Since 1981 Health School

Chapter 808 Naughty and Troublesome Boy

The Chinese New Year is a time for family reunions. In China in 1991, the Spring Festival atmosphere was still very strong.

Today is the day for the Zhong family to have a dinner together. There are three tables in the house. According to Yuezhong rules, there is usually one table for men, one table for women, and one table for children.

"Come, let's toast to the new year!"

"I wish mom and dad good health!"

"Boss made a fortune last year, and I will try to make a fortune again this year!"

The atmosphere in the living room was lively. The men all held up their wine glasses and kept saying good things and eating delicious food. Father Zhong and Mother Zhong, who were sitting first, laughed happily.

At the women's table, everyone was asking each other's parents to ask what their sons' grades were, what competitions their daughters had participated in, what beautiful clothes they had bought, etc.

When the family was having a family reunion, suddenly there was a sound of breaking a bowl from the children's table next to it, which attracted everyone's attention.

Then I heard a child complaining:

"Third father, your Minghao is causing trouble again~~"

"Zhong Minghao, if you don't want to eat it yourself, why did you drop the bowl?~~"

"You're such a nuisance! We all don't like you!"

A group of children gathered around a trembling little boy of about 10 years old and loudly condemned him. Everyone's eyes were filled with anger and their expressions were so disgusting.

Next to the table, a table full of delicious food had been knocked over, and many of the dishes were broken.

During the Chinese New Year, Hao Hao was eating, and the table was overturned. No one could bear it.

The adults hurried over, each holding their own children, then looked at the trembling little boy in the corner and cursed:

"Minghao, why are you so ignorant?"

"That's right, everyone was happy before, but you always made them unhappy!"

"How come we have a troublemaker like you in our Zhong family? I can't even talk about it, and I can't persuade you. It's such a shame!"

Zhong Minghao didn't refute, he just sat on the ground and hugged his knees, lowered his head, and huddled up.

Just when everyone thought the matter was over, Zhong Minghao suddenly moved, picked up a bowl next to him and threw it heavily to the ground, cursing loudly:

"You bastard, you are all bastards, you are all big turtles, you are a big turtle, and you are all little turtles!"

After the child finished scolding, his fierce expression just now suddenly turned into one of fear and helplessness, and he shrank into a ball again.

Everyone in the Zhong family, old and young, was scolded like a turtle. It was like setting off a firecracker. Everyone exploded:

"Zhong Minghao, do you want to die?"

"It's too much, Third Brother, come here and see what your son has done!"

"You bastard, why did the third family have such a prodigal and violent maniac!"

Zhong Hengyuan and his wife Du Wenjuan, who were cooking in the kitchen, hurried out and saw the mess in the living room, and then looked at the shivering appearance, feeling unspeakably uncomfortable in their hearts.

Not angry.

Du Wenjuan hurried over and held her son in his arms: "Xiao Hao, are you injured?"

Zhong Hengyuan nodded and bowed to the relatives around him:

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, it's my Xiaohao who is at fault. I apologize to everyone on his behalf!"

Suddenly, a 16- or 7-year-old boy stood up, slammed the door and walked out: "I can't eat this meal. Don't call me when Zhong Minghao is around from now on."

"Xiaoyuan Xiaoyuan, this child is just the third child. Your son is too disappointing~~"

"That's right, such a young child talks dirty words and gets beaten up at every turn. How can this happen when he grows up? He will go to jail~~"

"Lao San, can you educate me? If you can't educate me, I will educate you for you. It's outrageous~~"

Father Zhong also came over at this time, looked at his third son's family, sighed and said:

"Third brother, why don't you go home first and let Xiaohao go home and reflect!"

Zhong Hengyuan and Du Wenjuan looked at each other, sighed slightly and stood up:

"Then, father, mother, and everyone else, please eat slowly first. There is still meat stewed in the pot. Don't forget it later."

"Then let's go home first, sorry everyone."

Amid the chattering condemnation from relatives, Zhong Hengyuan, his wife Du Wenjuan, and their son Zhong Minghao walked out of the Zhong family's old house, pushed the 28-bar bicycle in the corner, and walked silently towards their small home.

The child Zhong Minghao kept his head down when he suddenly saw a pile of garbage being pushed on the roadside. He ran over and kicked, swept and stepped on it, attracting the attention of passers-by.

"Whose child is this, so unqualified!"

"This is too naughty, so uneducated!"

