Star Rank Hunter

Chapter 1 Shadow Hunter


As the door of the small shop was pushed open, a soft female voice sounded.


At the same time as the voice sounded, a beautiful face appeared on the doors on both sides, with wavy blond hair, bright red lips, flashing smile, and flamboyant sweetness.

But the person who pushed the door and entered didn't pay much attention to this beautiful face. Instead, he frowned and shouted towards the counter: "Xilin, how many years has it been since you asked old Devon to change this face!"

The young man behind the counter who was busy with the wine bottle shrugged, "No way, the boss likes it."

"Come on, it's harder to get old Dai Wen to change his welcome image than to get him to quit gambling." Some people in the wine booed and shouted loudly with laughter.

As the dream lover of men on the entire planet thirty years ago, the face on the door really fascinated many people. Time is the cruelest killer. The famous singer and on-screen lover died because of the failure of genetic transformation. In the first ten years, many people still put holograms and electronic pictorials of this beautiful singer in their rooms, but after all, the three Ten years have passed, with the ebb and flow of the tide, the passing of time, the new beauty will obliterate the beauty of the past, and not many people are willing to look back at the fantasy that has long since existed in the past.

Of course, the owner of this wine, Old Devon, is a long-term lover. Even though thirty years have passed, he still puts the image of this beautiful singer in the welcome screen of the wine. For more than thirty years, as always, this It is also one of the topics that the guests who come here talk about.

The visitor curled his lips, as if he didn't think so much of the store manager's approach, and he didn't bother to say anything more. He walked to an empty seat by a table and sat down, surrounded by acquaintances, and soon began to chat. order.

Xilin, that is, the boy standing at the counter, took a bottle of wine named "Smile Under the Hot Sun" from the wine cabinet, put it on the table in front of the visitor, opened the bottle cap, and then left to give it to other guests. take wine.

Without any extra words, the visitor still chatted with the guys around, took a sip from the wine bottle that had been uncorked.

"Ha, it's better to drink this wine, it's spicy enough, and it's strong!"

Xilin smiled, returned to the counter, and recorded the accounts in the electronic book.

This wine is very ordinary, and the town where it is located is also very ordinary. Almost all of them are grassroots people. In the words of the people in the central city, they are "inferior people", or even worse, "untouchables".

The untouchables have the happiness of the untouchables. They like to sit in a wine room without high-end robots but only rely on human service, drink cheap but strong wine, talk to their familiar drinking buddies about what happened at the end of the day, and complain about the boss who squeezed them by the way , Gossip about someone’s gossip, simple and beautiful.

The "high-class people" in the prosperous areas don't understand the happiness of these poor people, just like successful people in exquisite clothes running on the road of money and power, and occasionally seeing a stray cat fluttering flies excitedly when passing by a ruin, they You will think: It takes a lot of time to do such a thing, it is worthy of a humble life.

What is meanness? What is nobility?

The seven-element gene level separates all these. Bad genetics bad people, high genetics noble people, that's all.

These people, including Xilin, are all F-level genotypes, and they can be classified as lowly poor on this planet. People with E-level genotypes will be granted the opportunity to work in prosperous areas, and D-level and above Talented people will really gain a foothold in the prosperous area.

As for the G class, that is the saddest category of people, born with inferior and incomplete genes, and the diseases brought about cannot be saved by simple treatment, such as severe deformities, such as premature aging, and other congenital diseases. Xilin's former little girlfriend, Hena, has a g-level genotype. Premature aging and congenital diseases, coupled with poor conditions, prevented that lovely girl from spending her best youth at all.

The offspring of high-quality genes and high-quality genotypes will not be worse, or even better, while the offspring of low-quality and low-quality genotypes are the opposite, and the polarization is becoming more and more serious, so more people with low-level genotypes try genetic changes, but they succeed. There are very few people, and apart from the huge consumption of funds, the probability of successful genetic transformation is extremely low. The higher you go, the more difficult it becomes. And the on-screen lover thirty years ago became history precisely because of the failure of genetic transformation. …

People are born to be unequal, but habit can make people numb.

"Hey, Xilin, old Devon hasn't shown up for many days, and the blind date hasn't come back yet?" Someone yelled.

"Yes, the success rate this time should be quite high." Xilin replied with a smile.

"Tch——" Everyone didn't take it seriously, and began to criticize old Devon's history of failed blind dates.

Xilin just listened with a smile and didn't comment. He didn't tell those people that in fact, old Devon became rich overnight because he won a big prize and went to realize his dream.

