Strange game designer

Chapter 88 Quadruple Corridor Conjecture

"Okay, I'll wait for you." Liu Yi began to pack his bag, seeming to be preparing to leave.

"Don't leave in a hurry. We still have some issues that we haven't explained clearly." Gao Ming stopped thinking about what Liu Yi said and let himself take the initiative: "You haven't told me yet, why do you know the location of my home?"

"Haven't you ever noticed that you are missing something?" Liu Yi took out a torn resume from his bag. One of the larger fragments happened to have Gao Ming's photo, permanent home address and outstanding awards. Game design plan: "I don't know your contact information. There is only the location of your home on this fragment."

"Resume?" Gao Ming thought about it. He was planning to apply for a job at Night Light Studio after resigning. For convenience, he printed out a resume using the prison's printer.

After coming out of the tunnel, he was surrounded by all kinds of supernatural events and could not even think about finding a job.

"Why is this thing where you are? Why is it still torn to pieces?"

"It seems that your memory is also incomplete. How about we piece it together and restore the whole story." Liu Yi sat on the chair again: "Song Xue and I got on the bus in Hanjiang that night. Apart from us and the driver, there were no other people on the bus. There were only three passengers, and they sat in the last row. After leaving the city, the bus only stopped once in Henshan Town, and then continued on the road."

"I know, I just hate the car in Shanshan Town." Gao Ming's memory here is still very clear.

"When the vehicle started again, it felt like a sudden surprise, and the vehicle was filled with people." Liu Yi and Gao Ming sat face to face, their eyes and expressions very serious.

"No." Gao Ming shook his head: "When I was waiting for the bus, I was the only one at the station. It was only after I got on the bus that I saw that the car was full of passengers."

There were differences in their memories, but neither of them seemed to be lying.

"Perhaps you can think about it from another angle. The passengers who got on the bus with you are all ghosts except you." Liu Yi continued: "The vehicle starts and drives towards the junction of the three cities. You put on your suit as soon as you get on the bus. Put on the headphones and start making games.”

"Yes, I wanted to embed a cake shop advertisement into the game, and I was very anxious." Gao Ming did not deny it.

"Song Xue was already asleep at that time. After ten minutes of driving, I wanted to say hello to you, but when I stood up from my seat..." Liu Yi took a deep breath: "Most of the passengers in the car were watching. I moved very gently towards me. It was absolutely impossible to disturb so many people at the same time. And there was no disgust in their eyes, only an indescribable feeling of terror."

"Is it like being watched by a dead person in the morgue?" Gao Ming has rich experience in this area.

"That's pretty much what it feels like."

"This is a good way to distinguish between humans and ghosts." Gao Ming put the cup on the left side: "The people who look back at you are all dead people, and the people who are doing their own things should be living people. What happened next? Didn't you get up?"

"I felt that as long as I moved around at that time, something worse would happen." Liu Yi gently swiped the screen of his mobile phone: "I thought about saving myself, taking secret photos and recording, but they all failed. Everything I recorded was lost. Cleared."

Gao Ming was a little ashamed. When Liu Yi was frantically trying to save himself, he was still thinking about making the game more playable.

"Then we entered the tunnel, and when the surroundings turned completely dark." Liu Yi picked up the phone, pointed at the time on the screen, and said very seriously: "I saw the time on the phone stopped."

The tunnel at the junction of the three cities was like a crack, cutting into Order.

"Without any more time to think, the bus soon had an accident. It seemed that it hit a person, and then the whole bus lost control."

Tapping his fingers on the table, Gao Ming did not interrupt Liu Yi, nor did he tell Liu Yi that he was the one who was hit by the bus.

"When I woke up, I found that most of the people in the car were gone. I wanted to call for help but my phone had no signal." When Liu Yi said this, there was fear in her eyes. She was actually very unwilling. To recall these: "There were screams everywhere. I felt like I was back when the accident happened ten years ago. Adults and children were crying, but it was dark all around, and the light from my mobile phone couldn't shine far away."

