Starting human body

Chapter 679 Canigon: Isn’t there an Ultraman nephew?


In the Civic Square, Natsuki passed by a group of students who were shouting about the "sunspot phenomenon" and turned his attention slightly to the sky.

For humans, the 333-year cycle is undoubtedly very long, and you only get lucky to see it once in a lifetime.

"hold head high!"

Suddenly, an erratic monster roar sounded in Xia Shu's ears.

Horopoloz, who had been seen in Rob's time and space, appeared in perception.

He discovered this monster when he was exploring the quantum realm of the earth. It can be said that it is one of the few powerful monsters native to the earth.

There is a slight difference from the record in "Taiping Fengtu Ji". Normally, Horopoloz is only in a sleeping state, and occasionally wakes up.

It's just that it gets particularly violent on this day when there are sunspots.

"hold head high--!"

Another roar sounded, and a picture of the city's destruction by lightning flashed into Xia Shu's mind. The peaceful dojo in the south of the city was suddenly destroyed by lightning falling from the sky.


Kanigon struggled to carry a large bag of purchased supplies, took a breath, and complained to Natsuki who stopped in his tracks.

"Should I go back quickly? I'm really dying!"

If time could go back, it would never steal those coins and suffer a huge loss.

"You go back first."

Natsuki looked at Shishinooka Town from a distance.


Canigon rolled his eyes, wondering whether to take advantage of this opportunity to sneak away or get some more coins to eat.

"Don't even think about running away," Xia Shu's voice drifted over, "I told you, I can find you even if I leave the earth."

"Okay, you're awesome."

Canigon groaned and pursed his lips.

Isn't it just that he has a nephew who is an Ultra Warrior?

Lion's Hill.

Natsukawa Haruki was carrying a lot of luggage and followed Yuka Ohta who was running around with a grimace.

Yoko-senpai went too far. He must have known it would turn out like this from the beginning and found an excuse to leave.

"Senior Yuuka, have you been here before?"

“My great-grandmother’s house used to be here, and our family would come here every summer.”

Ota Yuka stopped nostalgically by the overpass.

"That's when I saw Holopoloz here once."

"Ah?" Xia Chuan Yaohui said in surprise, "Isn't it said that we can only see him once every 333 years?"

"I am not sure as well."

Ohta Yuka shook her head.

"There was a densely wooded mountain over there. My great-grandmother warned me that the mountain was a forbidden area and I must not go there, so I ran in."


"Then when I accidentally got lost, I saw Holopolozi. Later, when I told my family about it, everyone said I was dreaming. Only my great-grandmother believed what I said. She said it was Lord Holopolozi. It’s the god of the mountains.”


Xia Chuan Yaohui's eyes were in a daze.

He had had many dreams recently. Although most of the time they were vague and dark images, in the last dream he seemed to have become a god and could change the world easily.

"Are there really gods in this world?"

"People in the past often regarded unknown beings as gods. To us humans, isn't Ultraman a god-like existence?"

Ohta Yuka smiled.

"There are many unknown creatures living on the earth, and there are many vast worlds that we humans still don't know about. I want to solve all those mysteries, so I became a monster researcher."

"I see, that's why you like dissection so much, Yuuka-senpai." Natsukawa Haruki nodded suddenly.

"These are two different things."


"Don't you find dissection exciting?"

"Not at all."

"found it!"

Ohta Yuka suddenly stopped and stared blankly at the end of the street, as if she had returned to the scene when she first saw Holopolos as a child.

The unique charm of the mysterious giant creature deeply attracted her.

This intoxicating feeling is what drives her to become a monster researcher.

"There is no mistake. It was here that I met Holopolos when I was 4 years old..."



Thunder suddenly flashed in the sky, and as the crescent moon sword penetrated the clouds and plunged into the ground, a blue-white monster figure jumped out of the ground, moving at lightning speed with bursts of roaring sounds.

"Holopoloz! It is indeed not a dream, Horopolozi really exists!"

Ohta Yuka looked at the flashing blue-white afterimage in surprise, but the scene that happened immediately made her face freeze.

Horopoloz, who was too fast to catch, was easily penetrated by the light blade that was chased out of the ground. The blue-white beast's body was wrapped with lightning and fixed in the sky of the high-rise building, and then fell down with a roar and crashed at the end of the street.



The giant beast's head hung down among the broken glass pieces. Its red eyes met Yuka Ota's shocked gaze, and gradually dimmed and disappeared.


"how come?"

Ohta Yuka's eyes trembled, and she looked quietly at Horopoloz, whose voice had subsided, as if the scene from her childhood was reappearing, but this time Horopolozi was no longer asleep.

"It's that sword!"

Natsukawa Haruki, who was waiting in formation next to him, was shocked to see the light blade that shot into the void after killing Holopolos.

Although he was not face to face with Horopoloz, the strong pressure that hit his face from the frightening glance just now has not disappeared. The terrifying speed is simply irresistible.

But this kind of monster was killed by a light blade.



The body of the giant Horopoloz beast burst into pieces, turning into countless blue light spots and disappearing like bubbles in front of Xia Chuan Yaohui and the others.

The alarm that had just sounded in the armory suddenly stopped, and only Yuka Ohta's slight sobs were left in the communication.

Jagula's face turned dark.

"Okay, Yuuka, wouldn't it be better if the monsters were eliminated in advance? Stop crying!"

"I can prevent Horopoloz from being resurrected."

Ota Yuka choked up and looked at the empty streets, merging with the memories of her childhood, rubbing her eyes with tears in her eyes.

"If I had found this place earlier..."

"It's useless to talk about it now," Jagula frowned and looked at the flashing light blade in the last recording screen. "You two, investigate nearby to see if there is anything abnormal."


Civic Square.

Natsuki reached out and grabbed the Holopolos Spark Doll, which was condensed with light. He glanced calmly in the direction of Lion Hill, then turned and returned to the dojo.

There is no need for Natsukawa Haruki and Zeta to fight this kind of monster.

When troubles need to be solved, he usually chooses to nip them in the bud.

As for Horopoloz not yet carrying out sabotage...

This kind of thing has nothing to do with him.

"Mom," a little boy looked at Xia Shu's back curiously, pulled the parent next to him and said coquettishly, "I also want the doll in that uncle's hand!"

"Is that sold somewhere?"

The woman glanced after him.

"Be good, Aji, let's buy it later."


Gullit left it to the extras.

I’ll try to write as much as possible next month, I don’t have much time and space, and I’ve been thinking about how to finish it lately.

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