Study Days at Hogwarts

Chapter 12 Before the start of school

Summer vacation always goes by very quickly. In the blink of an eye, it’s the end of August, and it’s not far away from the start of school at Hogwarts.

It would be a lie to say that he wasn't looking forward to going to Hogwarts, although Albert would have preferred to stay home and fish for a while.

However, time waits for no one.

In terms of magic, it is never a good idea to fumble around unilaterally. It is like a blind man exploring the road with a cane. No one knows what is ahead?

Albert still knew little about magic, even though he had read all the books.

Still maintained a pen pal relationship with Truman, writing letters every three days.

This Hufflepuff student's grades could only be considered average, and the little knowledge he had in his head was emptied by Albert within a few days.

Truman regretted that Albert might have been sorted into Ravenclaw because of his interest in magical knowledge.

Albert didn't care which college he would be assigned to. Just don't go into Slytherin, after all, Muggle wizards are not welcome there. However, as a Muggle wizard, Albert probably wouldn't be able to enter Slytherin.

"Thank you for your hard work, have a good rest." Albert touched the owl's head and put some food in the birdcage.

Albert was quite satisfied with this owl, at least after he repeatedly requested it, Sheila never brought back any prey.

He believed that Daisy would not like to find dead mice while cleaning her room.

Sheila gave a tired cry and went into the birdcage to eat, ready to take a good rest. She was completely indifferent to Tom's bared teeth next to her.

"Don't make trouble Tom." Albert picked up the short-haired cat and went downstairs to have breakfast.

Today, Herb is free at home. He recently fell in love with the Daily Prophet and showed great interest in this moving newspaper.

Daisy will also read the Daily Prophet together, hoping to learn more about the magical world.

"In the morning, I specially made corn soup." Daisy smiled and served a large bowl of soup to her son. She knew that Albert liked this soup.

"Then I don't have to drink milk." Nia looked very happy. She hated having to drink milk every day.

"Of course, I still have to drink it." Daisy put a glass of milk in front of her daughter.

"Did Albert learn a new magic?" Nia glanced at the milk and quietly changed the subject.

She learned this trick from Albert. The girl planned to pour the glass of milk into Tom's cat bowl when her mother was not paying attention.

"Nia." Daisy appeared behind her daughter at some point, with her hands on her hips, staring at everything.

"Mom, I prepared breakfast for Tom. He likes milk." Nia quickly argued.

"It's okay Nia, I still have it here." Daisy poured another glass of milk and put it in front of her daughter, not forgetting to tell her, "Remember to drink it all."

"I hate drinking milk every day," Nia couldn't help complaining.

"Don't Albert drink it every day?" Daisy reminded, "He never complained."

"This is different. I have never seen anything that Albert hates eating since he was a child." Nia was a little depressed. Her family always liked to use Albert to block her words. "You can't always compare him with me. Then It’s a special case.”

"Yes, your brother didn't like cheese very much before." Daisy raised her eyebrows and said, "But now he also eats cheese."

"Liar." Nia didn't believe it at all, because Albert's potato pancakes had a generous amount of cheese and ham.

"It's true. Albert is repelled by some cheeses, especially those with a strong taste. He won't eat them." Herb also found it very interesting. Now that he thinks about it, his son is really not picky about food, even as a child. I also eat food that I hate.

"Children who are not picky eaters grow taller." Albert said without thinking.

"What do I want to do to be so tall?" Nia retorted.

"The taller you are, the more beautiful you will be." Albert reminded, "Mom is an example."

Daisy obviously liked this statement and smiled even wider.

"Flatterer." Nia muttered, and reluctantly drank the milk under Daisy's "loving" gaze.

However, she gave Albert half the glass, on the grounds that he would drink more milk so that Albert could grow taller and be as handsome as his father.

Daisy and Herb are both relatively tall, and because of their careers, they usually pay more attention to dressing up and maintain good figures. More importantly, they are still very young.

Originally, Herb planned to take his family to the zoo when he was free today. School was about to start, and Albert was going to Hogwarts again. He probably wouldn't have the chance to go out together this year.

However, after Albert said he didn't want to go, Nia also said the zoo was boring, so the family changed their original plan and stayed in the living room chatting and watching TV.

Nia wanted to ride a toy broom, but Herb refused harshly because she almost hit the TV on the broom last time.

The living room is not big enough, and it is inappropriate to ride a broom outside. It is difficult to explain if someone sees you.

So, the toy broom Luke just bought for Nia was locked in the cabinet by Herb.

In fact, Albert also rode a toy broom once, which made him have the illusion that he was suffering from a chubby disease. The toy broom did not fly high, so he found it boring and never tried it again.

However, for Nia, who doesn't know what Chubu Yyou is, flying freely on a broom is obviously very tempting.

After watching TV for a while, Daisy went to the kitchen to prepare black tea and cakes. The family of four and a cat read "The Tales of Beedle the Bard" in the living room.

This storybook is a magical fairy tale.

The fairy tales in it are still a little different from the stories they have heard before, such as Sleeping Beauty.

The story tells of a medieval succubus who, jealous of the beauty of the local king's daughter, smeared a spindle with decoction of living hell. She seduced the young princess into touching the spindle, causing her to fall into a long sleep.

Later, a wizard applied an uplifting potion to his lips and kissed the princess to wake her up.

Well, the magical version of Sleeping Beauty does lack a bit of romance. However, the family listened with great interest, even though they had no idea what the Living Hell Decoction and the Invigorating Potion were.

At this moment, the Anderson family is reading the story of the three brothers. Everyone takes turns reading the previous paragraph. This process is very interesting.

"Is there really a stone that can resurrect people?" Nia asked curiously.

The magical world is full of infinite possibilities. Since the alchemist Nicolas Flamel may have lived for hundreds of years using the legendary magic stone, it does not seem impossible that there is a stone that can resurrect people.

"Nia, there is no such thing in the world." Herb reminded, "Besides, you should also have heard that the lover of the second among the three brothers has not really been resurrected."

"This is a fairy tale. There is a saying that fairy tales are all lies." Albert said with a smile.

"Albert is so annoying, can't you give me something to look forward to?" Nia couldn't help complaining. Of course she knew that things in fairy tales were fiction.

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