Starting human body

Chapter 371 Danger, Consultant Gao Shu!

"There's none?"

Dr. Ozaki was slightly disappointed.

He was also very curious about this UDF consultant who appeared out of thin air, especially after hearing about the series of events that happened in DASH, Natsuki was one of the only two people in DASH that he was interested in.

The other is Kaito Touma, a miraculous man who survived multiple crashes.

"Speaking of which," Dr. Ozaki gathered his thoughts and asked casually, "How is Commander Tomioka of your base doing?"

"I should pay it back," Natsuki responded casually. "A few days ago, I said that we would play golf together during our vacation. We are more energetic than young people."

"Senior is still the same," Dr. Ozaki said with a nostalgic smile. "It was because I couldn't surpass him that I quit my job in the organization and traveled around the world, and then embarked on the path of archeology. I haven't seen him for so many years. .”

"Would you like to go to the Titan base this time? Although this ancient puzzle looks like stone, the real material may come from the universe. It is best to send it to the base for research."

Xia Shu walked to the ancient puzzle and suddenly sensed a spatial fluctuation. The originally ordinary puzzle stones seemed to be stimulated, and they all vibrated slightly and made a low sound.


"what happened?"

Dr. Ozaki rushed to the edge of the puzzle with a serious face, staring directly at the panel.

The chaotic stones began to move very quickly, as if a pair of invisible hands were completing the puzzle.

"This is……"


As the last piece of the puzzle was put into place, the entire stone slab was lit up instantly, and all the energy gathered together to emit a bright light that broke through the roof of the tent. At the same time, the archaeologists' shouts and exclamations came from outside.

The strong light turned into a unique stone door outside the tent. The carvings in the middle were in the same style as the carvings of the relics and cultural relics this time.

"Is this door the result of completing the puzzle?"

Dr. Ozaki rushed out of the tent and ran to the stone door. His eyes were full of the desire to explore as an archaeological expert. He immediately took out a pair of eyes from his breast pocket and studied them closely.

"But how come it suddenly works on its own?"

"Be careful, Dr. Ozaki."

Natsuki was also curious.

He didn't even touch the puzzle, nor did he think about holding it opposite.

It was just a planet where civilization had perished due to lack of supplies, and it had no value to him.

"Although the depiction is the same, it is more obvious on this one. It is indeed not a creation of the earth."

Dr. Ozaki studied for a while, put away his glasses with a shocked expression, and turned to Natsuki in a deep voice.

"I heard that Phantom Island is also related to alien civilization. It seems that there was a lot of contact history with alien civilization in ancient times."


Some clips of Max and the Iron Giant fighting flashed through Natsuki's mind.

Some alien civilizations have good intentions, but some are malicious. This is the case with the civilization opposite the stone gate. It was teleported to the earth because of a severe lack of food on its home planet, and was eventually driven back by Max, who had been to the earth at that time.

These are some of the information remaining on the stone slabs of the ruins.

Dr. Ozaki looked at the door handle hesitantly: "Is there something on the other side of this door..."


As if in response to Dr. Ozaki's words, the stone door suddenly shook, and the door handle automatically twisted and slowly opened, followed by streams of thick white mist.


"No! Back away!"


"call out--!"

In the afternoon, a DASH fighter plane arrived at the Mikazuki Mountain ruins excavation site. Kaito Touma got off the plane with Mizuki and walked to the tent with an ugly expression. After a brief exchange with Dr. Ozaki, who had a frown, he looked solemnly at the stone puzzle that had been restored to its original appearance.

"That's just the way it is."

Dr. Ozaki said with a bit of pain on his tired face, blaming himself.

"The stone door suddenly opened. Consultant Gao Shu was sucked in to save me. When we came to our senses, the stone door had disappeared."

Touma Kaito pursed his lips in silence.

After learning that the consultant had an accident, he felt like a huge stone was weighing on his heart.

"It's my fault. If I had agreed to come with the consultant at that time..."

"It's useless to talk about it now," Ruixi said urgently, "The most important thing now is to rescue the consultant!"

"There is no other way but to send the puzzle back to the base first..."

"I will also go back to the base with you," Dr. Ozaki said cautiously. "This matter is my responsibility. I want to summon Shimen again. Please DASH to save Advisor Gao Shu."

The moment he was rescued by Natsuki, he seemed to see many scenes, and he felt that Natsuki was a very important person.

And even if it had nothing to do with it, he still had to take responsibility for it.

"Please be sure to bring back Consultant Gao Shu!"

"Can Shimen appear again?" Touma Kaito said in surprise.

"I was there when the puzzle was completed," Dr. Ozaki nodded slightly and smiled. "It just so happens that I have a hard time forgetting things that interest me, so I should be able to complete the puzzle again."


Ruixi, who touched the broken stone slab next to him, suddenly took a step back, looking as if he had seen a ghost.

"What's wrong, Team Mizuki?" Touma Kaito asked strangely.

"On this stone slab..."

Rui looked at the Max carving on the stone slab and the other opposing giant. The picture of Max fighting hard with the red light flashing appeared in his mind. His face changed and he smiled reluctantly: "No, it's nothing. Come back to the base quickly. It's okay." I wonder what’s going on with the consultant opposite the stone gate.”


Tara Star.

Xia Shu walked in the barren stone mountain and looked up at the three suns hanging in the sky.

This is the planet opposite the stone gate. The air is very stuffy. Although there is still a lot of vegetation, it is still lifeless. Even the sunlight is orange-red like the sunset.

"It really has no value."

Xia Shu climbed to the top of a mountain and looked around at bare rocky mountains. There was not even the slightest sign of civilization. In other words, most of the traces of civilization had dissipated or were buried underground.

Of course, being worthless is just for him.

What this planet lacks is food, but it is quite rich in various minerals. Now there is a mine under its feet, coupled with the buried relics of civilization, it is undoubtedly a treasure planet in front of humans on earth.

Even if he spends more time to transform, this place will still be of great value to him, especially since he also has the stone-eating Kakuma on hand, which can purify minerals. Judging from the performance on the wasteland planet, It can also transform fertile soil.

The problem is that he can't directly transport the entire planet yet, and it's useless no matter how hard he tries.

Xia Shu coughed a few times, gathered her thoughts and took out the DASH personal terminal, which had no signal.

It's time to think about how to go back.

This kind of place is not interesting at all, and it always reminds him of the time when O-50 was mining.


Going back is easy. Shimen can connect here and the earth. Of course, he can also create a wormhole to go back.

The problem is that it’s hard to explain to everyone at DASH.

"Who are you?" An alien wearing armor jumped up to the top of the mountain and looked at Natsuki suspiciously, "Aren't you Max?!"

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