Passers-by also began to denounce the incident, which frightened Zhong Hengyuan and Du Wenjuan into running over, holding their sons in their arms and running away from the scene as quickly as possible.

The three members of the family were silent.

Suddenly Zhong Minghao raised his head, his eyes full of tears: "Dad, I, I didn't mean it..."

Zhong Hengyuan touched his son's head and said lovingly: "Dad knows, and Daddy doesn't blame you."

Du Wenjuan walked, wiping tears all the way: "Hengyuan, what should we do with our son like this?"

Although Zhong Minghao is only 10 years old, he is a well-known celebrity.

Whether it is Daguanxiang Primary School where he studied or the light factory workers' community where he lives, people may not be able to recognize Zhong Minghao's name.

But if you ask about the child who likes to cause trouble, throw things, curse, and hit classmates, everyone will suddenly understand.

One more sentence: It turns out you are talking about this child.

Then with a look of disgust on his face, Taotao kept telling you the annoying things about this child.

Throwing away the neighbor's clothes, crushing the neighbor's briquettes, tearing up the homework of classmates, pulling the pigtails of female classmates, suddenly yelling in class, etc., etc. . .

Zhong Minghao has all the bad habits and bad habits that naughty and bad students have.

And another characteristic of Zhong Minghao is that he can switch between quiet and manic at will.

When nothing happens, he is a quiet little boy who even looks a little introverted. He always sits alone and is even a little afraid of people.

But he would suddenly attack again, start smashing things without warning, and talk dirty words. At this time, Zhong Minghao was a little bully who was not afraid of anything.

Zhong Hengyuan and Du Wenjuan have been complained countless times by teachers, neighbors and relatives.

If the nine-year compulsory education was not protected by national law, I am afraid Zhong Minghao would have been expelled from school a hundred times.

The family walked toward their home worriedly. When they walked through East Street, they looked up and saw the white, 20-story twin buildings.

Zhong Hengyuan looked at the beautiful and tall New People's Hospital and couldn't help but sigh:

"It's so beautiful and magnificent. I guess the best hospital in the country is our Yuezhong People's Hospital, right?"

Du Wenjuan stood at the door of the hospital, looking at the lights inside and asked:

"Is this People's Hospital ready to open? Husband, how about we take our son to see a doctor?"

Zhong Hengyuan shook his head:

"Even if Xiaohao gets sick, it must be a mental illness or a neurological disease. The key departments of Yuezhong Hospital are the Department of Gastroenterology, Burns and Plastic Surgery, and the Endoscopy Center. They are not good at treating our son's disease."

Zhong Hengyuan and Du Wenjuan firmly believe that their son has a strange disease rather than being naughty.

The couple also visited the provincial capital and Shanghai to see the doctor, but they never got a satisfactory answer, and they were never able to provide accurate treatment.

"Let's take our son to the Seventh Hospital to have a look. What if it's a mental problem?"

Du Wenjuan sighed: "You are a psychopath, my son is not!"

"Okay, okay, no, no!"

The young couple were still bickering, and Zhong Minghao, who was sitting on the bicycle bars, was cursing again:

"Shit, it's all a big pile of shit. These two buildings are just white shit. They're disgusting and they're collapsing~~~"

Zhong Hengyuan quickly quickened his pace and hurriedly left the door of Yuezhong Hospital.

On the grand day of my grand opening, I was scolded by my son as a piece of shit. Isn't this a slap in the face?

On the fifteenth day of the first lunar month, the new building of Yuezhong Hospital finally opened.

Chen Qi held a very grand opening ceremony, so grand that the traffic police department had to implement traffic control on East Street and prohibit vehicles from passing.

The new building of the Vietnam Traditional Chinese Medicine Hospital is mainly white and decorated with red satin, which makes it look particularly happy and beautiful.

The invited guests ranged from the ministry to the province, and from home and abroad. Zhu Guochen, as the leader of the ministry, and Xu Guorui, as the leader of the province, both personally participated in the opening ceremony of the Vietnam-China Hospital.

This level is unique among all hospitals in the country.

The two big bosses came in person, not to mention other leaders at all levels. It was definitely a gathering of cadres and it was very lively.

Representatives from major hospitals across the country also came to watch the ceremony. They said they came to watch the ceremony, but in fact they came more to gather information.

When the presidents and vice presidents of these hospitals saw the twin towers of the hospital, the modern outpatient clinics and wards, and the state-of-the-art medical equipment, they were all impressed. It seems that I am sour.

