Start with Batman

Chapter 61: Luo Shiyuan

death certificate?

Chu Cheng widened his eyes, looked at the clear photo again, confirmed again and again that this was indeed the Luo Yajun agent he knew, and also confirmed that the "death certificate" was genuine, and then he couldn't help but fell into a daze.

If the person is dead, then who is the same tough guy who took me to work and chat with the punisher before? Is the corpse talking?

But he soon noticed that the name on the death certificate was not Luo Yajun, but Luo Shiyuan.

Naturally, Chu Cheng quickly thought that it might be Agent Luo's twin brother, but after checking other documents, he soon found out that it was not.

This is Agent Luo, or the past him. When he was a magistrate, his name was Luo Shiyuan, but this identity had been dead for a while. The only one who was reborn from Nirvana is today's Luo Yajun, a special agent from Secret Service Nine.

The specific process of the period was also recorded in detail and sealed in the file, which was sealed and stored, and only internal personnel with relevant authority could view it.

Of course not for Batman.

The decipher easily handles the encryption, and all the electronic files appear one by one, like a picture scroll of virtual data laid out at a glance, silently telling a dusty story.


This is a story about a sheriff.

When he was first transferred to this city, Luo Shiyuan was still full of ambitions, imagining that he would make a big career. Together with his colleagues, he will go to the mountains of swords and fires, fight deadly dangerous elements, and take down the big drug lords who overwhelm the sky, just like he often does in movies.

But the reason why a movie is a movie is because it always gives the audience an explanation before the progress bar ends. The bad guys will be subdued by the sheriff, just like the light always illuminates all dark corners.

At first he really believed so naively, and he had hope for his future work. But his assigned partner didn't think so.

The partner is an old security officer named Brooke, who has been in this position for twenty years, a standard old fritter. When we first met Luo Shiyuan, one of his favorite words was "mind your own business".

But in Luo Shiyuan's view, he doesn't even manage his own affairs very well. The old magistrate turned a blind eye to almost everything. He neither sought advancement nor achievement. His greatest ideal in life was to spend the rest of his life in this unchanging position and retire home safely.

This is undoubtedly in conflict with Luo Shiyuan's philosophy. So they're always at loggerheads and see pretty much everything differently.

Originally he thought that they would slowly get used to each other and become more accepting of each other as time went by, but they didn't. In fact, their partner has lasted for many years, and they have always had difficulty understanding each other.

The old sheriff would always arrange for him to do some meaningless chores, and some drudgery that other old fritters didn't like to do. And Luo Shiyuan actually looked down on him deep in his heart. He felt that Brook was far from the tall image that a sheriff should have in his mind. He labeled the old guy as greedy for life and afraid of death, and felt that he was not the kind of person who would dedicate himself to a noble goal.

Until the last month of retirement, Brooke took a shot for his partner and fell forever before the finish line of his lifelong pursuit.

If there is an important turning point in Luo Shiyuan's life, it is undoubtedly the first one.

That was his fault.

Speaking of which, it wasn't even their case at all.

An eight-year-old girl went missing, and her parents reported it to the Sheriff's Department in desperation. Magistrate Tengu was originally in charge of the case, but his investigation has been going nowhere.

Luo Shiyuan felt that Teng Gu was a guy who failed to accomplish anything but failed. He had no ability or conviction, and every minute he wasted was precious to the girl and her parents.

He couldn't stand by and watch. So he tried his best to encourage Brooke to intervene in the case with him, vowing to save the child.

At first old Brooke, as always, disagreed. His goal in life is to be able to retire safely, never to make enemies or get into trouble in his life, and seeing that there is only one month left before this goal, he has no reason to solicit trouble that does not belong to him.

"That child is only eight years old." Luo Shiyuan stared at his partner's old eyes with scorching eyes, and said word by word, "Imagine if that was your daughter, would you still plan to stand by and do nothing?"

The old sheriff was persuaded.

Their partner went surprisingly smoothly, and quickly found the whereabouts of the girl and the whereabouts of the kidnapper.

