"No evidence!?"

"How can there be no evidence?"

"How can you be sure that there is no evidence!?"

Qin Zhi stepped on high heels and walked up to Zhu Yi and asked a little out of shape.

If what Zhu Yi said was true, it really gave her hope and made her despair at the same time.

Do you want her to watch her sister's killer go unpunished?!


"I'm sure!"

Zhu Yi sighed and said in a deep voice: "You also know, I have been investigating this case for three years, and I know all the known clues and suspect information of the year!" "

"The reason why I couldn't find the murderer before was because the murderer's luck was too good, and it was also because Liu Qiang's luck was too good!"

"In the sixth homicide case of the year, the deceased was stabbed in the abdomen, killed with a knife, and the wound and the deceased had 80% of the match, the deceased was killed at night, the weather was raining, and the shoes on his feet were taken away by the murderer after being killed, and the most important thing is that the deceased's occupation was also a prostitute!"

That's right, in the six murders that year, except for Qin Zhi's sister Qin Xianglan, the other victims were all prostitutes!

is different from the "seven crimes" that have just been determined, all the commonalities of the murders back then are on the surface, which can be described as clear.

But anyone with a little IQ knows at a glance that this is a serial homicide case!

"It is precisely because there are so many coincidences that the case handled at that time counted the case committed by Liu Qiang into the serial homicide case."

"This is Liu Qiang's luck, and it's also the luck of that murderer!"

"At that time, Liu Qiang was still in prison, which made it more difficult to solve this case."

"So it's not how powerful the murderer was back then, it's the smoke bomb that Liu Qiang helped put is powerful enough."

"Fortunately, yesterday, because of Wang Xuewei, we cleared this fog bomb."

"I'm so familiar with this case, and after removing the fog bomb, I was able to easily lock up the murderer, or the major suspect!

"But one of the biggest problems has arisen!"

"We have no proof!"

Speaking of this, Zhu Yi swept around in front of everyone and asked: "I deduced his motive for committing the crime, I deduced his murder method, and I deduced the reason why the murderer did not continue to commit the crime later!" "

"However, I found that I could not find any evidence!"

"Do you think there is any decisive evidence in three years?"

Zhu Yi's questioning silenced everyone, and their interest became extremely heavy.

Evidence of the murder weapon!?

The murder weapon must be a knife, but it is absolutely impossible for the murderer to stay until now, and even if it is still there, it is impossible to detect it on the murderer, unless the murderer has maintained the murder weapon in a murderous state!


Three years have passed, and the murderer can say anything!


Not a single one!

"What about the five pairs of shoes of the deceased?" Liang Bin said suddenly.

"Back then, the victims except Xianglan were all taken away by the murderer after being killed, there should be some special reason."

"These five pairs of shoes may still be there!"

Qin Zhi's eyes lit up when she heard this, this was indeed a piece of evidence.

If the murderer is a perverted murderer, taking away five pairs of shoes also has some kind of purpose, or can these five pairs of shoes be proof!?

"The shoes are there, but they're useless!" Zhu Yi waved his hand, and then nodded at Jiang Hao.

The latter understood, and immediately took out a box and put it on the table to open it, which contained five pairs of shoes.

Seeing this, everyone was taken aback, and Qian Haoyang asked with some surprise, "Is this this....."

"That's right, it's the shoes that were taken away after the death of the five victims!" Without waiting for Qian Haoyang to finish asking, Zhu Yi nodded affirmatively.

"How did you find these shoes?" Liang Bin asked in surprise.

Zhu Yi's movements are inevitably too fast, right?

"Maybe it's thanks to Zhang Song!" Zhu Yi sighed.

"The murderer lives in the Wangshan community, what do you think he will do if he hears about it, or even went to the scene to see the murder committed by Zhang Song, and sees the reasoning of me and Xu Luo?"

What will happen?

The crowd brought in themselves.

If they were to be reminded of this memory after three years, there was no doubt that they would definitely check what was not good for them as soon as possible.

Hmm~~ If this thing exists!

"Looks like you've got it in mind!"

Seeing everyone's expressions in his eyes, Zhu Yi said with a straight face, "After deducing who might be the murderer yesterday, I found out that this suspect still lives in Wangshan Community, so I arranged for someone to target him." "

"This morning, the people I arranged for found out that the suspect went to a fishing boat on the Fucheng River, found these five pairs of shoes from it and threw them away."

"My people filmed the whole process and got these five pairs of shoes back!"

"Then what are you hesitating about?" Liang Bin asked suspiciously.

"It's useless!" Zhu Yi sighed.

"I arranged for someone to have the five pairs of shoes identified, and there was no useful biological information left on them."

"As long as we can't prove that the five pairs of shoes belong to the five victims, even if we catch that person, it's useless."

"So unless the criminal turns himself in, we can't do anything about him!"


"How so!?" Qian Haoyang angrily slammed the table.

In Daxia, there are strict requirements for mirror investigation to convict people in handling cases.

The first type is where three or more persons testify and the facts are clear and reasonable doubt can be eliminated, they may be convicted and punished, but if documentary or physical evidence is needed, the conviction cannot be based on words alone.

Moreover, in sentencing all cases, emphasis should be placed on evidence, investigation and research, and confessions should not be easily believed.

Evidence must be verified and verified before it can be used as the basis for a verdict.

There are many types of evidence, including physical evidence; documentary evidence; witness testimony; victim statements; confessions and justifications of criminal suspects and defendants; Appraisal opinions; Records of inquests, inspections, identifications, and investigative experiments; Audiovisual materials, electronic data.

When this evidence can be a chain of evidence, people can be convicted.

However, if there is no conclusive evidence, it is also possible to have circumstantial evidence that can corroborate each other.

But three years have passed.

Things and clues that can be used as evidence must have been cleared.

Three years ago, due to the existence of that smoke bomb, the mirror investigation made a lot of targeted investigations here, resulting in very little evidence and clues available!

"Anyway, since the suspect has been locked, I have to bring him back to investigate!" Liang Bin said in a solemn voice.

Although I can't think of what flaws and evidence the murderer will leave behind now.

But he firmly believes that the French Open will be restored, negligent but not leaky, negligent but not leaky!

"That's the best!"

"No, he'd better pray he'll be caught."

After listening to Liang Bin's words, the expression on Qin Zhi's face became very indifferent.

"If it really lets him escape in the end."

"Then I'll do it myself!"

At this moment, in front of so many mirror envoys, Qin Zhi made no secret of his killing intent.

"Forensic Doctor Qin!" Liang Bin opened his mouth to say something.

But after meeting those eyes without the slightest emotional fluctuation, he swallowed the words back.

She thought that Qin Zhi was cold enough before, but now she realized that she had converged too much before.

"I knew you would!"

Zhu Yi was not surprised by Qin Zhi's attitude at all, and said seriously: "Didn't you wonder why I asked Liang Bin to stop Xu Luo from joining the serious crime team yesterday? "

"I'm just afraid to expose one of my plans!"

"Actually, it doesn't matter if there is no evidence to catch the murderer!"

"It doesn't matter if we can't catch him!"

"As long as the dark enforcer finds the truth, he will definitely be judged."

"And we can use this to set up a situation, and wait for the dark enforcers to judge the murderer and help those dead avenge him, and then arrest him!"


After using others to take revenge, catch them again!

The stone hammer is over, this Zhu Yi's heart is definitely black!

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