Since 1981 Health School

Chapter 67 The Destitute Lan Family

Lan Lijuan found a stick from the school cafeteria, carried her clothes, bedding, books and a lot of other things, and gritted her teeth on the way home.

Her hometown is Lianzhong Village, Dongqiao Commune, located in the westernmost mountainous area of ​​Huiji County.

Every time she goes home, she needs to take the cheapest train to Qianqing Town. It is about 20 kilometers from Qianqing to Dongqiao Commune. Lan Lijuan needs to walk for more than 4 hours to get home.

Let alone a girl who is only 19 years old, even if a big man carries so many things and walks tens of kilometers of mountain roads, it will be too much for him.

Lan Lijuan had to stop often to rest, and then continued to grit her teeth and insist on rushing home.

She was luckier than Chen Qi in that the people in Xiaze Village where Chen Qi lived were not so simple, and the Chen family was entirely on their own, so they moved resolutely in the end.

But Lan Lijuan can continue to go to school, but it is all thanks to the help of villagers and relatives in the village.

At that time, her grades in junior high school were the first among the 10 middle schools in Qianqing District, but the pressure to enter a higher school was too great.

Lan Lijuan's father passed away when she was young, and her mother was left to do farm work alone in the family. In addition, there was an old grandmother, a younger brother, and a younger sister to support.

Lan Lijuan's mother is Shi Atiao. Although Aunt Shi loves her daughter dearly, such family conditions only allow one child to go to school at most. She always wants to give up the opportunity to study to her only son.

The strong Lan Lijuan had no choice but to kneel on the ground with her report card, begging her mother to give her a chance.

Because she wanted to continue her education and to change her life.

In the end, the villagers couldn't stand it anymore. This was the first "female champion" in the village, so the owner contributed 20 cents, and the west owner gave a few eggs. In this way, the money was collected and Lan Lijuan had the opportunity to walk out of the mountains. .

Of course, in the end, her younger siblings had to drop out of school and had to help the family to support the family since they were young.

This is also the guilt that Lan Lijuan has always felt in her heart, and it is also the main reason why she only wants to study hard and work quickly to repay her family.

In the evening, Lan Lijuan finally reached the entrance of the village.

Seeing the return of the only technical secondary school student in the village, the villagers all came to say hello:

"Is Lijuan back?"

"Hey, uncle, I'm back."

"Hey, Lan Juan, are you on winter vacation? Look at you growing taller again."

"Yes, Fifth Aunt, you can practice after the Chinese New Year."

Lan Lijuan said hello and walked slowly home. She was very grateful to the villagers in her heart and always thought that one day she could repay them.

Finally, he came to his door.

Lan Lijuan's home is only a wooden building, the first floor is the kitchen and main room, er, there is a pig in it.

Yes, you read that right, the pigsty is just under the indoor stairs, enclosing a small area, anyway, the smell...

Apart from three simple beds and a few broken wooden boxes upstairs, there is nothing of value. There are no electric lights in the house, only kerosene lamps.

Even in the poorest small mountain village, the Lan family is one of the poorest households, almost destitute.

It has to be said that Lan Lijuan was able to finish elementary school and junior high school and was admitted to a technical secondary school.

"Mom, I'm back."

At this time, a woman hurried out of the house, "Danny is back, ouch, come in, I'm freezing you."

"Mom, I'm not cold, I'm still hot when I walk, hehe, how is grandma? How about Honghong and Pingping?"

Lan Lijuan let go of the burden on her body while searching for her other family members. She missed them very much after not seeing her for half a year.

"Sister, are you back?"

Lan Lihong heard the sound and ran out of the house, hugged her sister, followed by their youngest brother, Lan Guoping.

"Sister, sister, did you buy anything delicious in the city?"

Lan Lijuan blushed a little, and took out three catties of fruit candies from her backpack: "Here, these are candies, but you should save some, you know?"

"Wow, sister is so kind, there are so many candies, we can each get a lot."

When Shi Atiao saw that his eldest daughter brought back so many sugar monsters, he said angrily, "Ajuan, don't spend such unjust money in the future. These three catties of sugar are so expensive. You can buy a lot of salt at home."

"Mom, it's okay. Isn't it the Chinese New Year? Let the younger brothers and sisters be happy."

In fact, Lan Lijuan didn't tell the truth, she didn't buy these fruit candies, but Chen Qi stuffed them into her luggage before leaving.

If it wasn't for Chen Qi rushing back to Xia Ze to pick up the family, according to his mind, it is entirely possible to send her back to her hometown in person.

After Lan Lijuan entered the room, while packing her things, she unconsciously thought of the figure of the big boy.

Dangling in front of her eyes every day, she felt that Chen Qi was quite annoying. But they were separated for a while, and she still missed him a little bit.

Lan Lijuan assured the great leader that she didn't think about it deliberately, but just thought about it from time to time.

After all, this big boy gave her a rare little happiness for this country girl, and those "kindness" also warmed her little inferiority complex because of poverty.

"Student Chen Qi, what are you doing now? You should go back to your hometown, right?"

What is Chen Qi doing? Of course he was busy visiting the black market at this time.

The Chinese New Year is coming soon, and the Chen family has just moved to a new home, so everything needs to be prepared.

Workers in the city can take all kinds of tickets, and the whole family happily goes to various department stores, supply and marketing cooperatives, and grocery stores to make big purchases to prepare for the New Year.

Many units have also sent new year's goods in advance, and there is no shortage of chicken, duck, fish, melon seeds, peanuts, apples, pears, etc., which fully reflects the superiority of socialism.

But as black households in the city, farmers brothers, Chen Qi's four siblings have no share of any New Year's goods, and no receipts for big purchases, so what should we do?

Others can't help it, but as a black market professional, Chen Qi has a way. Can a living person be suffocated to death by urine?

As Chinese New Year approaches, the Fushan black market is also very busy. It used to only occupy a small area in the north, but now the west side is full of stalls.

It is still the old rule, the market opens before dawn, and the stalls are closed before the market management workers come to work, and everyone is safe and sound.

The cadres on the Vietnam side are rather peculiar. If you look carefully, then look again. It is possible that they themselves are also shopping in the black market early in the morning.

When the working hours came, some people would cough twice, and people in the black market knew it was time to close their stalls.

Of course, there are unconscious people who still sell things. If you don’t give face, others won’t give you face. Who wouldn’t arrest someone? If you catch them all, send them to the tidal flats to recuperate the sea. You won't be exhausted.

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