But there is a difference in chess. They were ambushed.

Somehow, the other party seemed to know their actions tonight in advance. The kidnapper and his partner in turn ambushed the two, who were caught off guard.

With the help of reinforcements who arrived later, the criminal was subdued. The girl was successfully rescued, during which one person was sacrificed.

It was the old sheriff with only one month left in his term.

When cleaning up the scene, Luo Shiyuan was surprisingly calm. He was not angry, not sad, so calm that even those who tried to comfort him were overwhelmed.

He rejected the director's offer to let him go on vacation for recuperation, and only made one request, that is, he had a few questions for the kidnapper.

The chief agreed. It is his earned right.

But no one would have imagined at that time that Luo Shiyuan twisted the neck of the kidnapper in the interrogation room.

The act cost him his uniform and his job—thanks to the Chief's stronghold. They said it was criminals who attacked the police, otherwise things could have been even uglier.

But Luo Shiyuan's reaction to this was also very calm, as if he didn't care about these things.

A few days later, he found a speakeasy.

It was a bar in a gray area, owned by someone who was a big shot in the city's underworld. Many people know that there are shady activities under his name, but there is no evidence, and no one may ask.

When Ra Se-won finds Sheriff Teng-gu in a bar, the old guy is playing dice with a pair of bunny girls. He was a little surprised when he saw Luo Shiyuan.

"Hey, why are you here?"

But Teng Gu didn't ask any more questions soon, but got up and hugged his shoulder with a smile, as enthusiastic as a good brother he hasn't seen for many years.

"Ha, since you're here, you have to play well. This place is simply heaven. If it's your first time here, you've found the right person. I can take you..."

But Luo Shiyuan was not interested in his nonsense, and said bluntly: "On the day when Brooke and I acted, someone leaked the news. It could only be someone inside the Public Security Bureau."

Teng Gu froze for a moment.

"so what?"

"It's you, right?"

Luo Shiyuan looked at him coldly, his gaze was like a sharp knife.

He might have thought Tohgu would at least try to defend himself, but he didn't.

The old magistrate laughed haha: "So what?"

"Why?" Luo Shiyuan asked calmly.

"No reason."

Tengu sat back in his seat, took a sip of wine slowly, and then stretched his arms around a bunny girl.

"Because no one dares to meddle in my affairs." Teng Gu snorted, "I just can't understand the face of you, a top graduate. What do you want to prove? To prove that you are better than me? Hahaha, I'm just telling you , you are a joke.

You were lucky that that old man blocked the gun for you this time, take this as a If you dare to mess with me, you won’t be so lucky next time. "

Luo Shiyuan was silent for two seconds.

"Why don't I go talk to the chief about this?"

"Director? Ha, why don't you sit down and have a drink or something?" Teng Gu laughed, "We just talked on the phone, and the chief is on his way to have a drink with me. I've booked all his bunny girls for him. up.

Would you like to try it too? "

"That's it... okay." Luo Shiyuan closed his eyes gently, "You know, you're right. I'm just a joke, Brooke has been telling me that, he's been trying to teach me , but I always turn a deaf ear to..."

"It's okay, young people, it's normal to make mistakes." Instead, Teng Gu began to reprimand him in an elder tone, "You young people just like to think things too simply."

"Really? I think sometimes you make things too complicated."

Luo Shiyuan opened his eyes, and when he raised his head, there was already an exaggerated smile on the corner of his mouth that made people feel a bit creepy.

"Now, I'm going to make it easy again."

He took out his pistol and pointed the black muzzle at Tengu's head.

Tengu was taken aback: "Isn't your gun already...!?"

At this time, other people in the store were also alarmed by the movement here. Security guards in black suits began to approach.

"Are you crazy?" Teng Gu was a little flustered, he said in a deep voice, "Do you know where this is? Do you know the consequences of shooting a gun here?"

"have no idea."

Luo Shiyuan smiled and said slowly in the most indifferent voice.

"But we'll find out soon enough."


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