"When I woke up, there was no one in the car, and I didn't hear any screams. I only saw darkness." Gao Ming told the story from his own perspective.

Liu Yi stared at Gao Ming for a while, then said unbearably: "You screamed the loudest at that time. I have never heard such a miserable scream in my life."

"Really?" Gao Ming touched his nose and said, "I don't have a very good memory. I really don't remember."

"After hearing your voice, I ran over there in the dark, and then I heard the voice of a strange man." Liu Yi was a little curious: "Who were you talking to at the time? Why was he in the tunnel? What happened to the bus accident? Isn’t it related to him?”

"I didn't see his face." Gao Ming died many times in the tunnel, but never saw the other person.

"You seemed to have made some kind of deal at that time, and then you ran like crazy in a certain direction. I tried my best to chase you so I didn't lose you." Liu Yi put the fragments of his resume on the table: "You put your resume, computer , all the backpacks were thrown away, and I wanted to pick them up, but there were still people fighting for these things with me in the dark."

"Are they other survivors?"

"I don't know, I can't see anything. I'm just following your footsteps." Liu Yi picked up the water on the table and took a sip: "I forgot how long I ran, but when I was almost to the exit, there was someone outside. A little light."

"You should be able to see the person carrying me at this time, right?" Gao Ming asked his previous doubts.

"No." Liu Yi shook his head: "You were taken away by a blurry shadow. There is a high probability that you are not alone."

"Can't you see Xuan Wen?" Gao Ming is an experienced psychological counselor, but he couldn't tell Liu Yi's problem from the changes in his facial expressions. Liu Yi didn't lie.

"I don't know who Xuan Wen is, but I want to ask, besides you, has anyone else seen her?" Liu Yi's words made Gao Ming a little scared: "It seems that you also have some questions that you haven't thought about. Understood, I think you need to make sure as soon as possible."

After looking at his watch, Liu Yi picked up his bag: "It's too late today. I still have some things to do. See you next time."

"What are you going to do so late?"

"Performing a lawyer's bounden duty." After Liu Yi exchanged contact information with Gao Ming, she hurriedly left with her mobile phone. The last time she looked at her mobile phone, she seemed to have seen some message.

"Be careful on the road." After closing the door, Gao Ming immediately dialed Xuan Wen's phone number. After a dozen rings, the call was answered: "How are you doing now?"

After a long time on the phone, Xuan Wen's voice finally sounded: "It's not very good."

The voice was extremely weak, which reminded Gao Ming of the scene when Xuan Wen was swallowed up by the shadow world: "Give me an address and I'll be there right away."

After a moment of silence, Xuan Wen did not refuse Gao Ming's kindness: "I'm in No. 9, Minlong Street, Lishan."

Zhao Xi's house is not vacant this time, but Xuan Wen still lives not far from Gaoming.

"Okay, I'll be there right away!" Gao Ming put on his raincoat again. He opened the bedroom door and wanted to say something to Wan Qiu, but found that the other party was still practicing fighting: "I have to go out, you can be at home by yourself. If it’s too late, you go to bed first.”

"Are you going to do what adults do?" Wan Qiu was a little curious, and he blinked his beautiful and bright eyes.

"I don't understand what you are talking about." Gao Ming closed the door and immediately ran outside.

Rushing into the rain, avoiding sirens and cordons, Gao Ming began to think about several questions.

"After I changed Xuan Wen's fate, Liu Yi said the same thing. Fate is invisible and intangible, but it feels omnipotent and everywhere."

Recalling the conversation with Liu Yi, countless thoughts began to collide in Gao Ming's mind.

"But if fate was really all-knowing and all-powerful, my situation wouldn't have happened."

"Perhaps I am a closed loop independent of fate. After I was killed by my original self, I became my original self again."

"I am the first loop; the bus ten years ago is the second loop; the shadow world that can never be integrated with reality, and constantly merges with reality is the third loop; these three loops are based on that tunnel. The intersections together form the fourth cycle, which is what is happening now.”

The past is never past and the future is never coming.

I have a headache. Gao Ming is just guessing like a madman without any basis.

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