If murder was not illegal, Chen Qi would have been killed countless times by his colleagues across the country with their eyes.

Principal Li of Haidong Medical University was rolling his eyes, and all he could think about was how to tie Chen Qi to the big ship of Haidong Medical University.

At 10 a.m., the ribbon-cutting ceremony officially began.

After the two bosses Zhu Guochen and Xu Guorui cut the red satin, all the fireworks went off in unison. Witnessed by more than 2,000 employees of the Vietnam-China Hospital, the Vietnam-China Hospital officially entered a new era.

Of course, Vietnam-China Hospital still has a long way to go before becoming a top hospital. For example, they are not a teaching hospital and do not have their own medical university for technical support.

In addition, the blood transfusion work in the Yuezhong Hospital is progressing very slowly, and most of them are old employees with average abilities.

But so what, as long as Chen Qi remains in his position and as long as his authority as the dean can be guaranteed, Chen Qi is confident that he can turn Yuezhong Hospital into one of the top ten hospitals in the country.

Thanks to Chen Qi's ability, the next day all major media across the country, especially newspapers, published a press release about the opening of the most modern hospital in the country. At the same time, they also listed the majors that are currently ranked first in the country and leading internationally.

It is conceivable that the number of outpatient clinics of Vietnam Traditional Chinese Medicine Hospital in 1991 will increase geometrically.

In life, there are always some happy people and some sad people.

Zhong Hengyuan and Du Wenjuan took their son to the Yuezhong No. 7 Hospital (mental hospital) for treatment.

Meng Jian was the chief physician of the Seventh Hospital. When he saw the obedient little boy in front of him, he felt that even if the child was not mentally ill, he must be somewhat autistic.

Because when he consulted, the little boy remained silent and seemed very introverted and scared.

So Dr. Meng has been thinking about what kind of mental illness this child has.

Generally speaking, as long as the patient goes to No. 7 Hospital, the doctor will look at him as if he has a mental illness or a mental illness.

Isn’t it often in the news that a normal person is framed and imprisoned in a mental hospital? How do you prove your innocence?

You get angry and refuse to answer any questions. Well, you are in a classic state of depression.

You yelled and cried out to everyone emotionally, claiming that you were not sick. Okay, this is your typical manic state.

You are desperate, sometimes crying and sometimes laughing, shouting that the sky has no eyes, or mother, come and snatch me away. OK, you are mentally disturbed.

You refused treatment, refused to take medicine, and ran away when the injections were given to you. At this time, the doctor in the mental hospital became more convinced that you were sick, so he waved his hand, tied your feet and hands, and force-fed you medicine.

If you can't bear the pain, you want to run away or break things to vent your pain.

Okay, okay, you are already in danger at this time. When the time comes, the assessment will show that the risk level exceeds level 3, and electrotherapy will be required.

As long as you enter the mental hospital, it doesn't matter whether you are sick or not. What matters is that when you come, the business will come.

So now when Dr. Meng saw Zhong Minghao for the first time, he felt that the child was somewhat depressed or autistic.

But doctors are rigorous, and psychiatrists have their own set of diagnostic methods:

"Well, let's do a few tests first. Here are some questionnaires. You and your family should fill them out first, and then we will evaluate what kind of treatment we need."

What was originally a normal medical session, with the quiet doctor and patient's family members, suddenly changed.

The child Zhong Minghao suddenly stood up. Before Dr. Meng could react, Zhong Minghao had already picked up the test form and tore it up. Then he looked at Dr. Meng fiercely and cursed:

"Young girl! Stinky shit! Bad guy! Idiot! Like a pig!"

Dr. Meng was shocked and thought that this child was more like a mental illness than a mental illness. Isn't this a typical manic episode?

Hospitalization, must be hospitalized.

When Zhong Hengyuan and Du Wenjuan saw the attending doctor's expression change, their hearts tightened and they quickly asked: "Doctor, I, my son is..."

Dr. Meng said while cleaning up:

"It should be a mental problem, and the problem is very serious. The child can no longer control his emotions. There is no warning. The onset of the disease is directly climax. This is a typical manic-depressive mental illness."

"My son is mentally ill?"

Zhong Hengyuan and Du Wenjuan burst into tears after hearing this. This was the outcome they least wanted to see, and it also meant that the child's life was ruined.

Du Wenjuan even cried bitterly while holding her son who had calmed down.

Zhong Wenhao, on the other hand, was even more afraid and shrank into his mother's arms. (End of chapter)

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