Stand User in Marvel Universe

Chapter 75 Running out of breath

Taking off (crab) naked and putting it in a bag, Dior lays down between the two women for finishing touches.

About another hour later, the two women woke up one after another. They couldn't remember what happened after they got drunk yesterday, but everything in front of them was enough to show that no one suspected that the three of them were stripped (crabs) and lay on the bed last night. In order to play the landlord.

After last night's busy work, Dior was somewhat tired and had no interest in what to do with the two girls, so he declined their invitation to exercise again in the morning, and then put on yesterday's clothes and took the two girls out.

After staying at the hotel and having lunch together, the two women reluctantly parted with Dior. Before leaving, they left their real name and phone number, and hinted that he could contact him at any time if he wanted to 'drink' with them. they.

Dior agreed with a smile, and finally patted their plump buttocks with a gesture of reconnection, and turned away amid the coquettish laughter of the two women.

Everything seemed so natural and normal, even the two suspected SHIELD agents didn't notice anything unusual, but the envy and hatred in their hearts were hard to describe in words.

People were drinking whiskey with their arms around beautiful women in the bar. They only dared to order a glass of wine and sat for hours, and finally fled under the contemptuous eyes of the bartender.

People took two hot girls in the hotel room, and they fought fiercely all night, but they could only hide in the car and drink coffee and sleep in turns for a short while.

People can play friendship guns that don't need money, and leave after the end, but they can only eat sandwiches, and they can't even find the opportunity to play a plane.

This is so life!

The two suddenly wanted to cry, but when they thought that today's report had not been done, they immediately stopped crying.

. . . . . . . . . .

After returning to the restaurant, Dior leisurely brewed a pot of tea for himself. He belongs to the kind of person who must add sugar to drink coffee, and he can drink it but doesn't like it very much. Of course, it is the same with tea. He will put rock candy in it every time, which belongs to the level of carrying the handle in the evil way!

No way, it's not just a matter of taste, he just feels that life is already so hard, why bother himself.

He has heard the words 'bitter first, then sweet', 'endless aftertaste', 'it's not tea but life'. There is only endless bitterness, and no trace of sweetness can be found.

So the evil way is the evil way, anyway, he can't be elegant, and when it comes to a certain time and occasion, he can barely put on a dress.

Just...seems like I forgot something?

Dio put down the sweet, greasy tea in his hand and thought about it carefully until he noticed the broom out of the corner of his eye.

Isn't that Will guy still at the bar?

After thinking for a while, he took out his mobile phone and called Will. The call went through, but he hung up after a while. Dior called again, but this time he was rejected in seconds.

Did something happen?

Dior looked a little wrong, and then made another call, which was finally connected this time.

"I'll talk about it later, I'm very busy right now!"

Dior looked strangely at the phone that was hung up again. It was noon, and he was still 'running'? And listening to the voice, it seemed to be the two women that Will threw in the bar with Will yesterday.

Did you just wake up and start exercising? It's really hard enough!

"It's okay, I didn't waste the wine money I spent yesterday." Dio sighed and ignored him.

As a result, half an hour later, Will drove to the door of the restaurant with a sad face, and almost cried out of grievance as soon as he entered the door.

"What's the matter? Not happy after exercising, kidney deficiency?" Dior gave him a playful look.

Then he heard Will say indignantly: "Those two Bichi,

Yesterday I drank mine and ate mine, but when I left, I didn't forget to take the last bit of money from Lao Tzu. What is the difference between this and those prostitutes (crabs)! "

Dior almost spit when he heard it, and then the tears of laughter almost came out.

You don't have to think about it, people think that it's a loss to play with Will for a night of fun, and it's still three people together, so they simply take the 'mental loss fee' and leave.

Maybe when Will this guy started 'running', the 'treadmill' was taken on before it started working.

"Come on, I was the one who paid the bill yesterday. Even if I feel wronged, it's not your turn. Besides, when you called me just now, you didn't speak like that. I guess you have forgotten everyone."

"Are you the same?" Will's eyes suddenly lit up when he heard this.

"Sorry, my money is only given to the hotel, and there is a follow-up, you can't be envious." With that, Dior took out two notes that still smelled of perfume and threw them on the table.

Will hurriedly opened it, and then sat back in a slump. Sure enough, people are different, who is more dead than who!

"By the way, didn't you say yesterday that you have another date? Where's the beauty from the IRS?"

"I just said there was something, but I didn't say it was with her. It was like that yesterday, and I forgot it long ago. It's not important anyway." Dio explained casually and plugged the last loophole.

Will is the same, even if the situation yesterday is a big thing, he will not care about it.

"Okay, it's a holiday today, get out of here, I'll do it here." Dior was going to send him away, and he started to kryptonize gold. With so many gold bars, he was looking forward to this harvest.

However, Will, as if he didn't hear it, sat there awkwardly and rubbed around, neither speaking nor walking.

Dio glanced at him, as if he had thought of something, then took out his wallet and silently took out a thousand dollars from it and slapped it on the table.

"Get out of here! This money will be deducted from your next month's salary!"

"Hey, is it a little less, there is still a day before next month's salary..."

"Want it? That's all, take it back if you don't want it!"

When Will saw Dior reaching out to get it back, he immediately grabbed the money on the table and ran away. He originally had more than 2,000, but the two Bitches didn't leave him a single point and took them all. But a big loss.

If more than 2,000 people go to the street girl, how many times will you have to be happy, Mad!

"If you let me know that you spent all the thousand dollars on those prostitutes (crabs), don't even think about getting a cent from me! Spend Q!"

Across the door, Dior pointed a big middle finger to Will. The net income of ten thousand dollars a month is not enough for this guy to go out and have fun, looking for a woman, what a talent!

But to be honest, only when he was with Will did he feel extra relaxed. This is the role of friends.

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