Star Boss, she is beautiful and sassy

Chapter 326 326. Dazzling mecha skills! Charlotte kills the queen ant!

However, Professor Adolf looked at the scene in the field. Apart from the queen ant that fell to the ground, there was only one medium-sized soldier ant dead at the scene.

In this way, the fighting speed of this team must be very fast, and Professor Adolf quickly came to a judgment.

Even if he couldn't see the overall situation, he could fully calculate based on his experience. To be able to preemptively strike to this extent, either the team's combat effectiveness and coordination ability are amazing, or this mecha is a master of the middle class.

On the other end, Eric watched Charlotte kill the queen ant with one blow, which was totally different from what he expected!

It was too fast, he never knew that a girl's mecha driving ability could be so powerful! Obviously she just entered the senior year!

Not only Eric, but Jason and Justin were even more surprised, because according to their prediction, 4 people would definitely not be able to fight these 6 Gnus army ants so quickly!

They didn't even use any strategies and tactics, but before they started attacking, she said something to them, trying to hold back the small soldier ants and worker ants.

Then, she alone beheaded the medium-sized soldier ant in charge of commanding, bypassed the weaker male ant, and finally killed the queen ant with lightning speed!

The process is very simple, yes, but the complex combination of mech skills is simply dazzling!

Eric, Jason, and Justin were all amazed by Charlotte's mech driving ability. Even though they didn't show it, the amazement in their hearts was real, and it was hard to express in words.

Because the battle was still going on, several people did not talk about their feelings in private, but continued to clean up the mess in front of them.

Now that the queen ant has been killed, and the medium-sized soldier ant commanding the battle has already been decapitated by Charlotte, this highly centralized ant colony race is bound to collapse.

This is the shortcoming of the swarm Zerg type. They do have advantages that cannot be ignored in terms of hunting. They come out of the nest, have a clear division of labor, and are unstoppable, but that is based on the fact that the queen and the command leader are safe and healthy.

Once the soldier ant leader who was in charge of commanding the battle died, the battle situation would be chaotic, but that wasn't enough to kill them.

The real crisis is that even the ant queen has problems.

At that time, it will not be a simple problem of a group of dragons without a leader, but the entire ethnic group will show a chaotic situation.

After all, it is not a group of high-level intelligence, they will not be like human beings, and they can still have Plan B.

Once the queen dies, they will only scurry around the queen's corpse, and their consciousness of active attack is almost zero.

Charlotte is very smart and knows to let others trip the worker ants and small soldier ants, and then kill the leader soldier ant first.

Her train of thought was very clear from the beginning, and she didn't directly attack the queen. After all, in the station, the leader soldier ant is right next to the queen ant, and it is impossible to kill the queen ant unless it is dealt with first.

With such a huge tonnage as the queen ant, she had to use advanced mecha skills to kill it, and the obstacles in the way had to be cleared.

Otherwise, the leader soldier ant is likely to stand in front of the queen ant desperately, making her lose the best attack opportunity in vain.

Once noticed by the queen ant, Charlotte's target is it, and the queen ant will issue instructions.

At that time, all the ant beasts will frantically attack Charlotte, and she will be completely entangled.

Therefore, Charlotte must hit with one blow, otherwise it will take more energy, and strategic and tactical adjustments must be made.

Charlotte's goal has always been clear, she knows exactly what to do in the first step and what to do in the second step.

As for the male ant, nothing to fear.

Although it has wings and is good at flying, its flying is more for communicating with the queen.

The reason why the system counts it is purely for the purpose of completely reproducing the group division of Gnus army ants.

In fact, in terms of combat effectiveness, male ants are not very useful even in real battles, they are just passed on from generation to generation.

The two most critical ant beasts were beheaded, and the rest would have to be destroyed one by one.

It's just that everyone understands the truth, but it is very difficult to break through the obstacles at such a fast speed and kill the queen ant and the leader soldier ant who is in charge of commanding the battle.

If it were really that simple, why would Gnus army ants be afraid of it? Everyone just goes and kills the queen directly.

It is precisely because it cannot be done that Gnus army ants are such a headache.

The generals of the southern border military region classified the Gnus army ant as a very difficult type of Zerg.

Army ants don't allow people to break through their defenses so easily, but Charlotte's ability to do this fully demonstrates her agility and speed.

Among the army ants that move so fast, she can do this, which shows that her mecha driving ability is extraordinary.

Charlotte doesn't look like a novice who has just been promoted to a senior grade. Even if she is an old student who is about to graduate from the fifth grade, there should be few people who can be better than her.

The most important thing is that Charlotte has only been in Gervas for more than a year, and she has already shown such a high level.

Over time, with more training and training, his mecha piloting level will definitely rise to another level!

It is not an exaggeration to call this kind of excellent innate ability "amazing talent".

If he enters the military department in the future, he will definitely have a bright future.

So far, Eric and the others have a new understanding of Charlotte.

Charlotte is like this. When you get in touch with her deeply, you will be more attracted to certain qualities in her.

Her strength and self-confidence, maturity and stability are always admirable.

With Charlotte, many times everyone will ignore her gender and simply admire her as a person.

In the training ground, the two most important ant beasts were killed, and the remaining four stopped fighting with Eric and the others as early as the moment the queen died.

Surrounding the queen ant, they appeared anxious and scurrying around.

An ant colony that loses its queen is like fish on a chopping board, ready to be slaughtered.

Charlotte didn't even use complicated mech techniques, and quickly killed the male ant flying around the queen ant.

The remaining three were also wiped out by Eric and the others.

So far, in less than 10 minutes, all 6 Gnus army ants were killed.

Their giant holographic images gradually dissipated in place.

In this simulated training field, not only Dean Purville and the others, but also other senior students around have paid attention to the battle on Charlotte's side.

Charlotte used complex mech techniques one after another, causing quite a stir, which naturally attracted the attention of others.

At first, it was those people who were close to their site, and later, people farther away also paid attention to the situation here.

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