Since 1981 Health School

Chapter 49 Liver Cast Specimens

At 22 o'clock in the evening, in the anatomy classroom of the health school.

A slogan was written on the wall: "Without anatomy, there is no surgery. - Engels"

Under the dim electric lights, Li Baotian and Chen Qi were in the cleaning pool, cleaning the dead body of a man who had just been sent to the Pingshui Execution Ground for less than 5 hours.

The corpse's head had bloomed and was useless, but other organs and tissues remained intact.

To make human specimens, firstly, the body needs to be cleaned up and down inside and out, and then the body hair is removed.

At this time, the corpse was already stiff, as straight as wood, and cold to the touch, which made the cleaning work difficult. A corpse weighing more than 100 kilograms would be heavy to turn over, okay?

Teacher Li had a day's class during the day, and was busy for a long time after class. He was so tired that he could hardly stand upright. He could only support his waist with one hand, and knocked his back several times with the other hand.

Chen Qi glanced at it, and quickly said, "Mr. Li, go and rest, I can do it here alone."

"Okay then, I'll just sit by the side for a while, and if you encounter something you can't figure out, just call me."

Li Baotian stood up and twisted his waist, "I'll go get a glass of water first."

After Mr. Li left, Chen Qi was the only one left in the dissecting room. Except for the sound of the faucet spraying, the only sound was the steam from the coal stove outside the dissecting room.

Don't get me wrong, it's not cooking supper, but cooking dead bones.

The bones collected by the students from Wangqin Mountain could not be used in clinical practice immediately, and they all needed to be disinfected.

There is no particularly good disinfection method these days. The simplest method is to boil in a large pot to kill bacteria, viruses, molds and other bacteria on the surface of the bone at high temperature. At the same time, a lot of bone marrow, tissue fluid, etc. are also boiled in this way. melt.

This is not stewing bone soup at home, which can be solved in a few hours. The bones for human specimens need to be stewed for three days and three nights.

This requires Chen Qi to look around every few hours, add water when there is no water, and prevent the bones from being too hard or soft due to overcooking.

After the cooked bones are taken out to dry, they must be sterilized with alcohol again.

Stewing bones together in 10 large pots against the wall is absolutely spectacular, but the smell is no longer the smell of bone soup, but a disgusting feeling of rotten soil.

Half a truck full of dead bones was enough for Chen Qi to keep busy for a while.

There is no way, in order to make money, Chen Qi contracted almost all these trivial tasks by himself, which is hard enough.

In the past few days, he and Teacher Li still have an important task of making specimens, which is to make a "liver cast specimen".

Liver surgery is difficult, and the difficulty is that the blood supply is too rich, and a slight touch may cause massive bleeding. But as long as you master the vascular distribution and anatomical structure inside the liver, liver surgery is no longer a forbidden area.

However, it is still a bit difficult to preserve the complete shape of the blood vessels in the liver and display them in front of people.

At least for a small third-tier city in 1981, and a health school, it was still relatively difficult, after all, it was just a technical secondary school.

Of course, high difficulty brings high income, and the subsidy for making a liver cast specimen is as high as 200 yuan.

When Chen Qi finished cleaning the corpse and was ready for the autopsy, Li Baotian also had a rest, returned to the dissection table, carried it and said:

"Chen Qi, this case has a complete removal of the liver. Come on, now is a very good opportunity. You have learned a lot from the corpse and mastered the anatomical structure of the major organs of the human body, which is equivalent to laying a solid foundation. In the future, you will It will be of great help when doing surgery."

Chen Qi really wanted to say that he was a human being in two lives, and he was a surgical dog in his previous life, and he had already memorized the anatomical structure of the human body.

But his current status is just a student in the medical school, if he dares to brag like that, Mr. Li will probably ignore him tomorrow, thinking that he is a braggart.

So Chen Qi nodded: "Teacher, take care, I promise not to let you down, hehe."

What was in front of him was a corpse, without anesthesia or disinfection, Chen Qi took the scalpel and began to cut open the entire abdomen.

In less than half an hour, a complete liver was removed by him, without any damage or pause, it was clean.

Li Baotian was so surprised that he was a little unbelievable:

"Chen Qi, you don't feel like a student at all to me, but like a doctor with many years of surgical experience. If I hadn't watched you grow up in school, I would really wonder where you stole your teacher."

While flushing the liver with normal saline, Chen Qi said with a smile:

"So, I aspire to be a surgeon, and I feel that this is what I do naturally. As soon as I pick up a scalpel, I feel it."

Li Baotian only joked as a student, and cursed:

"Okay, don't be complacent. Liver removal is only the first step. The next step is to cast the liver. This is too difficult. The school has prepared a lot of perfusion materials for us. We have to test them one by one. It may take a long time. It takes time to succeed.”

Because it was difficult, the health school gave a huge reward of 200 yuan in one go.

In fact, liver cast specimens are nothing new, and they can also be bought in foreign medical markets, but the price of a specimen starts from several thousand to tens of thousands of dollars, and it is not bought in China.

The Changhai Hospital in Hudong City and the Digital Hospital in the capital also have self-made liver cast specimens, but the craftsmanship is kept secret, so you can buy them if you want, and they charge several thousand yuan each, which is too cheating.

They kept it a secret, but it was not difficult for Chen Qi who came later.

Because he was familiar with "Wu Mengchao Biography" in his previous life, one chapter deciphered the process of making liver cast specimens by Professor Wu at that time.

To put it bluntly, the production process is very simple, and the filling materials can be found everywhere, and there is no need for self-setting toothpaste powder, ethyl acetate, dibutyl phthalate, etc. imported from abroad.

Professor Xu Baoyi, a veteran surgeon in Shanghai, had already mastered the technique of liver casting. When Wu Mengchao, who had just joined the profession, asked for advice, the old man refused to disclose the tools and materials.

Of course, this is also understandable. It doesn’t make sense for you to take it away for free after it was developed by others.

Faced with the teacher's doubts and warnings, Chen Xia didn't take it seriously:

"Mr. Li, are you underestimating people? In fact, I have already secretly done related experiments, but you have to keep it secret. This craftsmanship cannot be disclosed. Maybe we can earn some extra money by this in the future."

"Really or not? I found out that you had a summer vacation and started running the train with your mouth full. Last time you said you could sing English songs, what the hell did you sing? I couldn't understand a single word."

"Ms. Li, can we have a good chat?"

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