removing most of the dust on the mirror.

"Eris...mirror," he murmured, looking at the letters on the frame.

Yes, it should be the magic mirror, which is said to be able to reveal the most urgent and intense desires in the heart of the person in front of the mirror.

"What do I desire most?" Albert looked at himself in the mirror curiously, and then he found himself in the mirror holding an eagle-shaped crown.

That's...Ravenclaw's diadem.

"Although it is true that I do want to find the crown, this should not be what I desire most." Albert suppressed the desire to complain. Originally, he thought he would see himself in the mirror hugging several beauties, or standing on a mountain of gold coins. At the very least, he would see himself stepping on Voldemort and holding the Elder Wand.

By the way, what does holding the diadem of Ravenclaw mean? The thirst for knowledge? Want to become smarter?

"Is this really what I desire most? Or is it what I desire most right now?"

Albert looked away in disappointment and focused on the frame at the top of the magic mirror, where a line of letters was engraved: "erisedstraehruoytubecafruoytwohsi".

The name of the magic mirror comes from the first word erised.

Readers who have carefully followed the stories of the Harry Potter novels will know that the line of letters engraved on the top frame of the Mirror of Erised needs to be read upside down.

Albert moved his eyes behind the letters and read out softly: "I show not your face but your heart's desire", that is, "I show not your face but your desire."

"Desire? Do I actually have no desire? No, I am not a saint, how could I have no desire?" Albert suddenly grinned, "Sure enough, the magic mirror cannot reflect a bunch of illusory panel experiences. And skill points!"

Yes, isn’t what I desire most is panel experience and skill points?

Aren't you taking risks to find Voldemort's Horcruxes just for these illusory things?

Thinking of this, Albert suddenly wanted to laugh again, "To a certain extent, the Ravenclaw's crown reflected in the magic mirror is actually not wrong."

After all, finding a Horcrux means a lot of quests, experience and skill points.

This is what he desires most!

After walking on the garbage path for a while, Albert felt that he was about to get lost in the garbage mountain. A slingshot with wings flew in front of him. As a result, he was targeted. After receiving a freezing spell, he disappeared from the sky. It fell down in mid-air.

"What a strange thing." Albert walked over, bent down to pick up the slingshot from the ground, looked at it, pulled it, and finally used a wand to turn a nearby object into a projectile and tried the slingshot. However, he soon discovered the use of the slingshot. The projectiles fired seemed to have been released with tracking magic, and could accurately bypass objects and hit the target.

"A slingshot that has been released by magic. It's interesting. It's probably a toy from Zuko's joke shop. It's good for teasing people." Albert murmured to himself, and soon started to think wildly, guessing whether it could By applying this technology to bows and arrows, the archer will become a marksman in minutes? If applied to firearms, would it be possible to take a person's head from a thousand meters away?

Well, this slingshot is good and worth some research.

Albert used a descaling spell to clear the dust on the surface of the slingshot, and took out a handkerchief to wipe it before putting it in the pocket of his robe.

After walking around in the garbage, Albert found an old Quidditch box in a corner. When he opened it, he found that all the Quidditch props inside were in tatters, including a ball. Only the part of the stick left in the hand was left. God knows what happened to it.

The two bludgers were also broken. The only ghost ball was relatively complete, but it also looked a bit shabby.

Albert's eyes were attracted by the Golden Snitch. When he picked up the rusty Golden Snitch, he found that it had lost one of its wings.

The other wing of the Golden Snitch can still be used, but without one wing, he can no longer fly normally.

A damaged Golden Snitch is very attractive to Albert. The craftsmanship of the Golden Snitch is actually very high. It is said that in order to determine who catches it first, this thing also has the ability of physical memory.

If this physical memory ability is used in a treasure house, wouldn't it be possible to easily create your own secret treasure house?

Dumbledore really did this.

By the way, why do I look like a piece of junk in a garbage dump?

This style of painting is wrong!

Ahem, it seems inappropriate to call this place a garbage dump.

In any case, Voldemort's Horcruxes are hidden here. Obviously the Dark Lord would not hide his Horcruxes in the trash.

Sure enough, this place should be called the Treasure House, yes, it is called the Treasure House! Thousands of years of Hogwarts items have been hidden away, and he is a treasure hunter in the treasure house.

No one knows what they will find in this treasure house. It may be worthless garbage, it may be an extremely precious Ravenclaw relic, or it may be a Horcrux that will kill you.

No matter what he finds, Albert's exploration and treasure hunting will continue. He walks into the maze with light steps and continues to look for a bust wearing a crown.

Maybe, those who like to smile will not have bad luck; maybe, Merlin's beard is protecting him; maybe, Voldemort's soul fragment can no longer be restrained.

Albert suddenly stopped, held his breath, raised his ears and listened carefully. In the distance, there was a vague whisper.

At that moment, Albert felt as if his soul was trembling, and the whispers in his ears disappeared, replaced by his own heavy breathing.

It was close, it was already close, the Horcrux was nearby, it was luring him, yes, Voldemort's Horcrux was luring him to the bait by whispering.

At this moment, Albert suddenly wanted to laugh. He knew that Voldemort's Horcrux was tempting him, but why didn't it come to his door on his own initiative?

It also saves me the trouble of searching for Horcruxes!

