To be honest, technical secondary school students in the early 1980s did not have any sense of inferiority even when facing college students.

Because during the senior high school entrance examination, only the students with the best grades will go to the technical secondary school, and the students with the second best grades will go to the high school.

This is very realistic. After entering a technical secondary school, you will be a cadre after graduation, and you will be able to assign work and have an iron rice bowl.

In the 1980s, universities did not expand their enrollment. There were 50 high school students in a class, and at most 4 or 5 could be admitted to university.

Some high school students who did not pass the college entrance examination were lucky enough to be able to be substitute teachers, while those who were unlucky could only enter a factory as an ordinary worker. If you are a rural child, you will still be a farmer when you go back.

So Chen Qi and the others heard Zhang Jun's sarcasm, but they didn't have the mentality of "dare to be angry but dare not speak up", and they all dared to go back.

Chen Qi looked at Zhang Jun and Li Jun behind him, and didn't want to make the relationship too rigid. After all, Li Jun was still a teacher and a member of the People's Hospital.

What is an intern? To put it bluntly, it was just passing by in a hurry, and the two sides really had a fierce conflict, and the "outsider" intern must be the one who suffered.

At that time, a disqualified internship comment, graduation assignment, don't want to have a good job, that will completely ruin a person's future.

Chen Qi stood up from the stone bench, and made a downward movement with his hand, signaling to the students to be safe and not to worry:

"Student Zhang, I don't like to hear what you say. No one is born knowing everything, just like when you just practiced half a year ago, how can you write a serious medical record in a standardized way? The writing is not bad? Thinking about the path I have traveled, there is really no need to sneer at other students."

Zhang Jun considers himself a college student, and his sense of superiority is still very inflated:

"Student Chen Qi, writing a medical record requires brains, and it's not something you children can discuss and discuss when you gather together. How about this, you guys call me Teacher Zhang, and I am willing to condescend and use my own How about helping you after get off work?"

Ding Bitao cursed in a low voice: "Shit, I'm an intern and I want to be a teacher."

Just now Zhang Jun demoted some technical secondary school students, which made other students in the garden very unconvinced.

Bian Hongen's temper was quite impatient, and she replied loudly: "Hey, this classmate, what's the matter with the technical secondary school students? College students are amazing?"

Zhang Jun looked at Ai Kelong, and the two laughed together: "College students are really amazing, haha."

As soon as these words came out, all the technical secondary school students here blushed.

Dean Gu stood not far away and saw it clearly, thinking that these college students were clearly not pure in their minds, trying to disturb the learning atmosphere on the spot, so that this group of health school interns could not learn the teaching of medical records.

Of course, he didn't mean to stand up and uphold justice. A majestic dean wouldn't care about these trivial matters.

He also wanted to see how the squad leader Chen Qi would fight back. Leaders in this era don't like cowards.

What can Chen Qi do? Have a fight in the garden? Or is it like a shrew swearing at the street, putting his hands on his waist and spitting all over the place? If you really want to do this, you will be punished severely.

So he thought of another method, Wendou, to defeat them in the field they are best at.

"How about this, student Zhang Jun, let's just compete and write the major medical records and the first medical records, how about it? Let's see if your college students are good or our technical secondary school students are good."

Zhang Jun clapped his hands confidently: "Great, how do you compare?"

"The rules are also simple. Let's admit a newly admitted patient at the same time in the afternoon, complete the first course record and major medical records independently, and then let the teachers of the medical education department be the judges to see who has higher quality and whose diagnosis is more correct. How about it?" ?”

"Succeed, since student Chen is so confident, let's compare and let you know what college elite education is."

Seeing that the two were about to bet, Ai Kelong jumped out quickly: "Since it's a competition, of course we have to place some bets, so what if we win, and what if we lose?"

Li Jun was still happy when he heard it just now, and he wanted to give this technical secondary school student a chance to slap him. When he heard that he was about to place a bet, he was shocked:

"You can't gamble, it's against discipline."

When Ai Kelong heard it, he explained again and again: "It's not gambling, we're just joking, haha, how about the loser please eat three servings of braised pork?"

Zhang Jun nodded proudly: "Then let's have three bowls of braised pork, it will be cheaper for you."

Just as Wang Shannong was about to say something, he was stopped by Chen Qi:

"Three bowls of braised pork, that's too little. You see, we have 20 students here. If you don't want to gamble, you can bet on 20 bowls of braised pork."

20 bowls of braised pork, even if the hospital canteen does not require meat tickets and money, but the "vegetable tickets" issued by the canteen alone cost 32 yuan, which is almost a month's salary for an ordinary worker.

The stakes are actually very high.

Dean Guo, who was hiding aside, gasped when he heard it, thinking what a good guy, are these students so rich now? Braised pork can be made casually?

Upon hearing this, Zhang Jun stretched out his right hand: "Come on, classmate Chen, if a man keeps his word, let's high-five as a pledge."

Chen Qi also stretched out his right hand, and was about to knock on it when Lan Lijuan stopped him: "Squad leader Chen, you..."

Chen Qi was a little dissatisfied: "Student Lan, they have delivered meat to your door, you don't want to eat it yet, what are you afraid of, do you think I will lose?"

Upon hearing this, Lan Lijuan stomped her feet, "It's 32 yuan."

Zhang Jun was dissatisfied when he heard it: "It's really crazy. You have lost so much braised pork by then, so don't go home and cry. Seeing that you are dressed like this, the conditions at home will not be very good, tsk tsk tsk."

Chen Qi didn't talk nonsense, just hit Zhang Jun's palm, and the rules of the game were set in this way.

Zhang Jun laughed loudly and followed Li Jun out of the small garden.

On Chen Qi's side, there was an uproar. Even Pan Ye looked at the monitor worriedly. The other party was an old fritter who had been intern for half a year and was a college student. The pressure was not ordinary.

"Squad leader, are you okay?"

"Of course there is a problem."


"What I'm worried about is how we can finish eating so much braised pork."


The small garden was full of laughter again. Newborn calves are not afraid of tigers. Whoever you are, you have to fight. Didn’t the great leader say that fighting with the sky and people is a lot of fun.

Dean Guo smiled and shook his head when he heard this. Although he thinks the stakes are a bit high, the interns on both sides have competition and pressure on each other. This is a good thing and can improve the efficiency of the internship.

After returning to the office, he called Qi Daming, the chief of the medical department, and asked him to come right away.

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