Old Devon's dream—to find a woman with an e-level genotype who is neither too young nor too old, take out the sperm stored in the sperm bank in the early years, and preferably give birth to a baby with an e-level gene, and start a new life in the urban area. A small shop, live a stable life. As long as you have money, you won't have to worry about finding a woman with the e-class genotype, even if old Devin is a lower f-class genotype.

The annual water, land, and air amphibious competition is something that people on the entire planet pay special attention to, and it is also what gamblers look forward to most, because the lottery is big enough, even if it is not completely won, as long as it meets a certain standard, it will make the poor overnight. Get rich. Old Devon was able to get out of poverty by winning the big lottery of this event.

Of course, the reason why old Devon was able to win this lottery was mostly due to Cillin. Every time old Devon made a bet, he would ask Cillin before he dared to place a bet.

Although Old Devon is a money fanatic, he still treats Xilin very well, otherwise Xilin would not help him. Moreover, old Dawen remitted the dividends of this lottery to Xilin on the same day.

As the night deepened, the guests slowly left.

Xilin took a shower, changed his clothes, sprayed a special potion to remove other smells, and locked the store door. Looking at the black sky, there are some fine star-like dots flickering there.

The weather forecast says that there will be moderate rain for an hour starting at zero o'clock, and it is still forty minutes before zero o'clock.

Forty minutes...enough.

Thirty minutes later, Xilin came to a factory area under the cover of some protruding eaves and outer sheds, dexterously avoided the peripheral scanning, took out a magnetic card prepared in advance, opened the main door, and sneaked in quietly A staff quarters next to the warehouse. After all, it is not a central city, and the protection system of such a small place is neither sophisticated nor complicated.

The person lying on the bed seemed to be aware of it, but before he could take any action, he lost consciousness, as if falling into a deep sleep again. But somewhere behind the man's ears and neck, covered by hair, three pitch-black thin needles were silently inserted there.

Xilin's hand swept lightly, retracted the needle, and after making sure that there were no other traces left, he left along the eaves and the outer shed as before.

The sky has "eyes of the sky", and thermal energy weapons will be detected by the local area detection network. If we don't know how to solve things silently, we can only use primitive methods, because they have no energy fluctuations.

As a hunter, Xilin can be regarded as having a hard time. Because of his age and genotype, he cannot be an aboveboard hunter. To be more precise, Xilin is a shadow hunter. The so-called shadow hunter is to cooperate with hunters but But in the dark, the general term for the kind of people whose identities are sensitive and can't see the light.

From the age of 14 to the present, Xilin has been a shadow hunter for nearly three years. He chose to be a hunter at first because of Hena's illness. After Hena passed away, Xilin kept this job. Because it takes a lot of money to leave this planet safely.

Five minutes after Xilin left, another black shadow sneaked in, took away the person who had been dealt with by Xilin, and exchanged for the bounty, which was then shared equally.

In the past three years of cooperation, that hunter has never known the identity of "Shadow". Of course, that hunter doesn't care, as long as he can successfully catch the prey in exchange for rewards, the rest is not important. And Xilin also believed that the hunter he chose would not spend much effort to find out the identity of "Shadow", because Xilin had made great efforts to analyze various possible situations from various factors before choosing the cooperation target.

For some unqualified hunters, without the "shadow", they would not be able to complete the task and get money, and would lose their lives instead. Therefore, to a certain extent, these hunters and shadows have a mutually beneficial and symbiotic relationship. As for top hunters, they don't need shadows at all. Of course, the hunter group is an exception, which is a special kind of existence.

The hunter would never have imagined that the "shadow" genotype that he cooperated with the d-level genotype was only f-level, and no one would believe it.

At midnight, there was the sound of pattering, and Xilin was sitting in an abandoned building, watching the water droplets getting bigger and bigger outside. The rain washed away Xilin's residual breath and tiny traces, which was one of the reasons why Xilin chose to act at this time.

Xilin doesn't know what natural raindrops look like. He has only seen them on TV. They don't exist on this planet at all. There are only weather accurately controlled by weather stations, precise sunlight intensity, and simulated wind, rain, thunder and lightning. Everything is man-made.

A gust of wind blows, through the cracked wall, Xilin smells the smell of cement and waste slag, besides, there are some unexpectedly familiar smells...

Xilin raised his eyebrows, carefully distinguishing the smell in the wind, and after confirming, his expression was strange. He didn't expect that in this day and age, there are still people using it.


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