However, that was Voldemort's Horcrux. Albert did not dare to be careless at all. There would be a case of Kino overturning later. He had to be extra vigilant. He took out the wand from the pocket of his robe and began to look around carefully. Look around you for the source of the whispers.

Albert walked slowly and carefully through the area, however, the whispers in his ears got closer and closer.

Yes, right in front, on top of that old cabinet with a blistered surface, isn't there a pockmarked bust of a wizard? On the bust's head was a dusty old hairband, old, faded crown.

That was Ravenclaw's diadem... Voldemort's Horcrux, and he actually found it.

Albert could no longer hide the excitement on his face.

At this moment, he was certain that the whisper in his ear was coming from the crown, and it was tempting him to pick up the crown and put it on his head.

As long as you wear the crown of Ravenclaw, you can become wiser.

Albert almost instinctively reached out to touch the crown. However, he stopped moving forward and lowered his raised arm. Listening carefully to the whispers in my ears, I laughed like crazy, tears of laughter were almost falling.

"Interesting!" Albert murmured after he stopped laughing. "If he were an ordinary student, he might not be able to resist trying to wear a diadem. After all, no one would want to miss experiencing Ravenclaw's diadem. His intelligence has improved, and he even took it as his own under the temptation of the Horcrux."

"Here, let me take a picture for you." Albert took a few steps back, raised the camera hanging around his neck, and took a picture of the wizard's bust and the ancient faded crown on his head.

Then, Albert stepped back more than a dozen steps, found some more eye-catching coordinates around him and took a few photos in succession. It was not until he retreated to the entrance that he checked the new tasks that appeared on the panel:

Evil whispers.

You hear whispers that tempt you to fall, and the object that makes the whispers is most likely an evil dark magic item. Although you don't know what it is, you are aware that it could be extremely dangerous and are ready to try to figure out what it is.

Reward: 10,000 experience, randomly obtain an unmastered magic.

"That's great." Albert stared at the mission panel and whispered softly, "That's a Horcrux, Voldemort's Horcrux."

When he finished saying this, the task was completed automatically.

Albert did not choose to complete the task, but continued to look at the remaining tasks:

Return the relic.

You accidentally found Ravenclaw's diadem that was lost thousands of years ago. As a student of Hogwarts, you should return Ravenclaw's diadem to the school.

Reward: 30,000 experience, 3 skill points, Dumbledore's favor +10, Ms. Gray's favor +30.

The Dark Lord's secret.

You stumble upon the secret to Voldemort's immortality, and you can choose to remain silent or share the secret with others.

Reward: 1000 experience points, +20 or -20 favorability of the target.

Ms. Gray's remorse.

You accidentally found Ravenclaw's diadem that was lost thousands of years ago, but this relic from the Big Four was contaminated by powerful dark magic. Purify the dark magic on the diadem.

Reward: 10,000 experience, 2 skill points, Ms. Gray's favorability +30.

"What's the point of asking for the ghost's favor?" Albert couldn't help complaining, "Is it possible that after the favor is reached, Ms. Gray will grant one of my wishes?"

Destroy the Horcruxes.

Everyone has the responsibility to eliminate the Dark Lord. Since you accidentally discovered Voldemort's weakness, then devote yourself to the great cause of confronting the Dark Wizard, destroy, or assist others in destroying the Horcruxes.

Reward: 30,000 experience points, 3 skill points, +10 favorability of the person being assisted.

The downfall of the Dark Lord.

You accidentally discovered Voldemort's weakness. If the other party knew about it, he would never let you go. Since he may become an undying enemy, why not take the first step to eliminate the most evil dark wizard of this century?

You can choose to do it alone, or recruit more helpers to help you eliminate the dark lord.

Current contribution is 0%

Reward 10000100000 experience, 110 skill points, reputation in the magic world +10010000, bounty 100,000 Galleons

By the way, I am currently using the book-chasing app, [\\Mi\\Mi\\Reading\\app\\\\] to cache books and read aloud offline!

"It's great. It's worthy of being the final boss. What a rich reward." Albert looked at the mission information on several panels and couldn't help but swallowed. His previous efforts were really not in vain.

As for how to complete these tasks, isn't there still the iron-headed boy named Porter, the savior?

Fight head-on, attract firepower, and confront Voldemort.

Harry in the novel has always done an extremely good job. The most important thing is that the mission does not require Albert to do it himself. It is actually not bad to do the mission while lying down.

After patting his cheek with his hand and clearing up the expression on his face, Albert opened the door and walked out of the Room of Requirement. After looking around to make sure no one was there, he walked happily around the castle and even greeted Peeves with a smile on the way. Peeves looked puzzled.

After taking a few more photos in the castle, Albert happily returned to the lounge, where Fred, George and Lee Jordan were still doing homework.

"Albert seems to be in a good mood." George looked at Albert's back disappearing at the entrance of the dormitory, and suddenly said to the two people around him.

"Maybe something good happened to me!" Fred said without raising his head.

"Honestly, this is the first time I've seen him like this." George couldn't suppress his curiosity, got up, packed his things, and chased after Albert's back.

"If you don't go and take a look, maybe something good will happen." Li Qiaodan also packed his things and followed George back to the dormitory.

Fred raised his head and found that his two roommates had run away. He immediately packed up the homework on the table and quickly followed the two of them.

The three of them soon knew that something good happened to Albert. As for what good thing, Albert did not tell them directly.

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