Since 1981 Health School

Chapter 79 The Side Effects of Publicity

When Chen Qi came out of the girls' dormitory, he couldn't help but sighed.

Let him be eloquent, but Lan Lijuan is unmoved, and insists on refusing to "rent a house" outside, although the rent is only 10 cents a month.

This is Chen Qi's wrong thinking, not to mention that Lan Lijuan has no relationship with him now, even if they are lovers, it is impossible for her to live on Lu Xun Road.

Otherwise, the spittle of the crowd could drown them both.

Chen Qi comes from a later generation, and it is very common for men and women to rent together or live together, but in 1982, it was definitely an earth-shattering event.

Both of them will be admitted to the hospital in the future, and the reputation is still very important. If the reputation is not good, they will not be considered for promotion and salary increase in the future.

Chen Qi smacked his lips while walking downstairs.

At this time, a group of young people came out of the dormitory with washbasin and rags, talking and laughing, and walked towards the bathroom.

When the two sides met at the stairs, they both paused.

Chen Qi glanced at it, and knew that this group of young men should also be interns, or college students, because each of them had a red rectangular school badge pinned to their chests, which said "Haidong Medical University".

The group of young people stopped in their tracks, and when they saw Chen Qi with a cute face, their eyes rolled involuntarily.

Among them, a college student with a three-quarter hairstyle and a khaki frame was the first to stand up.

He first looked Chen Qi up and down, and then let out a soft snort:

"Are you classmate Chen Qi? A technical secondary school student from Yuedong Medical School? Hehe, I heard that you are very prestigious this morning? Comrade Li Jun can't get off the stage. Come on, let's see, the current technical secondary school students are So awesome."

A group of college students in the back laughed along with him.

Chen Qi frowned, a little puzzled, he didn't know the group of interns from Hai Medical University in front of him, why did he hear the laughter full of irony and unfriendliness?

"I'm Chen Qi, may I ask your mother's name?"

"My mother... eh?"

The other party looked confused, Chen Qi shrugged: "Excuse me, excuse me."

Chen Qi made a joke about future generations. This group of college students couldn't understand it, but everyone understood a little bit. This technical secondary school student didn't take them seriously.

"Damn, kid, are you courting death?"

Thirty-seven minutes is obviously upset, being looked down upon by a technical secondary school student made him feel extremely humiliated.

Chen Qi turned his head, looked at the opponent's finger and nodded:

"I don't know you guys, and I don't have any conflicts with you, so you'd better speak politely. I'm a local, and you're an intern from another place. You have no one to rely on. Be careful not to make trouble for yourself. .”

As soon as these words came out, several college students were obviously stunned, and they were crazy. Why are these words so social? Or can a secondary school student say it?

But I have to say that the deterrent effect of these words is still very strong. Scholars who can study medicine are multi-minded, and all of them have high IQs, so they immediately understand the meaning of the phrase "local people".

So everyone gasped, Chi Guoguo's warning meant that they would use black means at any time? The social security in 1982 was indeed very unsatisfactory, which frightened the college students at once.

Chen Qi whistled, turned to look at them again, and let himself go downstairs.

"This kid doesn't look like a student? Why does he look like a second-rater in society? How can such a person make Senior Brother Li unable to get off stage in the morning?"

"That's right, it looks completely ignorant, and even speaks slang."

"Let's report it to the school, this kid is wrong!"

After Chen Qi left, the group of college students began to curse at each other, especially the three to seven points were the most excited.

Suddenly, a voice came from behind the crowd:

"Okay, all of you are bored? Especially you, Zhang Jun, Senior Brother Li has never been diagnosed with a skull base fracture. What's wrong with being pointed out by this classmate Chen Qi? Are you qualified to stop people from provoking you now? "

"Student Lu Yuehua, where do you stand? Don't you speak for your brother?"

"That's right, Li Jun is a college graduate, of course everyone should stick together, otherwise wouldn't they be bullied by the locals?"

Lu Yuehua snorted softly:

"Where do I stand? Of course I'm on the side of truth. Don't we college students have to distinguish between right and wrong, and we can't even have normal medical disputes? Playing the game that those who follow me will prosper, and those who go against me will perish? It's over, put away your little thoughts."

As soon as these words came out, many people blushed.

Lu Yuehua didn't care what everyone thought, and walked to the tap with a rag.

Zhang Jun was cursing, with an expression of dissatisfaction, but he didn't say anything more. This building is full of young hospital workers or interns, and spreading some words would not do him any good.

These days, every large unit has a "local faction" and a "foreign faction".

Especially in a local hospital, the strength of the local faction must be far greater than that of the outsiders. If they want to develop in Yuezhong and work in the Yuezhong People's Hospital in the future, they must not offend the locals.

The reason why these college students from Haidong Medical University came to the People's Hospital of Central Vietnam for internships is that they have been given a clear job assignment direction.

This year, the fifth-year students of the medical university will intern in their own affiliated hospitals for half a semester, and will be assigned to different hospitals for internships in the second half of the year. Everyone knows where they will go for internship in the last semester and where they will work in the future.

This is because the school allows the students to familiarize themselves with the local hospitals in advance and improve interpersonal relationships so that they can quickly start clinical work as soon as they graduate.

Well intentioned.

In 1982, the university had not yet expanded its enrollment, and a high school class with only single-digit students could be admitted to the university. It was really an elite class that had been killed out of thousands of troops, and it was indeed qualified to be proud.

Chen Qi also understood in his heart why he was targeted by this group of college students. Li Jun graduated from the same university as them, and the two sides must want to establish a certain "alliance" relationship.

When Xiaomeng is new to the hospital, he must first find an organization. Those who graduated from the same school are natural "allies".

This is also the same reason why Hong Tianxing, the director of the radiology department, immediately went all out when he heard that Chen Qi, a junior, needed help.

Lone wolf, you will never be able to eat well in the hospital. No matter how high your level is, it is useless. The superior doctor will not arrange shifts for you and let you sit on the bench.

The other one, a technical secondary school intern, dared to challenge the attending doctor who graduated from the university. This was called "down to top" in the later workplace, and it was a big taboo.

On the first day of the internship, he offended a large number of people, and there were many senior doctors who could not get used to him. This made Chen Qi very helpless. The side effects were too great for the limelight this time.

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