Struggle in Russia

Chapter 854 Just watch your performance (Part 2)

Of course, Alexander II did not continue to stimulate Count Uvarov. No matter what he did, he had to stop it in moderation. Once the limit was exceeded, it would definitely be counterproductive.

"It's a good thing that you, Count, are willing to share the worries of the country," Alexander II said calmly. "Now the state affairs are complicated and many affairs are complicated. It is also good to have an experienced veteran like you to fill in the gaps."

Count Uvarov was speechless. Alexander II actually asked him to make up for the omissions. Wasn't this just asking him to step aside?

You must know that his original intention for coming here is not to be a green leaf to set off the red flowers. He also wants to dominate his previous position and continue to be his eldest boss. He is not willing to make up for the omissions!

He quickly replied: "I will do whatever His Majesty asks me to do. It is indeed important to correct the omissions and omissions, but what is more important is to prevent the domestic gangsters from causing trouble. Now their arrogance is not as arrogant as usual. I am willing to help Your Majesty calm them down!" "

Alexander II raised his eyelids and glanced at him, and then replied unhurriedly: "Earl, it is very good that you have such determination, but Xiaoxiao is a bit exaggerated. Although there are some different opinions, the sea is open to all rivers and has tolerance. Big, you can listen to different opinions. Count, you must also keep pace with the times in this regard!"

Count Uvarov's heart skipped a beat. This was what he was most afraid of hearing. Because this is no longer a hint but an explicit statement, which is equivalent to telling him that reform is probably inevitable and asking him not to get in the way.

But as the most stubborn conservative, how could he accept this result? He had been fighting with the reformists for most of his life, and at the end of the day he was actually killed. Isn't this a loss of life?

He would not agree to this result no matter what. If the reformists were to rise up, would he still have a way to survive?

He quickly replied: "Your Majesty, Russia's tradition has ensured that Russia will continue to be glorious and powerful. Changing the flag rashly is a blasphemy against tradition! And if it is changed indiscriminately, what should we do if something goes wrong? I think it is still the same. It’s better to stay the same and cope with all changes!”

Alexander II glanced at him again, and he knew that an old stubborn like Count Uvarov was firmly opposed to reform. Of course, Alexander II was not a staunch reformer, and he would not bother with reform if he could.

It's just that now it seems that it has to be changed. If it is not reformed, it will trigger a revolution. Compared with being sent to the guillotine by the mob, he feels that losing some benefits is acceptable.

Anyway, Alexander II settled this account more clearly than Count Uvarov and others. When necessary, he would not hesitate to choose to cut off his tail to survive. Even when things got serious, he could accept being treated like the British royal family. A raised luxury rubber stamp.

However, he would not criticize Count Uvarov too much for being ignorant of current affairs. On the one hand, it was useless to say so. He knew that this old guy had a head that was harder than granite and had no idea how to adapt.

If you tell him face to face that reforms are necessary, this old guy will definitely get angry and try every means to cause trouble. The last thing Russia needs at this time is a troublemaker, so there is no need to overly stimulate him.

On the other hand, Alexander II still needed old diehards like Count Uvarov to check and balance the increasingly active reformists. If the reformists are allowed to grow rapidly, who knows what kind of reform plan these guys will come up with.

Maybe these guys will be in one step and the power given to him by the constitutional monarchy will be emptied out, so there must be people like Count Uvarov to fight against the reformists so that the reformists can't do whatever they want.

As the saying goes, if the ministers don't quarrel with the monarch, what's the point?

In order to keep the power in his hands, Alexander II has grown extremely fast in the past few months, and he has vaguely gained some imperial dignity and means.

Count Uvarov did not know Alexander II's true thoughts, and he was very disappointed with the result of this interview.

After all, none of the goals he came to achieve were achieved, whether it was to return to the top of the power pyramid or to suppress and eliminate the reformist Alexander II. It can almost be said that this trip was a humiliation for himself. He got nothing but a lot of resentment and dissatisfaction.

"Your Majesty is determined to let those liberals go," he sighed to Chernyshev and old Adlerberg, "such a general will not make a country!"

Chernyshev and old Adlerberg exchanged glances covertly. In fact, the two of them were not surprised at all by this situation. They had been in the center of the whirlpool these past few months and they had already understood it.

Alexander II may not be a supporter of reform, but the current situation has reached a point where reform is no longer possible. It is simply impossible to just suppress it like before!

But it seems that Count Uvarov's thinking is still stuck in the era of Nicholas I, and he still thinks that he can do whatever he wants to the reformists by shouting and killing them.

Times have changed, and your approach no longer works and is outdated!

However, this does not mean that Chernyshev and old Adlerberg support reforms. In essence, they are die-hard conservatives like Count Uvarov. But they are different from Count Uvarov in one thing, that is, they know the current affairs.

Perhaps Count Uvarov had a too smooth life during the era of Nicholas I. His status had always been high and he had been favored by Nicholas I. He could do whatever he wanted, so he no longer had awe in his mind and had simply forgotten about him. All these powers were given by the Tsar.

Since the Tsar can give you all this, then the Tsar can take it back. If you don't understand this, you are ignorant!

In the eyes of Chernyshev and old Adlerberg, Count Uvarov is just ignorant and thinks he can influence the will of Alexander II. Can't you see that His Majesty doesn't want to see you messing around? !

This could not help but make the two of them secretly sigh in relief. Fortunately, they had anticipated this situation and had already shown Baryatinsky's group before, so they had planned their escape route in advance.

Although it seems a bit risky to do this now, it is really necessary. It seems that in the future, we will have to gradually alienate Count Uvarov and slowly distance ourselves from him, so as to save this old guy from being implicated when he is liquidated. .

Count Uvarov narrowed his eyes. How could a man like him not see the change in the mood of the two best friends in front of him. Although they had tried their best to hide it, his eyes and familiarity with them, let's put it this way, he knew what these two bastards were doing when they poked their butts...

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