Study Days at Hogwarts

Chapter 16 There is a generation gap

"This is called Bibi's multi-flavor beans." Li Jordan shook his box and handed it to the three of them. "It has all kinds of flavors. Try it."

"You have to be careful when you eat this," George warned. "When he said multi-flavored, you know, he meant all kinds of flavors."

"Not only does it have the usual flavors of chocolate, mints, and marmalade, but it also has the flavors of spinach, liver, and tripe. By the way, be careful of the earwax flavor." Fred reached out and grabbed one and threw it into his mouth. , "This one is pumpkin flavored."

"What's the flavor of this one?" Albert asked as he picked up a gray bean.

"Pepper flavored ones, if I were you, I wouldn't touch them." George reminded kindly, "Like mine, it's chicken flavored."

"What about this?" Albert said, picking up something similar to bubble gum.

"This is Chuibao Super Bubble Gum."

"I know this, chocolate frog, I also ate it last time." Albert pointed at the chocolate frog and said

"Pumpkin pie, pot cakes, and licorice wands." George began to explain other weird foods. Some of them would make the entire tongue change color after eating, and some could make various sounds after eating.

"Animal voice changing candy can make various animal sounds."

After Albert opened it, he took out one and asked, "What is this sound?"

"have no idea."

"How long will it last?"

"About a few seconds!"

Albert threw the candy into his mouth, opened his mouth and suddenly roared like a lion, and everyone else couldn't help but laugh.


The one George ate was a baboon, and Fred was a cat. Li Jordan was more unlucky. The one he ate was an elephant. His cheeks turned red all of a sudden, and two streams of smoke came out of his ears, making everyone laugh. .

"Oh, I bought less." Albert thought this kind of candy was very interesting, so he went to other workshops to find the witch and bought another one.

"Bought for my sister." Albert noticed the doubtful looks of others and explained with a smile.

Of course, Albert didn't intend to eat these things to fill his stomach. He also took out the sandwich that Daisy prepared for him and ate the sandwich under everyone's puzzled eyes.

"You also brought food, why did you buy so much?" Li Qiaodan was confused.

"Because it's novel. If I encounter something interesting, I will send a copy back to my family." Albert picked up a bottle of peach-flavored soda and asked, "Do you want to try it?"

"What's this?"

"Drinks, maybe you haven't had them before." Albert bought a cup of pumpkin juice, which tasted a bit special, just like drinking soy milk.

"How do you open it?" The twins looked at the cans of soda curiously.

"There is a tab on it, don't shake it, or the drink inside will spray out." Albert reminded, but it was too late. When Fred opened the soda, he was sprayed in the face.

"I warned you, don't shake it." Albert couldn't help laughing and took the can of peach-flavored soda from the other party's hand, leaving only half of it.

He took out his wand, cleaned up the water stains on the table and newspaper, and asked, "Do you want to try the taste?"

As he spoke, he raised his wand and tapped the candy paper bag on the table, turning it into a plastic cup.

"Wow!" The twins suddenly made exaggerated sounds.

"What's wrong?" Albert looked at them doubtfully and said again: "Copy into pairs."

He used a copying spell to turn the plastic cup into three.

"You just used magic, right?"

"Oh, the little tricks I learned in the spell book are very useful." Albert said lightly, "Is there any problem?"

"Is there any problem?" Li Jordan said weakly, "Of course there is, I remember you are a Muggle wizard."

"Then what?" Albert asked, raising his eyebrows.

"I dare say that no one among the freshmen can use magic as skillfully as you."

"Aren't you exaggerating?" Albert changed the subject and asked, "Want to drink?" He poured a small half cup for each of the three of them.

"It tastes a little weird, but it's not terrible."

“It feels a bit like beer, but different.”

"Have you ever had beer?" Albert asked curiously.

"George drank secretly."

"You've also drank secretly."

"After all, you are not Muggles, so it is normal that you are not used to drinking." It was not difficult for Albert to understand, just like he drank pumpkin juice himself.

"That's not the point. How did you do it? I heard that transfiguration is super difficult to learn." Li Qiaodan said exaggeratedly.

"Super difficult?" Albert thought about it carefully. It seems that it is not as difficult as the other party said? He asked Truman about the secret of changing the needle of a match, and after practicing for a week, after maxing out the Level 1 Transformation Technique, he could easily change small items.

"It is indeed a bit difficult. It took me half a day to change the needle of a match, but it will become easier once you get good at it."

"Half a day." The three of them looked at each other, suddenly feeling a little autistic and not wanting to talk to each other.

If you pretend like this, you will lose friends.

"Is it really easy?"

"Well, how much magic have you mastered?" George asked weakly.

"I've tried everything in the textbook... Didn't you try magic during the summer vacation?" Albert looked at a few people suspiciously.

"The family won't let us touch the wand."

"You can try it secretly, and didn't you buy a wand?" Albert was speechless for a while.

"Did you succeed?" Fred asked weakly.

"Most of them were successful. I even got to know the students at Hogwarts during the summer vacation. We kept in touch with each other through letters. He taught me a lot about magic..."

Boom, a thunder struck from the sky, interrupting Albert's words, and the rain outside the carriage became heavier and heavier.

Does this mean even God can’t stand it?

Li Qiaodan got up and closed the window to prevent the rain from getting in.

"I hope the rain will stop by the time we get to school." Albert threw a piece of chocolate into his mouth and chewed it slowly.

The long journey on the train was a bit boring.

"What's wrong with you?" Albert asked, looking at the three silent people in confusion.

"Nothing!" Fred managed to squeeze out a sentence, "I always think you will become a powerful guy in the future."

"I think so too." Albert said suddenly, which made all three of them choke.

"Haha, I'm just kidding, no one knows what the future will bring."

For the next time, they were eating snacks and talking about things in the magical world. Most of the time, the three of them were talking, and Albert was listening.

When talking about Quidditch, Albert felt very interesting listening to the three people trying their best to explain how to play a game with four balls and seven players.

It can be seen that both twins want to have a good broomstick and have a wonderful game.

"I would like to try the feeling of flying into the sky." Albert said, "Although riding a broom is a bit weird."

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